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GROUP ASSIGNMENT: Role as a Consultant

Comparative Study of Rahnu Operators in Malaysia: Finding The Best

1. You are a group of consultants being hired by your client to conduct a study
on the best Rahnu Operator in Malaysia.

2. Your client owns a huge amount of gold jewelries and gold bars. From time
to time she might need to pledge her gold to get cash to roll in her business.

3. Your client is interested to know which particular Rahnu operator is the best
in fulfilling her need for fast cash.

4. Please study and compare the type of products offered by eight (8) main
Rahnu operators in Malaysia.

5. Compare and analyze their similarities and differences especially in (but not
limited to) the following aspects:
a. Types of items acceptable for pledge
b. Margin of financing
c. Financing limit
d. Safe keeping fees (if available)
e. Cumulative financing limit
f. Specific terms and conditions
g. Duration of pledge

6. Pick and choose the best and support your choice with the necessary
justifications. Propose the best Rahnu operator to your client.

7. As a start, you should use her RM30,000 worth of gold bracelet as a basis.
Please calculate the cost involved and demonstrate which particular Rahnu
operator would give her the best possible offer she can get if she is going to
pledge that RM30K bracelet.

8. You should not limit your source only from the Rahnu operators’ respective
websites. You can also drop by at any nearby Rahnu outlet to get further info
from their pamphlets, leaflets, brochures etc (if its available, please attach in
your report as appendix). You can even seek info from the officer in charge
of the outlet (if possible but not necessary- maintain the SOP).

9. Please cite the reference and source of your information and data.

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