ETI Part2 Nov 2020

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Pores 2A - Pe Question Bank Som re. | : RR wee Tray Greater ferhres 28 ~ Now Professional Examination Part-II: Technical (E & M) ‘Uf 01— Write ‘TRUE (T)’ OR ‘FALSE (FY for correct answer. i) LS 4 veto sift ve ge ar flaw ete @ | (True/ False). ~~ it) Prafere aracorer wh eH AS GE a aie arene fore GT aT B | (True/ False) F tiga Yes we SIEVE raf Hsieh I 2) (True/ False) F- = iadar 4 Yaete€t Gearst oeran oat aq we Aa Tar 8 | (True/ False) T= 2 v) Ue aex H QU EH fa Bex ava aT @ | (True/ False) T o vijeden er grt 2A or er vie facie aiftataaat a ehh aire @ | (True/ False) TL» = vii) etes eta BY 02 are rut mera wae aera re we ehh (TLR False) equi. viii) 4S RTS ek FUE (Concentrated) aes vfs geaglenge S wo A yeah fees UTaT | (True/ False) F ix St nos BRoore |S oH 03 at aH YR waar aMBY! (True/ False) F x) de oftes amp gfSar wr arafera RT! or S aear H a} oe Z| (True/ False) T xi) Urja Mitra is an initiative of Ministry of Power, Government of India which provides outage Management and notification platform for dissipating the outage information te power distribution consumers across India through SMS/email/push notifications"F xii) As per tariff of Large and Heavy Power (HV-2) a seasonal industry is one that continuous period of operation of at least 4 months but not more than 9 months ir financial year. (KIM Readquarter of a suspended employee can't be changed during suspension period. (HAVIN suspension orders are always issued with retrospective effect (qreeit Hera i). x © 3) Family of a suspended employee can't avail the facility of LTC (Leave Travel Con (RAMA suspended employee is not co-operating in enquiry. His subsistence Allo: be reduced upto 75% by the competent authority. \ ere is no bar in granting time scale to a suspended employee, F ionif ance can ase of DEATH of an employee during suspension period, service can be given toa member of his/her family member under decreased quota. T xix} Live metal clearance and ground cleara cea os Prreerermnaminnss F Scanned with CamScanner On reinstat “ ean eve allowances were allowed to an UPPCL employee for the imposition of a i '€ gound that the disciplinary proceedings ended in the xi) penalty of censure only. “ \s i ae er ion ee ie appoining authority reduced the amount of subsitence and the delay wae dean pepened employee was not co-operating with the enquiry (ip The conpercee a rectly attributable to him, UPPCL emplanee rity refused to pay the subsistence allowances to a suspended : Reeder iS na the charge against him was very grave, Sap hes thorn office orders recovery of GPF advance from the substence allowance y 'e written consent of the suspended employes. Beer = crmiayes under Suspension was acquitted by a court of law on 01-04-2015. The ore 1g him was issued on 10.05.2015 and he joined duty on that day in the oon. The head of office asked him to apply for leave as admissible for the period 01.04.2015 to 10.04.2015 powilwA Govt. Servant died while under suspension before the disciplinary proceedings instituted against him could be concluded. This disciplinary authority decided to treat the period between the date of suspension and the date of death as leave on half-pay. ‘Sewii)!The Govt. Servant who is retired by payment of three monthsf pay and allowances in liew of notice is entited for HRA and CCA for the three months at the rates at which he was drawing these allowances immediately before retirement. Ye xxviii) Service Book should not be shown to he employee concerned as is is a Secret Document. F Seas mucntetn oes somcwoawne eae ry 1H ary 00%) sepernssionlietonersasecanerali sat OR AMANO TEET Yo fee) xxi) Buchholz Relay provides both alarm and t 1g commands. {7 xxxii) Distance Relay are used for protection of transmission lines. . xxiii) P.S.IM. stands for Protection Setting