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Names: Lyneth Ann M.

Rule & Janice Alimano Year & Section: BEED-2B Date: October 13, 2021

Ethical Dilemmas in News Article


"Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines."

What Make This a Matter of Ethics?

Many women in the Philippines are unable to meet the family's ideal dimensions. Unintentional pregnancy is
normal, partly due to a high unmet contraceptive requirement. But abortion in any case is illegal and thus highly
stigmatized; the Philippine government has done its utmost to improve access to contraceptive service. Abortion is
nevertheless popular but sometimes done under unsafe and obsolete circumstances. What this women does regardless
about the religion or any, they are killing a person, murdering them unintentionally or intentionally. This people have
lives. A live that could have been great if they only had given a chance to live more. They don't know that they're slowly
turning themselves as a murderer. Yes this might be legal in some countries but bear in mind that this are also people
that could've the next best thing in earth. What makes it more a matter of ethics is that we have a very high access to
contraceptives but our people tend to not use them for many various reasons. What this targets is our own discipline
towards this thing.

Own ethical judgment on this case

The judgment is pretty simple, policymakers and government agencies shouldn't stop educating the public about
contraception, ensuring a very adequate funding for contraceptives services and eliminating barriers to obtaining
methods, particularly to those rural areas and poor populations. Promote family planning to all married women. Since
there is a law for this which is the Reproductive Health Law, nearly all Filipino women should have access to
reproductive health information and services that help them to plan and care for their families. This is what the
government needs to do in order to lessen abortion. It is inevitable; there will still be abortion elsewhere here in the
Philippines. Reason for that is that it is very easy to hide things like that inside this country. But if the government makes
some effort toward for it then they could lessen it.

Reasons for this judgment

Because people needs to realize that this are humans as well. They are carrying a potential future of this country.
They are carrying a person who has dreams with it. But then they're just going to stop that dreams by killing them while
they're still unborn. Government needs to stop or lessen these happenings inside our country. It's such a shame that this
people could be sometimes rich and they still manage to abort the child. A person needs to realize that when they enter
this situation there is no way out. You as a person need to take that responsibility as an incoming parent of the unborn
child. We should give love and care for that child inside. They really need to get a life. People are so stubborn this day.
This is why we have to make a thing that assures as that that child will be born and not be killed because that's very
unethical and brutal as well.

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