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8.4.11 The Call Squad 8 pm midnight EST Sunday - Thursday 1-760-569-7676 Participant Pin: 637255# TheCallSquad.

.com Our Thanks To Loves Love (Scott) Who Transcribed This Call

Transcription by Loves Love (Scott) PD The Call Squad

August 4, 2011
Episode 68 Patriot, Joey, Vic, Tim, Scott, Steve, Diana, Deb, Pam, Yukon Patriot describes a variety of missions, objectives, style, sources, and intentions of the squad that can be heard at the beginning of every call replayed on the . See very interesting free documents and downloads often referred to on calls, for your edification. Especially look for our Freedom From Intel. This is an official document which is the Unclassified US State Dept. report called The Iraq Project. It has been the blueprint for rebuilding Iraq written in 2002. They are still following this plan very specifically, so there is no need for rumors or high placed contacts with so-called intelligence. This is the plan and we help you analyze the news media reporting the steps as they are completed. The Call Squad broadcasts: Sunday thru Thur, 8pm to Midnight EST, even after the RV Or call for Replays of every nights calls: 760-569-7699, pin 637255# or

Backup 194294#
Patriot: We have some new things for the listeners tonight. Deb: A line from Phoenix last night: Welcome to the dawn of a new day. New Article: Thursday 4 August 2011

Al-Tarafi Calls For Improving The Reality Of The Iraqi Citizen And Their Suffering Many
Follow-up. Called National Alliance member habib Terminal to the reality of the Iraqi citizen and too much suffering, including the significant progress in the terms of the ration card. Al-Tarafi Said in a press statement " this suffering Accumulated, however, this Accumulation is no to these problems are not new, but it is the accumulation of so

call to citizens in spite of suffering." Expressing his regret that rewarded the Iraqi citizen all this alienation and unemployment and lack of food. With regard to the ration card, al-tarafi said that " This subject has become talk of the hour by parliamentarians and was in the previous session to the parliament, the Ministry of Commerce did not reach this point of corruption and to promote the red line." And on the draft granting a sum of 15 thousand dinars as compensation for foodstuffs that have not received terminal refused to underestimate the Iraqi citizen with compensation of 15 Dinars under the name the food basket. He said all the organs of the state concerned to provide the food basket. Pointing out that the electricity is a problem and that of the prime minister's office to any other side to the meaning of the substantial shortfall in which if we are to work to restore electricity to normal is not to be in the morning and have electricity so we need a long time to improve electricity. Deb: This sounds good to me, but I need a translator Joey: He saying this. Theyre really frustrated with the accumulation of the same problem over and over; all along there has been suffering, not enough food, ration cards are not filled with enough credits to buy much and therere no goods on shelves even if the cards were loaded. Jobs dont exist to make a living for the masses; electricity is terribly unreliable, they need AC that theyve promised for a long time, the whole infrastructure needs gutted and rebuilt to accommodate the changes their new wealth and democracy will demand from an International Market. They say this is enough, the suffering needs to stop. They admit its still going to take a long time to solve the problems. It would be great if we were lighting a fire under these guys, but were not. Joey: Yet, Ive read a lot of the parliamentarians are truly sorry and concerned for the people, as this author is expressing. We visualize these leaders being cold, aloof, and selfish, but this and other articles shows that many leaders do seem to be in touch with the people of their region and know the pressures. Joey states: Heres a trip down memory lane, back to July 11th. Well you know how they often give us clues, theyll say in articles that sometime in the next couple weeks well send some papers in that that will notify who the ministers are going to be, might take a couple months, but well let you know when the ministers are announcedwell heres a good article. And listen close because I want our listeners to know what kind of tricks those boys in Iraq play on us in the news releases. Going Global; this is from Kelley Blogspot, who does great work, which I read often:

Allawi Will Head The Council Political Blocs Approve Enacting Iraq Strategic Policy Council Law in Parliament (Joey: WOW)
Wednesday, August 03, 2011 Iraq Parliamentary blocs said on Wednesday they agreed to issue draft law for establishing Iraq Strategic Policy Council which is expected to be headed by the leader of Al Iraqiya List Iyad Allawi. The draft law will be issued in the parliament after Iraq President submitted it to the same. The blocs also agreed to form a ministerial committee that uses the results of Irbil

