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: { Nuctex | To Scleons + Rotom of reubwong which One prorent in the nucle | y atoms ace collectirely kenown as nucleons. ® Atomic number ! he wg Protons dy the nucleus Called the woo -It b tt by Zz. @ Mass number: The telat no. 6] protons id newkrons pronend cir monk. Zein i> chinotal yA, A) Nuclear mass: Me otal mass he. Prolene f Aeudsonn pret 2 @ nuclous so Calle the fuclear maw. © puclile 2 A gpecifte nucleus of an cilom Chasaclesised by ils q ee i © Fsotype + a aloms elomants usRich have the fame atomic ( & puclewr 2 Called te mass no- d) the @ 2 vepe et i mass ne- axe Called toortepes ie Protum) | 7 (CDedeaun . By Cb eHin Since ee how the dame “rraw n9. bik lift. lemic 18 axe Called ic ie Se ® Leotones: Re nuclicles ee aT TOT ving the Same pros Called dsotenn, 3toy — bole ee Ne=a-z- @ Borers > Ohne ate Ke nucle: with gy 20. Same max ro. but enistt in ah fia re f (D promic mass unit + On olemc mah! uae, ‘ape . 4eV= 16 x16" A Mev = eae. 4 amu = 481 mev os ros Ava © Dek See 2 Lips Wa cite; a nucleus Rice mle oes, The SuMlece is nok a well olaened loundary . Assur The a a horical , thoi Volumes Can be dee d ; Nucleus in dhineckh P2©post ora cfo LB anaes NO- MR ie the sachius a oe man no fh, Pen ns Baek x Pf or RPA boston, R, io a comttente , ufhich be Q the ee tae ie, © ps de nt ere oe dhe 4 qua nucleus > Ahue the nuclear matter. ee Lite a Lguid conten olen « Lt fe be the ie ee leer eae a nucleon bem, then, ‘nucleus = mA aes a = Ane? t an pa Crv R= bas) 5 Ruel olny, = ie aul 4 ” = mf RRS A Se ke _ te 24, So muchar density oz (atlepondo mh mars NO- A oF Bee rulers Tre olenaly Defiicle » rahe) orclen to! tm wre 2 cre te os eee (Emmet); dtr op sugges thalr even a le Cub Rave ents On €rO&mour becaune A eee evar ta posticle bread _ aefertace dr % Raft oo Called tts Reh mar_(™) ® man @ ne oh: he clit. Lyfe sta rede mas da nucleus f f the dent“ narsen Us Constituent nucleons 1S Cable d a an - ve \ Am = Zr + GZ) me | © Backing fuctn + ake prod pocion 4 aq nucleo te us es fae nucleen - ae fackon 0 Mucleu = Am ah PR ye (Ales than 204 above 203) —-pucleus le ureble: po 9 9 Ehe Ch b blo 2o F 20d) no Stable, Ni ek ote oo 7 1 Nuclear FISs ions Yho, Phenomenon in whch, mt nudlur CAS228) vsten excited Splits inte tuo emall Nucl o mest comparable mosses in calleal ratcleor fenton : 28s \ my a ' an t 6M ——> Ba + g¢hr + 3in+Q 4 Gn nuclides certas oo at fname Dan 5 We untable. ; score ine Beng onda beta decay. Randlh Sot fosny NUCLEAR Fusion t The proces in utd puro lg pncle: one ok extoonesly Tae eae jum a Big eae vnutléun (Hoe (a TH+ eh 4D 4 0.42 Mev 2H 4% ——> fHe + 24 Mey he se, Requlsa tee entzeme Conditions, of Heempetdlne. oP paar Bo hak the er nudli can cvetLeme thet, elothovalic Sepubvion, Ga thin Rea00N, thre Seactionn Ose alee Called thoemonncleas Poactions »

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