Multiplier. [> - plugset up Melty lute xxxiv) Secondary side CT Current is used for protection and metering purpose. T xxxv) Transfer Bus is used essentially at 33 KV Sub-Station. F xxxvi) Unity Power factor indicates that phase angle between voltage and current is 1/2. F xxxvii)In distribution, line loss in LT system is 390625 times of HVDS. Zorye cteq vce xxviii) Bus Isolator is provided with earthing Switch. F (xxiR)/SUBSistence Allowance (sir fais yan) of a suspended employee can neither be enhanced (+) nor reduced (-). F xl) Any Sort of leave is the right of an employee of UPPCL € xli) Rate of electricity duty for energy used by state government is 5% of rate charge. - 2 xlii) Rate schedule applicable on Metro Rail Corporation is HV-1 = HV a Renbivtey Treeatite Scanned with CamScanner xliii) Minimum contribs of ributi © Scheme. (True/ False) payable @ 12% of pay & D.A. for employee under C.P.F. xiv) Pafeocer Haro—wa og stemrer ae A eer A wales Are Prete ITA Re lv) 1912 Fr pee G (iruey/ False) ! wecic fue & Hanger wa wr are qe BI (True/ False) T xvi) Estimate provided to an applicant for new connection is valid for 3 months as per __ Electricity Supply Code, (True/ False) T~ fia at orreret xvii) Pie & omer ae Y oreo cars A wa “i by oat oT pt afore ara 21 (True/ False) F xWvili) Breakers are used in a Circuit to break the Voltage. (True/ False) T xlix) Sovo Way @reditert feio ¥ RAPDRP etait aft fafeiar a fery CC RB wT MAT fa VTA 2 | (True/ False) Yo, Tet Opitst Feria tae, ot dar Aga of gar 2, } es agmTe oda Hy ora SITAR were ewe fey wt waa # | (True/ False) hor T ust ae eee HY TA (Predecessor) ART MRT Roy TY Tae TH AA GAAATIT (Review) \ GPBIIETE FAST (As an exception) FRE A ath at AT AM vita B sh Gat G remove SAAT dismiss fra UI wear 8) wer YES GOs wea (oepartmental proceeding) YA ~MMAI Al wrsaTel (court's Proceeding/Criminal Proceeding) Gi We-B (simultaneously) Fa Hah 21 Y Mexvieip ata BH vita Sey ae aie (Enquiry officer), sien / AGAMA Te aBraert (Punishing Auithority/Disciplinary Authority) & Se Fk aT aft a waa B1 YEH Ne ii / ya nana rate AL xxviii) When Generation of Energy is more than Supply or Demand, there is possibility of Grid Fallure., ag fered xxi F Cy xl) T xli) Suspension is Punishment. (True/ False) e xlii) Ratio of Line Loss in LT System and that is HVDS is 1:625 (True/ False) of xliii) R arora sramaras aus fey aT Wat B 1Yey xiv) When two wires, whose resistances are R1 and R2 ohms, are connected in parallel the equivalent resistance isR1R2 9 R1+R2 xlvi) Breakers are used in a Circuit to break the Voltage. Scanned with CamScanner xivii), Wh Bite eucoma ESE RSTO TET ng j F \viii) Soft Surfz xviii) faces are better absorbers of sound whreas hard surfaces are better reflector of sound. Y xix) aa dodosay & Rega stator Rw ieee 4 Rive fd or wad #1 YES !)__ Galvanised cleats are used in stubs of EHV lines. T ine losses in LT system are 625 times the losses in HVDS. T tii) May bk liv) Corona losses generally occur in transformers of higher capacity. F (WMP) Removal from Servic 's Minor Punishment wheras Dismissal from Service is Major Punishment. i) There are five (05) members in a purchase Committee. Four members are in favour of the Proposal but one (01) member is against the proposal. Decision has been taken on the basis of majority. No E ae on eScondtrs must nspraneny-—N HEC TERRES oT Wi Earned Leave is Right of an employee and it can’t be refused. lix) UPS is called the brain of acomputer. Ix) Power Factor Should always be more than Diversity Factor in a healthy power system. F Iki) | Noise level isa transformer should always be measured on full load conditions. Ixii) at Wor ool ¥ 02- Fill in the blanks. safe . ¥ afte ter 4 vot org } send fla ofan pe faega Prderor it argafr Bt arava enh 21 ii) 85 Mex PCC Pole (SP-18) 41 Planting Depth ioe WOR S Hraeai we faa Hs . iv) farmby y) ga & ora vert we