agreement in order to agree on the Cabinet bylaws. In a statement issued by the Presidency a copy of which was delivered to Alsumaria news uttered that the blocs leaders meeting hosted by President Jalal Talabani on Tuesday night led to agreeing on a draft law for Iraq Strategic Policy Council and sending the same to the parliament in order to issue it (a law). The issue whether to approve Iraq Strategic Policy Council or not in the parliament was the main conflicting point between State of Law Coalition and Al Iraqiya List since agreeing on forming a government in November 2010. The fact that state of law insisted on refusing to ratify the Council in the parliament impelled Allawi to give up on the presidency of the Council. During the meeting the political blocs also agreed on establishing a ministerial committee that uses the results of Irbil agreement in order to agree on bylaws for the Cabinet. The blocs also agreed to form a committee from the Premier Deputies that would be entitled to determine the cause of imbalance in the constitution in regards of high rank employees and in security ministries and that in two months in addition to setting a mechanism to defect without damaging the administrative assets. To that during the meeting the blocs also agreed that Al Iraqiya shall present its candidates to the Ministry of Defense and National Coalition shall present its candidates to the Ministry of interior in two weeks given that the candidates enjoy qualities approved by the three blocs ( Al Iraqiyas, Kurdistani Alliance and National Alliance). Joey: quickly says that this article came out right behind the previous one and reads bold text: The other article that came out today right behind the previous one about the Iraqi List (Allawis Party) . Iraqi List Confirms Council Settled And Security Council Policies To A Basket Of One 04/8/2011 12: 00 am Baghdad -- The Iraqi future
The Iraqi List said, yesterday, that all the outstanding issues in the provisions of the agreements of Arbil have been settled one basket in the meeting of the leaders of the political blocs, confirming that the meeting was positive. The deputy said of the Iraqi list Hamza: That the leaders of the blocs agreed to resolve the National Policy and Strategic andDefense Minister in one basket to overcome the present stage and to move forward to the National Partnership, indicating that the presidency of the republic and the Council of Ministers proposed a draft law on the national policy and strategic to vote on it in the House of Representatives.

He said the representative of the president of the government of the province of Kurdistan, deputy prime minister rose Nouri Shawes Reconfirmed at the meeting of the leaders of the blocs that completion of the implementation of the rest of the initiative of President Barzani, agreed to send the draft act of the National Council of Policies Supreme Council of Representatives for approval. Said that the draft law of the National Council of Policies Supreme National Strategy will not block had to vote for in the House of Representatives because this matter has been

resolved in advance between the leaders of the blocs, he said that the meeting was very successful.

Joey: So, to summarize the key points from a couple articles: . So look at the sentence that says the Erbil Agreement will be settled in one basket, by the leaders, as of yesterday 8/3. So what is actually in that one basket? Remember how I said they wont know who the ministers are for a couple weeks and it may take a few months? Theyve said that the ministers are actually temporary and in position by proxy (substitute or deputy, authorized or empowered to act for another), really why? Maliki has filled those seats as the Prime Minister since last September! Why would Maliki move over for a proxy or temporary substitute minister, who will then have to vacate for the permanent selection sometime soon, anyhow? Heres the trip down memory lane that happened on July 11th . Source: Iraqi List Has Made A Final Decision To Nominate Obeidi (Joey refers to a couple articles back and forth..?) (no copy, article generally reads: ) A source in Iraqi List led by Allawi, said on Monday that the issue of the nomination of Obeidi for Defense Minister, has become a settled matter. This matter has been settled because it is a foregone conclusion and they all believe Obeidi is acceptable for the job to all the blocs. They want to resolve the issue of division of positions all in one basket. (Joey: Really, now the boys in that article that just yesterday said it would take a couple weeks are lying to us). This date was way back in July (7/11 Tuesday), but remember what happened on the 9th of July in Talabanis house, where they said that there was a majority of consensus plus one, and Obeidi won the nomination and was voted with consensus approval on July 9, 2011. Joey: Heres another article that says its actually happened: Because when they vote on that one basket in three days, are they going to show us our Defense Minister? Makes you wonder? This says: in Baghdad, announced a resource to al Iraqiya List (Allawi), the matter to elect Mr. Obeidi for Defense Minister is a finished subject, it is done now; the subject is done, after it got convictions from everyone and asked not to mention his name saying the subject is done, Obeidi has the acceptance of all political blocs; Iraqiya List wants to put an end to the positions matter and put it all in one basket, like the security ministers and the head of the Strategic Council which is to be given to Mr. Allawi. Joey: Huh, what do think Patriot? Patriot: This puts to rest the question which has been an ongoing buzz in the Dinar Community about the 3 minister positions, which are clearly done and resolved, as you have proven by reading the various articles. Patriot: One of the key factors has often been repeated, that there would be an RV after the 3 positions of GOI was seated. What Joey just read is that they were resolved and done on the 9th of July, because that article we read on that Obeidi won by a majority consensus. If you have a majority, you had to have had a vote. Once you have a majority vote, you dont have to vote again. The vote was held on July 9th, and it was done. Mr. Obeidi is the Defense Minister.

