Don Quixote

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Don Quixote

Senor Quixano was a fallen nobleman who resided in the Spanish nation of La Mancha.
He was tall, slender, and perhaps fifty years old. He read novels about swordplay all day, which
left his head continually perplexed. Senor Quixano aspires to become a Gypsy knight in order to
end suffering, vanquish evil, and establish justice on earth.
In order to realize his desire, Senor Quixano dug through his great-rusty grandfather's old
knight costume, painstakingly mended it, washed it, and got ready to leave. Senor Quixano
referred to himself as the knight Don Quixote of Mancha and gave his skinny horse the name
Rocinante in order to live up to his aristocratic position. In the same way that the comic book
knights found their dream mistresses, Senor Quixano did the same. He remembered the girl from
Toboso village and gave her a genuine name: Princess Dulcinea of Toboso village.
He joyfully walked the streets as a knight, eager to vanquish evil and exalt the Manche
knight. He urged his horse forward after running into a tied and battered shepherd. The man
demanded that the owner free her right away and vowed never to beat her again after learning
that she had been thrashed by her owner for misplacing a sheep. Don Quixote had not traveled
very far, and the returnee was still torturing the boy severely. Another time, the merchants
refused to acknowledge that his Dulcinea was the most beautiful woman in the entire world, so
he was forced to act with overwhelming rage. However, Don Quixote was brutally murdered;
fortunately, the farmer recognized him and returned him to the community.
Don Quixote quickly resumed his journey. Don Quixote, a knight, rode ahead on
Rocinante's back, followed by Sancho Panza, a farmer from the same hamlet, who was mounted
on a low-riding donkey and carrying a sack of food and a large pot of wine. Don Quixote
joyfully spurred his horse forward, shield and spear in hand, believing the windmills to be
wicked giants that needed to be destroyed. Men and horses were both struck by windmill
propellers. Tusks stick out of the earth.
After seeing the monks and the soldiers guarding a carriage carrying a woman, Don
Quixote's teachers and pupils mistakenly believed they had stolen the lovely princess. Don
Quixote ordered them to free the princess before spurring the horse to attack the princesses.
monk. A few days later, when Don Quixote caught sight of the sheep, he mistook them for an
army. Soon after, shepherds beat him to death.
Don Quixote and his students carried on regardless as they traveled. They unexpectedly
arrive for a nobleman's funeral. A certain knight, in Don Quixote's opinion, was severely
wounded, and as a knight of Mancha, it is his duty to exact revenge on his friend. assaulted the
funeral with vigor.
Don Quixote unexpectedly found himself in the chivalric conflict one evening while
staying at the inn. He repeatedly cut the giants while heavily bleeding. The wine had leaked out
of the bags at this tranquil inn, filling the entire inn, and the innkeeper was furious.
To get Don Quixote home one day, the parish priest and the nearby barber had to work
together. But after that, he and his mount went on their way. Sancho gets to control an island this
time. However, that is only a game that the Duke's spouse and husband have created for
amusement. Other amusing and ridiculous things were also brought about by Don Quixote. In the
end, Don Quixote was coerced into abandoning his quest for knighthood by his family and
friends. He was quite depressed and got sicker and sicker. He realized his stupid actions while
lying in the hospital bed. After creating a will to split the property, Don Quixote passed away.

1. Chivalry (n): Tinh thần hiệp sĩ

2. Damsel (n): Đầm xòe
3. Distress (a): Đau khổ
4. Wealthy (a): Giàu có
5. Sultan (n): Quốc vương
6. Peasant (n): Nông dân
7. Nobleman (n): Quý tộc
8. Bloodshot (a): Đỏ ngầu
9. Knight-errant (n): Hiệp sĩ giang hồ
10. Rescuer (n): Người cứu hộ
11. Maiden (n): Thiếu nữ
12. Attic (n): Gác mái
13. Rusty (a): Rỉ sét
14. Steed (n): Chiến mã
15. Worn-out (a): Mệt mỏi
16. Grumble (v): Càu nhàu
17. Delusional (a): ảo tưởng
18. Valiant (a): Dũng cảm
19. Villain (n): Nhân vật phản diện
20. Parade (v): Diễu hành
21. Grip (n): Tay cầm
22. Lance (n): Cây thương
23. Shabby (a): Tồi tàn
24. Trumpeter (n): Người thổi kèn
25. Giggle (v): Cười khúc khích
26. Grunting (v): Càu nhàu
27. Knelt (v): Quỳ xuống
28. Amid (a): Giữa
29. Merchant (n): Thương nhân
30. Gallantry (a): Dũng cảm
31. Impudent (a): Trơ tráo
32. Knave (n): Sở trường
33. Ditch (n): Mương
34. Saddle (n): Yên xe
35. Spur (v): Thúc đẩy
36. Gallop (n): Cuộc đua ngựa
37. Thrust (n): Lực đẩy
38. Toss (v): Quăng
39. Skewer (n): Xiên que
40. Shepherd (n): Người chăn cừu
41. Pelt (n): Da bò
42. Meadow (n): Đồng cỏ
43. Groan (v): Than vãn
44. Throbbing (a): Rung động
45. Sadden (a): Buồn
46. Miserable (a): Đau khổ
47. Scrap (n): Phế liệu
48. Ogre (n): Yêu tinh
49. Distinguish (v): Phân biệt
50. Clank (n): Tiếng kêu
51. Spear (n): Ngọn giáo
52. Basin (n): Lưu vực
53. Snatch (v): Chộp lấy
54. Sidekick (n): Cộng sự
55. Vulnerable (a): Dễ bị tổn thương
56. Sergeant (n): Trung sĩ
57. Unconscious (a): Bất tỉnh
58. Rob (v): Cướp
59. Desolate (a): Hoang vắng
60. Conquer (v): Chinh phục

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