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My Concept of GOD...................................................................................................2 I. Who may read this...................................................................................................2 II. Perception Vs. Reality ............................................................................................2 III. Limits of Knowledge ..............................................................................................3 IV. The truth we believe most.....................................................................................4 V. God ........................................................................................................................5 A. What is the harm if we have God........................................................................5 B. What if there was no God....................................................................................5 VI. Message from God.................................................................................................7 VII. Islam / Quran / Muhammad .................................................................................8 VIII. Numerology of Holy Quran. Its a miracle & not a simple Numerology.............10 IX. Matrix.................................................................................................................. 14 X. 6th Day.................................................................................................................15 XI. Surrogates...........................................................................................................17 XII. Forgotten............................................................................................................ 18

My Concept of GOD I. Who may read this

1. I, naively, classify people into four classes depending on the origin and status of their Faith : a. People who made all honest efforts to discover the truth and are successful b. People who made all honest efforts to discover the truth but failed c. People who were born as believer and did not make an honest and comprehensive attempt to rediscover the truth. d. People who were born as non-believer and never made an honest and comprehensive attempt to rediscover the truth. 2. I respect the first two classes with sympathy for the 2nd class and this article is for those who fall in the first two categories. This article is not meant to teach anyone anything. In my quest for truth, I am just thinking aloud hoping that someone from the first two classes would either confirm or correct my understanding. I also hope that this article might inspire some people from the last two classes to upgrade themselves to any of the first two classes. But let me apologize at the very outset that if one is not in the first two classes, one would find this article extremely boring. This article is for those who have the honesty, courage and intellect to challenge their own / inherited Faith.


Perception Vs. Reality

3. Quite often we use the word Real. But what is Real? Reality is nothing but our perception. Things happen around us and we use our senses to make sense out of those happenings. Our senses tell us what is happening and that is what we call Real. But it is possible that our senses can read wrongly and give us wrong perceptions or may not read something at all. There are plenty of examples that every one of us has experienced when our senses give us wrong signal and later we laugh at ourselves. One simple example is people who are color blind. Also let us think how does a born-blind person perceive or realize the world. What is the meaning of reality to him? Again, we cannot hear sounds that are of less than 20 Hz or of more than 20 KHz. But the Reality is there are lots of other sounds that we do not hear. There are smells that we cannot smell and so on. Luckily most of us realize in the same manner. 4. So, we, mankind need to get rid of the vanity that for a thing or concept to exist, we must be able to perceive it. Our perception is guided by our experience. We cannot think of a color which we have not seen. We cannot think of a thing that we have not seen or told about. When we perceive a thing we try to create a mental picture. Even if we talk about wind, we immediately relate it to some waving flag or a branch of tree etc. There can be things/existence that we may not be able to perceive. We can be aware of things/existence but we

may not be able to comprehend their characteristics at all. For example, we perceive our soul but we do not understand it at all. 5. We dream and when we wake up, we realize how meaningless and impossible those dreams are. But let us just try to recall our feelings when we were dreaming! The events in the dream seem so Real and Natural. 6. There are quite a few movies which explains the dilemma of perception and reality e.g. Matrix (starring Keanu Reeves), Sixth Day (starring Arnold Schwarzenegger), Surrogates (starring Bruce Willis), Forgotten (starring Julianne Moore) etc. These movies are based on these dilemma and they present the theme very convincingly. One may consider watching those to be able to understand this dilemma more clearly (the plots of these movies are already included here, you just need to click on the links (blue letters)). And finally, you can always refer to the concept and experience of virtual reality.

III. Limits of Knowledge

7. Science (from Latin: scientia meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge gathered through observation in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world. The problem is we cannot observe everything, even with instruments. Therefore our knowledge base may not have addressed or can address every phenomenon or entity of our surround. 8. God or nature or some phenomenon, who is responsible for creation of this universe has set some rules according to which the universe is happening and mankind, by observation and experiments, have gathered a body of knowledge about these rules this is what actually the science is. These rules and therefore science cannot be constant beyond the wish of the one responsible for the creation of these rules. Today we know that we need Oxygen at certain proportion in the air to survive. Tomorrow, if we find that the air on earth is actually composed of 78% Carbon-di-Oxide instead of Oxygen and we had been leaving on that since the beginning, what can we do to protect the integrity of our knowledge? Nothing! 9. For quite some time, Stephen Hawking has been looking for a unified theory which would combine Einsteins both Theory of Relativity and Uncertainty Principle with the expectation that such a theory would unfold all mysteries of our surrounding which we call universe. He, surely, is talking about the universe which we can observe with our naked senses or instruments. But will that theory be able to explain things/phenomenon that we cannot observe or we are not aware of? I am afraid, while it might not be impossible to develop such a unified theory, a whole universe of mystery which involves our spiritual self and other entity/phenomenon, might still be left unattended to! With all these, we, mankind of current days, are knowledgeable enough to know and understand that we even do not know what tiny fragment of the entire knowledge gamut we have discovered so far and whatever little we know, we do