Joey, everything was decided on July 9th; and there were witnesses. Everything was decided, they just needed to vote on it; and also that Allawis position was Executive, which was the reason for the Erbil amendment after the June 30th acceptance of Erbil, with need for one important decision to Allawis designation of Executive vs. Legislative oversight, as weve discussed the past few nights. Patriot..There was only one issue yet to be agreed, and that was Allawis position. Erbil is done and were just beginning of the implementation. You dont initiate that which has not supposedly been voted upon. Were now starting to see our dinar community coming around to this fact of acceptance in their own perception and belief of the fact..that Erbil is FINISHED Joey: Heres another, about Allawi, Did they forget what they told us yesterday? Do they have amnesia about what theyve already released? What did we learn yesterday from the news, review this: Joey says: This is the article from Mr. Ashur again, Joey reads: Ashur: IS Considers Talabani Meeting A Success For It 03/08/2011 15:36:00 Baghdad (NINA) Hani Ashur, Iraqiya Slate Advisor, confirmed that political leaders meeting in President Jalal Talabanis office yesterday was fruitful and brought together viewpoints. The IS considers the meeting a beginning of a success for it after everyone agreed on implementing the Erbil agreement. In a statement issued by his office, Ashur said now, we are in the implementation stage and waiting to activate what has been agreed upon earlier to enhance national partnership that was an important outcome of the Erbil agreement. The State of Law Coalition confirmed their commitment to what was agreed on, the implementation is going to be limited to a timetable; which is an important outcome of the meeting and it will put everyone in front of the Iraqi people to decide the goodwill politicians who want to achieve partnership, Ashur added He concluded the agreement of referring the National Supreme Policies Council to the parliament to endorse it is an admission on the importance of group work and the commitment to implement national accordance. /End/ Joey: And heres a similar article in conjunction with the same topic, but by a different journalist, different perspective of the same issue. (Joey read about one sentence) there is to be an implementation to the agreement, the Iraqis now wait for what had been agreed with the confidence and strength of a partnership.and then he repeats the same two paragraphs that Joey declared yesterday as two of the most important articles written about this historic time in Iraqi Modern History. Joey: reads (These below are the same two most important paragraphs from yesterday) He said in a statement, quoted by the information office, today. We have now entered the testing phase of the implementation of the activation of the role of what was agreed upon to be a National Partnership which was the most important result of Erbil. Iraqis, in the presence of the meeting and face to face dialog in expression to be bearers of the responsibility and its belief in the partnership and

good intentions to work together with other Blocs and opportunities for all to participate in the construction of Iraq.
He added, the political blocs of the Iraqi National Alliance (Mr. Allawis), and the Kurdish Coalition (Mr. Barzanis) under the auspices of Talabani was to put the record straight with regard to the Erbil, and the political process into a new phase of the partnership, rather than intersection, and the real test of the outcome of the meeting is now, not likely to be any failure that would impact on the stability of Iraq.

Joey: Does it get any stronger that? Patriot: NO, how can people hold to an idea that Erbil is not done. You cannot implement what is NOT already done. Why is it done? They voted! Joey: theyre in the Testing Phase? How can you test something, if its not done, yet? Its been agreed upon. Theyve entered into a political dialog of cooperation. They cannot fail, they have stepped over the precipice, all these men, and they cannot fail, they cannot go back or they will destroy their country. And they told us all along that June 30 was the deadline, but they also told us they cannot announce the minister until they know whether or not the US Troops are here or not. The articles weve read today and yesterday, where they say in three days theyre going to start they cycle debating over Obeidi again? Like they hit a repeat button? I can remember reading all the way back to March, Maliki always wanted Obeidi to watch his back and he fought tooth and nail with Allawi who said, NO, you dont get to choose your man, thats our coalition duty. Maliki always said, no, I get to choose my own cabinet, if you (Allawi) want your position in the Strategic Council. Mr. Allawi was not going to return from London unless they had some concrete results for which to return. Mr. Allawi was at that July 9th meeting in Talabanis home. They were all present, and when the meeting was finished, they said that there was a total consensus to allow Mr. Maliki to select his minister, the man has not changed his mind through this whole process. There is something about Obeidi, we dont know what it is that Maliki trusts and respects about his background or expertise, but Maliki has never wavered from him. Mr. Obeidi was Re-Nominated AGAIN for Minister of Interior, and got the majority consensus of the vote because everyone thought he would do a good job; and Allawi got his Strategic Council Presidency with an Executive status. Joey: They tell us truth along the way, then they put them off for a while, but if we track and keep records from the previous articles we can remember, and get through the little deceptions they throw up. Whenever they tell us some truth, they also throw up at the same time a lot of diversionary fog that makes people confused. It seems to be a consistent method around the world of politicians. Keep the people guessing for facts. Joey: Its exciting to stay up with the news. I love it! Patriot: Its liberating to cross reference multiple sources of information to find common agreement of facts. I love reading news to find data points that can be validated and recorded, so when the new articles truths, which are sometimes just a key word or sentence within a bunch of fluff, keep pointing to those markers, like the cornerstones of reality. Joey: Wants to revisit another important issue that came out on July 11 meeting at Talabanis home on July 9th. Remember when they wouldnt tell us what they were discussing? And for months, weve had all this deception or swirling news about the

