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Contemporary global issues

Final Assignment -research paper

The study of Zero waste sustainability- waste management in the fashion industry.

Zero waste is a revolutionary idea for addressing waste issues in our society. Several industries, including
waste management and treatment, mining, manufacturing, and urban development, are developing and
implementing the concept. Policymakers have welcomed the zero-waste idea because it encourages
resource recovery, optimal recycling, and sustainable manufacturing and consumption. However, it is seen
and used differently by experts in waste management systems. Based on a critical analysis of published
academic journal articles, this study seeks to conceive zero waste development. There are surprisingly few
studies that have looked at production and sustainable consumption in the fields of zero waste design,
assessment, and evaluation. This study demonstrates the wide range of zero waste investigations and the
zero-waste idea.
A zero-waste idea is always evolving through a variety of initiatives, plans, policies, and tactics, as this
study's findings demonstrate. The results of this review study indicate that many countries are using zero
waste programs without a comprehensive zero waste strategy.
The study draws the conclusion that the zero-waste concept has been widely utilized in various production
phases and waste management systems based on the review's findings. The study's conclusions help define
the zero waste strategy's focus areas and create national zero waste standards.

Keywords: Waste management, the concept of zero waste, zero waste research, and zero waste strategy.

The fashion industry includes all phases of production, from the creation of fibers and fabrics to the
designing, creation, and sale of clothing. Among the industries that cause pollution, the fashion industry
comes in second. In addition to having a huge influence on the environment, this industry employs millions
of people. A significant amount of waste is produced while clothing is being made. The resulting solid
waste is dumped in landfills, where it decomposes and releases methane gas. Methane is a potent
greenhouse gas that absorbs heat from the atmosphere more efficiently than carbon dioxide, which is the
most prevalent greenhouse gas. The current issue of global warming is considerably exacerbated by the
solid waste.
The global trash issue has its roots in the industrialized world's growing population and greater product
consumption. Adopting every strategy that reduces waste generation could be a potential answer to this
issue. Fashion that produces zero waste could be a step in the direction of sustainability. To find
inefficiencies in the usage of inputs like raw materials, power, and labor, a zero-waste policy must be
adopted. The sustainability movement is supported at every stage by zero waste policies.
Design for Zero Waste
During the cutting process, no fabric is wasted because to the way that a design's pattern components are
joined together in zero waste design. The pattern elements are connected without any gaps in this design.
In order to save fabric scraps, pattern components are often designed to fit together like puzzle pieces. With
the use of zero-waste technology, specialized clothing is frequently produced that conforms to the
characteristics and dimensions of the original fabric.
Zero Waste Fashion Techniques
These relate to all those strategies that can be utilized to reduce fabric waste in the production of clothes
employing particular designing methodologies. Clothing made using zero-waste fashion design techniques
uses only the amount of fabric required for a specific piece of clothing and almost eliminates fabric waste,
A method where waste is almost eliminated during every stage of a garment's design, production, and use
is known as the "zero waste fashion concept" in general.
Research objectives
Aims of the study
1) TO study the awareness of zero waste sustainability and waste management in the fashion industry.
1) To examine fashion buyers who are environmentally conscious.
2) To compare the sustainability interests of consumers and fashion brands.
Research methodology
Various research methodologies such as quantitative, qualitative and a combination of both methods
(mixed method) can be applied based on the scope of a study.
Primary research
Twenty persons took part in the survey, which was used to gather primary data. 21 people participated in
the survey . Online questionnaire Data was gathered in a consistent manner, with each set of responses
being given the same weight for analysis and everyone responding to the same questions in the same order.
It was possible to develop descriptive, exploratory, and explanatory hypotheses because the data set
included both quantitative and qualitative data.
secondary research
The information gathered for secondary research comes from already published books, journals, websites,
research papers, blogs, and other sources. The essence of this technique is using fabric artistically to create
decorations, bias tape, and the like. Secondary research sources include formally published items like peer
reviewed trade and professional journals, books, newspapers, and conference proceedings.
Research issues

How can sustainable development be attained in the fashion business is the research issue? How to manage
waste for sustainable fashion with the aid of zero waste clothing.

1. How can the recycling rate of secondhand clothing be increased?

2. How can the re-use rate as a recycling alternative be increased?
3. How can the market share of eco-friendly clothing be increased?
4. How might the economic crisis affect the green market?

Scope of the study

1. Awareness Zero waste

2. Sustainability
3. Zero waste design
4. Recycling clothes
5. Waste management


There were several limits on the sample and factors investigated in this study, were addressed.
They were 1) This study was limited to 21 people from pune city.
2) This study was conducted in pune ,Maharashtra.

Literature review
I reviewed 2 research paper ,2 book ,2 articles.
Hypothesis: In order to accomplish the objectives of the research the following hypothesis were
generated based upon the review of literature

H1- people are aware of zero waste fashion and waste management

In Sample type &size

A well-structured opinion survey drafted &circulated to fashion students and elders of pune city

Variables used

Zero waste fashion, waste management, slow fashion, fast fashion, zero waste sustainability, awareness
of zero waste

Analysis & interpretation

All the data collected from 21 people on the above variable is statistically analysed All the data was
presented in the form of tables and graphs Following graph indicates respondents Age, and how often
the shop.

Analysis: 42.9% respondent are at the

age 18-21 ,23.8% belongs to 21-25, 19%
are of the age 25-30 and other 14.3%
respondents are of age 30-40

interpretation: most of respondents

were young i.e.,18-21, and elder
respondent were less comparatively.

Section 1-- To study the awareness of zero waste sustainability and zero waste fashion
in this section respondent stated awareness about zero waste Sustainability, and waste management in
the fashion industry.

