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How are hotels adapting to changes I how we work, how we travel?

The hospitality industry is a billion-dollar industry. Though during the pandemic, the hotel
business may have been halted. But after the pandemic ended hotels are creating changes to
adapt to people’s preference by creating changes in traditional way of providing service. As the
covid restriction on travel was lifted, hotels were also starting to resume their operation.
After covid hotels have now started to focus on creating thoughtful and private spaces for guest.
Hotels now focused on making their room adaptable space for performing their corporate tasks in
privacy and without disturbance. After covid, people mostly prefer privacy in new places they
travel to. So, to understand the needs of the guest, hotels are making hotel room stand for less
about eating and sleeping and more about moving around and feeling comfortable. Hotels now
also focus on creating workspace for business travelers. Hotels are creating rooms than contains
its own office equipment and printers for corporate guests. Hotels are also opting for rooms with
larger space with well equipped desks allow guest to work on and create a feeling to book their
stay a bit longer.
How has pandemic affected the hotel industry?
The COVID restriction it stopped people to travel due to which travel, and tourism sector were
shut down. Hospitality industry and tourism industry are interrelated to each other, for a hotel to
operate it requires tourist. Due to travel and transportation being on halt hotels also had to go on
the pause during the pandemic. During this time most of staff of this industry were in their
houses without work as hotels were not in operation. Most of the businesses were affected.
Mostly stand-alone restaurant and small-scale business were affected due to the pandemic. The
pandemic lasted for a long period. After long period of time when there were low cases of covid
infection, the travel industry was slowly resuming and following that hotel were also slowly
resuming their operation by following proper guidelines and protocols.
At the beginning there were only few people who
started to travel after the restriction were lifted. The industry was slowly reviving itself. Various
hotels started to adapt to proving serving to guest in new ways. Hotels opted to make its staff
wear gloves and mask/face shield to avoid infecting others. They also started to put up a
sanitation stand and temperature check for the arriving staff and the guest. Hotels started
following contact free service such as allowing the guest to fill up their information through their
own phone by the help of hotels app/website. The pandemic has now made the various sectors to
have a hand sanitizer and other sanitary product. During this time the staff members were needed
to be vaccinated to ensure safe work environment. Guest and visitors were also required to show
their vaccination card before entering the premises during the beginning phase.

Many new restaurant and hotels are slowly coming into operation which are helping to generate
employment. People have also continued to travel to different places for various places. The
condition is slowing coming back to normal state. Now most of restaurant and other hospitality
sectors that were out of business are slowing reviving. Hotels and marketing teams are working
on and doing everything to maximize their revenue that was affected during the pandemic.

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