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Programming 10


Welcome to the Computer Programming for the Strands Module on Information and
Communication Technology!

The hand is one of the most symbolized parts of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner is
capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and skills
at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning material while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after

completing the lessons in the module

Pretest - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to
be mastered throughout the lesson.

Recap - This section will measure what learnings and skills that you
understand from the previous lesson.

Lesson- This section will discuss the topic for this module.

Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform.

Wrap-Up- This section summarizes the concepts and applications of

the lessons.

Valuing-this part will check the integration of values in the learning


Posttest - This will measure how much you have learned from the
entire module. Ito po ang parts ng module

This module is design for Grade 12 Computer Programming. Using the Java language,
students will learn the fundamentals of computer program design, development, and
implementation from basic concept into actual program.

At the end of the module the students are expected to learn Communication Technique
and Occupational Health and Safety Identifying Hazard and Risk.

Matching Type: Match column A with the image on column B . Write the
letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.
Column A Column B
______1. Falling
______2. Slipping
______3. Tripping
______4. Communication
______5. OCHS

RBS Computer Programming I First Edition Innovative Training Works, Inc. 2016 https://bit.ly/2WiTet6

Module 1 discussed the relevant technology applied on different areas. Office
Technology where development of office equipment and secondary storage device
are defined. The application of technology on industry, system, information and
training was also emphasized. It is important to understand why the innovation of
technology is always a part of the system.
Directions: Select the correct answer and write the letter in the space provided before
IDENTIFIYING HAZARD AND RISK ______1. The process of communication where idea or message are pass through an
1.1 Communication - is the sharing interpreter.
of ideas and information. a. sender b. receiver c. flashback d. feedback
A communication process
______2. It is a process of sharing of ideas through technology verbally or non-verbally.
involves a
a. sender b. interpreter c. communication d. feedback
sender, a receiver and the message to
be sent. Effective Communication is
______3. The comprehension of the interpreter on the ideas by the sender.
a process where a message is received
a. information b. receiver c. communication d. feedback
and understood by the receiver in the
manner that the sender intended it to https://bit.ly/3j3H7dm
______4. Which of the following is the interaction of two or more individuals?
a. non-verbal b. ideas c. verbal d. indirect

_____5. Which type of communication is used human senses, ear, eyes and touches.
1.2 Elements of Communication
a. non-verbal b. ideas c. verbal d. indirect
a. Sender - formulates an idea
or message through _____6. The spills on the floor leaving it wet and the presence of small objects.
communication channel, a. tripping b. slipping c. falling d. fire
delivers the message to receiver,
who receives or acts on the _____7. The electrical extension wire with socket running down near the walkways.
message (decode). a. tripping b. slipping c. falling d. fire

b. Receiver - responds _____8. Observing safety measures among workers or employee providing safety
by formulating his own uniform such as gloves, hard hat and lifeline rope.
message and communicates to a. DOH b. OHS c. WHO d. DRRM
sender (feedback)
. _____9. Which of the following is a non-verbal communication?
a. voice b. youtube c. lettering d. sign language

____10. Which of the following is the major role of OHS?

a. protector b. observation c. safety d. reservation
1.3 Two Types of Communication

a. Verbal Communication
Words are used as tools of
interaction between two or
more individuals. It can be
oral or written
b. Non-Verbal Communication
1. Explain the difference of hazard and risk. Communication can also
_________________________________________________________________________ occur without words.
_________________________________________________________________________ Human senses- ears, eyes,
____________________________________________________ touch and smell work as
2. Enumerate the two elements of communication. codes of communication.
____________________________ _______________________________

3. Enlist the three commonly hazard?

_____________________, ____________________, _____________________

4. Differentiate the verbal and non-verbal communication. 1.4 Categories of

_________________________________________________________________________ Communication
_________________________________________________________________________ a. Formal Communication - occurs in formal and official style.
_________________________________________________________________________ Usually professional settings, corporate meetings, conferences
undergo in formal pattern. These includes official letters, petitions,
public speeches.
b. Informal Communication- e.g. a casual talk. It happens among
friends and family.
Discuss the significance of using communication in identifying hazard and risk.
1.5 Communication Tools
Place your answer here:

a. Media relations - press conferences, briefings, press releases,

radio call-in shows, topical supplements to newspapers and
specialist magazines, topical television shows.

b. Special publications, leaflets, posters, postcards and calendars.

c. Direct communication - the use of open telephone, websites,

round-table discussions, conferences, lectures, training events,
business conferences for the specialist public, visits to trade fairs
and other similar public events, commercial centres, hospitals,
and schools.
2. Occupational Health and Safety Define
as the:
a. promotion and maintenance of the
highest degree of physical, mental, and ACTIVITIES
social well-being of workers in all
Directions: Select the best answer, write the answer on the space provided before the
occupation; number.
b. prevention among its workers of any
_______1. What are the violations of Safety Standards can you find in the
departures from health caused by the
images below?
working conditions;
c. protection among workers in their https://bit.ly/2WdLlFt a. Tripping
employment from risks usually from b. Falling
factors adverse to health; c. Slipping
d. placing and maintenance of the worker in an occupational d. All of the above
environment adapted to his/her physiological ability.

2.1 Hazard and Risks

The hazard is potential injury or threat. Example: a water spilled
along the walkways was left without caution. A spilled water might
cause someone to slip and get injured. On the other, the probability that
someone will actually slip because of the water spilled is the risk.
2.2 Identifying Hazards https://bit.ly/3dD8eIi

The slip, trip, and fall are common hazards, whether working in an _______2. What are the basic equipment for Occupational Health and Safety?
office, construction site, or in other heavy industry job site. The a. globes, eye google, lifeline rope, safety shoes
common causes contributing hazards: tripping wire on the walkways or b. eye glasses, white shirt, shorts, sweatshirt
aisle; drawers that are not kept completely closed. Falling debris from c. booths, long fans, jacket with hood
a construction site is consider hazard. Fire is the most dreaded hazard d. wire, electrical socket, plug
cause from electrical fault and misused of equipment. It is also the most
catastrophic damage when properties and lives are concern. _______3. What is the goal of Occupation Health and Safety?

2.3 Safety in the Workplace a. welfare

b. extension
Maintaining the culture of safety is essential in any organization no
c. provision
matter what the size of the firm or company. Always observe the safety
d. Planning
of every employee through a proper communication whether verbal and
non-verbal. _______4. Which is an example of hazard?
a. working condition hand drill
b. sharp object on hallway
c. traffic light
d. sign board
_______5. Which is an example of risk?
a. call for help
b. asking for location with the proper authority
c. follow the directory
d. bet on a lottery

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