fed 7a word Maker & free ania Ree aS a-2003 st ART fab B SAT A GAT BL my — vigor—wret & fer agra ahs Here @ IB... -_ vil) wet eat art ghtord ..AOE....... Bratera ¥ sacar ved 8] vii) 33 GoM cmgd HT Vesat wT HM S fed aay a aE Lon Bee HA aay J. Joie Bripy GA on ON” bel Scanned with CamScanner RE ora pS FRE er at RI RT a ts :) chemical used in breather of transformer is Present rate of Electricity Du ity for connections of Irrigation Tubewells and Pump Canals i -% perp — Lav-5 7 ti) ACS (Average Cost of Supply) is ratio of " input energy", ." to "Total di) Name of online Portal for providing electricity connection to Industrial consumers is known as .....M. homilyg ( ree AMT : xiv) Tariff schedule applicable on Athy... M3 "Metro Rail Corporation" va) As per Electricity Supply Code, Supply for contracted load of Sh agp kVA to | 3000 KVA shall be rade at 6/6/11 KV Voltage. Ip wi) Present Rate of Regulatory Surcharge for LMV-1 category is pet bP Jolt wii) The time limit as per Jan Sewa Guarantee Viniyam-2011 for releasing a 1 KW new Connection where distribution lines are available xviii) LMV-7 is a tariff category for .... (za v xix) All Section holder shall close their monthly account of stack on ..:22 month except in March. wx) Bavsy TES ver wa (01 Ura 30 GH ae) A ara ag aa .S feat ar arfSher oracorer salt wre A Gear fear area 2 . of each xxi) Earth wires in Tranmission Lines are basically required for protection against waliveckdightemy shyves, omteb woul Crrle Phere ermcterefss | xxii) Tariff Schedule applicable on “Metro Rail Corporation” is .. xxii xxiv) Freee arena yafterat & fae ar, are Pema or ar, sovo uae fan) arent Pearce, 1965.81 ja she xxv) SoHo H orka wert aad & fase for Pema o ogUR omy mA prlarét at unl & SeET ATA? UL. Govt. Servant (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1999 =” 1 wovi) Rant @ eg ani af Sr aah waked stent sar Y wer qeeers (major Ne xxvii) — (Suspension) @S #1 vavili) xxix) Colour of Silica jel changes to 13 after soaking the moisture. vxxi) ErstWhile U.P.S.E.B. was Constituated on 95-9, and trifurcated on. Ibex Syter RR Lmv-id2 ral Lyy-8- State Tabewedl Scanned with CamScanner roa) ‘eal Dismissal from service is major puniskilEWREhereas removal form service isa minor punishment. Re ws io of Cement, Coarse Sand and Stone ballast in P.C.C. i le Boome, ANG IM RCC. : ; ole at Tie ir etsertation On pen aga pushes Sodry ) Hosiowno + fear A afte AR xowiil) >in) ARIE AAR ¥ any employece Can be removed or dismissed form service without any. crplanation/chargesheet, xI)HVOS(High Voltage Distribution system) #1 JaAT 4 LrSupply 4 Line Losses (390625)1/2 IFT ad eI xl) 33/11 Dodo ors we shea 8q amg ag ae, on Hee TH SA Flay Vor xii) Power Factor can be improved by installing Capcece.|2n... with motor. xl) The depth of grouting for an Electric Pole is. .of it’s Height. xliv) FAME § Azra are. soumnaaan BL Fras Rene Beloptl) Bre gensk eyelet xlv) A device that Converts Chemical Energy into Electrical Energy... A etl] battery a xlvi) KV | u 1_|A.CS.R. conductor used. | Pantha [Zebng | Moose | 2 No. of Steel Strands in the Jord | 7 at Conductors. A. 4-0 va LK, 7 a $3 | t =m | 3 [No. of Aluminium Strands Bo sm] 5 rh | ! in the Conductors. Also a4 | - a eae . write no. of AT Strands in) 4 38)" dds! sea j each layer separately. | 4 |Size of earthwire used. | 7/s0¢ m [2/367 [W369 [ra | 5 No. of Steel Strands in the Earthwire. 6 | Normal/Ruling/Design 1 Span (In Meters) 4 | 7 Minimum Road x-ing span eas {In metres) Joon | 8 | No. of insulator discs in- | 7 eae eee tam mane hoe ery | = Bi re et Scanned with CamScanner Sf ar ae ee (i) Suspension Strings 4 | (ii) Tension Strings lo 9 Towers are generally t— fagde gk ae painted or Galvanised “ 10 | Towers base is rectangular or squared. Sque? 11 | Minimum Ground & a 12.4e Clearance (In metres) &} S90 Md 12 | Minimum Right of way (ROW) in metres. 