not know with certainty. Until the time of Galilio or Copernicus, we used to know that every celestial body used to travel along their own orbits around the earth. And now we know how wrong we were! We have been searching for the smallest unit of matters and we have made huge progress but can we tell with certainty how far we have traveled? So many times we found ourselves wrong that we can now tell one thing with certainty that we can never be certain about anything that we think we know. 10.The speed at which we are acquiring knowledge is ever increasing. We probably have learnt more in last 100 years than what we have learnt in the last 10,000 years and we are gaining more speed. But should that make us complacent enough to think that we can sooner or later turn the last stone! Say, you have Tk. 1,000 and you are paying 10 beggars Tk. 0 each in every 1 hour. When will you finish up all your money?! If you increase the speed of paying and keep paying 10,000 beggars Tk. 0 each in every hour, will you finish up earlier!? Our target of acquiring the last bit of knowledge seems equally unachievable to me, no matter how much more speed we achieve in acquiring knowledge. 11.This takes us to a new Uncertainty Principle (apart from Einsteins Uncertainty Principle). We should realize that we are nowhere near being certain about Reality. Even your reading this article could be a dream or something Unreal.

IV. The truth we believe most

12.If one is asked what is that one believes most, one may have different answers. The most common answers are : a. God b. Death c. Never thought of 13.The answer 3 is definitely an honest answer. The answer number one is honest only if someone is in Class 1 (in my opinion of course!) that we already talked about. Unfortunately, only a few are in that group. So most of us are actually faking when we say that we believe in God most. The second answer does not make much sense because there are so many other things in our life like death. 14.But everyone actually believes one thing more than anything else i.e. ones own existence. By existence, I do not mean physical existence but the spiritual existence. Given the uncertainty principle, our bodies may not exist in reality but our souls definitely exist. We are so sure of our existence, that we even do not consider this (our existence) to be the answer to the question. All answers to this question presuppose that answerers soul exists. Unless this is true, nothings else is true. We exist, and then only we can think of our creator or death or birth or anything else. It is not actually a matter of belief but feeling. We all can feel that we exist. Sometimes, we may not have the feeling of our

bodies (e.g. when we are applied with anesthesia) but even at that time we can feel our souls. 15.But the funny thing is that we have no idea about the thing we believe most, about the thing we feel so certainly. We measure our universe in 4 dimensions : length, breadth, height and time. But we cannot apply any of these dimensions on our souls. We cannot describe any characteristic of our soul. And we cannot prove our soul. Yet we are so sure of it. That again brings us back to the point that for a thing/entity/concept to exist it does not have to explain itself to us or we dont have to be able to understand it.


A. What is the harm if we have God

16.What is the harm if we have God? We have to pray to him, beg to him and then abide by some definite code of conducts so that there would be social and economic justice and nobodys rights are breached. Is any of the above harmful in any manner?


What if there was no God

17.Now, let us look at it from a different perspective: if there was no God what would happen? If God was not there, would there be any after-life? If there was no after-life, how would we address the injustice and inequalities that we experience in this life? We would be born to parents by natural random selection; some of us would live our lives in luxury and some in misery. Most of us would find that End justifies the means to be a better approach. Why would somebody be guided by ethics? Well there would some people who would still think about ethics. But most of the law abiding intelligent people would become criminals as they would think that they could avoid accountability of their actions? It would hardly take any time for complete morale degradation of human race. The temptation that we could go away even after committing the most heinous crime would turn most of the human being into beasts. Would not success mean only more consumption? Would we bother for somebody elses right or share of this earth? We already know how our social and legal system works and it does not take an IQ level of more than 60 to bend the whole system. It is too nave and too insecure to depend on the individuals ethical values to keep the integrity of the social and legal system intact. Would not our lives become as meaningless as that of a leaf or a cow? Would we be comfortable with the thought that we are just a purposeless phenomenon of this lifeless nature which itself does not have a meaning or purpose? Would we be contented with the idea that our rights are protected by our legal systems and even if we were killed meaninglessly, would it mean something to the dead to have the killer punished? Would the legal system mean anything? It does not simply make sense that there is no after-life and we cease to exist as soon as we die. And why would there be an after-life if there is none to watch us and set things straight? Human does not make sense if there was no after-life where all injustice would be addressed to and who but not God would address these

