Production of Bacterial Cellulose From Industrial Wastes

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Production of bacterial cellulose from industrial wastes:

a review
Zohaib Hussain . Wasim Sajjad . Taous Khan . Fazli Wahid

Received: 27 June 2018 / Accepted: 1 February 2019

Ó Springer Nature B.V. 2019

Abstract Economic, social and environmental fac- materials for BC production. Recently, various studies
tors have led many industries to find new and attractive have reported the wastes from these industries as a
ways of waste management. Clean biotechnology is an source of various nutrient for the low cost production
integrated platform for the conversion of wastes into of BC. This review is centered on BC production from
valuable and less toxic end products. Bacterial cellu- low cost substrates with a major focus on the wastes
lose (BC) has a long history of its use as an important from agro, food, brewery, sugar industries, lignocel-
biomaterial for various applications. However, the lulosic biorefineries, textile and pulp mills. Moreover,
potential for its industrialization and commercializa- recent research trends and commercial media avail-
tion at large scale is still a challenge due to high able for BC production are also discussed. This review
fermentation cost, low productivity and expensive also discuss briefly the properties and applications of
culture media. To overcome this problem, low-cost BC. This article would likely draw the attention of
substrates and large waste biomass byproducts of researchers towards utilization of industrial wastes as
various industries have been evaluated for BC pro- potential alternate media for the production of BC.
duction. Of these, tons of wastes produced from the
agro, food, brewery and sugar industries, lignocellu-
losic biorefineries, textile and pulp mills are ideal raw

Electronic supplementary material The online version of

this article ( con-
tains supplementary material, which is available to authorized

Z. Hussain  W. Sajjad  F. Wahid (&)

Biotechnology Program, Department of Environmental
Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad
Campus, Abbottabad 22060, Pakistan

T. Khan
Department of Pharmacy, COMSATS University
Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus, Abbottabad 22060,


Graphical abstract

Keywords Bacterial cellulose  Biomaterials  Clean artificial blood vessels, skin, cornea, cartilage and
biotechnology  Industrial wastes  Waste management bone (Moniri et al. 2017). Now the development of
multifunctional nanocomposite materials of BC is
being used in new areas of biomedical research, such
as antimicrobial and antiviral films, scaffolds for tissue
Introduction engineering, cardiovascular system, ophthalmic and
skeletal systems, cartilage and endodontics, wound
Bacterial cellulose (BC) is a natural biomaterial that dressing systems, drug delivery systems and bioengi-
has recently gained attention for superior properties neering (Fu et al. 2013; Shah et al. 2013; Ullah et al.
and nature that allow the desired modifications. It has 2016; Khalid et al. 2017a, b; Naseri-Nosar and Ziora
extensive applications in the field of medicine, phar- 2018). Some of the commercially available BC based
macy, food, chemistry, environment, engineering and products are GengiflexÒ, Prima CelTM, SecurianTM,
fashion (Iguchi et al. 2000; Cacicedo et al. 2016). The MTATM, SuprasorbÒ, XylosÒ BiofillÒ (Abeer et al.
detailed description of recent research trends and 2014; Ludwicka et al. 2017).
patents on BC presenting the trend of annual publi- The major challenges faced for the applications of
cations and the number of patents granted and filed on BC and its up-scale production are high cost of the
BC is given in Figure S1 and Table S1 (supplementary media and low productivity at industrial scale. The
file as ‘‘Research trends and patents.pdf’’). viable possibility to overcome the situation is to
The production and applications of BC have been exploit the renewable carbon sources through biopro-
the subject of numerous reviews (Jozala et al. 2016; cess optimization, thus, minimizing the use of expen-
Reiniati et al. 2017; Lee et al. 2014; Mohite and Patil sive commercial media and low productivity (Jang
2014). The pellicle/sheet produced in static conditions et al. 2017). The conversion of wastes and byproducts
shows an ultrafine structure comprised of ribbons of to BC by the microbes on industrial scale will assist in
30–50 nm width and 4–5 nm thickness of cellulose achieving one of the United Nations sustainable
filaments. BC displays novel physico-chemical prop- development goals ‘‘responsible production and con-
erties, that include high crystallinity, nanofibrous sumption’’ (Akinsemolu 2018; Camere and Karana
network structure, purity, degree of polymerization, 2018). scientists are now using natural/waste
higher water absorption and holding capacity, superior resources along with improved biological synthesis
tensile strength, good biocompatibility, resistance to methods to obtain important products aiming to
chemical and heat shock, lack of toxicity, easy develop ‘‘zero waste’’ society and economy (Mateo
sterilization, selective porosity and renewable proper- and Maicas 2015). Recently, a global campaign to
ties (Klemm et al. 2011; Moon et al. 2011; Klemm develop innovative technologies to transform the
et al. 2005; Nechyporchuk et al. 2016). These wastes from industries into valuable material came
properties of BC have been exploited for many forth. One such approach is the clean-biotechnology
biomedical applications such as manufacturing that makes the use of fermentation to recycle and reuse


