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Conforto -

The Revelation of the Organic Intelligence

Fig. 1 - A "new", vaster Earth is regurarly observed in EUV (left) and coexisting with the visible Earth (right).

A distinct, not distant Earth coexists with the observed one (Fig 1) and is regularly observed through space
probes in EUV (Extreme-Ultra-Violet), invisible but observable electromagnetic frequencies. It is composed
of plasma and named Plasmasphere, gifted with collective coherence and evident freedom from gravity.
It has fluid rotations, varying between 25 and 27 hours to make a full rotation on itself. Its shape is like
a giant Baby, 4-5 times larger than the visible Earth. It would challenge our usual conception of reality if we
were aware of Its presence. Yet we are not and believe we are isolated, fara way from all the other planets
and stars. Most people are still obliged to work with the brow's sweat and, if women give birth with pain,
depend on "divine" condemnations that are consequences of the famous "original sin".
According to the Bible, our ancestors - Adam and Eve - ate the forbidden fruit of the tree of good and evil. A
few contemporary scientists suggest that such a tree is our Central Nervous System - CNS for short - only
able to communicate through electric signals, hence linked to a specific aspect of human behaviors. It is
bipolarism, the attitude to take one side against the opposite one. It is what the so-called world pandemic
has recently exasperated. Good lawyers are available to protect the people from prevarications, and good
medical doctors unveil the lies that justify them. A capillary battle is spreading worldwide, involving all the
people who suffer and ignore the root cause of these collegial attitudes that governments and alleged
experts have adopted. No one looks up to the sky, as had expected Giordano Bruno (1548-1600). In new
words: nobody realizes that the sky is quickly changing, so involving a "new" conception of reality that
many sages and primitive people had already anticipated.
Many observed phenomena indicate the imminent Revelation of the Organic Intelligence in which we
humans might happily participate if we wanted. It would be the beginning of a new era, finally free from
bipolarism and useless battles between good and evil. All authorities try to hide it in various ways. They
provoke the fear of a new enemy (Covid-19), separate the people, produce vaccines and promote 5G.
Experimental observations unveil the moving oneness of 100.000 galaxies - billions of light-years distant
from each other - the abrupt acceleration of the universal expansion and the slowing down of the Earth's
diurnal rotation. The hidden Magnetic Universe is unveiling Its existence and ability to move the small and
the large, the minute particles that compose all the bodies - including our human ones - the Earth, the Sun
and the other stars. What is the time? It is not the linear and irreversible arrow that our clocks measure, as
many believe. Mechanical and atomic locks show the speeds of a rotation or a peculiar frequency.
One irreversible arrow of time describes the Cosmic evolution, the biological one, and the historical one,
including the public debt's growth. Is the time-debt link a natural law? It is not, as it is evident. Many
times exist and depend on the different rotations, in turn, depending on the magnetic fields.

Fig 2 - The North Magnetic Pole between 1990 and 2005 has accelerated its speed of 0-15 km/year to 50-60 km/year

The presumed link between linear time and debt has made a few wealthy people ever more affluent and
many poor ever more impoverished. Many "experts" ignore the natural clock connected to our human
physiology, linked to our immune system, and to a new wind that is blowing all over the world.