injustices? Not having God simply does not feel right. Had there really been no God, mankind had to make one in order to keep the mankind civilized. 18.Isnt it a sheer denial of our basic instincts to think that we are just biodegradable biological beings born without any purpose? How boring it is to think that we are finished once we are dead and there would be no consequences or rewards for our actions? And if there was no after-life why do I have to continue living if I am not as fortunate as OBAMA or TRUMP is? Why should I not bribe the entire legal and law enforcing system to avoid any discomfort here and do the most heinous crimes to secure most fun for me depriving others? We do not mind slaughtering a cow, why would it be different to kill a person to secure some extra for me? 19.Rather it is more comforting to believe that we are created with a purpose to serve the creator and then serve our pleasures in a just and equitable manner. Such a belief brings motivation to live, work with a certain motivation and then die to be born again for eternity. This belief keeps our lives meaningful. We have our basic instinctive value system which would be strengthened by the expected accountability to a all power-full all knowing entity and this inspiration keeps most of the daring people on track and give inspiration to live a life on earth even in the face of all kinds of injustice. 20.We can call the creation of our physical universe a Natural phenomenon or whatever else we are comfortable with we can call it a lifeless event. But without understanding life or soul, it would be hypocrisy to say that life is created out of that Natural lifeless process. The creation of our soul is something that we have no knowledge about. But that is where the truth ( the concept of God/Allah/ Vagawan) resides. If my soul can exist without any explanation I understand, the creator of our souls can and must also exist without any reference to my understanding. And just like our souls, we are supposed to have no idea about the characteristic of God. In fact all the characteristics that we use are dimensions to describe or measure things that we understand. Our soul does not fit into those dimensions and neither should the God (if exists). Many people may describe the creation of universe in many ways giving various physical reasoning like Big Bang and so on. I appreciate those explanations which are significant progress towards solving the mystery of the creation of our physical universe. But none of these explain anything about the creation of life/soul. Life is not simply chemistry or some electronic signals processed by our brains as Reality. A particular chemical reaction may create something to host life but life is created somewhere else and not by some lifeless entity or phenomenon. We may define God as the reason for existence of life. Whoever, whatever, has created the soul is God. Since we cannot say anything about souls, God has to be above or beyond our imagination or perception; not measurable on any scale or dimension (qualitative or physical). By definition, anything who appears to be the creator of our life but is within the periphery of our perception is not God. God will then be the creator of this apparent god. 21.Since we cannot perceive anything about God, any further discussion about Gods characteristic is useless. We just need to decide whether there is a God or

not. Our existence and the above definition confirm God. I am as certain about God/Allah/Bhagawan as I am of my existence (soul). I feel God/Allah/Bhagawan as much as I feel myself (my soul).

VI. Message from God

22.Now that we feel that there is God, would there be any message from God to mankind? Yes, there should be. Unless HE tells us in some manner about right and wrong, does and donts, the rules, what is the meaning of our lives? And we need a Satan too to make things interesting (just imagine how meaningless it would be not to have a Satan). The message can come to us in many forms : (1) through our instinct the way we support the heroes in movies (2) through dream (3) through sudden realization why did the apple fall DOWN? or (4) through messengers like prophets and (5) other means that we cannot conceive. Of these, the first three methods may be in use but if these methods are applied directly with all common people, the drama will be lost. For common people, there have to some mystery in the process so that it is not obvious that it is coming from God Himself. This mystery would require common people to apply their minds to realize the concept of God and His Messages. Unless it is so, it would be obvious and boring it would be as boring a question paper is with its answer sheet attached along-with it? So the fourth option is most suitable means for us to receive Gods message; this also comes with practical examples and leadership to avoid chaos and confusion. Such messengers need to be sent to every nation and after an interval to the same nation by which time the message of the immediate past messenger is completely distorted. The messages should probably announce the supremacy and uniqueness of GOD and our rights and responsibilities to GOD and his creation. 23.Lets sum up this discussion so far : a. Reality is nothing but our perception b. We have acquired only an unknown (probably molecular) fraction of the entire gamut of knowledge c. Not having God is not good for mankind and having God does not harm us in any manner d. the biggest truth we are sure of is our soul e. since our soul, something beyond the limits of our physical universe, exist, there must be a creator who created the creator of our souls and let us call him Allah/God/Bhagawan f. there is after-life to make Gods existence and our lives meaningful g. it is more meaningful to have message from God and messengers to convey and explain the messages. The discussion so far is universally applicable for all religions that believe in God and in messengers.

