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15) John Calvin, Calvin’s Commentary: Old 15)

Testament Series 1, John Calvin’s
Commentary Publishing Committee
(Bible House, 1995), 207, 213.

20) James M. Freeman, The New Manners and 20)

Customs of the Bible: Old Testament, trans. Il-
Woo Kim and Sae-Gu Lee (Agape Publisher,
1998), 35.

21) The Pulpit Commentary Translation 21)

Committee: Genesis II, The Pulpit
Commentary Old Testament Series 2
(Bomun Publishing Company, 1994),

22 John Calvin, Calvin’s Commentary: 22)

Old Testament Series 1, 218.

32) “The period of the stranger’s life was 32)

430 years. 30 years was not counted
because the oppression did not begin
immediately. So, the period of
oppression is 400 years.” (J. P. Lange,
Lange’s Commentary 3: Exodus, 26-27.)

93) Thompson II Commentary Bible, 93)


97) In John 4:5, the place called “Sychar” is 97)

mentioned as “near the plot of ground
Jacob had given to his son Joseph.”
Jacob soon must have dug a well right
here in Shechem (sometimes called
Sychar). Therefore, this well in Sychar
was called “Jacob’s Well” (John 4:6). We
can see here that the land that Jacob
had given to Joseph in Genesis 48 refers
to “Shechem.”

98) Genesis 33:19 says that it was 98)

purchased for “a hundred pieces of
silver” while Joshua 24:32 says that it
was purchased for “a hundred pieces of
gold.” In Korean Bible translation, it is
distinctively translated to “silver” and
“gold,” but in Hebrew, it is the same
word ‘qesitah (ְ‫’) ק ִׁשי ָטה‬. Such a
different translation seems because the
value of a hundred piece of “silver” in
Jacob’s time was the same as the value
of a hundred pieces of “gold” in
Joshua’s time.

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