It is the solar wind, plasma that escapes from the Sun’s surface, and touches the Earth’s one, precisely
when our daily hormonal secretion occurs. Involving a whole set of hormones - huge organic molecules that
emerge from our endocrine glands and affect our health and physiology, both linked to our health, this
daily event can be the real bread we need. What is Life? We mainly feel it as eros and emotions, the often
unsatisfied need for happiness. We ignore the high-speed game between DNA and RNA in a process on
which our human health critically depends. It is the protein folding that challenges our belief in one linear
and irreversible arrow of time. Multiple RNA sequences can slow or accelerate protein translation encoded
in RNA, as biologists found. DNA is like a musical score that appears at conception. RNA has the functions of
a skilled conductor, able to trigger the needed instruments for the performance of that wondrous Opera
that is biological life. What about Its AUTHOR? Quite probably not the God who kicked all of us out of
Paradise. It can be the Earth's Crystalline Solid Core (Fig. 3). All crystals emit music. This large Core - a fifth
of the Earth's total radius, and 0,7% of total volume - is the Author of the geomagnetic field and accounts
for more than half of the total Carbon budget. Carbon is a primary component of biological life.
The Earth's Crystalline Core is also the primary Author of the Earth's
magnetic field, whose intensity is quickly decreasing so much as to let
us foresee its imminent reversal (Fig. 2). In 2019 North Magnetic Pole
was moving erratically out of the Canadian Arctic and toward Siberia
and took scientists by surprise. They had to quickly update the World
Magnetic Model (WMM) they had released four years before. South
and North Magnetic Poles swapped positions several times without
involving catastrophes. It can be the revelation of the Giant Baby, the
evidence that the real Earth is not the lacerated sphere-like world on
which we live, hurry against time, and suffer. The sphere is a matrix.
As geophysicists recognize, the Earth's solid Core rotates faster and
independently from the Earth's upper shells. Therefore Its reversal
doesn't necessarily imply earthquakes. Yet it shows what all powers
Fig. 3 - The Earth's Solid Inner Core - fear and desperately try to hide. The Revelation of the Giant Baby,
primary Author of the geomagnetic the One Organism of whose Body we, humans might be partakers. We
field - spins faster than the surface.
are so small, respect to Her/His Body, as to be Her/His cells. The
Earth's Crystalline Core is the recognized Cause of the "apple" - the
Earth's magnetosphere - that has hidden the Giant Baby for millennia. This big "apple" wraps around the
Earth's visible surface and traps the two belts, Van Allen discovered in 1958. These two have energies
millions of times higher than those of the "apple". Their origin is mysterious, but their effect is evident (Fig.
4): the dazzling flow of visible photons - messengers of the electromagnetic light - that hide the Giant Baby.

From the positive towards the negative belt, these photons travel
in one only way, hence from past to present, as Einstein's Special
Relativity has shown. Thus the Big "apple" has hidden the future,
whereas the genetic code - the DNA - has predisposed it for every
organism born on the Earth's surface, for more than one billion
years. One Infinite Universe - composed of many intelligent
worlds - exists as Giordano Bruno affirmed, and recent theories
confirm. Every world has its proper rhythms. The Earth's surface
could have the slowest ones and so explain our human FALL.
We fell to the slowest pace and still "eat the apple". It protects us Fig. 4 - An "apple" - Earth's magnetosphere
from the dangerous cosmic rays, as a few scientists affirm. Other - surrounds the Earth's visible surface and
instead notice that cosmic rays are not harmful to us or any other hides the Plasmasphere observed in EUV.
life on the Earth's surface. Yet some carry so much energy that
physicists are baffled by what object in the sky could create them. They are too powerful to have originated
from our Sun or an exploding star. What if cosmic rays were the witnesses of parallel universes that we do
not observe but now calculate? Parallel universes have faster rhythms, are in the future respect to our
present. If it is so, the apple's imminent reversal will unveil them, overwhelming our belief in our solitude.
A jump of consciousness is spreading all over the world. The truth
is emerging. We are immersed in a matrix that critically depends on
our blind faith in a "knowledge" that ignores what Life is. The trick
has been smart, promoted by an ancient empire that still rules with
a cultural division. It regards the different disciplines, looking at the
specific details, and not asking the main questions.
What is Life? Why is Earth the only planet full of water and Life?
Because we don't see the real, Organic Universe, but just an apple
(Fig. 4) that traps the two high energy belts, creating a dazzling
electromagnetic light. Reversing it polarity that has pretended to
ignore. It implies a peaceful, cultural, and radical revolution, a
loving conception of Nature all governments fear.
Fig. 5 - The ecliptic, celestial, and galactic Eternal Life is not a mystery.
Equators form angles that changed long It can coincide with the one
time ago, and altered human perceptions.
and triune Force physicists
are obserging since 50 years, and artists had intuited and illustrated
centuries ago (Fig. 6). Its scientific name is electroweak, has allowed
physicists to develop their Standard Model, involving many
combinations of particles and antiparticles, having clockwise and
anticlockwise and rotations. These combinations can compose real,
but invisible worlds matching our human ability to remember the past W+
and, willingly, plan a new, happy future.
Science fiction speaks of the "light side of the Force" we can use if we Z
want. This side can coincide with the copious flow of Z bosons and/or
the River of Life that "descends from the stars to the stalls", from the W-
fastest rhythms to the slowest ones. If it is so, we can reachive the
faster ones, pay attention at our intuitions, the fleeting moments in
which the Force manifests itself. It can be "the only Force, Love, which
moves and joins infinite intelligent universes" as Giordano Bruno
wrote. Our use is our ability to play with times, realize that the true
Language of the Universe is Music. The geomagnetic reversal can be
Fig. 6 - The Electroweak Force is carried by
an extraordinary adventure. It means transiting from a world - full of
3 types of heavy bosons, which move and
vain words - to a new one able to feel and express the oneness of all don't emit light. We can feel not see them.
the people, achieve friendship, and overall prosperity.