VII. Islam / Quran / Muhammad

24.Now let us talk about a specific religion that is Islam. I will explain later why I have chosen Islam to be talked about. For Islam to be true, it needs either Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) to be true or Quran to be true. And if either one of them is true, the other is true. 25.There can be two circumstances only : (1) Muhammad was a true prophet end of all debates; (2) Muhammad was a fraud. Now let us see if the second hypothesis makes sense or not. Muhammad must have lied for a purpose of own good! 26.What good! He spent all his youth in a cave on the top of a distant hill to strategize to fool people! He could have reasonable amount of wealth and power to fulfill his life so easily if only he would give up his false preaching. Instead he spent 15 years in that boring cave, another 13 years being tortured in all possible ways in his home town and then last 10 years in self-exile in Madina haunted by battles after battles, mostly in self defence. Only thing he got in this earth is prayers after his death. What would a fraud, who has to create a GOD of his own, do with those prayers after his death! This hypothesis simply does not sound logical. If he was a fraud, he would try to get as much as possible in his life-time. Instead of spending time in the caves and spending the rest of his life being tortured or being haunted by battles and wars, he would spend time in gambling and drinking and womanizing. After all, that is all that we want in our life and those who believe in after-life, want in after-life. And if he was not faking for his own good but for the good of the rest of the mankind, then who is a better candidate for the post of a prophet?! God is already there and HE wants to appoint a Prophet! If God was planning to or already sending messenger, why not make Muhammad a messenger?! Believing Muhammad to be a messenger of Allah does not make any other proclaimed messengers redundant or controversial. Because Muhammad (so cleverly if he was a fraud) certified all the previous proclaimed messengers. A prophet must be someone who made a huge impact on peoples live. He just cant be lost in history. And interestingly, there is no recognized claim of being the messenger of Allah after him, just as he prophesied. If GOD is there, we are supposed to have messengers after regular intervals unless HE has confirmed through HIS messengers that he would stop sending messengers. If Muhammad was fake, then he was the best strategist in human history but if he was such a strategist, why would he live so foolishly (!) unless he believed in after-life and if he believed in after-life, how could he be fraud. If Muhammad was not a prophet, then GOD does not exist. Because if Muhammad was not a prophet, GOD would send a messenger who would tell us that Muhammad was fake. And since GOD is very much there, Muhammad is nothing but true! And therefore Quran and Islam are true! 27.There are quite a few other indications that Quran is true and hence Muhammad and Islam are too. (I am using the word indications instead of scientific proof on purpose. We the Muslims are culturally away from Science. Hence we are mostly confused and afraid of it. We subconsciously believe science more than we believe Quran and hence we look for scientific proofs of

Quran. To me, science is not constant or stable enough that I would base Quran on science.)