troops; are they staying or going? Also, in that article on the 11th it says that, Obeidi was nominated for Defense Minister (Transcriptionist: not sure if this refers to Defense or Interior??? Minister) What more did those boys talk about in that closed door meeting on the 9th? Baghdad And Washington Agree On US Troops To Extend The Stay Until The End Of 2016 Joey reads: Iraqi newspaper reports on Monday that it was agreed in Washington and Baghdad; Confirmed the presence of intense debate in order to reach agreement about the territory they will be staying in order to reach agreement, Basra , Kirkuk, Mosul Baghdad, and Erbil. Ending in 2016. Really, sounds like the boys decided a lot on July 9th. And now yesterday we get information in articles that say theyve decided some troops will stayReally, you decided that 3-4 weeks ago, and they also decided that Obeidi would be our minister. Patriot: Yes, and especially when they decided the troops staying decision was not a national or federal issue, but a regional or provincial issue. Based upon what the region wanted for itself, some wanted and some didnt; Erbil being one of them who wanted some protection from its genocide memory. Joey: And you saw after the meeting in Talabanis house, the Iraqi newspapers were deluged with articles saying various opinions about the troops, everybody was tap dancing on the issue, and then oh, yea, were going to do a strategic study.oh, yeah were buying 36 jet fighters, and we got our Maritime status, and oh, we need UNAMI to stay, .Its called gradualism, I think it was on February 16th that we had a US Senate hearing about this they release a little at a time spoonful by spoonful and the public gets used to swallowing it, becoming accustomed to shrugging our shoulders, because this is a very hot topic, though they like us being there to help protect and develop, they want to be free, independent and NOT occupied. They want it both ways; The leaders know they need our ongoing security protection. Patriot: The leaders know they need help, they cannot protect their borders, airspace, no ships, no mine detection equipment, no navy air force and ground cooperation, no intelligence networked for safety of country . It was pragmatic to keep US troops because you get all the American toys, if they stay. Theyre rationalizing it for the people , and the politicians are dancing with logic, selling to the citizenry Joey: Reminds that they used an inside Al Queida job blew up the Oil Refinery a few months ago, and the press reminded all the people with solid coverage that the people would be getting paid by that oil, but now that its being lost, boy its our duty to protect what is yours so it would be good for the US troops to help there, and also up in the northern oil fields where Iran border issues are Patriot : Describes Hellian Mechanics, a philosopher, where you lay out the problem of the people and ask them to provide the solution if you can give me a solution for the problems youre facing were open to consider. Well they all know there is no other solution than the US has to stay for next 5 years. And its interesting how they are adjusting that story. Were not staying as troops We have an embassy with 8,000 employees now, with likelihood to triple, including some of the military will be diplomats in suit and ties and M16.

Scott: Think of levity of their situation with implications from spy movies, where diplomatic immunity would be allowed for a spy working on US soil, this would allow some of our troops in civilian clothes, will need diplomatic immunity to accompany those M16s (or concealed weapons). Joey: This is why Mr. Mullen was over here recently. Our troops have to have immunity to do our jobs. Theyre in a catch 22. The Iraqis dont want us there, but they need us, so they have to grant us flexibility to perform. Patriot: If you want us to go down from 46,000 troops, down to a skeleton crew of 16,000, then you gotta give us some latitude with no restrictions that prevent our engagement until we get permission to respond. The diplomatic immunity signature would change it at least down to a catch 11, instead of catch 22. Steve: Quotes back to his reading of speech a couple days ago, spoken by Ad Melkert to the UN on Census. For Cooperation toward a joint future, after long years where survival mattered, it is a stage of counting the people, and not just the people, but the aspirations. Steve: Thought is was powerful and appropriate, after so much time and especially this week, as they start Ramadan, it would be so great to see the people of Iraq come out of the dark ages, not just with money but also the services, the available goods, to send their kids to school, to raise their families and have a regular life that we take for granted. Deb: Interrupts, breaks for a commercial Deb: Gives the backup pin: 194924# for people to get on the call Deb: Has a favorite article and begins to read: Shabibi: The Independence Of The Central Bank Of The Umbrella Of A Protector Of State Funds Baghdad (news) called Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi bank independence because the umbrella of a protector of state funds. Shabibi said to contact the Agency (news): "The granting of independence to the Central Bank is of great significance because it is the umbrella of a protector of state funds", adding: "But The government that I understand that the Bank's isolated to it, but we are working with the market and the government significantly." He added Shabibi: can not separate the government and the central bank because the importance of monetary policy depends according to the law on cooperation with the government. He noted that the basis of the economy, the Bank is to fight inflation, which gets because of the government or the private sector, and works on the application of monetary policy both in the interest rates to stabilize the growth and support banks in crisis through direct coordination.
And Shabibi: The Central Bank of the follow-up budget allocations of government in order to adjust the exchange rate and reduce the processing imbalance. Deb: As Joey said yesterday, hes working to adjust that exchange rate and the processing of the dinar. These are six little words that will change the world. Joey: Yep, like we said last night, the imbalance is the UN & IMFs extremely low, assigned IQD value relative to the wealth and true value it should be and will be worth. There is an imbalance that must be balanced.

