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Kansas S t a t e Agricultural College and Ex- Henry H. Sprague, IIenry Saltonstall Howe,
periment Station, has resigned t o become William L. Richardson, Charles P. Briggs, James
state entomologist of New Jersey, succeeding C. White, Charles H. Tweed.
t h e late J o h n B. Smith. In Dr. Headlee's The Bussey Institution-Carroll Dunham, Wal-
ter C. Baylies, J . Arthur Beebe, John Lowell,
place a t the Kansas College a n d Experiment
Nathaniel T. ICidder, Augustin 11. I'arker, Will-
Station, Gco. A. Dean, M.S., has been placed
iam 11. Ruddick, Isaac S. Whiting, Simon Flexner,
i n charge of entomology a n d Robert 41. Daniel W. Field, Warren A. Reed.
Nabours, Ph.D. (Chicago), i n charge of zool- The Observatory-Joel II. Metcalf, George I.
ogy. F u r t h e r promotions a n d additions i n t h e Alden, Mrs. Henry Draper, Edwin Ginn, George
department have been a s follows: J o h n W. R. Agassiz, Elihu Thomson, Erasmus D. Leavitt,
Scott, Ph.D. (Chicago), h a s been promoted Charles F. Choate, Jr., Charles R. Cross.
frorn instructor t o assistant professor of zool- The Museum of Comparative Zoology-J. Col-
ogy; Maurice C. Tanquary, Ph.D. (Illinois), lins Warrent, George P. Gardner, Dudley L. Pick-
has been appointed instructor i n entomology, man, Rodolphe L. Agassiz, John C. Phillips, J. B.
a n d M a r y T. Harmon, Ph.D. (Indiana), i n Henderson, Jr., Louis J. de Milhau.
The I'eabody Museum-George D. Markham,
zoology a n d J. W. McCollocl~has been ap-
Charles P. Bowditch, Augustus Bemenway, Jesse
pointed assistant entomologist.
W. Fcwkes, Clarence J. Blake, Clarence B. Moore,
DR. C. J. STEINMETZ, formerly managing Elliot C. Lee, Tlouis J. de Milhau, John C. Phillips,
editor of Country Life in America, h a s been 'rhomas Barbour, Robert G. Fuller.
appointed assistant professor of landscape The Jefferson Physical Laboratory and Depart-
horticulture a t t h e University of Illinois, and ment of Physics-Hoanrd Elliott, Elihu Thomson,
R a l p h Rodney Root, of I-Iarvard University, Erasmus D. Leavitt, Elliot C. Lee, Samuel IIill,
has been appointed instructor. A number of Hammond Vinton 1Iayes.
prominent specialists i n landscape gardening The Chemical Laboratory-J. Collins Warren,

will lecture before t h e students this year; Mr. Clifford Richardson, Elihu Thomson, Charles XI.

Charles Mulford Robinson, a specialist i n W. Foster, John D. Pennock, Alexander Forbes.

city planning, will lecture f o r two weeks be- On Geology, Mineralogy and Petrography-

ginning on November 8. There a r e t h i r t y George B. Leighton, Rodolphc L. Agassiz, George

students i n t h e four-year course i n landscape P. Gardner, William E. C. Enstis, Raphael Pum-

gardening a n d one hundred and fifty i n t h e pelly, William Sturgis Bigelow.