VIII. Numerology of Holy Quran. Its a miracle & not a simple Numerology.
There are many irrefutable evidences provided by Muslim scholars about Quranic verses on rules of nature which were discovered by mankind long after the introduction of Quran! I am not referring to those those will require one to study. The above was just on the basis of simple logic which does not require one to research or study. The foregoing is one simple example of research-based proof of Quran. Professor Dr. Syed Akbar Abbas Naqvi being a numerologist and a commentator of Quran with the miraculous holy knowledge have provided a lot in this relation in his holy book for the Numerical number 19. Muslims, Christians and Jews have not only failed to understand the difference between numerology and mathematics but they also unable to understand that what God called One of the great ( Numerical Miracle / News ) Quran 74:35. The miracle of the holy Quran is based on pure mathematical factors and as well as on the numbers / letters in the Quran. There is no claim of any occult significance of any number or letters before Professor Dr. Syed Akbar Abbas Naqvi briefly on the significance of number 19 explained by God Almighty at Quran 74:30. The miracle of the Quran is a phenomenal mathematical relationship of the chapters, verses, words and the numbers in the holy Quran. For example the Quran has 114 chapters (19X6), The first verse 1:1 known as Bismallah consists of 19 letters. The total number of verses in the Quran is 6346, or 19 x 334.The Bismallah occurs in the Quran 114 times (19 x 6), despite its conspicuous absence from Chapter 9. The famous first revelation ( 96:1-5 ) consists of 19 words. This 19-worded first revelation consists of 76 letters, & 76 = 19 x 4. The word ALLAH occurs throughout the Quran in its 114 Chapters 2698 times and 2698= 19 x 142. The number of verses where the word Allah occurs add up to 118123 also a multiple of 19, = 19 x 6217 and so on for hundreds of similar mathematical findings are available in a miraculous book written by Professor Dr. Syed Akbar Abbas Naqvi. We have submitted few refrences out of his great book about holy sign 19 Book of numerical wisdom for our website readers as under: All the holy discoveries are consistent with Gods submission in holy Quran at 74 : 29 -30. Any sincere person can see, there is no occult significance or hidden values but straight forward mathematics of the holy Quran. Those who calls it other than numerology, are in great ignorance and their deliberate attempt to cover up their inability to understand or purposely denying the holy truth. The Numeric Value for Allaho Akbar is disclosed as 289 ( 19 ) which is as under : { Alf + Lam + Lam + Ha + Alf + Kaf + Ba + Ray }. 1 + 30 + 30 + 5 + 1 + 20 + 2 + 200 = 289. Thus, reducing the value of 289, it will be as 2+8+9 = 19.

In the same way now you will find that the word Bra Ellohim of Hebrew equal to Allah o Akbar also have the same value 289 [ 19 ] displayed for you as under : { Ba + Ray + Alf, Alf + Lam + Ha + Yei + Mim}. 2 + 200 + 1 + 1 + 30 + 5 + 10 + 40 = 289. Thus, reducing the value of 289, it will be as 2+8+9 = 19. Amazingly, it has the same value 289 again, even the different alphabets were used in it, which were different than the Arabic word Allaho Akbar. Likewise, you will again find the same numeric value for the Holy name AL : Raheem = 289 [ 19 ] please see : { Alf + Lam + Ray + Hey + Yei + Mim } 1 + 30 + 200 + 8 + 10 + 40 = 289. Thus, reducing the value of 289, it will be as 2+8+9 = 19. Likewise, once again you will increase in your Iman, to know that the Arabic word AL : Anwar / The Lights again have been discovered for you, exactly having the same numeric value 289 [ 19 ] equal to Al Raheem. See as under : { Alf + Lam + Alf + Nun + Wao + Alf + Rey } 1 + 30 + 1 + 50 + 6 + 1 + 200 = 289. Thus, reducing the value of 289, it will be as 2+8+9 = 19. Now you will agree with me that the Holy discoveries of 289 [ 19 ] is also very important in the Heaven. Even before the day of Creation, the importance of it was there. Al- Anwar / The Divine Lights are plural in form, same as the Arabic words Nuroun Ela Nurien Lights above Lights are the plural in form of AL : Noor a united Light in oneness of Wahid. The Allah being the oneness of His Holy Attributes of Light has been called as Wahid the word Wahid in Arabic also holds the numeric value 19 disclosed : { Wao + Alif + Ha + Dal } 6 + 1 + 8 + 4 = 19. Therefore, 289 (19) related to the holy Divinity in relation to the Divine Lights. Its only for my students of Illahiyat, for them I have, taught the whole Holy Divinity based on 19 with authentic evidences from the holy Books and Sahaif / Scrolls of past including holy Quran. All the holy attributes with Lord are from Lights / Anwar and they have been called Nuroun and Nurien in Quran 24 : 35.

