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• First Man by Damien Chazelle

• A look at the life of the astronaut, Neil Armstrong, and the legendary space mission
that led him to become the first man to walk on the Moon on July 20, 1969.

• A Biopic on the life of the legendary American Astronaut Neil Armstrong from 1961-
1969, on his journey to becoming the first human to walk the moon. Exploring the
sacrifices and costs on the Nation and Neil himself, during one of the most dangerous
missions in the history of space travel.

• In 1961, NASA test pilot Neil Armstrong is flying the X-15 rocket plane when it
inadvertently bounces off the atmosphere. Although he manages to land the plane in
the Mojave Desert, his colleagues express concern that his recent record of mishaps
is due to distraction and he is grounded. His two-and-a-half year old daughter, Karen,
is undergoing treatment for a brain tumor. Desperate to save her, Armstrong keeps a
detailed log of her symptoms and feverishly tries to find possible treatments, but she
dies soon afterwards. Grief-stricken, Armstrong applies for Project Gemini and is
accepted to NASA Astronaut Group 2. Armstrong, his wife Janet, and their son Rick
move to Houston alongside other astronaut families. Armstrong befriends Elliot See,
another civilian test pilot, and Ed White. As Armstrong begins training, Deke Slayton
impresses upon the new astronauts the importance of the Gemini program, as the
Soviet Union had reached every milestone in the Space Race ahead of the United
States. Armstrong and Janet have a second son, Mark. By 1965, the family has settled
in Houston, and Armstrong awaits selection for a crew. After the Soviets complete
the first extravehicular activity (EVA), Armstrong is informed that he will be the
commander of Gemini 8, with David Scott as the pilot..
• In the aftermath of a crushing family tragedy during the pressing Space Race with the
Soviet Union, the humble and quiet civilian test pilot, Neil Armstrong, is recruited by
the chief of the NASA astronaut office, Deke Slayton, for the ambitious Project
Gemini, in the dawn of 1960s. However, eight long years filled with trials, tragedies,
but also innovations, will pass before Armstrong--as the commander of the Apollo
11--along with the American astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, manage to land on the Moon the
Apollo Lunar Module, Eagle, on July 20, 1969. On the arid and eerie lunar landscape
dusted with powdery regolith, Neil takes the first step on the unknown celestial body,
some 384,400 kilometres away from the Earth. What is it like to be the first man on
the Moon?

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