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Type- 1
Gap Filling Exercises
1. Complete the passage given below choosing the correct alternative

Luckily, Mr. keesing (a) the joke the (b) way.

He read the poem (c) the class. (d) his own
comments, and to several (e) classes (f) well.

a. i) takes ii) take

iii) has taken iv) took.
b. i) correct ii) wrong
iii) right iv) rightly.
c. i) in ii) for
iii) to iv) before
d. i) adds ii) adding
iii) added iv) by adding
e. i) more ii) another
iii) lot iv) other.
f. i) very ii) equally
ii) as iv) So
a.- took b. right c. to d. adding e. other f. as
He was a) _______________ at the news b) _____________ the success of a
poor candidate c) __________________ got the d) ______________ number

Of votes in Bihar elections. But he knew it happens so e) _______________

in democracy.

a. i. surprising ii. surprise iii. surprised iv. having surprised

b. i. of ii. for iii. to iv. by
c. i. which ii. whose iii. whom iv. who
d. i. high ii. higher iii. highest iv. most high
e. i. often ii. Many iii. Few iv at.


a. surprised b. of c. who d. highest e. often


There are ways and ways a)__________________ tackling a problem.

But governments all over the world b) only one system
c) is the carrot and stick one. Unfortunately people have to
wait for five years to d) the existing governments. But
who e) how the government will work._

a) i. in ii. of iii. from iv. on

b) i. prefer ii. prefers iii. preferred iv. preferring
c) i. who ii. which iii. what iv. whose
d) i. voted ii. vote in iii vote for iv. vote out
e) i. knows ii knowing iii. known iv knowledge.

a. of b. prefer c. which d. vote out e. knows

Today a good a)__________________ varieties of tea and tea brands are
available in the market. Green tea is popular b) _________________
and the Far East. In Japan, the tea ceremony is a c) _________________
Way of greeting guests, tea d) _is a social occasion. Tea
is the most commonly e) ___beverage in Japan._
a. i. very ii. many iii. much iv. more
b. i. on ii. at iii. in iv. for
c. i. trade ii traditional iii. modern iv. commercial
d. i. and ii. it iii. both iv. this
e. i. drink ii. drunk iii. drinking iv. drank._

a. Many b. in c. traditional d. and e. drunk.


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