elementary course. On Zoology-William L. Richardson, Augt~stus

Hemenway, William Brewster, Alexander Forbes,
TIIE vacancy i n t h e staff,.of t h e mechanical John E. Thayer, Dudley L. Pickman, Francis N.
engineering department of Lehigh University, Balch, John C. Phillips.
due t o t h e death of Assistant Professor E. L. 011 Botany-Nathaniel C. Nash, George G. Ken-
Jones, has been filled by t h e appointment of nedy, Walter Deane, Edward L. Rand.
R. I,. Spencer, R.S. Mr. Spencer is a gradu- On Mathematics-William Lowell Putnam,
a t e of t h e Iowa S t a t e College, where he has George E. Roosevelt, George V. Leverett, Philip
t a u g h t f o r three years. Stoekton.
BARTCIS MCGLONE,1'h.D. (Hopkins, '07))
has been appointed associate i n physiology DISCUSSION AND CORRESPONDENCE
and embryology a t t h e College of Physicians THE MEANING OF DRIESCH AND THE MEANING OF
a n d Surgeons, Baltimore. VITALISM
AMONGtho committees appointed by t h e PROFESSOR JENNINGS'S letter i n SCII~NCEof
board of overseers of EIarvard University f o r October 4, 1912, contains some comments o n
t h e year 1912-13 a r e t h e following: a n article by t h e present writer, published i n
The Medical and Dental Schools-J. Collins SCIENCE, J u l y 21, 1911. These appear t o mani-
Warren, George B. Shattuck, Charles W. Eliot, f e s t some misapprehension, confirmed by some
Alexander Coehrane, William Sturgis Bigelow, inadvertent misquotation, of t h e article i n

question; and to convey, accordingly, a11 er- departs from it and gives color to the charge of
roneous idpression both as to what was said, indeterminism, he introduces a foreign element
into his conception of a "harmonious equipo-
and as to what is the fact, concerning Pro-
tential system," and ,confounds the second sort
fessor Driesch's view of the relation of vital- of vitalism with yet a third essentially distinct one
ism to indeterminism. [i. e., with experimental indeterminism]. And this
With respect to the article upon which he is one of the confusions which it is needful to
animadverts, Jennings declares or plainly im- guard against in the discussion (p. 78).
plies: (1) that it purports to be an account of
The reader of Jennings's recent letter would
Driesch's personal views concerning the rela-
certainly gather that I had failed to make this
tion of vitalism to " experimental indetermin-
distinction, and would never guess that the
ism," but that what i t gives " i s in reality an
article under discussion contained such a
exposition of the conclusions which Lovejoy
passage as that just cited. Jennings, in fact,
himself might draw from Driesch's data, as-
takes from the article sentences referring to
suming these to be the conclusions which
what I urged were the only proper inferences
Driesch draws "; (2) that in consequence of
from Driesch's premises, divorces these sen-
this confusion the article erroneonsly main-
tences from their context, and cites them as
tained that Driesch is not an "experimental
evidences of my misconception of the actual
indeterminist." Both these assertions require
and total position personally held by Driesch.
He quotes, for example, the phrase " a closer
1. The article expressly distinguished be-
scrutiny of the doctrine's implications," etc.;
tween Driesch's actual views as a whole, and
the "doctrine" here referred to is not, as he
the conclusions which I regard as properly
assumes, Driesch's entire system of vitalism,
inferrible from a single one-though the most
but a more limited doctrine, formally defined
emphasized and most characteristic one-of
in the preceding paragraph.' I n two other
his arguments. For the exposition of the
cases Jennings cites disconnected sentences
former I disclaimed responsibility, remarking
and assigns the demonstrative pronouns in
that I did "not wish to complicate the dis-
them to antecedents other than those intended.
cussion with exegetical inquiries into the pre-
2. It is, however, true that two passages in
cise meaning of a rather difficult writer."
the article referred directly to Driesch's actual
My discussion was explicitly limited to the
position. One of these, already quoted, con-
morphogenetic data brought together in " The
sisted in the adhission that Driesch in fact,
Science and Philosophy of the Organism," to
though without warrant from his premises, at
the exclusion of the arguments from animal
times construes his vitalism as equivalent to
behavior, which are more markedly indeter- experimental indeterminism. The other was
ministic in their tendency. I endeavored to an obiter dictum: "though I think Jennings
point out the real " conclusions suggested by misconceives Driesch's position in ascribing to
Driesch's analysis of what is implied by the him a wholesale 'experimental indetermin-
totipotency of parts," etc., to show " a11 that ism,' I do not wish," etc. Against this Pro-
i t logically need imply "; and the reader was fessor Jennings now quotes letters from Pro-
definitely informed that these logically neces- fessor Driesch in which the latter frankly calls
sary implications of Driesch's premises fall himself an experimental indeterminist. Since
short of the conclusions which he at times I had elsewhere in the article noted that he
deems himself entitled to d'raw. = I t was to this kind of vitalism, as defined in
I do not say that Driesch himself clearly and my earlier paper-" the second kind of vitalism
consistently adheres to this assumption [i. e., that distinguished by Lovejoy"-as well as to
his entelechies, supposing them to exist, act in a Driesch's personal doctrine, that Jennings in his
uniform manner and in correlation with specific previous article imputed indeterministic implica-
physico-chemical complexes]; but in so far as he tions (SCIENCE, June 16, 1911, pp. 927-28).

