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Bearing Capacity of

Shallow Foundations
Solved Problems
For the footing system shown if figure below, find qall if:
(a). The ground water level is at the surface.
(b). The ground water level is at 0.5 m below ground level.
(c). The ground water level is at 1.0 m below ground level
(d). The ground water level is at 1.5 m below ground level
(e). The ground water level is at 5.0 m below ground level
(use Meyrhof’s bearing capacity equations with SF=2.0)
Meyrhof’s BC eq.
qult = C Nc Sc dc + q Nq Sq dq + 0.5 B γ’ Nγ Sγ dγ
= C Nc Sc dc + γ’ D Nq Sq dq + 0.5 B γ’ Nγ Sγ dγ
= C Nc Sc dc + γ’ D Nq Sq dq + 0.5 B γ’ Nγ Sγ dγ
Using Mayerhof’s Tables with φ=30
Nc=30.13 ; Nq=18.4 ; Nγ=15.7
For sandy soil; given c=0 hence the cohesion term (C Nc Sc dc = 0)
Sq=Sγ=1+0.1 [tan2 (45+φ/2)].B/L= 1+0.1[tan2 (45+30/2)]* 2/2=1.30
dq=dγ=1+0.1 [tan (45+φ/2)].D/B= 1+0.1 [tan (45+30/2)] * 1/2 = 1.0866
H = 0.5 B tan (45+φ/2) = 0.5 * 2 tan (45+30/2)=1.732 m
q’= γ’ D (depth term) γ’ (width term)
a). q’= 1*(18-9.81) = 8.19 kPa γ’=(18-9.81)=8.19 kN/m3
b). q’= 0.5*18+ 0.5*(18-9.81) = 13.1 kPa γ’=(18-9.81)=8.19 kN/m3
c). q’= 18*1 = 18 kPa γ’=(18-9.81)=8.19 kN/m3
d). q’= 18*1 = 18 kPa γ’=γe’
γe’= (2H-dw) dw/H2 (γsat)+γ’/H2 . (H-dw)2
= (2*1.732-0.5) 0.5/1.7322 (18)+(18-9.81)/1.7322 (1.732-0.5)2
= 13.04 kN/m3
e). q’= 18*1 = 18 kPa γ’=18
(a). qult=8.19*18.4*1.3*1.0866+0.5*2*8.19*15.7*1.3*1.0866 = 394.5 kPa
»» qall = 197.25 kPa
(b). qult=13.1*18.4*1.3*1.0866+0.5*2*8.19*15.7*1.3*1.0866 = 522 kPa
»» qall = 261 kPa
(c). qult=18*18.4*1.3*1.0866+0.5*2*8.19*15.7*1.3*1.0866 = 649.5 kpa
»» qall = 325 kPa
(d). qult=18*18.4*1.3*1.0866+0.5*2*13.04*15.7*1.3*1.0866 = 757 kPa
»» qall = 378.5 kPa
(e). qult=18*18.4*1.3*1.0866+0.5*2*18*15.7*1.3*1.0866 = 867 kpa
»» qall = 433.5 kPa
Conclusions: The water table has a significant effect on bearing capacity value of soil.
A square footing vertically and concentrically loaded is to be placed on a
cohesionless soil as shown in Figure. Find qall using Terzaghi’s bearing capacity
equations and SF=3.0
Using Terzag’s BC eq.
qult = C Nc Sc + q Nq + 0.5 B γ’ Nγ Sγ
= C Nc Sc + γ’ D Nq + 0.5 B γ’ Nγ Sγ
= γ’ D Nq + 0.5 B γ’ Nγ Sγ
H= 0.5 B tan (45+φ/2)=0.5*2.5*tan(45+35/2)=2.4 m
For φ=35 ; square footing »» Sc=1.3 ; Sγ=0.8
Nq=41.4 ; Nγ=42.4
q’=γ’.D=18.1 * 1.1 = 19.91 kN/m3 (above W.T)

γ’=γe’ (since; dw< H)

γe’= (2H-dw) dw/H2 (γwet)+γ’/H2 . (H-dw)2
= (2*2.4-0.85) 0.85/2.42 (18.1)+(20.12-9.81)/2.42 (2.4-0.85)2
= 14.85 kN/m3
qult=18.1*1.1*41.4+0.5*2.5*14.85*42.4*0.8*rγ = 1438.8 kPa
»» qall =qult/SF
= 1454/3 = 479.60 kPa
rγ= 1-0.25 log(B/k) = 1-0.25 log(2.5/2)=0.976
A footing of B=3.0 m , L=6.0 m is to be placed on a two layer clay deposit as shown in
Figure. Find qall using Meyrhof’s bearing capacity equations with SF=3.0
Solution: P

Meyrhof’s BC eq.
qult = C Nc Sc dc + q Nq Sq dq + 0.5 B γ’ Nγ Sγ dγ
c1=Su1= 77 kpa 1.83 m
= C Nc Sc dc + γ’ D Nq Sq dq (φ=0) γ = 17.26 kN/m3 B = 3.0 m