tons of low-cost substrates and wastes from various Agrobacterium, Sarcina, Rhizobium and Glucoaceto-
industries (agro, food, brewery) for the production of bacter (Acetobacter) (Ullah et al. 2016; Römling and
BC. The low-cost production will promote industrial- Galperin 2015). Among these, Glucoacetobacter
ization and commercialization of BC, which would xylinum is the most efficient producer of BC (Römling
ultimately provide low cost end product (biomedical and Galperin 2015). In 1886, Adrian J. Brown reported
material) to masses for health care improvement. The the appearance of gelatinous mat during fermentation
scope of this review is to highlight the production of of G. xylinum (Römling and Galperin 2015) that was
BC from low cost substrates, mainly from the wastes initially referred to as vinegar plant and later named as
from industries. The data summarized will add new ‘‘bacterial cellulose’’ (Hestrin and Schramm 1954).
dimensions to the research on biomaterials and would BC possesses inherent physical and mechanical
be beneficial for readers from academia, as well from properties (Fig. 1), superior to plant cellulose (PC). It
agro, food, brewery, biotech and biomedical industry. is pure with the degree of polymerization in the range
of 4000–10,000 anhydroglucose units as compared to
PC that contains hemicellulose, lignin and pectin. It
Properties and applications of bacterial cellulose also possesses higher crystallinity (80–90%), high
water holding capacity (up to 100 times of its own
Microbial cellulose is an extracellular polysaccharide weight), greater mechanical strength (100–160 GPa
produced by various microorganisms including algae, for a single fiber, comparable to steel or Kevlar),
fungi and different bacteria belonging to the genera moldability and thermochemical stability (Klemm

Fig. 1 Inherent properties of bacterial cellulose


et al. 2011; Ullah et al. 2016; Yu et al. 2016; Mohite (826 MPa) and Young’s modulus (65.7 GPa). When
and Patil 2014; Lee 2018) Moreover, BC does not normalized by weight, the specific tensile strength of
trigger harsh inflammatory reactions and adverse the macrofibers is as high as 598 MPa g-1 cm3, which
effects as well as no reproductive or embryo toxic- is stronger than the lightweight steel of 227 MPa g-1
ity and teratogenic effects in animal studies. The cm3 tensile strength (Wang et al. 2017).
primary eye and dermal irritation studies on animal The unique and superior physical and mechanical
model showed that BC was non-irritating. Moreover, properties of BC make it an ideal material for
studies showed that BC is not genotoxic. Furthermore, application in different fields (Fig. 2). BC was clas-
it has longstanding history of human consumption as sified as ‘‘generally recognized as safe’’ (GRAS) by
food. All these properties of BC make it biocompatible the USA Food and Drug Administration in 1992 and
and ideal candidate for biomedical applications (He- thus is suitable for applications in food industry (Park
lenius et al. 2006; Shi et al. 2014; Dourado et al. 2017). et al. 2009). It is used as food additive for thickening,
Several properties of BC have been improved by stabilizing, gelling, suspending and packaging (Shi
surface, chemical, structural modifications and differ- et al. 2014). BC based smart biosensors for pH
ent in situ and ex situ functionalization for higher monitoring during storage of packaged food have also
performance in various applications (Hu et al. 2014; been developed (Pourjavaher et al. 2017). It has been
Ul-Islam et al. 2012; Badshah et al. 2018). Recent applied in environment as biosensors for pollutants
studies reported the production of high performance like H2O2, thiosalicylic acid, 2,20 -dithiodipyridine,
macrofibres of BC by wet-drawing and wet-twisting trace organic chemicals 4-fluorobenzenethiol and
process, which possessed high tensile strength phenylacetic acid and glucose detection (Wei et al.

Fig. 2 Multidisciplinary applications of bacterial cellulose and modified bacterial cellulose


