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Part – I Multiple Objective Questions (MCQ)

1. A capacitor carries a charge of 10 mC at 50 V. Its capacitance is

A) 0.2mF B) 2 mF C) 0.5 mF D) 50 mF

2. The capacitance of a capacitor is not influenced by

A) Plate thickness B) Plate area C) Plate separation D) Nature of dielectric

3. 10 μF, 20 μF , 100 μF , and 1000 μF capacitor are in parallel. The total capacitance is
A) 25 μF B) 1130 μF C) 40 μF D) 500 mf

4. Six capacitors each of 6 μF are connected in series, the equivalent capacitance of the system
will be___.
A) 2 μF B) 3 μF C) 1 μF D) 5 μF

5. To obtain a high value of capacitance, the permittivity of dielectric medium should be

A) Low B) Zero C) High D) Unity

6. When the plate area of a capacitor increases,

A) the capacitance increases B) the capacitance decreases
C) the capacitance is unaffected D) The voltage it can withstand increases.

7. Joules/coulomb is the unit of ___.

A)Electric field potential B) Potential C) Charge D) None of the above

8. 1 F is theoretically equal to
A) 1 ohm of resistance B) Ratio of 1 V to 1 C C) Ratio of 1 C to 1 V D) None of these

9. For series R-C which is supplied by DC voltage source if, R =10 ohm and C= 2F then time
constant is ____.
A) 20s B) 200s C) 50s D) 5s

Part – II Shorts Questions:

1. What is time constant? What is the unit of time constant?

2. Define Following Terms:
(A)Electric Field
(B) Electric Flux Density
(C) Permittivity
(D) Electric Field Intensity
(E) Potential Gradient
3. Why series resistance is connected during charging and discharging?
4. Only write the equation of capacitance of a parallel plate with composite medium capacitor.
5. Define a capacitance.

Part – III Examples:

1. The equivalent capacitance of two capacitors when connected in series is 2 μF and when
connected in parallel is 9 μF, find the capacitance of both the capacitors.
C1 = 3 μF and C2 = 6μF

2. A capacitor is consisting of two circular plates each of 200 cm2 area and separated by 1 mm
thick dielectric. Its capacitance is of 4.5 μF. When a p.d. of 15 kV is applied, calculate the
electric flux density and the dielectric constant.
D =3.375 F/m2 dielectric constant=2.54 x 104

3. Four capacitors of capacitances 100 μF, 25 μF and 50 μF, 500 μF are connected (a) in series (b)
in parallel. Find the equivalent capacitances and the energy stored for each of the cases, when
p.d. 1000 V is applied.
Cparallel = 675μF, Cseries =13.88 μF, Eparallel = 337.5J, Eseries = 6.75J.

4. An uncharged Capacitor of 30 μF in series with 500 Ω resistor is suddenly connected across

100 V DC supply. Find (i) time constant of the circuit (ii) initial current (iii) current equation as
a function of time (iv) current after 0.05 second (v)voltage across resistor after 6ms.

ANS:(i) time constant of the circuit= 0.015s (ii) initial current=0.2A (iii) current equation as a
𝟏 (-t/0.015)
function of time; i= e (iv) current after 0.05 second=35.69mA (v)voltage across
resistor after 6ms=67.034V.

5. A capacitor of 2 μF is charged through a resistor of 500k connected in series with it across a

500 V dc supply. Determine the voltage to which the capacitor is charged when the charging
current has decreased to 80 % of its initial value.
Vc = 400V

Part – IV Long Questions: (Only for Preparation)

1. Derive an expression for the energy stored in a capacitor of C farads when charged to a
potential difference of V volts.
2. Derive the formula for Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor with composite medium.
3. Explain multiplate capacitor.
4. Derive capacitor voltage and current equations for charging of capacitor in RC circuit. Also
define time constant of circuit.

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