H= 0.5 B tan (45+φ/2)=0.5*3.0*tan(45+0/2)=1.50 m 1.22 m

d1= 1.22 m < 1.50 (So, it is BC on layered soil) c2=Su2= 115 kpa
γ = 17.26 kN/m3
Case (1) clay over clay with (all φ=0) P

CR= strength ration = c2/c1 = 115/77 = 1.49 > 1

. .
𝑁 = 4.14 = 4.14 = 5.37 B = 3.0 m
1.83 m
. . d1=1.22 m
𝑁 = 4.14 = 4.14 = 6.84 H = 1.50 m
𝑁 .𝑁 5.37 6.84
𝑁 = 2= 2 = 6.01
𝑁 𝑁 5.37 6.84
Meyrhof’s BC eq.
qult = C Nc Sc dc + q Nq Sq dq + 0.5 B γ’ Nγ Sγ dγ
= C Nc Sc dc + γ’ D Nq Sq dq (φ=0)
Using Mayerhof’s Tables with φ=0
Nq=1.0 ; Nγ=0.0 ( width term = 0.0)
Sc = 1+ 0.2 [tan2 (45+φ/2)].B/L= 1+0.2 [tan2 (45+0/2)]* 3/6 = 1.10
dc = 1+0.2 [tan2 (45+φ/2)].D/B= 1+ 0.2 [tan2 (45+0/2)] * 1.83/3 = 1.122
Sq = Sγ = 1.0
dq = dγ = 1.0
qult = 77*6.01*1.1*1.122+17.26*1.83*1*1*1 = 601 kPa
qall = 601/3= 200.33 say 200 kPa
Calculate the value of (Q) from the footing shown in Figure below, for local shear failure. With
φ Nc Nq Nγ
30 37.2 22.5 19.7
25 25.1 12.7 9.7
1.0 m
20 17.7 7.4 5.0 γt = 18.0 kN/m3 2X3
15 12.9 4.4 2.5 0.5 m

φ = 26 ; c = 27 kpa
γs = 20.0 kN/m3
For the local shear failure
c’ = (2/3) c = (2/3)*27 = 18 kPa
φ’ = tan-1 (2/3 tan φ) = tan-1 (2/3 tan 26) = 18 ( c’ & φ’ used to find qult of soil) Q
Using Terzag’s BC eq.
qult = C’ Nc Sc + q Nq + 0.5 B γ’ Nγ Sγ
= C’ Nc Sc + γ’ D Nq + 0.5 B γ’ Nγ Sγ 1.0 m
Sc = 1.3 , Sγ = 0.8
0.5 m
H = 0.5 B tan (45+ φ’/2) = 0.5 * 2 * tan (45+18/2) = 1.376 m H = 1.376 m
H > dw=0.5 m (0.5 B γ’ Nγ Sγ 0.5 B γe’ Nγ Sγ)
𝑑𝑤 𝛾
𝛾 = 2𝐻 𝑑𝑤 .𝛾 . 𝐻 𝑑𝑤
. .
= 2 1.376 0.5 18 . 1.376 0.5 = 14.83 𝑘𝑁/𝑚
. .

φ’ = 18
17.7 12.9
N𝑐 = 17.7 . 20 18 = 15.78
20 15
7.4 4.4
N𝑞 = 7.4 . 20 18 = 6.2
20 15
5 2.5
N𝛾 = 5 . 20 18 = 4.0
20 15

c’ = 18
qult = 18*15.78*1.3 + 1*18*6.2 + 0.5*2*14.83*4*0.8
= 528 kPa
qall = qult/SF = 528/3 = 176 kPa
qall = Pall/B.L Pall = qall . B . L = 176 * 2 * 3 = 1026 kN = Q (Max allowable load)
For the footing shown in the figure below; determine qall if B= 2m and F.S. =1.5 ?
Solution: Q
It is preferred to use Meyerhof's equation
for bearing capacity determination since W.T.

there is inclination from vertical by 20 degree

qult = C Nc dc ic+ q’ Nq dq iq + 0.5 B γ’ Nγ dγ iγ
for φ =30
Nq=18.4 ; N γ=15.7 γs =18 kN/m3 φ = 30