2014). The enzyme immobilization ability of BC has and zinc for the biosynthesis of various metabolites.
been used for the development of enzyme based- Additionally, vitamins and hormones are also required
biosensors. In a study, BC was used as membrane (Pirt 1975). Fermentation media are generally divided
electrode assembly in fuel cell. Moreover, BC was into two categories, chemically defined or synthetic
also employed as solar cell substrate for potential media and undefined or complex media. Chemically
photovoltaic applications and as substrate for micro- defined media consist of chemicals in known concen-
bial cell culture (Wei et al. 2014; Yin et al. 2014; trations while undefined media consist of components
Dugan et al. 2013; Fang et al. 2009; Klemm et al. from natural sources in unknown concentration
2001; Wippermann et al. 2009; Li et al. 2017; Kim (Zhang and Greasham 1999). HS medium is the most
et al. 2013; Schumann et al. 2009). BC has been commonly used chemically defined medium for BC
widely used in skin regenerative medicine and wound production (Hestrin and Schramm 1954). As the cost
care industry due to its inherent wound healing of BC production is an important criterion for the
properties. Due to the plenty of empty spaces in the industrial applications, most of the studies on BC
fibril network of BC, it reinforces drugs and modifiers production have been carried out in media containing
like nanoparticles to enhance its antifungal, antibac- chemicals like sugar (glucose, sucrose, fructose,
terial, tissue regeneration and biocompatible proper- mannitol, and arabitol) as carbon source, complex
ties. Recently, BC-zinc oxide and BC-titanium nitrogen and vitamin sources such as yeast extract and
dioxide nanocomposites showed excellent antibacte- polypeptone. Various media have been proposed for
rial and wound healing activities (Khalid et al. BC production, that include HS-ascorbic acid (HSA)
2017a, b). Similarly, BC matrices and BC-based medium, Hassid-Barker (HB) medium, Yamanaka
capsule shells were prepared for immediate and medium, Zhou’s medium, Son medium, Park medium,
sustained released oral and transdermal drug delivery M1A05P5 medium, super optimal broth with catabo-
applications (Badshah et al. 2017; Ullah et al. 2017). lite repression (SOC) medium, CSL-fructose (CSL-
Similarly, the BC also showed potential as building Fru) medium, fermentation medium (FM), yeast
blocks for applications in aerospace, civil engineering, extract–peptone–dextrose (YPD) medium, acetate
geotextile, electronic areas, construction and protec- buffered medium (AB), modified (MHS) HS media,
tive apparel (Wang et al. 2017). Joseph medium, fructose-corn steep solid solution
BC produced from microbial fermentation pro- (fru-CSS) medium and altered HS (AHS) medium
cesses possesses same physicochemical properties (Keshk 2014; Lestari et al. 2014; Zhou et al. 2007;
irrespective of the type of medium used. Thus, the BC Mohammadkazemi et al. 2015; Son et al. 2003; Park
produced from industrial wastes, discussed in detailed et al. 2003; Cakar et al. 2014; Chandrasekaran et al.
in this review, can be used in several applications as 2017; Chao et al. 2000; Uzyol and Saçan 2017; Kuo
mentioned above. et al. 2017; Costa et al. 2017; Joseph et al. 2003;
Reiniati 2017; De Lima et al. 2018). Jung et al. (2010)
reported molasses–corn steep liquor medium as com-
Commercial media available for bacterial cellulose plex medium for the cost effective BC production
production without supplementation with expensive nutrient
sources. The detailed compositions of these media
Though various commercial media are available for are listed in Table 1. However, the chemical compo-
BC production, but it is important to identify the nents of the aforementioned media are expensive,
suitable media and conditions to attain high produc- therefore the use of these media for BC production at
tivity of fermentation products (Desai et al. 2006). The industrial level is economically unfavorable (Son et al.
media components are manipulated by the microbes in 2003).
several ways either by degradation or polymerization
to synthesize specific metabolites. Nutrient availabil-
ity to the microbe affects the production rate and Industrial wastes for bacterial cellulose production
concentration of the specific metabolites (Atkinson
and Mavituna 1983). Microbes require carbon, hydro- High cost of culture medium and low yield are the
gen, oxygen, nitrogen and minor elements such as iron principal challenges in BC production for industrial

Table 1 Chemically defined medium and their compositions used for bacterial cellulose production
Types of medium Composition

HS Glucose (20 g/L) Yeast extract (5 g/L) Peptone (5 g/L) Na2HPO4 (2.7 g/L) Citric acid (1.115 g/L)
HAS Glucose (20 g/L) Yeast extract (5 g/L) Peptone (5 g/L) Na2HPO4 (2.7 g/L) Citric acid (1.115 g/L) Vitamin-C (5 g/L)
HB Sucrose (100 g/L) Yeast extract (2.5 g/L) (NH4)2SO4 K2HPO4 (5 g/L) MgSO4 (2 g/L) CaSO4 (2.5 g/l)
(8.25 g/L)
Yamnaka Sucrose (50 g/L) Yeast extract (5 g/L) (NH4)2SO4 (5 g/L) KH2PO4 (3 g/L) MgSO47H2O (0.05 g/L)
Zhou Glucose (18 g/L) Sucrose (21 g/L) (NH4)2SO4 (4 g/L) Corn steep KH2PO4 (2 g/L) MgSO47H2O (0.4 g/L)
liquor (20 g/L)
SON** Glucose (15 g/L) Ethanol (6 ml/L) (NH4)2SO4 (2.0 g/L) KH2PO4 (3 g/L) Na2HPO412H2O (3 g/L) MgSO47H2O (0.8 g/L), Nicotinamide
(0.0005 g/
Park Glucose (10 g/L) Yeast extract (7 g/L) Peptone (10 g/L) CH3COOH (1.5 ml/L) Succinic acid (2 g/L)
M1A05P5 Glucose (10 g/L) Yeast extract (10 g/L) Peptone (7 g/L) CH3COOH (1.5 ml/L) Ethanol (1.5 ml/L)
SOC5.5 Glucose (3.6 g/L) LB medium (20 g/L) NaCL (0.5 g/L) KCL (0.18 g/L) MgCl2 (0.95 g/L) MgSO4 (2.5 g/L)
CSL-Fru* Fructose (40 g/L) Corn steep liquor (20 ml/L) (NH4)2SO4 (3.3 g/L) KH2PO4 (1 g/L) MgSO4.7H20 (0.25 g/L) FeSO47H2O (0.0036 g/L) CaCl22H2O
(14.7 mg/L)
FM Glucose) (15 g/L Meat extract (3 g/L) Peptone (5 g/L) NaCl (5 g/L)
YPD Glucose (20 g/L) Yeast extract (5 g/L) Peptone (5 g/L)
GYB Glucose (20 g/L) Yeast extract (5 g/L)
AB Glucose (20–60 g/L) Yeast extract (5 g/L) Peptone (5 g/L) C2H3NaO2 (5.772 g/L) CH3COOH (1.778 g/L)
MHS Glucose (20 g/L) Corn steep liquor (10 g/L) Na2HPO4 (2.7 g/L) Citric acid (1.5 g/L)
Joseph Fructose (20 g/L) Corn steep liquor (80 ml/L) (NH4)2SO4 (3.3 g/L) KH2PO4 (1 g/L) MgSO47H2O (0.25 g/L) Polyacrylamide-coacrylic
acid (10 g/L)
fru-CSS Fructose (20 g/L) Corn steep solid (20 g/L) (NH4)2SO4 (3.3 g/L) KH2PO4 (1 g/L) MgSO47H2O (0.8 g/L) Na3C6H5O72H2O (2.4 g/L) Citric acid
(1.6 g/L)
AHS Glucose (50 g/L) Yeast extract (4 g/L) Ethanol (20 g/L) KH2PO4 (2 g/L) MgSO47H2O (0.73 g/L)