was such i n some sense and to some degree, I given egg in a given state and of the behavior
should have supposed that Professor Jen- following this constitution in one case, implies the
nings would have given consideration, i n same knowledge for other cases (in the same spe-
reading this phrase, to the qualifying ad- cies) with very great probability. But this is a
probability in principle and can never be more.
jective " wholesale." B y a " wholesale inde-
I t would not even be a probability, in the case
terminism" I intended to designate precisely that we did not know the origin (or history) of
that extreme doctrine which Jennings in his a given egg in a given state, viz., that the egg
paper had apparently ascribed to the author of is the egg of, say, an ascidian. But to know this
" The Science and Philosophy of the Organ- history or origin is, of course, already more than
ism." That doctrine Jennir~gshad formu- simply t o know " t h e physico-chemical constitu-
lated as follows (italics minc) : tion" and its consequences in one case (what
All living things are complexes of great num- suffices in the realm of the unorganic). I t may
bers of chemicals so that t h e conditions under be that the eggs of fishes, echinides and birds are
which entelechy comes into play are always real- the same in all essentials of the physico-chemical
ized. We may therefore expect i t s action a t every constitution.' There happens something very dif-
step i n our work; we must be prepared at all ferent in the different cases on account of the
times t o find t h e same physical configuration different "entelechies." In spite of this, we know
giving r k e now t o one result and now t o another. what will happen with great probability from one
(SCIENCE, June 16, 1911, p. 932.) case if we know that this egg "comes from a
Such a view would mean that, in organisms, bird" and that the other "comes from an
not merely behavior but also all morphogcn- echinid. " . . . Theref ore, practically, "experi-
etic and psychological processes would be ab- mental indeterminism" is not a great danger for
solutely variable and unpredictable, that no science. [Italics in the original.]
amount of past experience of vital phenomena This appears to me to be a tolerably perti-
would justify even the slightest anticipation nent passage, which might well have been in-
of any uniformity in their future sequences. cluded among Jennings's selections from his
This doctrine, if accepted, would, as Jennings correspondence with Driesch. It seems equiv-
rightly points out, make biology as a science alent to a statement that the sort of indeter-
impossible and compel us to regard biological minism which Driesch professes is virtually
investigators as engaged in a "hopeless task " negligible, so far as the every-day, practical
(id.). If Driesch adheres to this "whole- purposes of the experimentalist are concerned.
sale experimental indeterminism," and takes If Jennings had considered this passage i n
this extreme view ci? the impossibility of gen- connection with the others which he quotes, he
eralization and prediction in biology, I must would not, I am sure, have contended that
frankly confess that I had n o t gathered the " Dr. Driesch's statemcnts of the matter are
fact from his Gifford lectures. And I must fully as strong" as his own: they obviously fall
add that I even yet remain unconvinced that very far short of his own. The experimental
he does so. I f he does, he ought in con- indeterminism in them is not a t all of the
sistency to lead a movement for the suppres- " wholesale " sort.3 Possibly Jennings holds
sion of physiological laboratories. I am
strengthened in my disbelief that Driesch The reader will observe that this particular
cherishes any such fell designs against the proposition Driesch gives as merely possibly true.
It has, in fact, no sort of logical connection with
happiness of experimental investigators in
his arguments from morphogenesis and restitution.
biology by the fact that another letter of his
Not only do those arguments not prove this con-
t o Professor Jennings-which the latter does clusion, they do not even suggest it.
not quote, but which he has kindly permitted In published writings Driesch uses language
me to see---contains the following words : which seems to express a yet more definite repudi-
Practically, we may 8ay that complete knowl- ation of wholesale experimental indeterminism.
edge of the physico-chemical constitution of a Thus in Die Biologie als selbstundige Grundwis-

