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Aging: Dementia and Sexuality






Aging: Dementia and Sexuality

Two of the important changes that have occurred during the last decades are the

considerable reduces birthrate and expectancy which has brought about considerable population

ageing. The growing study of the changes and characteristics of this population segment has led

to the conclusion that diseases associated with aging are diverse and translate into a deterioration

in the quality of life of those who suffer from them and their families (Kivipelto et al., 2018). In

addition, the care of these diseases generates a high economic cost of health services.

Case Study: Bertha

Among the main cognitive changes of late adulthood include short-term memory, that is,

the memory of what has recently been experienced or learned, together with frequent

forgetfulness. The ability to name and perform calculations, handle abstract concepts, and

fluency in speech decrease. These aspects are usually affected in the usual adult development,

suffering a progressive deterioration. Among the main behavioral changes include a decrease in

initiative, mood swings, and apathy, meaning a lack of motivation, emotion, or enthusiasm for

things. These changes correspond to the gradual decline in the normal functioning of all body

systems, added to the progressive deterioration of cognitive abilities and loss of strength

characteristic of old age.

Dementia is among the most common causes of disability in the elderly since a person

suffering from progressive cognitive deterioration gradually loses their independence, even in the

most common things such as bathing or performing daily tasks. People continue to suffer from

dementia, making it recognized by WHO. There are different types of dementia since not all

diseases cause dementia to manifest themselves in the same way.


The 3 most common dementias are Alzheimer, Lewy and vascular. Alzheimer's disease is

a disease whose most important characteristic is dementia it produces. This type causes memory

loss. It represents the most common type of dementia in older adults since it is known that

between 65 and 80% of older people with dementia have this disease.

Lack of irrigation of the brain vessels is the main cause of this disease. In vascular

dementia, small cerebrovascular accidents occur, which gradually damage brain tissue. It can

develop due to a CVD, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension and smoking. It represents

20% of cases of dementia in the elderly (Wallukat et al., 2018). The most common symptoms of

vascular dementia include difficulty solving problems, slow thinking, being violent or

aggressive, bad judgment, personality changes, concentration problems, etc.

Lewy body dementia is also a neurodegenerative disease that produces dementia. It is

similar and owes its name to the accumulation of abnormal proteins in the brain called Lewy

bodies. The main problem with this dementia is that it is very difficult to diagnose and the only

way to determine if these Lewy bodies exist is by performing an autopsy. Due to its difficult

diagnosis, it is estimated that between 10 and 36% of people with dementia suffer from this type

of disease (Wallukat et al., 2018). The risk factors for this disease and the causes are not

identified, but it is believed that genetic inheritance has a significant influence. Visual, auditory

or tactile hallucinations; Cognitive symptoms that appear and disappear; Stiffness in the limbs,

slow movements, tremors, and stooped posture.

In the case of Bertha, the cognitive and behavioral changes that are potential symptoms

of dementia include short-term memory, confusion regarding her financial affairs, and

disorientation. Dementia is one of the main problems that affect the health and quality of life of

older people throughout the planet (Pinho & Pereira, 2019). It has already been explained in

detail what dementia is and how important it is to have a specific diagnosis to establish an action

plan based on the symptoms that the elderly person has and with professional help, Bertha and

her children should resort to a series of neurological and psychological, in some cases, imaging

tests to arrive at a specific diagnosis depending on the clinical manifestations. Timely medical

care is essential. More information from such bodies as Alzheimer's Association, an association

of the United States that offers assistance through information resources to people with relatives

who have dementia, especially those with Alzheimer's, can help manage the symptoms.

Case Study: Marvin

Sexuality is an integral part of human beings, influencing their thoughts, feelings, actions

and interactions. Thus, it is decisive in a person's physical and mental health, regardless of age

and gender. With the increase in average life expectancy and the progressive aging of the

population, the approach to this issue is crucial. Sexual problems can be an indicator of an illness

or a side effect of a medication (Pinho et al., 2019). They may also be based on various

psychological factors. Thus, it is essential to study the different causes that may be at the origin

of sexual problems.

Among the common sexual changes related to lack of sexual desire, less stiffness in or no

erection (erectile dysfunction, because the blood vessels are not as elastic as before, and the

muscles are less powerful), impotence due to illness (cardiovascular disease, arthritis, etc.),

decreased vaginal lubrication among women or other dysfunction among men (due to a lower

power of the muscles and, therefore, of their contractions during orgasm), all of which contribute

to fear of failing in sexual intercourse. In old age, testosterone decreases simultaneously with the

individual's sexual activity. The role of testosterone is very important for the maintenance of

secondary sexual characteristics, although it is not the only factor that participates in this regard

because it has been proven that older adults with good levels of testosterone show a poor sexual

response. It should be noted that changes in sexuality can also be an indicator of another illness

or a side effect of a medication. Therefore, the adult must seek professional help.

A sexually transmitted disease that affects older adults causes an infection that can affect

the skin and mucous membranes, including the skin surface and the mucous membranes of the

vagina, anus, vulva, head of the penis, and the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.

From childhood, the beliefs that each person has about sexuality and the way of living it

are very important when it comes to expressing themselves sexually. We live in a society that

denies the expression of the sexuality of the elderly, and this implies that some people consider

that they do not have the right to enjoy sexuality and deny or hide their desires or do not openly

state that they continue to be sexual beings, with desire and need for love and pleasure. As

evidenced in the case study, older people want and can enjoy sexual pleasure, although they may

have certain limitations due to the aging of the body who are not experiencing so-called "normal"

sexuality. After the death of his wife, Marvin lacked excitement and enjoyment in his sexual life.

Marvin desired a committed relationship, unlike the other women in the retirement community

who sought casual sexual encounters.

In this regard, communication and understanding mutual limitations and difficulties are

essential. Marvin should accept the limitations and enjoy the functions that remain. Although

Marvin dislikes protection, he must use condoms in casual relationships to prevent additional

sexually transmitted infections. This is particularly vital given that the number of sexually

transmitted infections (e.g. AID and syphilis) in the elderly has increased significantly in recent



From age 30, the body begins the aging process that becomes more visible year after year

in external appearance and more evident in the body's functioning. This process accelerates after

50 years. The aging process, menopause in women and in men, cause physiological changes that

influence sexual response, but not the interest in continuing to experience sexuality with pleasure

and satisfaction. Therefore, a new model of sexuality in old age is needed that is more respectful

of the needs and rights of older people, based on scientific advances and less on atavistic beliefs.


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