Hestrin and Schramm (HS); HS-ascorbic acid (HAS); Hassid-Barker (HB); super optimal broth with catabolite repression (SOC); CSL-fructose (CSL-Fru); fermentation medium
(FM); yeast extract–peptone–dextrose (YPD), acetate buffered medium (AB); modified-HS (MHS); fructose-corn steep solid solution (fru-CSS); altered HS (AHS); glucose yeast
extract broth (GYB). *CaCl22H2O 14.7 mg, NaMoO42H2O, 2.42 mg, ZnSO47H2O 1.73 mg, MnSO45H2O 1.39 mg, CuSO45H2O, 0.05 mg, inositol 2 mg, nicotinic acid
0.4 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride 0.4 mg, thiamine hydrochloride 0.4 mg, D-pantothenic acid calcium 0.2 mg, riboflavin0.2 mg, p-aminobenzoic acid 0.2 mg, folic acid 0.2 mg
and D-biotin 2 mg. ** Nicotinamide (.00005 g/L), FeSO47H2O (0.005 g/L), H3BO3 (0.003 g/L)

scale applications. In fermentations process, the cost hydrolysates when used as a growth medium yielded
of the medium accounts for 50–65% of the total 15.4 mg/ml BC, which was 60% higher as compared
expenditure. Therefore, the development of a cost- to that obtained from glucose, sucrose and mannitol
effective culture medium to obtain maximum product (Hong et al. 2011). Another study reported 10.6 g/L of
yield is an important consideration in fermentation BC production from enzymatically hydrolyzed (cel-
process (Vazquez et al. 2013; Velásquez-Riaño and lulase, b-glucosidase, xylanase), chemically and ther-
Bojacá 2017). Several efforts have been made to mally pretreated wheat straw, which contained a total
reduce the cost of BC production by utilizing alterna- sugar concentration of 52.12 g/L. BC production of
tive low cost, renewable and easily available nutrient 9.7 g/L was obtained when acid hydrolyzed wheat
sources. In past decade, serious global economic, straw having total sugar concentration of 43 g/L was
environmental and energy issues raised the impor- used as a fermentation medium (Al-Abdallah and
tance of sustainable use of industrial wastes. The Dahman 2013). The coconut and pineapple juices,
advancements in the biotechnological techniques and which are discarded as waste by most of the agro-
clean technology approaches provide platform to industries, are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and trace
scientists and researchers to use renewable natural elements. These juices were evaluated as a medium for
sources like industrial wastes to obtain cellulosic BC production, which resulted in a higher BC
polymeric materials like BC. The utilization of these productivity for coconut juice as compared to pineap-
wastes for BC production will also help in waste ple juice (Kongruang 2008). Rice bark from agricul-
management and environment cleaning and reduce the tural residues were pretreated with enzymatic pool
cost of waste disposal for industries. Based on this (endo-1 ? 4-a-xylanase, endo-1, 3(4)-a-glucanase,
innovative approach, the industrial wastes used for BC a-amylase, subtilisin, polygalacturonase). This enzy-
production can be divided into various categories. matic hydrolysate contained glucose up to 40 g/L and
was evaluated for BC production. The results showed
Agro industrial wastes 1.57 g/L and 2.42 g/L of BC production for aerated
and static conditions, respectively. The Fourier-trans-
The agricultural waste is considered for economic and form infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra of BC
cultural significance all over the world. It is potential produced from waste media displayed characteristic
source for renewable energy due to environmentally peaks of cellulose. Furthermore, the BC network
friendly nature, easy availability, low cost and formed with rice bark as substrate is less crystalline,
sustainability. Agro-industries are producing tons of while the crystal type shifts from cellulose I to
biomass on daily basis and only 10% of it is used as cellulose II under aerated conditions. The physico-
alternative raw materials for industries like biocom- chemical studies showed the cross-linked three-di-
posites, biomedical and automotive component (Dun- mensional networks, microspheres and nanospheres of
gani et al. 2016). The use of agro-biomass for BC the obtained BC (Goelzer et al. 2009). Normally, peel
production will reduce the cost and thus will make it is an inedible portion of fruit and is discarded that
more sustainable, green and marketable. Acetic acid accounts for * 5–40% of the total weight of the fruit.
pre-hydrolysis liquor of agricultural corn stalk was Peels are rich in reducing sugars, vitamins, proteins
utilized as low-cost carbon source for green synthesis and various acids. Keeping in view the nutritional
of BC. The corn stalk hydrolysate contains glucose values, these peels can be utilized as substrate or
(3.87 g/L), xylose (29.61 g/L), mannose (1.84 g/L), feedstock for microbial growth for the production of
furfural (2.95 g/L), lignin (4.01 g/L) and acetic acid various enzymes, biochemical, biofuels and metabo-
(18.73 g/L). From this medium, 2.86 g/L of BC was lites. Several studies reported the bioconversion of
produced under optimized detoxification and pretreat- fruit and vegetable peel wastes into BC. The banana
ment conditions. Structural analysis showed the peel extract in different combination with glucose
diameter of BC fibrils between 20 and 70 nm, while concentration was investigated and the results sug-
the length of BC fibrils was ranged from 300 nm to gested that banana peel can partially replace the
several lm (Cheng et al. 2017). The wheat straw conventional nitrogen and carbon sources for BC
hydrolysates treated with calcium hydroxide con- production (Adnan 2015). Dried orange peel waste
tained 40 mg/ml of total reducing sugar. The obtained generated by juice processing industries with 10%