3 we bw sae. gh #: 03 — Choose the most appropriate answer. i) fet A ots er Aer oth wre HA Gare we fee TATE (a) ts Aa (b) Afs@er HEAT (c) fers Acc (d) FIR Bite HET ha aftent Bre ar afer faa w area fears & He Va A a Ww: — saat Var—gRaar area Var arorw ot Ast aor aA | sae Varga eae BT Fer Sh TPH TAB | area Bar & eraPee wh wfaftcal frarmener Bere wR sift HY GTA TEA | area dar & eer ag A fate sifea vel Ft wrt aaa) Which of the following in not a ‘Punishment’ — |) Censure Entry }) Warning :) Compulsory Retirement 1) Dismissal iv) Per a @ freer orpahta Tae hack TAY ores iat F ? (@) Yeraear dee (b) SSR Bex - fests nar ati ste) ee reas aan fe meres Scanned with CamScanner 9) FSR ORT cya oF 1) Ina Power or Distribution Transformer about 2% end turns are heavily insulated: - a) To withstand the high voltage drop due to line surge produced by shunting capacitance of the end turns. b) To absorb line surge voltage and save the winding of transformer from damage. ¢) To reflect the line surge and save the winding of a transformer from damage. d) Insufficient information {iy Which of the follwing is not a ‘Punishment’: - ‘a) Censure Entry ‘b) Warning ‘c) Compulsory Retirement ‘d) Dismissal vii) Electricity Duty is a revenue of : - (a) UPERC (b) UPPCL/DISCOM (c) Central Government #4 (@) State Government Ye viii) Power factor of industrial loads is generally : - (a) Leading (b) One (c) Lagging a (@) Zero ix) Which distribution system is more reliable :- (@) Radial System (b) Ring Main System ~~ (c) Tree System (d) All are equally reliable 7 | Scanned with CamScanner x) Acircuit is disconnected by isolator when : - (a) Line is energised (b) There is no current in the line Y= (c) Line is on full load (d) Before opening of the circuit breaker of the circuit xi) Which type of extinguishers are predominantly used for electrical fire risks :- (a) Wet chemical (b) Water (c) COz (d) Foam we vi) HATA A OTN ‘OAT rer Shorey’ Pra a a foe wf o A aT S:- (@) 04 Promo we & ata oHitaat & I~ . . (04 Promo TH wi setae } A ag od we hehe wrtaTsh & xiveté tex Pret 9 @ fre oreo 4 ord oe Toa s:- (a) Ure ts (b) fits (c) telex @ ote weit a Scanned with CamScanner wv) Reet Seo A arr yey a oa ae Parent eae org t:- (a) 60 03 Ae (b) 80 04 FTE (c) 60 02 TE 6 \) (@ #4 8 BE AE wa) PRA AS Reoor aegenfhe orae eee wae sear lem Bs (a) *orrera eee (b) S1SHTA BEX ql (:) SSR WT @ lit (i) After casting the foundation in lines, the curing of the foundation should be done for = tin (a) 10 days (b) 07 days (c) 15 days-— (d) 05 days (ii) If over all Diameter of a Conducting Wire is enhanced, its resistance will (a) enhance (b) Reduce (c) Have no affect. (iii) oe emmarenruauanield g (a) H2S04 (b) HNO3 (c) HCL ' (iv) (a) Pin Insulators (b) Disc Insulators (c) Long Rod Insulators - ise Instat Peiyme> we oehoctto fare awh B wotarait ve ary ett & . (a) LMv-1 (b) LMV-4A & 4B (c) LMV-2 (d) LMV-7 (vi) (a) Acids (b) Bases (c)Salts (d) All of these (vii) Breakers are normally operated at (a) Full Load (b) No Load (c) 50% Load Scanned with CamScanner I (viii) A Govt. employee arrested by Police in magistrate/Judge within (a) 48 hours (b) 24 hoursW~ (c) 36 hours (d) 12 hours any offence, must be produced before the xvii) , The Record of Daily Receipts & issue of stock should be kept in one of these Register. (ec) & (f) 2-5 (g) 3S (h) 1-5 xviii) (e) 60 fea (6) 120 fer 2 (g) 90 fea (h) 180 f7. xix) Rate Schedule HV-4 applies to (e) Railway Traction (£) Left Irrigation works (g) Large Irrigation works (h) Non- Industrial Power \ xx) A “Private Hospital”shall be given connection under this tariff category if its load is 50 kW. (e) LMV-2 in (f) LMV- 4(A) uw > Her pv (g) LMv- 4(B) | (b) HV-4 id oriRert fea 4 fat ote or wre we ie 8 aR fa F ha aA w oe afte faery or aftr Gea fort Ra oT RPT zENT OTe aA ST — (e) 03 fea © 07 ee (g) 06 fe (h) 05 fe Scanned with CamScanner xxii) _ The