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To our distinguished guest speaker, _____________________________ ____________________________the

Schools Division Superintendent of Division of Camiguin, ____________________________, the Division

Supervisor assigned in Banisilan. Sir Ricarido M Quitor, the Principal in charge of our District . The
Honorable mayor______________________. The Honorable Barangay Captain, ________________________, the
municipal, barangay and PTA officials who are with us today, the teaching and nonteaching force
of Guinsiliban National High School headed by School-in-charge Ma’am Germalyn S. NApone,
guest and visitors, fellow completers and to our dear parents….. A BEAUTIFUL AND

On behalf of the completers, it is my pleasure to be standing here to welcome you all to the
Guinsiliban National High School 54th Moving Up Ceremony with the theme: PURSUING DREAMS

We are gathered here today to celebrate the end of our Junior high School education and
the culmination of many years of challenging yet fun-filled learning journey. During the 4 years
we have been together, we learn how to develop our self confidence and how to overcome our
shyness. During this time, we are able to do things that we never thought we could do and even
discovered our hidden talents, Most importantly, GNHS, our beloved Alma Mater, gradually
nurtured us and taught us like skills that we need in order to survive this chaotic world and face
the future without fear.

A million thank you will not be enough to express how grateful I am to all the wonderful
people who have made a significant impact in our lives. But since I have the chance now, T want
to say this to my fellow completers.

Don’t forget the ones who helped you get out to where you are today. We have very special
people in our lives who have supported us, starting with our parents, families, love ones,
teachers, school administrators, coaches, classmates and friends. These are the people who have
helped us and will continue to support us in becoming productive citizens of this country.

Now let us take this moment to reminisce the challenges that we have endured and savor
the victories that came upon our hands. A few minutes from now we will march on this very stage
to receive our junior high school certificate. The proof that we were here and we made it.

My fellow completers, I wish you all good luck for the coming years. May the years to come
be kind to all of us, and may God bless us with wisdom and success. Thank you for listening, once
again, welcome and mabuhay.

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