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This project will be manage overall by the assigned Peer Facilitator Officer for the academic year

2022-2023, with assistance from each teacher for the activity

Project Title

Pagkatuto Tungo sa Pagbaba ng Karahasan

Project Proponent

This project is headed by the Peer Facilitator Officer

Project Rationale

In accordance with our school’s mission and vision, this project will assist each individual in better
understanding of their actions have consequences that might affects not only other people but also
their own well-being

Violence has been explicitly identified as a significant public health problem. According to WHO
(World Health Organization) in their WRVH as “the intentional force or power, threatened or actual,
against oneself another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high
likelihood of resulting in injury, death or psychological harm, mal-development or deprivation”.

Anger management is a psychotherapeutic program for preventing and controlling anger. It has been
described as a successfully deploying anger. Anger is frequently the results of frustration, or of feeling
blocked or thwarted from doing something important to the subject.

Project Objectives

 To assist students in understanding and gaining knowledge about a specific issue.

 To encourage personal development.
 To avoid the possibility of a difficult situation.
 To reduce both your emotional feelings and the psychological arouse that anger causes.
 It can help people identify stressor
 To control reactions and respond in a socially appropriate manner

Project description

This project will be completed with the assistance of Peer Facilitator Officers, guidance staff,
teachers, and the cooperation of the senior high school students. This project will involve room-to-
room interaction on every ICL (Independent/Cooperative Learning of every section in senior high
school department, with the main goal of discussing anger management and how it affects other
people and their own well-being.

Project Duration

This project will be held in January 9-13, 2023 (1 week)

Target Beneficiaries

Students- to understand or learn more about a certain topic and what to do in a certain circumstances.

Teachers- to know what to do when a certain difficulties might arise.

School administration- to learn more about a certain issue and make a policies that may enhance
and improve school mission and vision

Proposed Budget

This project will not cost because we want a project wherein students should not contribute
financially. All we needed is a laptop(for making power point presentation) that will be provided by
the guidance counselors

Monitoring and Evaluation

This project will be overseen by Peer Facilitator Officers, guidance staff, and each teacher to help
their students during the lecture.

Prepared by:

Rhomwel Delos Santos

Gionna Supnet

Mira Joy Galvan

Dimple Joy Marzan

Ashley Vallerie

Jhenelle Segundo

Clarence Tamayo

Icy Bautista

Checked by:

Guidance designate: Ma’am Christine Joy Maranan-Junio

Career advocate: Sir Amiel C. Siahon

Noted by:

Mary Grace C. Dela Masa, PhD (Assistant Principal)

Approved by:

Eduardo B. Castillo (Principal IV)

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