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Invulnerable effect of industrialization on agricultural Invulnerable effects of industrialization on

industry (van,ish) agricultural industry in (place)

People cannot return to their work due to the Working students that are currently employed
pandemic especially on fast food restaurants by fast food restaurants cannot return due to
the pandemic
(Working students)


The effectiveness of the food delivery companies

such as food panda and grab and etc in developing
economic stability(reiner)

Different number of businesses are closed due to

the pandemic

Public utility service – (jeepney tricycle drivers) Effects of Covid 19 on Public utility operator
affected by the pandemic in (Place)

Public utility service providers such as

tricycle and jeepney drivers are heavily
affected by the pandemic

Tourism jobs are affected (resorts, museum etc.)

loss in tourism jobs due to Covid 19

The trend of online selling and their effects to society

Effects of Hoarding of products and supply

(medical supply)

(food supply) (ish)

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