moisture contents consists of sugars (30–40%), pectin for G. hansenii CGMCC 3917 as carbon and nutrient
(15–25%), cellulose (8–10%) and hemicellulose sources to produce BC. Results showed that BC
(5–7%). To utilize orange peels as a substrate for BC productivity increases 6 times with a thicker BC
production, it was pre-treated with cellulase and membrane upon treatment. Water absorption, holding
pectinase to increase the concentration of fer- and release capacity was also similar to the BC
mentable sugars (60–80 g/L). The results demon- produced from HS medium. The surface characteri-
strated that the BC production was 4.2–6.32 times zation showed that micro-fibrils of the BC membranes
higher using pre-treated orange peel medium than produced were loosely and randomly arranged with
standard (HS) medium. Moreover, structural analysis plenty of spaces (Lin et al. 2014). Grape bagasse, a
showed that BC produced from different wastes residue of wine production, was also evaluated for BC
exhibited thick and denser pack of nanofibrils while production. The characterization studies of the pro-
no significant differences were observed in the FTIR duced BC showed microfibrils of several micrometers
spectra (Kuo et al. 2017). Therefore, it can be length containing rectangular cross-sections with
concluded that cheap, readily available and abundant widths range of 35–70 nm and thicknesses of
agricultural wastes resources all over the world can be 13–24 nm. The presence of cellulose I polymorph
used as cost-effective feedstock for BC production. characteristic peaks were also reported (Vazquez et al.
This approach will simultaneously give environmental 2013). The beverage industrial waste of citrus peel and
and economic benefits. Moreover, it will ease the pomace were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis and
large-scale production and commercialization of BC- then used as a medium for BC production as well. The
based products that will ultimately solve the waste results demonstrated 46.15% higher BC production
disposal problem. The lists of agro-wastes used for BC than HS medium. BC produced from waste medium
production have been summarized in Table 2. showed no significant differences in its microstruc-
ture, characteristics, FTIR peaks, crystallinity index
Brewery and beverages industries wastes and color parameter in relation to BC produced from
HS medium (Fan et al. 2016). The cost-free tons of
The brewery and beverages industries produce large waste produced on daily basis in brewery industry can
volumes of byproducts on daily basis that remains a be used as a whole or as a portion of HS medium for
concern for management in an effort to keep disposal BC production. The use of industrial by-products will
costs low (Fillaudeau et al. 2006). The waste is rich in not only solve the major waste disposal problem of
various nutrients, therefore, these can be subjected to brewery and beverages industry but can also help in
biological treatments for cost effective and efficient the upscale production and commercialization of BC
waste management. Several byproducts of brewery based products.
and beverages industries have been evaluated for
production of BC (Table 3). A huge amount of Sugar industries, pulp mills and lignocellulosic
makgeolli sludge produced in traditional rice wine biorefineries wastes
distilleries are discarded. It was reported that makge-
olli sludge medium acts as a carbon source for the Sugarcane is believed to be one of the best converters
growth of G. xylinus to produce BC. It contains total of solar energy into sugar and biomass. It is a rich
nitrogen (0.81 g/L), glucose (10.24 g/L), organic source of fiber (cellulose), food (sucrose, jaggery and
acids (1.15 g/L), alcohol (0.93% v/v) and metal ions syrups), fodder (green leaves and tops of cane plant,
to support microbial growth. The structural analysis of molasses, bagasse and press mud), fuel and chemicals
BC produced from makgeolli sludge medium showed (molasses, bagasse and alcohol). The main byproducts
fibrous network, characteristic peaks of cellulose and of sugar industry include molasses, bagasse and press
cellulose I polymorphic form (Hyun et al. 2014). mud or press cake. Moreover, the wastes and other
Waste beer yeasts (WBY), generated in tons of amount byproducts (factory and distillery effluents) are also
in brewing industry, are either discarded or fed to generated during the manufacturing of sugar and
animals causing serious environmental problems. represent a high amount of pollution load. Keeping in
After several physical and chemical treatments, view the economic value and nutritive potential of
WBY hydrolysates were used as fermentation medium these biomass, byproducts and wastes; these can be