Record of Daily Receipts & issue of stock should be kept in one of these Register. (i) 48 G) 28 (k) 35 () Su xxiii) 2 (i) Capacity and Efficiency is increased 2 (j) Capacity and Efficiency is decreased ‘ (k) Capacity and Efficiency remains unchanged ()) Nothing can be said xxiv) Current ina Circuit Flows : (i) Indirection from high potential to low potential (j) indirection from low potential to high potential 4 (k) In direction of flow of electrons «3e-vn opp eK aaa (J) Inany Direction xxv) On increasing the resistance in a Circuit, the current in it : (i) Decreases -— G) Increases (k) Remains Unchanged (I) Nothing can be said ie o4- Write Full form of the following - Ave vape Ider pies Frey us “4 ely SAIL SysTe ns Lwe flea wihel My oo REC Rurek CUneltpeter Corl? HES Heatll) Caybronmt & Seupedy ae Liquid propulr Sysirus Contre IDAM ec ath ecg vel pry Pre ut yeabt pe — yoalluont. paler} RTU Remele Ui / PLCC frwar Lica Commee. Communion is Scanned with CamScanner sts Sequenen ferygeel colt IDAM Netty he Aceers Mewnptimd AMR PH minehbiat veristrce POM Pitre cirete amartarl ati Or AT &C Loss ABR Aucli fw HVDS Hip, vo ABC a XLPE CABLE Cyois Linleo’ pal IGRS ine. once, efpicsehinl) elec JBC. Teper boult ef In LILO, freee pi) Leip mt ERP. Suttprse ts cur Cbe Plowuluy VAT. Velut Aelelrel Tor ee Boy dulabche Pyle Abbess & a idles ties Ful ESA. FSqrtet Sf tok Au ECS, Efecchoue elec ser vice 7 UPERC. UP. Elbit pte hinn, D.O.E. LOA. Leffe. Authertne ste oo UPERC fib od haste, heguisih : Hb cabG Ae nape SCADA Suber vigerey Cov) AcsR At Cawclunlts seed Aaac ALE Ades , CGRF Cosumn gic vewees ACSR ee ROW J Cl Neti dalhbemic HND Picpace pe : pa VISI Very Longe weqyval ISOC Infvrmuher Se cumtty epacabin Cen ASCII Ayuatan Sfvclocrtl Coole pov iy ENIAC — GUL Gymphicnl View Inliur ect CDAC Coulie fm developrt ot A clyamecd) MDA DoE Pept! > Elec inewmaf! Dept Enevgey FORTRAN KIPS ; EPROM @¥eSable. programmable Oecd HTML Hy pe Tet Morte wp Leng wet Scanned with CamScanner vu Lio. Rech erset Forum Mabie CVT eo ba cK ye.ttage Thont Ate. DRAM Dunancy! vomeom @CCetd Ptr CAL Comat Leasien, Mel PPM fbvits Pew mit beedrs DMP Dynamag raul pec Atyt DWP Bent) c) Krwlle & fom sion, BASIC Rhea, in nrg al owpAe Spmbate Dashwetyin DND Dp my) ettrtiawds ely SRAM Stherlic. Yundon cree ens Mrewnarray POST Pawar yy Self TerP ENIAC Elecite Numuituel Tabédralite dine! Computer PROM Prvgvammale 2 Cm d erly nat yaatey , 4)» GIS Gen Me yiak Vagerrrnets lean | Goa iniulalee EDVAC Beoingin fev ClePrenicy oleacrete vaviedle univac Univertel Automatic. Compote Augwmare A tol Atovnivg iw RCC Rerifveeol Cumerele Comet Comevelr Compe CERC APTEL Appellate Ty rouinat NEF Ni¥ew Glee fittrens we lear flew cent ACP Assured! Cormier Progr ios Iniegreted bn ‘ upay Yigal Dereon PDAs Persad Digctat Ay COBOL Comms Buvsrenr overkel Longneat LTC Leoye Travel Crncergi os ABR Prditiry bran slem Be apc AtANt Bow! ded Ge TDS “Terx cleebre lee 3 tars = Intetlycue Gaphinte aad! Kehaie nea Sy Shen PPO aAdyelasimnet SeAtrat : 0- Write Short notes on the following topics. 1. Differentiate between CTS Prepaid and STS Prepaid Meter. 2. 3. Digital Signature. walled 4. (riterialFOPelassiicationloF foundations in Construction OFEHVINGSOS: yyute Tabs — 5. Laying of Earthmat at a Substation. o7mle Dm oys. Wek hsp —— Scanned with CamScanner 6. Conservation of Energy. i is Punishment. ployee is Removed or sani from Service after Proper enquiry, his rem ive from the date of suspension. po. ——e Ground Clearance are one and the same thing in case of ao perme’ fod) 11. P.A.Rods are used with Earthwire clamps. fed" 12. What'dolyoulmeai by Conductors and Insulators of Electricity? Give three examples 13. 