Loadicater Program

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2202022 (11) Dualog® Connection Suite™ Webmail: INBOX Fwd: On-Board Loadicator & Damage Stability Booklet From DiMatteo 2* Date 2022-02-02 10:51 Dear Sir, Good day, ‘Thanks & Best Regards, Capt. Abhishek Sinha Master of M.T.DI MATTEO Ship's Time : UTC + 8.0 Hrs TEL: +870 773 281 347 (Bridge / Master Day Room) \V-SAT TEL: +65 31657115 (Bridge / Master Day Room) \V-SAT TEL: +65 31657116 (Bridge / At Port - CCR /Ship's Office) FAX: +870 783 904 746 INM-C TLX: 435 756 310 E-mail :dimatteo@ishimafleet.com (Max attachment size: 3 MB) **IMPORTANT: Please be informed that the ship's E-mail system is not on-line, In case you are sending an urgent. message requiring prompt reply, please call the ship by phone or send a Telex requesting an exchange of E-Mail.** Original Message Subject:On-Board Loadicator & Damage Stability Booklet From:Parag Patil To:lshima - Ishimafleet Ce:Ishima - Marine , Ishima - TechFleetA , Ishima - TechFleetB , ‘Supriya Sutar Good Day Masters(in Bcc), Recently on board one of our managed vessels, we have received a deficiency regarding Stability Instrument (Loadicator), during PSC inspection as follows: Deficiency : Master instructed that the loading instrument is not as required as it does not evaluate sufficient applicable cases of damage, only limited damages to starboard side and ship's bottom. Effects of port side damage as well as sufficient cases of one and two compartment side damage Port and stbd and of bottom damage should be evaluated in a revised loading instrument by 224 April 2022 In view of the deficiency, we intend to perform a fleet wide check on the Loading Instruments / Documents available on board, so that we are apprised & do not face a similar situation in future. Kindly be guided that the Stability Instrument requirements, are governed by following regulations hito1/10.1401.30/ShipiSorvices Webmail? task=mal&_ mbox:INBOX8_page=3 1 2202022 (11) Dualog® Connection Suite™ Webmail: INBOX Oil Tankers - MARPOL Annex 1 Reg 28.6 (Mentioned in OPP Supplement) Bulk Carriers - SOLAS chapter XI, regulation 11 Oil/Chem Tankers - IBC Code 2.2.6 (Mentioned in the ICOF) Onboard vessels, adequate documentation should be available to conform with the regulatory requirements as mentioned above. Following certificates / documents are required to be present on board: 1. Class Certificate for the Loadicator: Issued by the class and gives the details of the Loadicator software as well as the hardware on which it is installed, including the details of the make, model and serial number of the computer. The Master and Chief Officer must ensure that the approved loading computer's details match with the details in this certificate, 2, Class approved Loadicator Manual: User manual of the Loadicator which is from the maker of the Loadicator software. A class approved copy of the user manual should be onboard. If there is a class change , it is important to ensure that approval stamp of the current classification society is endorsed on the manual. 3. Class approved Loadicator test conditions: In the form of a booklet “Test conditions for loadicator" with class stamp. Provided during yard delivery of the vessel or after the loadicator is installed for the first time and approved by the class. ‘Tests to be performed on the Stability Instrument / Loadicator: Testing OnBoard by Ship Staff: The Loadicator is required to be tested monthly by ship staff for its accuracy. The test procedure includes choosing a condition from the approved test conditions, entering the exact same data in the Loadicator and comparing the results with the approved test conditions. Data need to be manually entered and not opened from a pre-saved file, Annual testing of Loadicator in presence of Class: During annual class surveys, the Loadicator needs to be tested for its accuracy in presence of a class surveyor. The class surveyor would stamp the test con and same has to be retained on board, Upon receipt of this message, please check on following and revert All the required documents available on board including the Damage Stability Booklet ? 2. Does the Loadicator include all the damaged conditions / cases as described in the Damaged Stability Booklet ? 3. 1s On Demand damage stability available in the software ? (Additional feature where the damaged compartments can be pre-decided and damage stability can be ascertained) ? 4, SERS / RRDA provided by Class available ? 5. Loadicator testing is carried out as per PMS requirements ‘When replying for above message, please include the extract from Damage Stability Booklet, of the damaged cases given in the booklet with location of damage. Would request a reply by 10-Feb-22 ‘Thanks and Best Regards, Capt. Parag Patil Marine Superintendent Email:patil p@ishimas! Dept Email: marine@ishimaship.com P:+65 69925043 M: +91 7506948125 \We form you that we proces your person itn componce with the Geer Data Protection Region no, 67/2016 (GDPR), For more ifematon pose sles Tank you hps10.140.1.20/Ship/Senices Webmail? task=mall&_mbox=INBOX&_pago=3 218 2202022 (11) Duslog® Connection Suite™ Webmail hntp10.140.1.90/Ship/Senvicesebmail?_task=mail&_mbox-INBOX8,_ page: InBox a8

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