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Weekly Lesson Log in English 6

WEEK 30-31

I. Objectives:  At the end of the lesson, pupils would have been able to:
a. unlock difficulties in vocabulary development;
b. use story grammar in summarizing;
c. identify the verb and tense in a sentence;
d. write sentences using perfect tenses;
e. listen carefully as the teacher discusses; and
f. cooperate actively in online class discussion.

II. Lesson/s: 
Reading: The Turtle and the Lizard
Language: Perfect Tenses of Verbs

III. References:
Avenues in English 6, page.173-174, 184
Activity Sheets

IV. Activities:
A. Daily Routine

B. Recall

C. Motivation
A. Answer the questions.
1. What is patience?
2. Give situation where you express or exhibit being patient?

1. Ask the pupils to share some of the things they or their family members do every week.
2. Have them talk about the actions using complete sentences.
3. Write some of the sentences on the whiteboard
4. Have volunteers read the examples and correct any mistakes they notice. To help them,
you can ask a guiding question such as: Does anything sound weird when you read it out

D. Discussion

E. Oral Activity
A. Directions: Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. Why did the turtle and the lizard go to the field of Gotgotapa?
2. Why should they remain still?
3. Why did the man come out of his house?
4. What did the turtle do when the man came?
5. How did the lizard die?

B. Directions: Answer the following question.

1. Name situation where you become impatient.
2. What is the outcome when you are impatient?
3. Give ways on how to be more patient.

C. Directions: Fill in the present perfect tense of the verbs in parentheses.

(go) The scouts ___________________ camping in Makiling.
(consult) Emil Castillo ___________________________ his adviser.
(cut) The logger ______________________ the old Acacia tree.
(try) I _______________ not ____________ rock climbing.
(take) Anthony and Christine _____________ part in the play.

D. Directions: Identify the correct present perfect form of the verb to complete each sentence.

1. The secretary __________ ill since Friday of last week.

has been
2. Her reports ______________ submitted to the office because of her illness.
have not been
were not
3. It was the first time she _____________ balut.
has eaten
4. It stinks here; someone ____________ smoking.
has been
5. The janitor is in the hospital because he ___________ his leg.
has broken

A. Directions: Read the question and choose the letter of the correct answer. Briefly explain your choice.
1. Which of the following sentences is in the present perfect tense?
a. Little insects can be as tough and fierce as the big ones.
b. Because there has been little to do lately, I have been observing insects.
c. Little pieces of leaves, as well as their own eggshells, are eaten by caterpillars.
d. The little iron-clad beetle survived without water and food for fourteen days.
Expanation: ___________________________________________________________________
2. Which sentence is in the wrong tense?
a. All insects have two antennas.
b. All insects have six jointed legs.
c. All had three main body parts.
d. All insects do not have bones at all.
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________
3. Choose the sentence with no tense error.
a. Dinosaurs had roamed the earth long before man did.
b. The plant-eating Ultrasaurus has been the largest land animal on earth.
c. Dinosaurs are around for nearly 150 million years.
d. Had you ever thought of studying prehistoric creature before?
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________

F. Bookwork
 Answer Exercises I, II and III, pp. 185-186
 Answer Activity Sheets given.

G. Assignment
Read the story, Why Dogs Wag Their Tails, 190-191.
No. of Learners with Mastery Level______________
No. of Learners needing remediation/ reinforcement _______________

Name: _______________________________________________
E. Directions: Using the graphic organizer, summarize the story The Turtle and the Lizard


Characters Conclusion


Name: _______________________________________________
Directions: Complete the sentences using the present perfect tense forms of the verbs in the parentheses.
Pay attention to the subject while choosing between “has” and “have”.

1) I _____________________ (speak) to my father about the picnic.

2) Our team________________________ (play) exceptionally well
3) My little puppy _______________________ (bring) me so much joy.
4) The storekeeper is happy because sales ________________________ (improve).
5) Ah! You __________________________ (charge) too much for this small meal.
6) We ____________________________ (watch) this movie twice.
7) I wonder if they _______________________________ (agree) to share their toys with us.
8) The Statue of Liberty ____________________________ (survive) the test of time.
9) Stacy____________________________ (become) very hardworking ever since she got low grades.
10) My friend from Tokyo ______________________________ (learn) to speak English.

Name: _______________________________________________
A. Directions: Identify the verb in each sentence. Write if the verb tense is past perfect, present perfect
or future perfect.
________________1. The painter has painted three major works of art.
_______________ 2. My mom has cooked dinner every night this week.
_______________ 3. The mouse had eaten all the cheese in the trap.
_______________ 4. My principal will have given two speeches before the end of the school day.
_______________ 5. My sister had visited my grandparents on her way to her friend’s house.
_______________ 6. The dog and the cat have sprinted around the yard all day long.
_______________ 7. We will have taken the test before we go outside for recess.
_______________ 8. The plumber will have fixed the sink before I arrive home today.
B. Directions: Complete the sentence with the correct perfect tense of the verb.
1. My parents _________________ (see) this movie two times at the cinema.
2. My brother ______________ (eat) the cake before I had a chance to get a bite.
3. Before we move to the new house, we ______________ (pack) all of our clothes.
4. The lawyer ______________ (say) that we can tour her office anytime

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