that one who admits that there is any "ex- means severe, but the temperature averaged
perimental " indeterminateness in any organic low during January and February, as corn-
process can not consistently stop short of the pared with the normal, the monthly departures
extreme view he has himself defined. But he during the winter months being: December,
has scarcely proven this; and in any case, if f 5O.1; January, -0°.6, and February;
he imputes the acceptance of this view to -4O.6.
Driesch, he is identifying the conclusions Mr. Palmer's statement that "Florida's cli-
which he himself might draw from certain of mate did not reaeive careful attention until
Driesch's positions (if he held them) with the large numbers of settlers were attracted by the
conclusions which Driesch draws. recent land-boom," is rather gratuitous. For
I am afraid the foregoing shows that Pro- forty years the weather bureau records of
fessor Jennings has, after all, succeeded in Florida have been consulted by people of broad
luring me into "exegetical inquiries into the intelligence in their search for truth, regard-
precise meaning of a rather difficult writer." ing the climatology of the state. With regard
However interesting these may be, there are to the statement: " I n all but eight of the last
other questions in which, I confess, my inter- seventy years freezing temperatures have
est is more acute-as, no doubt, Professor occurred in Jacksonville," a few supplementary
Jennings's really is also. Among these is the facts are essential to a correct understanding.
question: What do th8e data chiefly empha- Mr. Palmer's figures were correctly copied
sized by Driesch really tend to prove about from " Climatology of the U. S.," but included
organisms? On this, which was the principal in that report were miscellaneous records that
theme of my previous communication on the antedlate those of the weather bureau, and,
subject in SCIENCE,Professor Jennings's re- though given official cognizance to the extent
cent letter has little to say. Yet I think that of publication, yet, the official life of local
his letter leaves the matter in a not wholly weather bureau data begins with the estab-
satisfactory logical condition; and that there lishment of a station in Jacksonville in 1871.
is a good deal more which might with advan- The records previous to 1871 were mostly
tage be said, in the interest of a full clearing by voluntary observers, and they are not recog-
nized as coordinate in importance with those
up of this genuinely significant issue. But
that undertaking, to which I hope before long compiled under official supervision during
to attempt to contribute elsewhere, would call subsequent years; hence, to a certain extent,
for a lengthier disquisition than would be they are taken cum grano salis. A freezing
suitabl,e for publication in this journal. temperature in Jacksonville is not followed,
ARTHUR0.LOVEJOY necessarily, by similar conditions in the citrus

belt for Jacksonville sustains, approximately,
October 15, 1912
the same relation to the rest of the state as
Sacramento, California, does to the San
UNDER t he above caption in SCIENCE for May The above qualifications are pertinent also
31, 1912, Mr. Andrew SI. Palmer submitted in the matter of snowfall in Florida. During
some observations on Florida weather. The the severe blizzard' of February, 1899, snow
winter of 1911-12, in Florida, was by no fell over the extreme northern portion of the
State to the depth of several inches; that is,
senschaft, 1911, he defines biology as a Gesetzes- over an area of slightly more than lo in
wissenschaft, which has for its most fundamental
latitude. This was the heaviest snow fall in
part "the doctrine of the laws of morphogenesis. "
Ahd he speaks of these laws as discoverable Florida of which there is authentic record,
through gewisse Sondererfahruagea. Vitalism, he and i t is believed to be an expr,ession of
adds, "never means Gesetzlosigkeit" (pp. 34, 37, maximum intensity along that line. Cer-
39). tainly it was not exceeded during the century.

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