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Web Exercises Page 47:

1. Are computers, cellphones, and other electronic devices bad for our health?
In our modern world whereas electronic devices have been particularly
widely used, Computers, cellphones, and other electronic devices has given major
impact to our health not just to our physical health but also to our mental health.
Electronic devices are now part of our daily lives. There may be benefits with the
use of these electronic devices, but there are also disadvantages to it if not
properly used or if we are too much exposed to it. The brightness of the devices
that we are using might affect our eyes. The radiation it produces may also harm
us if we are using the device too much. It may affect human internal part like brain,
nerves, eyes and ears. Too much use of electronic gadgets can lead to addiction
which may affect our mental health. Exposure to the internet from our gadgets
can also influence us with our actions. The main answer to this question really is,
the use of electronic devices is not bad for our health if properly handled or if we
are disciplined enough. It only gets bad when we are using it too much.
2. List some pros and cons of a “paperless environment. Do you believe that a paperless
environment is something worth striving for in the workplace? In the home? In the
classroom? In banking? Run a web search to see what others are doing to implement
this idea.

• Promotes the Environment
• Less printing and postage costs
• Less Clutter
• Saves money
• Saves space
• Speed up applications
• Better communication
• Time Savings
• Easy Accessibility
• Convenience

• Security Risks and Viruses

• Difficulties digitalizing existing documents
• Software maintenance
• Human inaccuracy
• Legal and compliance issue
• Automation
In my opinion, paperless environment is hard to achieve and the use of paper is still essential.
Paperless environment is not applicable everywhere. In our home it is possible to happen since
the use of paper or the need to it is very minimal but in schools and in banking or even in
workplace, I think the use of paper is still essential to ensure the security of information better.
By this, the probability of the accuracy of the information is much higher.
Knowledge in Action page 115:
1. For almost a whole school year now, I am part of a distance learning. Our University uses
CANVAS which is a course management system that supports online learning and
teaching. It allows professors to post grades, information, and assignments online. To be
able to access this application, us students need a computer device or even our phones
and have the application installed. Compared to the face to face classes, this set up makes
us do our activities through online submission and we only get to see each other through
conference meetings. It is harder that it looks like compared to the face to face classes
because for us to effectively use the application and communicate with everyone, we
must first have a stable internet connection.
2. Interactive services that I can envision are much developed Artificial Intelligence Services
of which can be accessed by almost everyone. These days virtual assistants where
invented but not everyone can have access to it like Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant. I
think that in the future, people will be able to invent much cheaper and much accessible
systems like these.
3. With the use of internet, Cellphones have activated virtual assistants which needs
internet connection for it to function. With that you are literally being assisted by a virtual
secretary of which is an Artificial Intelligence that is programmed by the company or
software that your cellphone has. Latest cellphones have also used backup clouds where
you can store your data through online to minimize your storage.

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