Energy limits do not exist, as usually believed. All physics,
in particular quantum physics, shows that actions make up
reality. Actions involve motions, and the human ones also
imply our will to carry them out in practice. What to do?
What we want. We can express our talents, respect all the
others, be finally free from the tyranny that has marked
our tragic history. It is our same belief in one single arrow
of time, linked to the increasing debts. The world public
debt grows by about eighty thousand dollars per second,
and there are 86,400 seconds every day. A natural bond?
No, artificial, useful to make a few always richer and many
increasingly poorer. The educated middle class suspects
Fig. 7 - 5,000-year-old Nativity Scene foud in Egypt; nothing. On June 21, 2020, the solar eclipse brought the
it is the oldest one ever found, a new born between ancient equilibrium back to the galaxy and has begun to
parents and two "animals" maybe constellations.

awaken many sleepers.
They ask rightly respect for the constitution and the laws established, but ignore that physical laws are
changing and the "powerful" are all aimed at hiding the imminent revelation. Vaccines, fears and 5G are
the most appropriate means to maintain their "power" on the sleeping human minds.
However they cannot stop the ongoing magnetic reversal that
the free, Crystalline Core is causing, many ancient texts have
announced and experimental facts confirm (Fig. 8). Our eyes
only see the optical electromagnetic frequencies, our bodies
feel gravity. Contrary to common beliefs, both these fields are
quinckly changing too as I describe in my most recent book.1

The geomagnetic reversal will turn the electromagneti light off

for a while, three days according to many prophecies. It will Fig. 9 - The South Atlantic Anomaaly (SAA) can be
be the end of a tragic era and the beginning of a peaceful and the epicenter of the imminent, magnetic reversal
happy one. We need to check our usual beliefs and wonder that will show a new Earht and a new sky.
what Life is. Suppose It is the Force physicists call Electroweak
(Fig. 6). We have to admit that great sages, poets, and primitive people have already used it, recognizing
what schools, shared knowledge, and usual media still neglect. However, technology advances and now
acknowledges the Higher Human Mind's existence, of which Giordano Bruno spoke too (Fig. 10).
(Fig. 10). It is considered the brain's subway, composed of glial cells, capable of using more magnetism
than electricity and transmit much faster signals than the grey neurons do.
We are in a world that is very complex, participating in an
dynamic universe, which has infinite variables, also the ones
excluded by mechanical theories. Our human free choices. A
Butterfly Effect is possible. Unprecedented natural events
make the Man-Universe system unstable. What future? The
one we want. The Lorentz attractor shows a bifurcation
between two distinct solutions, two different futures that
involve a free choice, individual and independent from all
the others. The butterfly effect also shows that the “critical
mass” is not at all necessary as some say.
From our quickly changing world, two distinct "worlds" are
Fig. 10 - Our higher mind is composed of glial emerging. What distinguishes them? The flavor, as Jesus
cells that envelope each neuron, compose
Christ indicated and the Gospels reported. At present we can
what we might call Cinderella slipper.
realize that the flavor is a nuclear state we can achieve.1

1 My book - Il Risveglio e il Gioco Cosmico dell'Uomo - is published in Italian by UnoEditori. L'Éveil et le jeu Cosmique de l'Homme
is published in French by Éditions JMG. It is completely translated in Spanish, partially in English and German.

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