Joey: This is a new article CBI Announces Completion Of Plan To Remove Three Zeros And Reprint 30 Trillion Dinar Posted: August 4, 2011 Published August 4th, 2011 09:24 GMT The Iraqi Central Bank announced the completion of a plan to remove three zeros from the dinar, replacing current banknotes with new ones. The Bank will re-print 30 trillion dinars (26 billion dollars). According to Mazhar Mohammad Saleh, an expert in the Iraqi Central Bank, in a speech with the ALHAYAT of London, our problem lies in the timing of the currency exchange, as we need to select a suitable time for implementing the project without obstacles. The Central Bank planned to remove three zeros from the Iraqi dinar, after suffering from inflation and the decline of the currency during the nineties, due to economic sanctions. The value of the dinar decreased internationally to its current value of approximately 1120 dinars per dollar. In 2003, the Central Bank adopted a new mechanism to maintain the dinars exchange rate. It created a foreign exchange auction to sell dollars that Iraq obtained from the sale of oil in the global markets and then transferred to the bank to sell in local currency, which helped raise the value of the dinar over the last few years to more than 2000 points. Saleh estimated the government will exchange more than 30 trillion Iraqi dinars, or more than $26 billion dollars. The most important change after deleting the zeros, is to reduce the number of banknotes in circulation, simplifying the payment system in Iraq. Some economists have warned that the process of exchanging the Iraqi currency will be rife with corruption due to the inaccurate structuring of Iraqi banks. Previous attempts to exchange the currency resulted in major corruption, costly to the Iraqi economy. However, Saleh responds that the process of changing the currency in 2004, occurred under the exceptional circumstance of an occupation, was managed by a civil American governor, and was still successful. The Central Bank sells, through a daily auction, between $150 million dollars and $190 million dollars daily to clients of private banks and the financial companies. (

Joey: Concludes that article is interesting because it says they have completed the plan to remove the zeros. That sounds pretty final, I like that! Joey reads another article: Central Bank Begins To Re-Structuring Of The Local Currency 2011-08-04 09:53:0 Iraqi Central Bank has decided to begin the process of restructuring and the development of the local currency coins in cooperation with international organizations and economists of the world.

The deputy governor of the Central Bank said of the appearance of Mohammed Selahs Baghdad Post article that the central bank agreed with the Government to Almaasat financial restructuring of the currency, organization and development of coins. He added that the central bank decided to introduce the metal in the next three months, which will be the class of 1000 dinars and 500 dinars. He noted that the Central Bank of Iraq conduct extensive contacts to coordinate with international organizations and experts from the world to take this decision his way. The main Functions of the Central Bank Iraq to maintain price stability, monetary policy implementation Including exchange rate policies, and management Reserves Currency Foreign, and issue and management Currency, as well as to regulate the banking sector Joey concludes: Any time in the next 3 months we could see a 500 dinar coin, or its safe to say over the next 3 months, which implies it will start sooner than then, which could be starting one minute from now. They like doing that to us, get us looking off into the horizon with a time frame, and then plopping some juicy dessert right under our noses. They have to find that sweet spot for proper timing of when to release the low denominations. Yukon: In the first article, I want to make sure the audience hears that they are going to remove from circulation and replace notes, not lower the value of any notes. Patriot and Yukon: Discuss that the USA has done the same thing with 10,000 and 100,000 dollar bills. Joey: Good point, that leads right to the next one. Joey: Wait till you hear this:

Not The Right Time For The Lifting Of The Zeros (Joey: really?)
August 4th, 2011 08:38 am Despite the prevailing society Iraqi instability in all parts of political, economic, social, and despite what will happen to him and hurt him severely inflation and inflammation of the prices and the continued rise of the line of his ruthless and accompanying complaint and Tazava citizens, and despite also stop the wheel of industry almost completely Baktaiha public and private sectors and decline of agriculture and lack of services tragic and widespread underemployment coupled with the secretions of the occupier, terrorism, and successors from the complete destruction of peoples money, require a claim the United States and allied compensation Is added to all the above the absence of national production types and roots displayed an inability to meet all the requests of citizens. and the absence or inability of the institutions concerned to control prices centrally for all goods, consumer or nonconsumer inflation in this miserable reality that struck fatal to Iraq and its people. After the entry of the occupier and that calls the rulers and their affairs, bridging the gap and work to heal and heal and reality is painful to pay the wheel construction, reconstruction and restoration of all industrial facilities to its former away from privatization, virile, capable of absorbing unemployment to improve the economic reality and re-meat people, good to his past Alaudhae and work in all seriousness to activate the exit of the occupiers

end of the year and enjoy the full and expeditious independence and national sovereignty does not reproach them.
I say despite the fact noted above and reflected in the tragic misery of the people and the Iraqi state and which require careful consideration . Red traffic signal, we overlookingcentral bank officials from time to time and other short words through the media print and visual Bohadjih strange wonderful work that the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, and so on without warning and in a very critical time is not in line with reality living standards!! And jump to the top of the stairs disregarding all the facts mentioned above passing! The lack of clear standards about such an important subject and requires strong Dbabih foremost goal setting with all the clarity and transparency and the overall planning and study of all aspects of the subject that is vital and my future Economic, political and social overlap in its considerations to influence internal forces and regional and external, which creates many negative effects as a result of this intervention, and any gap is studied in its application will no doubt shake we do not need and confusion in the Iraqi street troubled ..