The Allah of Arabic is Allaha of Syriac Peshitta / Siryani, the language of Syria in which the Injeel was preached. Allaha was the alternate for the word Ellohim of Hebrew. Which is also a plural in form of Ellohi. The word Allah has its numeric value 66 based on ( 6=6=12 ). Ellohim is a plural in form of Ellohi of Hebrew. Therefore, Arabic God / Allah has its from Ellohim of Hebrew and Allahaa of Siryani. Thus the word Allah must be taken as a plural in form. The idea of the previous Muslim Scholars have been proved false, that Allah is nor singular not plural. The holy Quran has also rejected their false thoughts confirming that the Allah is in two groups, Lights above the Lights Nuroun Ela Nurien, please look at : Quran Surah Noor 24 : 35. The Allah is the Light ( Nour ) of Heaven and the Earth. The example of His Light is.. Like Nuroun- Ela Nurien/ Lights above the Lights. Allah guides unto His Light whomsoever He wills, and Allah sets forth parable for the people .. It shows clearly, that Allahs Noor is divided in to two Groups, as Nuroun- Ela Nurien, Lights above the Lights. The Nuroun group is above the Nurien group. Whilst, the higher Group Nuroun is also Higher in rank. It will be disclosed for you in my next lessons. I have disclosed first time for all the students of Illahiyat that these two groups of Lights are divided in to two as 14 & 5 = 19 Holy Lights. It is important to note that all the Shia and Sunni ( Hanfi ) Scholars were believing the Lights of Allah in plural but they were totally ignorant from these two divisions of Lights based on 19. According to the Holy Quran, the Higher Group of Lights, being Nuroun has reached to the mankind. Quran said at 5 : 15. Qad Jaaokum min Allahe Nuroun va Kitabien Mubbien. Reached to you Lights /Nuroun out of [two Holy groups of Lights of ] Allah, and the Manifested Book. Kitabien Mubbien. Some of our English translators, has mistranslated, the word Nuroun ELaa Noorien as Light upon Light, but you may know that, Nuroun and Nurien words of Arabic language are plural in form and can only be translated as Lights above the Lights. As per the Arabic law of plurality you must have three or more than three. The Law of plurality in Arabic doesnt cover even 2 being a plural. Moreover, Surah AL : Eaala introducing our Lord consisting of 19 Holy Verses, in one Raku / Section, making a sign of oneness of 19. 18+1= 19 Holy ones of Light. The word18 as 1 + 8 = 9 is a sign of Dot . The Numeric value 9 is disclosed as the value of Dot. It is also very amazing that our Lord Most High has given Literacy from the Numeracy, & the Numeracy was the foundation of all the Literacy. For example:

The divine Authorities have said in the Quran that We have made AL: Shams and AL: Qamr/ Sun and Moon as an example for the men of understanding. The speed of light is related with both of them. Amazingly, the numerical values of the names Sun and Moon has disclosed the same as our Holy sign 19 because of their oneness.{ Alf + Lam + Shin + Mim + Sin } AL : Shams / The Sun 431 ( 8). 1 + 30 + 300 + 40 + 60 = 431. By reducing the sign comes as [4+3+1] = 8. { Alf + Lam + Quaf +Mim + Rey } AL : Qamr / The Moon = 371(11). 1 + 30 + 100 + 30 + 200 = 371. By reducing he sign comes as [3 +7 +1] =11. Thus the sign of Sun and Moon comes as 8 + 11 = 19. You may know that the SUN and Moon were also called two couples in surah Yousaf 12th chapter of the Holy Quran. The couples are one in oneness according to the holy guidance of the previous holy scriptures. The Lord has fixed the Speed of Light from Sun to our Land in 8 Seconds, then according to the speed of light its name Al: Shams, which was given to the Sun on the basis of its sign 431[ 8 ]. The Speed of Reflection from Sun via Moon arrives to our Land in 11 Seconds. Now according to the speed of Reflection its name Al: Qamr, which was given to the Moon on the basis of its sign 371[ 11 ]. The Scientists have found the duration of Speed of Light same as above but they havent found the speed of Reflection. Perhaps they dont want it at present. See another example again: Quran Chapter ( Bani Israel ) 17 : 12. and We appoint the night and the day two Signs. Then We make the dark a Sign of the night and We make the Sign of the day sight giving, that you may seek bounty from your Lord and that you may know the computation of the years and the reckoning. [ 7 days a week and 12 months a year 7+12=19 ] And everything, We have expounded Mathematically. The Most High God / Allah-ul-Aziem ( JJ ) have promised us, to show His miracles, only to the sincere believers, who attained certainty at Quran 2 :118 and 83 :18-22 including many other holy verses.

