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1) Discuss what diversity and inclusion means to employees in the workplace.

Diversity and inclusion to employees in the workplace means having a work

environment that accepts different cultures, race, ethnicity, gender preferences, religion,
and the likes and uses these differences to empower the strengths of the organization. The
different perspective and views of each employees could help the business organization
build strategies and techniques for their own success. It disregards the employee’s social
status and where employees are viewed on an equal manner to which they are valued and
supported equally. This way, accepting diversity first, inside the organization, will open
doors to opportunities where the organization can reach out to other branches of society,
or by means, externally. To put it simply, diversity and inclusion to employees in the
workplace means having versatility as an organization.
2) Are diverse identities, ideas and ways of thinking and working values in and organization?
Discuss briefly your answer.
Diverse identities, ideas and ways of thinking and working values in an organization is
important. Because in formulating strategies to network outside the organization,
especially in these trying times, it is important to analyze different perspective, tastes, and
possible choices of people to attract potential clients. It is important in decision making to
know every possible side of the story to come up with a greater solution. Having a work
values in an organization will help the organization stand firm on its own foundation. If the
organization doesn’t have its own values, it may collapse in ruins since the workplace is
open to diversity. Which means, instead of having different ideas from different people
that will help the organization, it may lead to confusion and chaos if beliefs and values of
the organization is not established. Although the organization is open to changes and
diversity, it is important to draw a line where the organization stands distinct from the
employee’s beliefs without negating their point of view or by which still with respect and

3) Submit your brief reflective learning on the readings provided.

With the readings provided, I have learned how diversity plays a major role in the business.
It is given that these days, a lot of changes is happening and will continue to do so as long
as people live. Given the facts that through out the years, people’s preferences, taste, and
choices, are evolving with the influence of the society, whereof, it is important in the
organization to be open and adaptive with changes in order to survive in the economy
where competition is highly increasing. I was also enlightened how different first world
countries and developing countries are rich and successful. The reason behind it is that they
respect and open their borders to different cultures, ethnicity, and races. They acknowledge
that different nationalities have distinct specialty, views, and skills that could help their
economy rise. They use these differences to sustain the wealth of their country and also to
help other neighboring countries to grow as they stay connected with each other. Diversity
gives a lot of advantages as to gathering opportunities. Knowing different opinions and
standpoints could lead to better decision making and planning. Being adaptive and versatile
will help a person, an organization, and a country build a wise problem-solving abilities.

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