In the same context, the more economists and politicians opined both the location and noted the need to wait until the exit of the occupiers and discuss the deletion of zeros at all levels and then transmit it to Parliament to enact a law that addresses all the problems that may arise around it to meet the conditions of legal and constitutional despite the fact that this subject, any lifting of the zeroes, and other things that deal with the issue of currency, inflation and maintain the currency and the stability of the market and the amount of money and other jurisdiction of the Central Bank of the seriousness and sensitivity of the subject in this exceptional circumstance that Iraq is going through requiring all actions referred to above.

Joey says: Note the last paragraph in that article. Joey emphasizes the seriousness and sensitivity, requiring all the actions referred to above. Theyre talking about clarity and transparency and yet they need a study? Really, is that true? But the IMF has been helping them for years, and has done all the study needed for them to succeed? The say it doesnt seem like the right time? The headline says they need to hold off and wait, but the text says they cant afford to wait, they need it now. Its a bit ambiguous. Yukon reminds: The US has been asked to stay, were not occupiers, the leaders now want and need us to help them secure their future. We have been invited. Patriot: Right, were diplomats, advisors, trainers, diplomats, poker buddies; remember, theyre discussing having some of our troops not be in military uniform, but armed and wearing street clothes. Joey: Its interesting how they try to trick us. Scott: Adding to Yukons point to be specific and accurate, the largest denomination of USD was a $100,000 with Woodrow Wilsons picture; it was last printed in 1945, but stopped using in July 1969, though technically it is still legal tender in USA. All were printed in green except a year of orange to represent a gold certificate printed one year in the 1930s. One is hanging in the Smithsonian. Our biggest note now is a $100 bill which looks like they deleted 3 zeros and yet it didnt hurt our currency or economy one bit. Even though discontinued for 40 years, it is still legal tender. From Google: Largest US Currency; See Wikipidia. Patriot: And if you had one, and took it to a bank, they would ask what denominations would you want. Shabibi has stated that the two currencies will coexist together for an extended period of time. Turkey did the same for two years and Shabibi said we could

learn a lot from them, so we can read some implication of that time period. There is not going to be a sudden time limit stampede to exchange the large denominations. Thats just not going to happen. Scott: Reminds that they have also specified that the IQD was to be very similar in size, shape, and weight , the technology of ATMs, counterfeit prevention, etcetera to the USD. And now we learn they are coming out with a 100,000 IQD Note. And to lookup and learn that we even had one of those 100,000 notes when it made sense. Hmmm, maybe they are basing their entire currency plan to model the history of the USD? Patriot: Whats also true and similar, is that for years the US citizens did not have electronic banking. So they needed larger bills to do larger transactions without checkbooks and credit/debit cards. Now from a recent article, only 15% of Iraqis have digital banking accounts. Iraqis 85% prefer something in hand to conduct business. They dont trust or maybe understand the digital banking system. Largest purchases are for homes and cars and they use USD. The Iraqis need to continue to purge out the larger denoms and sanitize its economy from dual currency system now in use with the USD and IQD as more citizens buy into the digital banking system, ATM and SMART cards. They need IQD currency to handle the larger transactions which is why youre hearing about the 500 note and the 1,000 IQD coin. Their mentality and doubts are much like our American grandparents were not trusting banks after the depression Its all happening the way it is supposed to; Go to our website and read The Iraq Project, download it. All of this is as it is. There is no holdup there is no delay, they simply are not rushing it; theyre implementing it. The obstacles are being addressed. An obstacle could be the mindset of the average citizen to NOT want to use a bank. A condition of society, and their attitudes, can be instrumental in economic processes. Citizens have long memory. Scott: We have an entire portion of citizens that are waiting to get paid from the HCL and DFI funds, that has been essentially a savings account for the people but theyve had no access to for years. Ive read some big numbers that some people are expecting to receive or be owed. So if the RV comes out at some of our expected $3 dollar range, it could mean some people are receiving a whole lot of hundred IQD notes. All of a sudden it doesnt take so much to carry around, but do you want to take that out of the bank? And I wouldnt want to leave my money at home when I go to work Patriot: Agreed, they understand the reality of the psyche of their people and they are moving the economy in a way that will be acceptable to them, and yet become engaged with the International Financial Community. Scott: The $100,000 bill had a purpose for a while, for a few years. The US, $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 bills were active till the late 60s when we went to digital banking and check accounts. Iraq needs the big bills now until the people adapt the banks and electronics, and then when they no longer serve their purpose, they will be removed over time from the money supply. Like the US has done. Patriot: Payday in USA used to be delivered by cash in little envelopes, brought to the company every week by Brinks Trucks, every payday. It was all done in cash; we were not an electronic banking society yet. Joey: refers back to the article: Not The Time To Lift The Zeros article:

Joey reads one line: (from a previous article tonight) The Iraqi CBI announced the completion of a plan to remove the 3 zeros from the dinar replacing current bank notes with new ones. Theyre talking about redenomination with the low denoms. and then they come out with the deceptive: Not The Time article Theyre lying to you guys, theyre lying, and do you know why? It says there that the small coins in the Iraqi market are almost missing. We spend our salaries and our currencies are small, so we have to pay for the major currencies only, this is what is leading us to restructure our currency. And why? How do you do business in the world if this what your currency is? It says the small coins are only useful if it has value. We have altered the plan to make the dinar equal to the dollar. Small groups and contain damaged notes, theyre being refused by the merchants, and creating embarrassing situations. Not only is this the time, it is necessary, it is urgent, people are jacking up prices. They talk about timing and obstacles. The obstacle, may be to pass a couple laws, or maybe the diplomatic immunity; or some other condition they are looking for.who knows, but to say the time is not good for doing this currency change is deception; Smoke and Mirrors. Patriot: Yes, they said the process of raising the 3 zeros would begin THIS WEEK, on 8/2 articles. Shabibi has said he has worked very hard to get the three zeros out of circulation. But because of the tattered damaged money, and the people have resisted digital banking and cards, that could be a condition, right? Scott: Email Question from B-Jay: Saleh is saying dinar will be valued against a basket of currencies USD, GBP, The Jap Yen, and Gold Joey: based on the Standard and Poors article, that if the dollar fell, it would pull others down with it, so it would create a rise in the Gold price. Patriot: Gold will be used to balance out currencies that may fall at times, as a safety valve, to balance the average value of baskets that may fluctuate. Its a smart move by the IMF Yukon: To Joey, this is like the Shuttle launching from the pad, they cannot come back, they have launched and there is no way to stop, without completing the mission. Joey: It says theyve completed the plans. And now the values and levels, and how they will be compared to the USD. And then there is the education phase; It seems they are very urgent and busy for how much time they say they are going to take. Vic reminds: An article entitled, The Man Who Runs Iraq, was read a couple days ago, and Vic has been irked by that Iranian guy. Vic: The security minister was setup by the US along with the provincial authority. This article bothered me, and Ive read Malikis biography, and have an appreciation for what he has done. How would you feel if you were Maliki and you heard or read about this Kazim Suleymania, from Iran? if I was Maliki,Vic lays out a scenario that demonstrates how Maliki would keep control of the important ministers, so Maliki could show the others how Maliki didnt allow these proxy interim ministers that allow articles like this and rumors like this to fill the air. Yet Maliki is making it happen, he is truly the man, with some help from others that can get it done. Hes gone to China and made big progress in so many ways. I take my hat off to Maliki. And to Shabibi who made sure he had a GOI and control over corruption and security. Mailbag Questions:

Michael: The bank will reprint 30 Trillion dinars, shouldnt it be 30 Trillion dollars? Patriot: Take the 30 Trillion divided by the current value 1170, and you get the 26 billion they list. Richard Bellevue WA: you get asked what the holdup is, but maybe we should be asking: According to the Freedom From Intel document, what yet needs to be done? Patriot: Section 20 of Iraq Project, they list all the things, in pages 150-160. Where it talks about the rebuilding of the economic system, thats where youll find the list of things they are working on. Pam: Tonight Joey read current articles, and Im sure many of you are compiling old articles as well. Tonight is a good example of how the new articles clarify the old ones. Its amazing how they tie together. Joey: Good point, when reading that article about Mr. Obeidi on the 11th , and about consensus, we knew it was a done deal, because, Mr. Mullen, Mr. Panetta, and others were there at that very time, and Obeidis name was mentioned with those men in the room. Obeidi was acting as the minster from the 11th. We believed it at that time. Ken IN: Is there anything to protect the value of the 25,000 dinar notes after the RV? Vic: I dont think the US hold anything but the 25,000 note and I dont think Iraq will contradict any of theyre agreements, and the Patriot: Shabibi has said they will coexist with the low denoms for an extended period of time. Why would they mint a 1000 dinar coin if they were going to make it worth 1 dinar? Tim adds: And the 100,000 dinar bill will come out also, and they wont lop that. That 100,000 dinar photo is shown in the banks book called the Monetary Reserve Index. The fact it is in there, makes it assured that all the large denoms will hold their value. Yukon: Is there any proof to validate the opposite? Remainder of Q & A skipped..........BREAKING NEWS AROUND 10PM BREAKING NEWS FROM THE CALL SQUAD: JOEY: I have to read to everyone in the Dinar community an article that just came out This is about our troops staying and what happened in Talabanis house.... (Reads a portion from the article - the rest is listed below in in its entirety) "The deal brought former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi and his Iraqiya party into the governing coalition in order to support the agreement. The deal included the activation of a national security council that he is to head. In addition it calls for Allawi's party to choose a new defense minister (in charge of the Iraqi Army) in exchange for Mr. Maliki and his allies choosing the interior minister(in charge of the Iraqi Police). Those powerful posts have been vacant because of political disagreements since the governing coalition was formed in December. With Allawi's backing, Prime Minister Maliki now has enough support for the agreement to be passed by parliament, even though the Sadrist block opposed it and has been a significant force blocking it."