Table 2 Agro industrial wastes utilized as a feedstock for the production of bacterial cellulose
Agro industrial wastes Additional nutrients Microbe Maximum BC References

Waste as complex medium without any additional nutrients

Citrus peels (lemon, Nil Komagataeibacter hansenii 3.92 BC/100 g Güzel and Akpınar
mandarin, orange and GA2016 peel (2018)
Sugar cane juice and Nil Gluconacetobacter 3.24 g/L Algar et al. (2015)
pineapple residues medellinensis
Discarded waste durian Nil Gluconacetobacter xylinus 2.67 g/L Luo et al. (2017a, b)
shell CH001
Waste as carbon source with additional nutrients
Enzymatic hydrolysate of Other components are Acetobacter xylinus ATCC 8.3 g/L Chen et al. (2013)
wheat straw same as of HS medium 23770
Coffee cherry husk Urea and corn steep Gluconacetobacter hansenii 8.2 g/L Rani and Appaiah
liquor UAC09 (2013)
Juice samples watermelon, Other components are Acetobacter pasteurianus PW1 7.7 g/L Adebayo-Tayo et al.
pineapple and paw paw same as that of HS (2014)
Cashew tree exudates Other components are Komagataeibacter rhaeticus 6.0 g/L Pacheco et al. (2017)
same as of HS medium
Extracted date syrup Other components are Acetobacter xylinum 0416 5.8 g/L Lotfiman et al.
same as of HS medium MARDI (2016)
Pineapple waste medium Other components are Acetobacter pasteurianus PW1 3.9 g/L Adebayo-Tayo et al.
and Pawpaw waste same as of HS medium (2017)
Orange peel fluid and Acetate buffer, peptone Gluconoacetobacter xylinus 3.40 g/L Kuo et al. (2017)
orange peel hydrolysate and yeast extract BCRC 12334
Cheap agricultural product Yeast extract and Acetobacter aceti ATCC 23770 2.12 g/L Hong and Qiu
konjac powder tryptone (2008)
Sago by-product Other components are Beijerinkia fluminensis 0.47 g/L and Voon et al. (2019)
same as of HS medium WAUPM53 and 1.55 g/L for
Gluconacetobacter xylinus reference
0416 (Reference strain) strain
Grape skins aqueous extract, Organic or inorganic Gluconacetobacter sacchari 0.1 g/L Carreira et al. (2011)
cheese whey, crude nitrogen
glycerol and sulfite
pulping liquor
Waste as nitrogen source
Pineapple peel and sugar Glucose, fructose and Gluconacetobacter swingsii 2.8 g/L Castro et al. (2011)
cane juice sucrose
Poor quality apple residues Apple glucose Acetobacter xylinum DSMZ- 8.6 g/L Casarica et al.
in combination with equivalents, glycerol, 2004 (2013)
glycerol ammonium sulfate and
citric acid
Pineapple and watermelon Sucrose, ammonium Komagataeibacter hansenii 125 g/L (on a Kumbhar et al.
peels sulfate and MCM B-967 wet weight (2015)
cycloheximide basis)


Table 3 Brewery/beverages industrial wastes utilized as a feedstock for the production of bacterial cellulose
Brewery/beverages Additional nutrients Microbe Maximum BC References
industrial wastes productivity

