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1) Business and Social Networking is not about:

a) Knowing those that can help you meet your target

b) Building and nurturing long term relationships
c) Compounding your relationships
d) None of the above

2) The process of planning, pricing, promotion, packaging, advertising and selling of any product or
service can best be described as:
a) Selling (b) Marketing (c) Product promotion (d) Up selling (e) Self marketing

3) One of these is not a reason why customers often raise objections:

a) Doubts or unanswered questions
b) Interested in buying but needs clarification
c) Wants to buy, but doesn’t like the appearance of the marketer
d) To embarrass you
e) All of the above

4) The S.P.I.N model is used to:

a) Question a customer (b) Profile a prospect (c) Identify a lead (d) Strategically engage a prospect

5) Every time you make a presentation, conduct a demonstration, or engage in a sales dialogue with
another person, everything you do must be done in such a way that it addresses one or a combination of
the differentiators that consumers consider when making buying decisions. What are those
a) Better than the competition or other choices.
b) Faster than the competition or other choices.
c) Uniquely different from the competition or other choices.
d) All of the above (e) A and B only

6) As sales professionals, we differentiate ourselves from others in the marketplace by establishing what
our products, our services, and ourselves are known for. This statement describes…
a) Building your brand recognition (b) Unique selling proposition (c) Value based (d) Synergetic selling

7) A description of the customer problem, the solution that addresses the problem, and the value of this
solution from the customer's perspective is called:
a) Value Proposition (b) Value Prospecting (c) Value Composition (d) Customer Prospecting

8) Which of these is the proper arrangement of the marketing process steps?

a) Analysis of the opportunities in the market, Selection of the target market, Development of
marketing mix, Management of marketing efforts.
b) Selection of the target market, Analysis of the opportunities in the market, Development of marketing
mix, Management of marketing efforts.
c) Development of marketing mix, Analysis of the opportunities in the market Selection of the target
market, Management of marketing efforts.
d) Analysis of the opportunities in the market, Development of marketing mix, Selection of the target
e) Management of marketing efforts, Selection of the target market, Analysis of the opportunities in the
market, Development of marketing mix.
9) What is T. R. E?
a) Try Reach Everyone (b) Target Rich Environment
c) The Real Expectations (of customers) (d) The Rate of Entry

10) You have identified a prospect’s need and consequently developed a proposal that you believe will
meet the prospect’s need. You want to personally hand over the proposal to the prospect. You have
been to the prospect’s office three times, but the secretary will not let you see him without an
appointment. What do you do?
a) Hang around the office with the goal of walking up to him if he comes out.
b) Appeal to the secretary’s emotion by letting her know that your job is on the line and that your only
hope of keeping your job lies in the prospect doing business with your bank.
c) Drop the proposal with the secretary and call back later to book an appointment.
d) Enrol in the gym where you have been told the prospect comes to exercise with the aim of
introducing yourself to him and then ask for an appointment.

11) She has a need for what your offer, will derive value from it, and has the capacity, urgency and
authority to buy. This is a description of a customer.
a) True (b) False

12) What is the correct sequence of Customer Relationship Management:

a) Prospecting, Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention, Customer Extension
b) Customer Selection, Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention, Customer Extension
c) Customer Acquisition, Customer Selection, Customer Extension, Customer Retention
d) Prospecting, Customer Acquisition, Customer Selection, Customer Extension,

13) Who are they? Where are they? How do I gain access to them? These questions speak to which of
the following?
a) Tracking and monitoring (b) Customer identification (c) Profiling (d) Prospecting

14) The voice in our head, how we talk to ourselves, what influences how we will either respond (logic
based) or react (emotion based) is known as…
a) Passion (b) Emotional intelligence (c) Analytical skills (d) Attitude

15) The Trial Close does not help you determine:

a) Whether the prospect likes your product’s features, advantages, or benefits.
b) Whether you have successfully answered any objections.
c) Whether any objections remain.
d) Whether the prospect is ready for you to close the sale.
e) Whether to talk to the prospect as if he already owns the product or service you are selling.

16) In planning for networking, which of the following is not a question you will need to ask yourself.
a) How many hours a week should I network?
b) Should I give first and be committed?
c) Where do my best customers network?
d) Who are five prime people I want to meet

17) Sell yourself, sell your product and sell your company are parts of what?
a) Complete selling (b) The sales process (c) Synergistic selling (d) The selling wheel process
18) Creating momentum for business and career success is important in:
a) Making quality contacts and connections (b) Selling (c) Prospecting (d) Tracking and monitoring

19) What is the process of dividing your universe of existing & potential customers into clearly defined
groups based on different sets of criteria for each group?
a) Profiling (b) Categorization (c) Market identification (d) Segmentation

20) Which of the following is the correct sequence in the selling wheel process for making a sales
a) Show understanding of customer’s business needs, establish rapport, present your product and
services, create a desire, deal with objections, close the sale
b) Establish rapport, present your product and services, deal with objections, create a desire, close the
c) Create a desire, establish rapport, show understanding of customer’s business needs, deal with
objections, close the sale
d) Establish rapport, show understanding of customer’s business needs, present your product and
services, create a desire, deal with objections, close the sale.

21) One of these is not a pillar of selling and customer relationship management.
a) Customer Prospecting (b) Customer Loyalty (c) Advocacy (d) Competition

22) Increasing the range of products that a customer buys from an organisation. This is known as
customer development.
a) True (b) False

23) You were in the middle of a presentation to the top management of a university when somebody
who had earlier identified himself as the school bursar said to the Vice Chancellor ‘’these bankers are
liars”, apparently referring to a claim you had made about the robustness of your school solution
product. What do you do?
a) Politely tell the bursar that one of the core values of your bank is integrity and that as a matter of
principle you will never lie.
b) Pretend that you did not hear him and proceed with your presentation.
c) Mention some other universities you have deployed the solution to and ask them to confirm your
d) Ask him why he has made the assertion.

24) In the eight pillars of selling, the steps a sales professional take to develop self and build competence
is called?
a) Empowerment (b) Self marketing (c) Loyalty (d) Customer Prospecting (e) None of the above

25) Stand out from the crowd, feel a sense

26) The four categories of prospects…..CANDIDATES, SUSPECTS, WALK-INS & LEADS

27) Which of these is not one of the elements ….. PERFORMANCE

28) A business process through which business acquires ….. CRM

29) In prospecting, representative of an organization ….. LEAD

30) When a suspect is a qualified prospect: ALL OF THE ABOVE

31) Customer’s business, the future requirements: SITUATIONAL QUESTIONS

32) Which of these is not a part of a position…… DESIRE

33) One of these is not a way of closing……. OPEN CLOSE

34) Which of the following is not element of….. EDUCATION

35) The phase of sales during which you take……..PROSPECTING

36) Increase the range of products that a customer ……. FALSE

37) Which of these is not a factor influencing…… NONE OF THE ABOVE

38) Which term best captures this definition………. SUSPECT

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