IX. Matrix
Computer programmer Thomas A. Anderson (Keanu Reeves) is secretly a hacker known by the alias "Neo". He is restless, and driven to learn the meaning of cryptic references to "the Matrix" appearing on his computer. An infamous female hacker called Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) confirms that a man named Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) knows the answers he seeks; however, three sinister Agents, led by Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving), arrest Neo and attempt to dissuade him from contacting Morpheus. Undeterred, Neo attends a secret meeting with Morpheus, who offers him a choice of two pills: A blue one that would return him to his old life, and a red pill that would allow him to learn the truth about the Matrix. Neo swallows the red pill, and he abruptly finds himself in a liquid-filled pod, his body connected by tubes and cables to a vast mechanical tower covered with identical pods. The connections are severed, and he is rescued by Morpheus and taken aboard his ship, the Nebuchadnezzar. Neo's atrophied physical body is restored, and Morpheus explains the situation. Morpheus tells Neo that it is not 1999, but closer to 2199, and that humanity is fighting a war against intelligent machines created in the early 21st century. The sky is covered by thick black clouds created by the humans in an attempt to cut off the machines' supply of solar power. The machines responded by using human beings as their energy source in conjunction with nuclear fusion, later growing countless people in pods and harvesting their bioelectrical energy and body heat. The world in which Neo grew up was actually the Matrix, a simulated reality of the world set in 1999, developed by the machines in order to keep the human captives docile. Morpheus and his crew belong to a group of free humans who "unplug" others from the Matrix and recruit them to their resistance against the machines. They are able to use their understanding of the Matrix's nature to bend the simulation's laws of physics, giving them superhuman abilities within the virtual world. Morpheus believes that Neo is "the One," a man prophesied to end the war through his limitless control over the Matrix.


6th Day

In 2015, cloning technology has sophisticated enough to allow the copying of human organs and animals. Reproducing a complete human is explicitly forbidden by the "6th Day" laws, named for the day when God created man. Adam Gibson (Schwarzenegger) is a pilot who runs a charter helicopter business with his friend Hank Morgan (Michael Rapaport). Michael Drucker (Tony Goldwyn), the owner of Replacement Technologies, a conglomerate that specialize in cloning, charters them for a skiing trip. Due to Drucker's financial and political influence, both Gibson and Morgan undergo blood and eye tests prior to his arrival to verify their identities and aptitude. On the day of Drucker's arrival, the same as Gibson's birthday, Gibson finds that his family dog Oliver (which belongs to his daughter Clara (Taylor Anne Reid) has died, and Morgan offers to take his place as Drucker's pilot to allow Gibson a chance to run out and get his pet cloned. Gibson disagrees with the idea of cloning the dog, but takes a look in Re-Pet anyway. After hearing the sales pitch about cloned pets, he decides to think further about getting Oliver cloned and gets instead gets a Sim-Pal for Clara. Gibson later returns home and discovers Oliver had already been cloned, suspecting it was his wife Natalie (Wendy Crewson) who went ahead with the Re-Pet. He almost enters the house when he sees what could only be a clone of himself already celebrating with his family. While sneaking around outside his own home Gibson is confronted and chased by Replacement Technologies security agents Robert Marshall (Michael Rooker), Talia Elsworth (Sarah Wynter), P. Wiley (Rodney Rowland) and Vincent Bansworth (Terry Crews), who are all trying to kill him. He is able to escape and seeks refuge at Morgan's apartment. He speaks with Morgan for a few minutes when Morgan is suddenly shot by Tripp, an anti-cloning fundamentalist. Tripp reveals that the Morgan he shot was actually an illegal clone. Tripp tells Gibson he had killed both Morgan and Drucker on the mountaintop earlier that day. Tripp then commits suicide to avoid being captured by Drucker's security team, shooting himself in the head so they could not scan his memory in search of other anti-cloning activists. Gibson sneaks into Drucker's company and finds Dr. Griffin Weir (Robert Duvall), the scientist behind Drucker's human cloning technology. He explains to Gibson that Drucker and Morgan were both killed earlier that day, and were cloned to cover up the incident using a memory scan captured during the medical and eye exams the pilots took. However, they believed that Gibson was flying the helicopter and they accidentally created a Gibson clone before they realized their mistake. Drucker's security had been trying to kill Gibson to keep Drucker's illegal cloning operation a secret; if it was discovered that Drucker was just a clone, he would automatically lose his vast company, since clones cannot own anything. Weir also reveals that Drucker's human clones are embedded with a fatal disease that would kill the clone after five years, thus giving Drucker leverage to continually cloning them. Weir only discovered the disease protocol when he found out that his wife - who he had cloned after her death five years ago - was dying of a traditionally childhood disease. Weir confronts Drucker and tells him he wants to quit, stating that he has promised his wife that he would not clone her again. Drucker kills Weir, intending to later clone Drucker and his wife, but with their recent memories erased.

