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Jayati Verma 11 1192
Kashish Agrawal 14 4610
Palak Agrawal 25 292
Shreya Goyal 38 2610
Vaishnavi Chaudhary 42 921
This is to certify that the content of this project entitled
''GLORIFICATION OF MOTHERHOOD'' is the bona fide work of
GOYAL and VAISHNAVI CHAUDHARY prepared under the guidance of
MR. FAISAL as per the requirement of CBSE.

Motherhood glorification is the norm in India. As soon as a woman begins her
motherhood journey, her individuality is taken away and her only identity of
hers is of being a mother. Her life prior to motherhood becomes ancient
history and her identity vanishes in thin air.
Just like everyone else, our mothers are not perfect. They have their own

strengths, weaknesses and vulnerabilities. They are not saintly figures

incapable of committing errors. I interviewed five mothers of my
neighborhood who are engaged in different works and professions. I
conversed with them and found out the natiure of their works and the ways by
which they reached there. The project aimed at preparating a questionnaire to
ask them and know about their views.
Unconditional love= Mother..She is never off duty.

This project also helped us to learn the method of translating one's vernacular
medium into English especially with people who are not competent in English

And also got opportunity to learn teamwork skills. It is a stable part of one
student's life and help us to do more complicated tasks.

Listen to the audio related with this topic and understand the speaking
proficiency required to achieve a certain level of language proficiency.
Develop the skills to speak in a fluent way and expalin the written materials to a
third party.
The entire project has been fulfilled following different steps and
consultations with teacher, experts and peers and media. The project aims at
achieving a clear understanding of the lives around me by visiting people's
houses and conversing with them. I visited my neighbourhood with a
prepared questionnaire and asked them about their views and experience on
motherhood. Along with that I have acquired a good proficiency in general
English speaking and methods of interacting with people and listening to
various studies conducted by our national channels and world media. For the
project I carried out several studies and readings and interviews related to
my topic and came to know about the difficulties and challenges mothers
have to face on a daily basis. Then I analysed the data collected from
different families and found out the situation of their lives.
Indian media forms a big part of our shared culture. It reinforces subtle messages which
influence how we think. Be it a commercial for a laundry detergent or a cliche bollywood
movie, "the supermom" stereotype is everywhere to be seen. This typecast is a woman who is
child-focused at all costs. She spends all her time preparing her child's favourite snacks,making
sure he returns home in time after playing and doing all chores pertaining to said child. She
flawlessly manages every role that is needed of her within the household. Though these
advertisements sell different products and the movies tell different stories, they all have one

thing in common; the mother is always fulfilled and complete from these experiences. But
why so? Motherhood has a very enduring appeal of a forever bond. We see this find expression
through various media, poetry, songs, cinema and even our own behavior. We all have seen
classics like "mother india", sang along to the tunes of "chanda he tu" and heard tales of
mothers from epics like mahabharata and ramayan. The Yashoda Krishna paradigm,the tales
of Kunti and her pandavas, all have a theme of the eternal mother and child. Motherhood is
glorified as the ultimate embodiment of love, devotion and sacrifice in all these examples. But
is it fair to expect this romantisised version of motherhood from every mother?

A woman is a person and has her own individual identity beyond the realms of her family and the
various roles attached to her. She is a human first and then a wife, mother, etc. She has her own
dreams and aspirations and wants to lead her life in a way that she can fulfill them. She has
hobbies and her personal desires. If she decides to become a mother, it should be an extension to
her womanhood. Not the definition. But due to years of patriarchal conditioning, people have the
mindset that mothers are selfless, divine beings who devote their entire lives in looking after their
children. This makes it extremely difficult for a mother to live up to such a high standard and she
starts to have a sense of 'maternal guilt' where she feels like she can never do enough for her child
and there is a constant gap between the idealised version of herself and her reality. Pregnancy is
also romantisised to a very high extent and a woman's life's worth of caregiving labour is
glamourised as her sacrifice, even when it jeopardises her own goals and needs. In all almost all the
representations previously mentioned, the responsibility of running a household flawlessly along
with living up to so many of society's other expectations, rests entirely on her. A "perfect" mother
is one who aspires to do everything for her family without feeling that it's a burden, without
expecting anything in return. But this is far from reality because our mothers are constantly
overworked and tired.
They have given up on their dreams and hobbies for us and think that it was expected of
them because of this patriarchal society. Countless women leave their jobs after they have
kids and when some of them decide to work again they are labelled as 'bad mothers'. Many
women have post pregnancy depression but they have to hide their emotions because they
are expected to be delighted as childbirth is considered as the greatest achievement they can
have. If they are overwhelmed and disorganised sometimes, they think they've failed as a
mother because they weren't able to live up to society's expectations.
It is high time that we realise that there is a difference between glamourising motherhood
and appreciating and recognising the hardwork of mothers. It should not be expected that a
woman devotes her entire life to her child after he/she is born. She can still love a child just
as much while pursuing her own career. She can still have her hobbies and her own sense of
identity as a woman without all the tags attached to her. Being a mother should just be one
part of her womanhood and not the entire definition. If we recognise this issue and stop
taking the years of selfless care and hardwork for granted, we will surely bring many changes
in the lives of countless women.

I approached five mothers which included a housewife, a web developer , a

nurse, a preschool teacher and a human resource developer. i asked them
questions from my questionnaire. I talked to them in their mother tongue and
converted the conversation into english. I started the interview with the question
"Would it be right to say that your mom is happy with you?" The nurse said "My
mom is happy with me." The web developer said "My mom and I have a really
strong bonding. Further, the human resource developer said "Me and my mom
doesn't have a good match together like we have never shared same ideology.
But the more I grew up the more I understood how everything in this world
works. Now as a human resource developer, a woman with a good status in the
society I want to say that my mom is really happy with me. She said "yes, my
mom is happy with me. The nurse said "I don't really know if she is happy with
me or not because my busy working schedule has made us distant.

The next common question for all the interviewees was "Can you think of
what that truly defines a mother?" The housewife said "Everything". The nurse
said "altruistic" without thinking for even once. The web developer didn`t
answered this question. Rather, she said "There is not such word that can
define a mother." The teacher said "all-rounder" The human resource
developer said "god". The next question which was asked all the interviewees
was "Would it be logical to say that the state of motherhood really doesn't
change the regular lifestyle of a mother?" The human resource developers said
that motherhood makes you stronger, it gives you a true sense of worth, and
the purpose, it shifts your priorities, and of course among many other changes
that will occur. While the nurse said knew mothers became more agreeable
and more So it could be said that it would be logical to say that motherhood
really changes the regular lifestyle
The next question was "Why are the services of mother not economically
recognized?" So the housewife said "they do not generate any revenue. They do
not produce any goods. Women`s economic empowerment is an illusion if we
don't also take into account the unpaid work women are doing in the home"
Last but not least, the question which was asked was "Are you aware of any of
the policies of Indian government made in the favor of mothers?" The
housewife unfortunately wasn't aware about any. Others aware with the
schemes. They said "Yes there are many schemes implemented by
government. Dakshata implementation program Pradhan Mantri Surakshit
Matritva Abhiyan The nurse told that Pradon mantri matra vandana yojana is a
centrally sponsored DBT scheme with the cash incentive of rupees 5000 (in
three instalments) being provided directly in the bank post office account of
pregnant women and electing mothers.
Would it be right to say that your mom is happy with you ?

Can you think of what that truly defines a mother?

Would it be logical to say that the state of motherhood really doesn't change
the regular lifestyle of a mother?

Why are the services of mother not economically recognized?

Are you aware of any of the policies of Indian government made in the
favor of mothers?

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