14. Write advantages and disadvantages: 15. The Electricity Bill of a consumer in rural area was made for Rs. 1000. But before issue, it was increased by 5% and then further by 10% due to levy. Surcharge etc. Find the total amount of the bill. 16. UPPCL allows two successive discounts/rebates of 20% and 20% on a Electricity Bill ofa Rs. 5000. Find the amount of payment to be made the consumer after such rebates. 17. (Minimum Ground Clearance for 400 KV lines should be 8860 mm. Y« 20. ww 400 Hodtoyo, 11/0.4%040 Pole mounted substation & Prat a fear fara B faery cer WR arrangement HT Sketch wifey | Fe Fa a We ae Ud Wgae BT UF are GY aHferaT (Table) ay | 21. Paver garone after ay an weer A? afer aH we oh AAT Sorat ar seh ae) 22. afta WHET Tfefaferat (staring form Prelimit joning) ar aia fara B HAR | : 23. worded oer A oer are HART TET arnt Ua Accessories Ht aPTPIT Quantity ot afer FIEy | 24. — Fouridation!¢aeting and its Curing m= 25. Gender Inequlaity (Discrimination) in our Country. 26. Minimisation (Reduction) of line Losses. 27. Losses in Transformers lw 52 fate Scanned with CamScanner 28. Rajiv Gandhi Grami ‘amin Vidyutika: i 29. Leave Travel Concession a 30. Various i : ae type of entries to be recorded in service Book. | 31. arallel operation of transformers. | 32. One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) | 33. Steps t i Ps to be taken for reducing line losses and increasing revenue realisation. | 34. Capacitors Banks 35. Laying of earthmat in Substations 36. Net Metering Tariff. 7. Write name of ACSR Conductors ission li i e Commonly used in transmission lines at various 38. 39. Make a List of various components, including their accessories of transmission lines. 40, The Spans of a section of a transmission line re LL, 2,13, U4 and iS. Write he | 41. inanci 42. What is the Criteria for selection of site for a 2x60 MVA, 132/33 KV Substation. Draw a single line diagram of this Sub-Station showing 1 No. 132 KV incoming, main and transfer bus and 5 nos. 33 Kv outgoing feeders. 43. What is the criteria for selection of site of a 2x10 MVA, 33/11 KV Substation. Draw the single line diagram of this sub-station showing double bus arrangement, bus coupler and 5 nos. 11 KV outgoing feeders. 4. r EHV/UHV transmission lines. Describes ions. oe 45. Com#unding of offences under Electricity Act - 2003 — 138 //3s= Di youl TY ry 46. Saubhagya Yojna Lsrd Uf wrest 3 iM 47. 1912 yor a Syararr ke are) 48. Power Factor Surcharge. - only Ascesmto 126 49. n of worl an ERS C (WHERENT POWERS. Unawtheronged Use y (fab Scanned with CamScanner 50. EE has authorised you for 7 entire process for carrying out me cite of Pale Fencing within your financial powers. Write in detail the rl 51. 52. Your residence and in your office. parley ip . Different ‘Single Point Conn 53, Differentiate between ‘Single Point Connection’ and ‘Multipoint Connection =? on 54, Write objective of UDAY Scheme. — 55. What are tar; 5 ‘get activities under UDAY scheme. t 56, ra , (o Jus arrangement (U@THO0/SOORY Transformer: 23240 MVA Kv Side 57. What is collection efficiency? Write formula of collection efficiency. ~~ ye 58. Can a chief Zonal Engineer (CZE) of DISCOM suspend SDQ/EE Under him? If not, who is empowered to suspended officers officers of this category posted in any Discom? cee 59. What is difference betw 60. The Electricity Bill of a Consumer for the months of 10/15 was Rs. 540. UPPCLincreased | this amount by 5% and then by a further 15% due to tax. Find the total amount which the consumer has to pay now. 61. UPPCL allows two successive discounts ‘of 50% and 50% on a Electricity Bill of Rs. 2400. t Find the amount which the consumer has 10) j 62. missible to a suspended employee and how much? Write | uw to the department: Reduction in time sealesStoRpabe of Annual Increment(s) with Cummulative-effect and Reduction in ti 64. What do you mean by OTS? Describe in detail the mertits and demerits of OTS. 65. Write the names of Consumers covered under LMV-3, LMV-4, LMV-6 and LMV-10. 