dq=d γ= 1+0.1[tan(45+ φ /2)]*D/B

dq=d γ= 1+0.1[tan(45+ 30 /2)]*1/2= 1.086
iq= (1-θ/90)2 ; Iq= (1-20/90)2 = 0.605
i γ = (1-θ/ φ)2 ; i γ = (1-20/30)2 = 0.111
qult =(18-9.81)*1*18.4*1.086*0.605+0.5*2*(18-9.81)*15.7*1.086*0.111= 114.51 kPa
qall =qult/SF ; qall =114.51/1.5 =76.34 kPa
For the footing shown in Figure below, find footing size using Meyrhof’s bearing capacity equations
with SF=1.5 1800 kN
Let B=1.5 m & L/B = 1.5
Meyrhof’s BC eq. 1.0 m
qult = C Nc Sc dc + q Nq Sq dq + 0.5 B γ’ Nγ Sγ dγ 6.0 m φ = 32
= γ’ D Nq Sq dq + 0.5 B γ’ Nγ Sγ dγ (c=0) γs = 18 kN/m3
1800 kN
H= 0.5 B tan (45+φ/2)=0.5*1.5*tan(45+32/2)=1.35 m
dw = (6-1) = 5.0 > H (No water effect on BC)
1.0 m
Using Mayerhof’s Tables with φ=32
6.0 m
Nc = 35.47 ; Nq = 23.2 ; Nγ=22.0
H = 1.35 m
Sq = Sγ = 1 + 0.1 [tan2 (45+ φ/2)].B/L = 1 + 0.1 [tan2 (45+ 32/2)]. (1.5/2.25) = 1.22
dq = dγ = 1 + 0.1 [tan (45+ φ/2)].D/B = 1 + 0.1 [tan (45+32/2)].(1/1.5) = 1.12
qult = 18*1*23.2*1.22*1.12 + 0.5*1.5*18*22*1.22*1.12 = 976 kPa qall = 976/1.5 = 650.67 kPa
qapplied = 1800/(1.5*2.25) = 533.3 kPa < qall
B X L = 1.5 X 2.25 O.K
For the footing shown in Figure below, find the allowable bearing capacity using Meyrhof’s equations with SF=2.5.
eB=My/P eB=400/4000=0.1 m, So B’=2-2*0.1 = 1.8 m
eL=Mx/P eL=0/4000=0.0 m, So L’=2-2*0 = 2.0 m , BXL= 1.8 X 2.0 P=4000 kN
Meyrhof’s BC eq. M=400 kN.m
qult = C Nc Sc dc + q Nq Sq dq + 0.5 B’ γ’ Nγ Sγ dγ

Using Mayerhof’s Tables with φ=35

1.0 m
Nc = 46.1 ; Nq = 33.3 ; Nγ=37.1
Kp=tan2 (45+ 35/2)= 3.69
Sc = 1 + 0.2 Kp.B’/L’= 1+0.2 *(3.69)*(1.8/2)=1.66
Sq = Sγ = 1 + 0.1 Kp.B’/L’ = 1 + 0.1 *3.69* (1.8/2) = 1.33
dc = 1 + 0.2 [tan (45+ φ/2)].D/B’ = 1 + 0.2 [tan (45+35/2)].(1/1.8) = 1.21 (1.19) ‫ﻓﻲ ﺣﺎﻝ ﺍﺧﺬ ﺍﻻﺑﻌﺎﺩ ﺍﻻﺻﻠﻴﺔ‬
dq = dγ = 1 + 0.1 [tan (45+ φ/2)].D/B’ = 1 + 0.1 [tan (45+35/2)].(1/1.8) = 1.106 (1.096) ‫ﻓﻲ ﺣﺎﻝ ﺍﺧﺬ ﺍﻻﺑﻌﺎﺩ ﺍﻟﻤﻌﺪﻟﺔ‬
qult = 40*46.1*1.66*1.21+18*1*33.3*1.33*1.106 + 0.5*1.8*18*37.1*1.33*1.106= 5469.65 kPa
qall = 5496.65/2.5 = 2198.66 kPa SAY = 2199 kPa
qapplied = 4000/(1.8*2) = 1111.11 kPa < qall O.K
Slide 14

N1 NS, 12/15/2021
The SPT results at various depths in a soil are shown in table below. Determine the allowable
bearing capacity for a footing located at 1.0 m below the surface with B=3.0 m. The allowable
settlement is 30 mm.
El. (m) 1 2.5 4 5.5 7.5 P
N (blows) 4 6 9 6 12

El. m N 1.0 m
Solution: B =3
1.0 4
Draw the N profile for soil and its elevations 1.75
2.5 6
4.0 9
5.5 6
7.5 12
Specify the ZONE OF INTEREST for the footing system
For spread footing it extended from 0.5 B above foundation level to 2B below foundation level

0.5 B El. m N 1.0 m 0.5 B El. m N

= 1.5 m
B =3 = 1.5 m
1.75 B = 3
1.0 1.0
1.75 1.75
2.5 6 2.5 6 1.5
2B 3.25 2B 3.25
=6m =6m
4.0 9 4.0 9 1.5 7.0 m
4.75 4.75
5.5 6 5.5 6
6.5 6.5
7.5 12 7.5 12

4 1.75 6 1.5 9 1.5 6 2.25 43

𝑁 = = = 6.14 6 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑤
1.75 1.5 1.5 2.25 7

For B > 1.2 m , D/B < 1 . .

𝑞 = . 1 0.33 = . 1 0.33 = 100.7 kPa
. .

for 25-mm settlement

𝑞 = 𝑞

𝑞 = 100.7 = 120 kPa

The allowable bearing capacity for 30-mm settlement

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