Waste as complex medium without any additional nutrients

Distillery effluent Nil Gluconacetobacter 8.5 g/L Jahan et al. (2017)
Waste from beer Nil Gluconacetobacter 8.46 g/L Ha et al. (2008)
fermentation broth hansenii PJK KCTC
Grape pomace/corn Nil Acetobacter xylinum 6.7 g/L Cerrutti et al. (2016)
steep liquor NRRL B-42
Wheat thin stillage and Nil Gluconacetobacter 6.19 g/L Revin et al. (2018)
cheese whey sucrofermentans B-11267
Black strap molasses Nil Gluconoacetobacter 3.05 g/L Khattak et al. (2015a)
and brewery molasses xylinum ATCC 23768
Apple pomace mixed Nil Gluconacetobacter 2.5 g/L Urbina et al. (2017)
with sugar cane medellinensis ID13488
Waste as carbon source with additional nutrients
Grape bagasse Diammonium phosphate and Gluconacetobacter xylinus 8.0 g/L Vazquez et al. (2013)
corn steep liquor NRRL B-42
Thin stillage (TS) TS and HS medium were Gluconacetobacter xylinus 6.26 g/L Wu and Liu (2013)
wastewater mixed with different portions BCRC 12334
to prepare TS-HS medium
Citrus peel and pomace Yeast extract, ethanol and Komagataeibacter xylinus 5.7 g/L Fan et al. (2016)
enzymolysis medium peptone CICC No.10529
Makgeolli sludge filtrate Other components are same as Gluconacetobacter xylinus 1.6 g/L Hyun et al. (2014)
of HS medium ATCCÒ 10788TM

converted into value added products through clean similar water holding capacity as compared to BC
biotechnological approaches (Yadav and Solomon produced from HS medium (mechanical strength
2006; Poddar and Sahu 2017). Several studies reported 74 ± 4.7 MPa) (Tyagi and Suresh 2016). Another
the use of molasses medium as a carbon source for BC study reported the acid and enzymatic hydrolysates of
production. The sugar cane molasses with/without the bagasse as feedstock for production of BC. The
presence of lignosulfonate was used as a carbon source physico-chemical structural analysis (microscopic
in HS medium. The results showed the increased morphology, functional groups, and crystallinity) of
production of BC as compared to HS medium. the BC samples obtained from these hydrolysates
Moreover, the physico-chemical properties of BC showed similar characteristics but had the high water
produced from different media were similar to each holding capacity and low mechanical strength (Qi
other revealing a typical cellulose pattern having et al. 2017). BC obtained from sugarcane molasses
characteristics IR spectra and crystallinity. However, was not genotoxic, cytotoxic or acutely toxic describ-
the viscosity of BC produced from molasses medium ing its potential as promising biomaterial for many
is low as compared to HS medium (Keshk and biological and medical uses (Pinto et al. 2016). Several
Sameshima 2006). The heat treated and heat-H2SO4 other studies describing the utilization of sugar
pretreated molasses were evaluated as sole carbon industries, pulp and lignocellulosic wastes for the
source for BC production. The BC produced form HS production of BC are described in Table 4. Residual
medium and HS-H2SO4 heat pretreated molasses materials of pulp mills and lignocellulosic biorefiner-
media showed similar FTIR and XRD pattern. More- ies consist of large amount of waste fiber sludge, pulp
over, the BC produced form molasses medium has waste and hot water extract. Most of these residual
greater mechanical strength (102 ± 16.8 MPa) and materials consist of cellulose and hemicellulose. Few


Table 4 Sugar Industries, pulp mills and lignocellulosic biorefineries wastes utilized as feedstock for the production of bacterial
Sugar industries, pulp mills Additional nutrients Microbe Maximum BC References
and lignocellulosic productivity
biorefineries wastes

Waste as complex medium without any additional nutrients

Sweet lime pulp waste Nil Komagataeibacter 6.30 g/L Dubey et al. (2018)
europaeus SGP37
Scum of sugarcane jaggery or Nil Gluconoacetobacter 2.51 g/L Khattak et al. (2015a)
gur xylinum ATCC
Hot water extract Nil Acetobacter xylinus 0.15 g/L Kiziltas et al. (2015)
Waste as carbon source with additional nutrients
Waste fiber sludge sulfate Yeast extract and tryptone Gluconacetobacter 11 g/L Cavka et al. (2013)
and sulfite fiber sludges xylinus ATCC
Molasses Corn steep liquor Acetobacter xylinum 5.30 g/L Bae and Shoda (2005)
Sugarcane molasses Mixed with different Komagataeibacter 4.01 g/L Machado et al. (2018)
portions with glucose of rhaeticus
HS medium
Water-soluble fraction from Other components are Acetobacter xylinum High yield Uraki et al. (2002)
pulping waste liquor same as of HS medium ATCC 10245
Sugar cane molasses Amino acids, vitamins, Acetobacter xylinum 223% as compared Premjet et al. (2007)
minerals and ATCC 10245 to 100% in HS
carbohydrates medium