Patriot: Can you say GOI finished Joey: Oh my goodness..I have goose bumps Vic: Not passed...SEATED .....just came out in that news Deb: Yippee Patriot: Another major confirmation of a piece and the mechanism in which in fell into place really good news..this is just one of the components that just fell into place As Shabibi stated ....if you give me a..b..c.....I will give you RV Joey: We were not even told about this One little meeting in Talabanis House... they had put it off til Sat - They were there til Dawn and just released it to the news tonight BREAKING NEWS ARTICLE: Iraqi leaders agree to continued US troop presence beyond 2011 By CJ RadinAugust 4, 2011 6:03 PM As Iraqi political forces significantly realign their allegiances, leaders have agreed to negotiate a deal to allow some US troops to remain in Iraq beyond December 2011. Background Although the Iraqi security forces is capable of maintaining internal security, they are still many years away from developing a security force that is capable of defending Iraq from external threats. The Iraqi security forces will require significant amounts of equipment and training assistance over the next 5 to 10 years in order to achieve this. The status of force agreement (SOFA) under which US forces operate was signed in 2008 and runs out in December 2011. A new agreement is required if US troops are to say beyond 2011. The US currently has 44,000 in Iraq. As far back as April 6, former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates delivered a message to Iraqi leaders that they must decide as soon as possible if they want U.S. troops to remain beyond the December deadline. However, political disagreement within the Iraqi parliament had prevented a decision from being reached. On Aug. 3, following four hours of closed-door talks led by President Jalal Talabani, an agreement was reach by Iraqi leaders to negotiate a deal to allow some US troops to remain in Iraq beyond the end of 2011. Political realignment: Allawi in, Sadr out

In order to reach the agreement, a significant realignment of political forces within the Iraqi parliament seems to have taken place. The deal brought former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi and his Iraqiya party into the governing coalition in order to support the agreement. The deal included the activation of a national security council that he is to head. In addition it calls for Allawi's party to choose a new defense minister (in charge of the Iraqi Army) in exchange for Mr. Maliki and his allies choosing the interior minister(in charge of the Iraqi Police). Those powerful posts have been vacant because of political disagreements since the governing coalition was formed in December. With Allawi's backing, Prime Minister Maliki now has enough support for the agreement to be passed by parliament, even though the Sadrist block opposed it and has been a significant force blocking it. The Sadrist bloc was an essential part of Maliki's governing coalition, which was put together after Maliki's State of Law party won fewer seats than Allawi's Iraqiay party in last year's parliamentary elections. The Sadris bloc, with about 10 percent of the seats, became one of the kingmakers in parliament during the deadlock that followed and played a major role in finally electing Maliki to his second term as prime minister. But, yesterday, the head of the Sadr bloc walked out of the meeting in protest over the agreement. The Sadrist bloc considers the US an occupying force and has threatened to return to violent opposition if US troop remain in Iraq. So now "all political leaders have agreed on the UStraining mission in Iraq except the Sadrists, who have some reservations," said President Talabani "One reason that we were encouraged by what has happened last night and frankly what has happened recently in the political give-and-take here is that there seem to be broad partnerships in political coalitions emerging that take tough decisions," says the US embassy official. An agreement to negotiate an agreement A new SOFA agreement between Iraq and the US is not a done deal. This is just the start of negotiations. A number of significant details still need to be worked out. However, a possible agreement could include the following. A drawdown from current 44,000 US troops to between 3,000 and 6,000 troops would occur by the December 2011. They would remain in Iraq until 2015 with a possible extension to 2020. The goal of the US troops could include: Training for Iraqi army, air force and navy for external defense. This Includes both training on new equipment being purchased as well as training for operations. Continuing counterterrorism operations by US Special Operations Forces, paired with Iraqi Special Operations Forces. A US Army presence in north central Iraq along the

volatile interface between Arab and Kurdish regions to act as a buffer and to stabilize the area. Unofficially, a presence to counter to Iranian influence. Other issues include the granting legal immunity to US troops and if the final agreement will need to be ratified by the Iraq parliament. To get on The Call Squad's COMMUNICATOR: Go to and sign up to get advance announcements

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