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The number of capital crimes, in this country at

manner in which the soil is sometimes worked in the Kandahar

``including the jurisdiction of the admiralty of England or

(Herero) and Namaquas, often combining small trading operations

1 In the Eastern Church four small pieces of cloth marked

savages where the women of the tribe fought alongside the men,

gives the credit of this discovery to Ptolemy. He taught,

occur in the higher regions are exclusively alpine (or alpine

from Kabul to Afghan Turkestan must cross either one or

Tin chloride is used in the West Indies to produce the yellow

word. A story of Mahommedan origin, which is probably no

and Industrial School (for negroes). There are lumber mills,

the medieval palaces of Albenga have lofty brick towers.

country, offers the obstacles of magnificent, inaccessible

rarely fine enough for use in jewellery. Among these may be

and councillors of state were dismissed and replaced by new

separates the Kobdo basin on the north from the Irtysh basin

dormant (i.e. unclaimed) as being in abeyance. (J. H. R.)

meaning ``mainland'' or ``peninsula.'' The district of Alaska

took up the interrupted work of his father. That work was on

demonstrated that the great Zimbabwe and similar buildings

work. The hall of the Abencerrages in the Alhambra takes its

1793. He effected many improvements at the gardens, and in 1789

for philosophical speculations, and in 1830 he published his

at Amsterdam, are of alder-wood. Furniture is sometimes made

magazine. The various stores for explosives are classified

In England the Agricultural Society was founded in 1838, with

by Charles V. In 1534 he attempted to bring the province of

// \\

1869 .. 21,709,824
by cooling, and the gas is now passed upwards in the ``Solvay

this must differ from Integralds/V by terms not depending on the

direction was begun that series of voyages of exploration

perhaps the climax was in 1837, when Adams presented a petition

of an index needle near the mouth of a coil. When a current

the law does not qualify aliens for any office or any municipal,

of woollens and calicoes, silk-weaving, paper-making, oil and

historian Lambert van den Bos, were published successively

grains, is common (epidote-amphibolites), and in these rocks

Alpen-Zeitung (Swiss A. C.), besides those of the smaller

the nitro-hydrocarbons, the reducing agents used being either

appears to have been due in the first instance to Albert Girard

into the car and drawing his sword declared his determination

geographical scope. It must suffice to say that the weight

provide that where a sample of milk (not being milk sold as

and the fertility of the soil is less. But Lorraine possesses,

council. Uncle and nephew soon differed, and in March 1402

ALL SAINTS, FESTIVAL OF (Festum omnium sanctorum), also

distress, as in the Abyssinian campaign of 1867-68 and the

studied law at Bologna, and after his uncle's election he

Veneno and the Historia de mis libros, both issued in

Sir James Simpson was the first to apply anaesthesia by

purposes, as it causes less, if any, pain. It is a valuable

occurs in germlings from the tetraspore, and also in the

He was sent to Rome for trial (A.D. 52), but was acquitted

d e f z kgw h i j @@ p r s t u l m n th o. As neither

cargo. Again, in a storm at sea, it may be necessary for the

Anthony Hope's Prisoner of Zenda and Rupert of Hentzau;

to the study of the natural sciences, and in particular to a

water. It decomposes silicates on being heated with them.

given of the origin of the Swiss Klippen is that which now is

Scotland. Another crisis in ecclesiastical affairs arose in

cognate to the Gr. ambix, a cup), an apparatus for

legislation, ought not to be confounded with the actual state

1902, 387 and reff.). In the modern town, on the other hand,

cannot easily be exaggerated; and his wisdom in council

proof of the practical (Seidel) formulae. A. Gullstrand (vide

Aclea, probably the modern Ockley. In 853 AEthelwulf subdued

Kodiak and the Aleutians (q.v.) the climate becomes even

their effects on the human body, and chemistry profited by

In the vestibule of the entrance corridor stands a suit of

(1557) uses the variant algeber, while John Dee (1527-1608)

of the trustworthiness of the book ``is enhanced by a thorough

years 1887 to 1891, 1895 to 1899 and 1903 to 1905 inclusive are

past in their art and were thereby more profoundly American.

very fully the beauty of nature as immediate unity of notion

always be followed by a course of instruction in respiratory

Alps are represented by the glacier lakes of the Marjelensee

Milanese. The former, in the 15th century, won the Val

men and girls, especially young brides. Works of art of

the fabulous history from the Persian back into Greek.

Afrika-Forschung,'' Peterm. Mitt., 1888; R. Brown, The

stands. It was famous for its high play. In 1778 it

of the ignorant negro electorate were made. Consequently

Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. The British East Africa protectorate

harbours, both artificial--the old or northern harbour and

the regions now known as Bajour, Swat and Buner, inhabited

runs due north for a long distance, though of the two loftiest

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