Analysis: 33.3 % respondents are aware about zero

waste and on the contrary 28.6% respondents are
of aware and other 38.1% respondent are aware
but the knowledge is less; they stated they
somewhat know about it.

Interpretation : According to the responses of the

majority respondents lack knowledge in this field,
but on the other hand there are responses who
have knowledge in this section.

Analysis:38.1% Respondents Stated that they

borrow clothes, 33.3% stated that they do
thrifting of clothes, 23.8% Stated they pass
their clothes to next generation, and other
4.8% stated that they buy clothes from apps
which sells second hand clothes

Interpretation: According to the responses of

the respondents I can say that most of the
people have a habit of borrowing clothes and
some people choose to go thrifting also there
are respondents who stated that they buy
second hand clothes

Analysis: 47.6% respondent stated that they

somewhat know about zero waste
sustsustainability.28.6% respondents are totally
aware,on the contrary 23.8% stated they don’t
know anything

Interpretation: According to the responses of the

respondents I can say that majority of people know
about zero waste sustainability, as some people
have little knowledge but they come in the category
of people who are aware. And about people who
doesn't know anything that need to be sorted with
giving then exposure to the information
Analysis: 33.3% respondents
stated that they are aware about
waste management in
fashion,28.6% stated they
somewhat know about, and other
38.1% didn't know about it

Interpretation: According to the

responses of the respondents it is
clear that not many people know
about waste management and
there is lack of knowledge in this

Analysis: 38.1% respondent

have little knowledge about
it,28.6%have stated yes,
they are aware about it,
other than that 28.6 % and
4.7% are completely
unaware about it

Interpretation: according
to responses of the
respondents I think majority
people are aware and some
have less knowledge.

section2 - To examine fashion buyers who are environmentally conscious.

in this respondent stated about the buying behaviours in fast fashion

Analysis: 47.6% respondent

stated that they donate the
cloth which they don’t wear,

33.3% stated that they

recycle their clothes and 19%
stated that they repurposed
their clothes.
Interpretation: According to responses, majority of people donates their unworn and old clothes, and
some of them recycle them to give it a new look

Analysis: 38.1% respondent

stated that they know the
difference between fast
fashion and slow
fashion,23.8 % stated they
don’t have knowledge
about it.

Other 33.1% maybe don’t

know about it ,in that 9.5%
knows little bit about it and
9.5% people somewhat
know about it.

Interpretation: some of the people are aware but on the other hand 61.9 %people are either unaware
of it or maybe they have little knowledge about it.

section 3 - To compare the sustainability interests of consumers and fashion brands.

in this section respondent stated about why do people buy from a fast fashion brand

Analysis: 66.7% respondents stated

that they don’t know about it,
14.3% stated that they have
knowledge about it, 19% stated that
they have little knowledge about it.

Interpretation: majority of
respondents doesn't know about it,
on the contrary there are people
who have a substant amount of
Analysis: 38.1 % respondents
stated that there is a need of
more slow fashion brands, 33.3
% respondents want less
expensive products, 19% of
respondents stated adding
varieties in the existing brands
can lead to buy sustainable
clothes, and other 9.5% stated
that to make people aware about

Interpretation: majority
respondents agree to sustainable
lifestyle and they want to do

Additional inputs:

In this section respondents about what is the take of people on what they think about changing their
lifestyle to sustainability.

Analysis: 42.9 % respondents accepts and agrees to the idea of becoming sustainable

47.6 % stated that following the sustainable style will take time

Interpretation: according to respondents with time people will accept and will start following
sustainable lifestyle.

Findings:(based on all the variables used in the


As the study uncovered significant gaps and patterns in existing zero waste studies, its findings are crucial
for policy makers who create zero waste programs. The study has offered broad, overarching concepts as
suggestions for zero waste development based on the data at hand.
The offered alternative does require a shift in perspective, but it does sound plausible and doable. The world
has always been modified by human ingenuity, but it is still unclear how easily minds can alter. A growing
number of severe impacts already affect the majority of individuals worldwide. Until everyone is prepared,
none of these effects are guaranteed to stay pleasant.

Section 1: at individual level, majority of respondents have stated that they have average to moderate
level of knowledge on:

a) awareness about zero waste sustainability and zero waste fashion.

b) sustainable ways for waste management

C)recycling and repurpose clothing

Hence it proves hypothesis 1 people are aware of zero waste fashion and waste management and
Interpretation fulfils objective 1, To study the awareness of zero waste sustainability and zero waste

Results and discussion

There have now been significant efforts in the cities, companies and individuals that offer many good
suggestions for the future production of zero waste the following sections present major findings of the
review study.
According to the findings that measured through questionnaire people are becoming aware of sustainability
and looking forward towards sustainability and zero waste designs and majority of people already trying to
follow a sustainable lifestyle.
As a result I found out that people are also shopping from fast fashion brands stating the reason that clothes
are trendy and affordable, they tend to buy from h&m ,Zara
And there is lack of exposure to sustainability and zero waste brands.
A comprehensive strategy for addressing waste issues in the twenty-first century is zero waste. This study
comes to the conclusion that zero waste is still being developed based on their reading of the literature and
the primary research through survey. To attain zero waste targets, experts have put forth a variety of
concepts, plans, laws, and tactics that have been put into practice in cities.
To remove inefficiencies in the usage of materials, energy, and human resources, a zero-waste approach
must be adopted. Accepting high-quality materials will enable apparel companies to produce effectively,
more quickly, and with less waste. Production waste materials need to be meticulously separated before
being utilized.

References (secondary research)

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