are also rich in sugars, organic acids, vitamins and and distribution among all samples. XRD results
minerals. These wastes can be converted into high- showed characteristic peaks similar to typical crys-
value products that can be commercialized (Alonso talline form of cellulose I (Dubey et al. 2018). The
et al. 2017). Due to complex compositions and biocompatible nature of BC produced from wastes is
structures, these waste products are pretreated using important to advocate its importance in medical
various enzymatic and thermochemical process to applications. The biocompatibility studies of BC
detoxify the inhibitory compounds and to potentially produced from JS medium with skin fibroblast cells
yield hydrolysates with high concentrations of reduc- showed the attachment and growth of fibroblast cells
ing sugars. The sweet lime pulp waste (SLPW) was on BC surface indicating the biocompatible and non-
evaluated as a cost-effective feedstock for the pro- toxic nature of the BC (Khattak et al. 2015a, b). The
duction of BC under static batch and static intermittent utilization of these byproducts or wastes will not only
fed-batch cultivation. The physicochemical properties generate value added biomedical materials but will
of BC produced from SLPW medium were similar to also lower the consumption of non-renewable energy
the BC produced from HS medium. The FTIR spectral and environmental pollution.
profiles of BC showed characteristic bands of cellu-
lose, however, minor shifting and broadening in the Textile mills and other industrial wastes
intensity of the peaks were observed due to structural
changes in BC produced from waste medium. More- The industrialization and increase in world population
over, microstructure of BC consisted of randomly has led increased consumption of textile and fiber, that
oriented cellulose nanofibers with similar fiber size resulted in tons of waste production by textile


Table 5 Textile mills and other industrial wastes utilized as feedstock for the production of bacterial cellulose
Textile mills and other Additional nutrients Microbe Maximum References
industrial wastes BC

Waste as complex medium without any additional nutrients

Crude glycerol, flour-rich Nil Komagataeibacter 13.3 g/L Tsouko et al. (2015)
waste streams and sucrofermentans
sunflower meal DSM 15973
Carob and haricot bean Nil Gluconacetobacter 3.2 g/L Bilgi et al. (2016)
medium xylinus ATCC
Waste yeast biomass Nil Gluconacetobacter 2.9 g/L Luo et al. (2017a, b)
xylinus CH001
Wastewater after pullulan Nil Gluconacetobacter 1.177 g/L Zhao et al. (2018)
polysaccharide xylinum BC-11
Lipid fermentation Nil Gluconacetobacter 0.659 g/L Huang et al. (2016)
wastewater xylinus CH001
Saccharogenic liquid food Nil Acetobacter 0.46 g Moon et al. 2006)
wastes xylinum KJ1 cellulose/
Waste as carbon source with additional nutrients
Waste dyed cotton fabrics Peptone and yeast extract Gluconacetobacter 12.8 g/L Guo et al. (2016)
hydrolysate xylinus
Non-detoxified crude Pineapple and in combination with Gluconaceter 12.31 g/L Soemphol et al. (2018)
glycerol HS medium components xylinus BNKC19
Waste glycerol Carboxymethyl Cellulose Gluconacetobacter 3.4 g/L Kose et al. (2013)
Glycerol from biodiesel Yeast extract, ammonium sulphate, Gluconacetobacter 2.87 g/L Adnan et al. (2015)
industry potassium hydrogen xylinus DSM
orthophosphate and magnesium 46604
Chlorella vulgaris algae Meat extract, peptone, NaCl and Komagataeibacter 1.104 g/L Uzyol and Saçan
based glucose ethanol hansenii DSMZ (2017)
Dry olive mill residue Nitrogen and phosphorus Gluconacetobacter 0.85 g/L Gomes et al. (2013)

industries and consumers. This highlights the demand reducing sugar concentration of 17 g/L. This hydro-
for sustainable textile/fiber waste utilization, recycling lysate was used as growth medium for BC production
and management. Mostly, the natural sources utilized and the results showed 83% higher yield (10.8 g/L)
in fiber/textile industry are rich in cellulosic content and 79% higher tensile strength (0.070 MPa) of BC as
and therefore, the generated wastes can be utilized for compared to, the production by glucose-based HS
producing various value-added products such as BC medium (Hong et al. 2012). Previous studies reported
after detoxification and hydrolysis treatments (Pen- the cellulose-based textile wastes pre-treatment and
supa et al. 2017; Wang 2010). The cotton-based textile dissolution with the 85% concentrated phosphoric
wastes were pre-treated with the ionic liquid 1-allyl- acid, N-methylmorpholine oxide monohydrate, ionic
3-methylimidazolium chloride followed by enzymatic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride and
hydrolysis. This resulted in hydrolysate having NaOH/urea solution. After regeneration of cellulose,


the solids obtained were subjected to enzymatic industrialists, biotechnologists, chemical engineers
hydrolysis (cellulase). The resultant hydrolysate was and environmentalists so that new ideas at lab scale
evaluated as medium for BC production, which can be quickly transformed at industrial scale to
yielded 1.88 g/L for discolored hydrolysate and benefit mankind.
1.59 g/L for colored hydrolysate (Kuo et al. 2010).
The studies describing the use of textile mills wastes Acknowledgments This study was partially supported by the
COMSATS Research Grant Program (CRGP) (Grant No. 16-27/
and wastes from other industries for BC production are
listed in Table 5.
Compliance with ethical standards

Conclusion and future prospects Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no
conflict of interest.

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