Transport From Bayswater

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Transport From Bayswater IELTS Listening

Answers With Audio, Transcript, And Explanation

Luyện tập đề IELTS Listening Practice với Transport From Bayswater được lấy từ
cuốn sách IELTS Actual Test 5 - Test 2 - Section 1 kèm Answer key, list từ vựng
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DOL IELTS Đình Lực Mar 03, 2022
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Question 1 - 5
Complete the notes below.


Transport from Bayswater


Destination: Harbour City

Express train leaves at 1 .

The 2 is the nearest station.

Number 706 bus heads for 3 .

Number 4 bus goes to station.

Earlier bus leaves at 5 .

Question 6 - 10
Complete the table below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Mode of Transport Cash fare Cash fare

Bus $6 6 $ 1.5 0

Train (peak) $ 10 $1 0

Train (off-peak)- before 5 p.m or after 7 p.m $1 0 $ 8

9 ferry $4.50 $3.55

Tourist ferry ( 1 0 ) $35 _

Tourist ferry (whole day) $65 _

Transport From Bayswater
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Woman: Morning, thanks for calling Metro Link. Is there anything I can do for you?

Man: Good morning, I would like to go to Harbour City tomorrow before 11 a.m., eh, from

Woman: Well, for Bayswater...

Man: Oh..., no, no. From Bayswater, where I am currently living, but Harbour City is my

Woman: Sorry. That means, Bayswater to Harbour City. Which mode of vehicles do you prefer, by
bus or train?

Man: In fact, I have no preference, only if it brought me to Harbour faster.

Woman: Well, if you take an express train, you'll be right in Harbour within an hour from departure.
Let's see, yes, I recommend you to get on the 9:30 a.m. express.

Man: Sounds perfect. So, at which station should I get on the train?

Woman: Helendale is the nearest station to you.

Man: Henlensvale? Did you say that?

Woman: No, Helendale, that's H-E-L-E-N-D-A-L-E

Man: Then how can I get there fastest?

Woman: Umm... Let me see, please wait a minute, I need to have a look. It says you probably have
two options for the routes: the first one is the 706 bus from Bayswater Shopping Centre to
Central Street; there will be another bus that can take you to the train station.

Woman: Or if you don't mind walking directly to the Central Street, like couple of kilometres, then you
can take the bus there bringing you to the train station.

Man: Sure, but which bus is that, the one in Central Street?

Woman: The 702 will take... oh, sorry, it's the 782 that will take you to the station

Man: I believe walking will be fine, so option two might seem better to me. When should I arrive at
Central street to catch the bus?
Woman: There are two buses that you can catch up and get the station on time, one just before 9
o'clock, one right after. Yet in the morning, it might be better to take the earlier one just in
case of a traffic jam or something like that. I'd like to say the 8:55 one is more reassuring
than the 9:05 one.

Man: Sure, I don't want to miss the train, so the five to nine one will be better.

Man: One more thing, how much would the fares cost?

Woman: Well, the bus is $1.8 in cash and the train is $10 each way. But, do you have a Travel Link

Man: No, but I may get one before tomorrow.

Woman: Alright, if you have the card, you can pay considerably less. The bus will cost you $ 1.5 and
the train to Harbour... sorry, wait, it will still cost you $ 10 because it is during rush hours in
the morning, I'm afraid. Yet, if you could return at an off-peak time...

Man: What do you mean by that?

Woman: All right, if you could begin your returning journey before 5 in the afternoon or later than
7:45 (a quarter to eight) in the evening...

Man: In fact, my plan is that I won't start to go back home until 8 o'clock anyway.

Woman: Then you can save a lot of cash using your Travel Link Card. You did mention that you were
planning to buy one, didn't you?

Man: Yes, today, maybe later, I'll pick one up.

Woman: It means, with cash, it would cost you $10, but if with your card, you will only pay $7.15 for

Man: Thank you.

Woman: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Man: Ah, yes. In fact, I would like to know if the Travel Link Card supports ferry services?

Woman: If the ferry services you say is Harbour City ferries that connect the northern and southern
banks, then yes.

Woman: They are commuter ferries, one-way trip costs $4.5, but with the Travel Link Card you will
enjoy a 20% discount, and the cost will be $3.55.

Man: So, $3.55 for it... What about the tour boats?

Woman: You mean those ferries going upriver on sightseeing tours for tourists? No, they do not
belong to Travel Link company, and they only take cash and credit card.

Man: Oh, I see. So, I may believe that you might not know how much they cost for one tour?

Woman: Actually, I do know. I took a friend to the trip up river just last week. We determined to go an
afternoon tour and it cost us $35 each. There is also a whole-day option costing $65.

Man: Thank you. You really helped me a lot.

Woman: With pleasure. Do enjoy your trip!

Answer key (đáp án và giải thích)

1 9:30 a.m/9:30 https://tuhocielts.dolengli

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2 Helendale https://tuhocielts.dolengli
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3 Central Street https://tuhocielts.dolengli

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4 782 https://tuhocielts.dolengli
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5 8:55 a.m/8:55 https://tuhocielts.dolengli

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6 1.8 https://tuhocielts.dolengli
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7 7:45 https://tuhocielts.dolengli
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8 7:15 https://tuhocielts.dolengli
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9 commuter https://tuhocielts.dolengli
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10 afternoon https://tuhocielts.dolengli
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