66. Write in detail the Circumstances under which permanent disconnection (P.D.) of a PTW. of 7.5 H.P. becomes essential. - 67. Make a list of a various Transmission, Transformation and Distribution Losses - Lmv-3 ae yin me and wie Li - WA Geena) OS UB wee Publ Une b- Drelunhtd Comb Loweto ~ Dept Enpla/er Scanned with CamScanner 68. Steps to be taken to enhance revenue realisation 69. | 70. State a laatninteaienata formulae, how does th stance of a wire de| ends, Explain with relevant e resistal 71. Energy Saved is en encanta: by you. We 7 ergy generated: Please elaborate in detail. ___theyare used for 6 hours continuo a tant | | - usly. ‘ Vits 73. Write th . ‘ite the names of minor and major punishments. Also explain in short, how such line punishments are awarded. c Voi? } ” ao! a doubled, (b) radius is doubled? 4. How i i | " How ce the resistance of a wire affected if its (a) length i . What is meant by the efficient use of energy? State two ways to save enerBy: en the following device is most efficient for the lighting purpose and why? (a) Electric Bulb (b) CFL (c) LED (d) Fluorescent tube light. 76. . 2 77. WH AAT Mineral Water Bottling Plant FAfAt ees BY 2750KVA Load AIT BTA Load release BA a timate HATE Rg we aT Pg aoe wore aA Sud weg 44 Hato AAT GW 15041ee 21. Amount Chargeable to Consumer and to UPPCL eT FT rer RL 7 Sra eR ae OT | 50. enere, wpe va wreia/ RET oe Fe wal a et we oa Fee a AE) 80. we wrt fear aT ‘aral @T | ogden tere wes S 82. %O aoe ere Hea ar acsn Panne? UTE aT ATE FG Rw a AR wy 8? GA HT faa & fefte! a es arene a aE Oe PETS oT AR : ah, Preah ae Had 9 Aes At A AH TTT 85. ponerhins Hier COmPUNCGson PLCC) =A -CWED TER) aE TAS? 86. SIT Electricity Charges oa a yfere a Bae B Roh wel pea &? Ec, ED, Regularty surcharge, AC @Af& rere HFA | ae waka Pra vaOyRodto BH Ah arerier AH mae fec~ SO Linv=1 rh 2p finned dye 3 n = Scanned with CamScanner 87. af& omy 34 of Sy 4 28 8 ea we ere ere A # ot EON TH wa g 2? alarA Gratuity Maximum Limit 4 ay 8? HTT et erro 7,000 /— (Pay *Grae Pan) S . ee 88, What is billing effici yoy will? a at is billing efficiency or write formula of billing efficiency. — ne ern of mi ial powers of EEs of isi jbbution winghs for purchase 90. Make a table showing name of materials and their approximate quantities required for construction of a 33 KV line of 20 Kms. length. 91. make a schedule for Tools and Plants (T&Ps) required for erection of above line. 92. Write in detail the entire process of Drying out of Ix10MVA, 33/111 Transformer before putting it into Service. Why is drying out necessary? 93. How will you dry out Ix315MVA, 400/200 KV transformer befo Fe pUTIE : Fund? Are the Services of 94. Who are entitled and required to join Contributory Provident. such employees pensionable? __ No Tyorrooe % FS 95. What is the minimum and maximum limit of subcription/Contribution per month. if fs 4, 96. what is the maximum limit of advances or withdrawls that can be taken form CPF? such advances or withdrawls are réfundable or non-refundable. 97. What would be the Contribution by the Corporation? == 1°/+ *Y Bam tO 98. Write the important entries which are made in the service book of an employee. 99. Make alist of all the Minor and Major Punishments. jy gffmuX Collula eff 100. concept of AT&C losses with formula. -—> the 101, Write all the activities related to construction of 220 KV, 50kms. long transmission line OR 33KV, 25Kms. long line (Starting from Survey to Energisation). 102, Also make a table of all the materials and accessories required in respect of above 220 KV OR 33 KV line. Approximate quantities may also be shown against each items. 403. Write short but explanatory notes on the followings: (j), Short Circuit (ii). Losses in Transformers (iii). Energy Conservation (iv). Gender Equality in our nation (V). Advantages of Capacitor Banks 104. Write the financial Powers of EE (Transmission) and EE (Distribution) for execution of works and purchases of Unrestricted items, Also mention, these powers of EE are DELEGATED POWERS OR INHERENT POWERS. 