Drucker orders his agents to take Gibson's family to make sure he cooperates with the cover-up. Gibson devises a plan with his clone (who believes he is the original) to destroy Drucker's facility, rescuing his family in the process. Drucker forces Gibson to surrender and informs him that he was the clone all along. Drucker tries to convince Gibson's clone to reveal where the real Gibson was hiding, since he had all of Drucker's cloning memory hard drives. Drucker tries to stop Gibson, which causes the deaths of Marshall, Elsworth, Barnsworth and Wiley. Gibson and his clone trick Drucker into a trap, leading to Drucker's final death while the cloning facility is destroyed. Gibson escapes the complex with the inflammatory information. The original Gibson arranges for his clone to move to Patagonia, Argentina, to start a satellite office of their charter business, and to keep the clone's existence under a secret.

XI. Surrogates
In the future, widespread use of remotely-controlled androids called "surrogates" allow everyone to live in idealized forms from the safety of their homes. A surrogate's operator is protected from harm and feels no pain when their surrogate is damaged. FBI agent Tom Greer (Bruce Willis) has a strained relationship with his wife Maggie (Rosamund Pike), due to their son's death several years before. He never sees her outside of her surrogate and she criticizes his desire to interact via their real bodies. Greer and his partner, Agent Jennifer Peters (Radha Mitchell), investigate the death of two people who were killed when their surrogates were destroyed. Jarid Canter (Shane Dzicek), son of Dr. Lionel Canter (James Cromwell) ,the inventor of surrogates, is one of the victims. Greer and Peters determine that a human named Miles Strickland (Jack Noseworthy) used a new type of weapon to overload the surrogates' systems and kill their operators. After locating Strickland, Greer attempts to bring him into custody. Strickland uses the weapon and injures Greer during the chase; Greer inadvertently crash-lands into an anti-surrogate zone known as the Dread Reservation (one of many throughout the United States). A mob of humans eventually destroy Greer's surrogate, forcing him to interact in the world without one. The Dread leader known as The Prophet (Ving Rhames) kills Strickland and confiscates the weapon. Agent Greer learns that the same company manufacturing the surrogates originally produced the weapon under a government contract. It was designed to load a virus that overloads the surrogate's systems, thus disabling it. Unexpectedly, the weapon also disabled the fail-safe protocols protecting surrogate operators. After the first test, the project was scrapped and all but one prototype were destroyed. Agent Peters is murdered and an unknown party hijacks her surrogate. Greer is informed that Andrew Stone (Boris Kodjoe), his FBI superior, supplied the weapon to Strickland and ordered Dr. Canter's assassination for his criticism of surrogate use. Jarid, using one of his father' many surrogates, was killed instead. The Prophet orders the weapon be delivered to Peters. During a military raid on the reservation the Prophet is shot, revealing his identity as a surrogate. Greer heads to Dr. Canter's home and discovers that he has been controlling both the Prophet and Peters. Using Agent Peters' surrogate in FBI Headquarters, Dr. Canter uses the weapon to kill Stone and proceeds to upload the virus to all surrogates, which will destroy the surrogates and kill their operators. Believing his plan to be unstoppable, Canter disconnects from Peters's surrogate and swallows a cyanide pill. Agent Greer takes control of the surrogate and with the assistance of the network's system administrator (Devin Ratray), insulates the virus so the operators will survive. Agent Greer must choose to either destroy all surrogates or cancel the virus upload. Greer eventually decides to let the virus permanently shut down surrogates worldwide. People emerge from their homes without their surrogates, confused and afraid. Greer returns home and shares an emotional embrace with Maggie in her real form. The film ends with an aerial view of the collapsed surrogates along with overlapping news reports of the downed surrogates and how people are now "on their own" again.

XII. Forgotten
A grieving mother, Telly Paretta, is struggling to cope with the loss of her 9-year-old son. She is stunned when her psychiatrist and her husband tell her that she has created eight years of memories of a son she never had. But when she meets the father of one of her son's friend who is having the same experience, Telly embarks on a mission to prove her son's existence and her sanity. Written by What if one day you were told that everything you knew, everything you loved, everything you remembered never really happened? The film starts out several days after a plane crash with a grieving mother, played by Moore, trying to get over the death of her son. When she finally seems to be doing better, strange forces seem to be trying to cause the children to be forgotten, and therefore giving the mother no other choice but to find out why. Written by thexotherxchris

Why blame me! I am just doing my job! HE granted me the power to misguide you! I am trying to do that! Did HE not ask you not to follow me! Blame yourself! Did he not give you the power to ignore me! If you feel he did not give you the power, then at least ask for it!

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