105. ara —aftcrent & eat cary oR ae eretaTel tO eT 8? : 0¢- Describe the following topics. Scanned with CamScanner Draw single line di system ae une vo 400 Kvr220 KV substation with double main and transfer bus Two number 400 KV ae having following elements : “nNGR Two number 400 KV/o59 or of them has 63 MV AR line reactor with NGR. Two number220KV finey SIT ae a ee bays for both voltage levels. Draw the Line ae of 13" Amendment of Elestrcy SPP ae Transfor ol below mentioned protective relays being used in Interconnecting Transformers (ICT) at Transmission S/S (i) Differential Relay. ii) Restricted Earth Fault Relay. (iii) Over Current and Earth Fault Relay. . LMV-9% Ye 02 odie d ooitaen ger et Te Prater a Le ag 41 Ga 40 KWH (Forty Unit) ar SoA Pra aren By gee Re Atores wae Tsp - Describe concept of AT & C Losses with Formula. (i) Describe in detail the process for cutting of grass on a 33 KV S/S or EHV S/S starting from inviting quotations, making comparative statement and placing Work Order. Aycan ome air dad & aah me Root oe wh eT E.C, E.D, Regulatory Surcharge Wa A.C. charges ie — aert fagT! . Describe the steps of Meter Replacement (CC-12) process to be carried out on RAPDRP Billing System. Briefly describe the steps and process o 9.33/11 Bodo Sub-Station eee TGA SRT TARY | 10. eee arr Pg er Fags & a tw A » aye “ Erection of Pole Mounted Trai insformer. 9 11. Draw a block diagram of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (Smart Metering System) and explain its components. ution of works and purchase of materials. Write separately in each (Distribution) for exec! case. financial powers of ‘central stores purchase committee for work contracts and 13. What are the racts? Write Separately. purchase cont Scanned with CamScanner 1 ois i 4. Write the Desinations of the members of corporate stores purchase committee and MD Purchase committee. 9 Fey 256 commit olen 15.In a purchase commiittee, decisions are taken unanimously or can be taken by majority Votes also. Qh del 16. What measures can be taken to reduce technical loss. fre V7 Aah ote 7 17.Nivesh Mitra, E-Nivaran App and Helpline 1912. 18.Starting from Criterial for Site Selection of a 220/132 KV Substation, describe in detail its Various construction activities including Testing and Commissioning. Draw its single Tine diagram with following arrangements : 1, 220 KV Incoming, 7 01 No. 2. 220/132 KV Transformers : 2x 100MVA 3. Bus Coupler on 132 KV side 4. 220 KV main and Transfer Bus 5. 132 Outgoing Lines 7 03 Nos. 15, Importance of the Computer in Modern era. 16. Rototho (Gita Rae steer ator) BH omg wre we] Eel! 9 17, Name of Registers which are using at Sub-Station. 18. Write Note on UDAY Yojna—> 39. Drawa single line diagram of a 220 KV/132 KV Sub-Station with the following arrangements: (i). 220 KV incoming line: 01 no. ). 132 KV outgoing feeders: 03 nos. 220/132 KV Transformers: 2x40 MVA. {iv). Main and Transfer Bus arrangement with Bus Coupler also. 20. Draw Single line diagram of a 33/11 KV Sub-Station with the following arrangements: (i). 33 KV Incoming feeder: 01 no. (ii). (4x15 MVA+1x10 MVA), 33/11 KV Transformers 11 KV outgoing feeders: 04 nos. (iv). Bus Coupler (v). 1x5 MVA, 33/11 KV Station Transformer 21, yw area ar wg Peder Rafe fifteen & 2 Pear PaeaeL ged 3 22. Section-3 ve Section:5.29 af fr feta # ae Pra we Ah meh 2 Fee fea Re ool 23. What are advantages and dis-advantages of One Time Settlement Scheme (O.T.S) ? 24, Write in detail the|entire process of laying Earth mat at any Sub-Station. 25. S,D.0 (Transmission and Distribution) # Work order and paper order & fava stare (Financial Powers ewe Fee i Ps yee Scanned with CamScanner

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