B+V Manual - BVES-750 Hydr - 710000-Y-H-D Rev 002

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Read before first use!

4 ½”–14” Pipe Range Diameter

Part No. 710000-Y-H

hydraulic version

Blohm + Voss Oil Tools

Hermann-Blohm-Straße 2
20457 Hamburg • Germany
Telephone ++49 (0)40/3119-1826/1162 • Fax ++49 (0)40/3119-8194

Revision date 2012-02-27

All rights retained. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form (print, photocopy, microfilm or any other procedure)
or be processed using an electronic system without written approval of Blohm + Voss Oil Tools

Dependent on ongoing technical improvements (ISO 9001) “B+V Oil Tools“ reserves the right to be able to change the
design and specifications without previous announcement. The values specified represent the nominal values of a unit
produced in series production. Slight deviations in the case of the individual devices are possible.



1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 5

2 Technical Data ............................................................................................ 6

2.1 Load Capacity................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Pipe Range Diameter .................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Elevator Links ................................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Recommended hydraulic supply.................................................................................... 6
2.5 Main Dimensions ........................................................................................................... 7
2.6 Assemblies of BVE 750 (Elevator)................................................................................. 8
2.7 Assemblies of BVS 750 (Spider) ................................................................................... 8

3 Installation .................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Checking Guide Plates .................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Installing Elevator .......................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Installing Spider ........................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Terminal connecting .................................................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Connectings for Operation without Control Unit........................................................ 10
3.4.2 Connectings for Operation with Control Unit............................................................. 11
3.5 Commissioning the BVE/S 750................................................................................... 12

4 Operations ................................................................................................ 14
4.1 Normal Operation ........................................................................................................ 14
4.1.1 Raise the Slips without Control Unit ......................................................................... 14
4.1.2 Lower the Slips without Control Unit ......................................................................... 15
4.1.3 Operation with Control Unit....................................................................................... 15
4.2 Emergency Operation.................................................................................................. 17

5 Changing Slips ......................................................................................... 19

6 Changing Inserts ...................................................................................... 20

7 Service and Maintenance ........................................................................ 21

7.1 General Lubrication ..................................................................................................... 21
7.2 Hydraulic System......................................................................................................... 22

8 Repair ........................................................................................................ 22


9 Critical Areas ............................................................................................ 22

10 Drawings and Spare Parts..................................................................... 23

11 Address List............................................Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.

Content of Figures

Fig. 1: BVE 750 Elevator ..................................................................................................... 5

Fig. 2: BVS 750 Spider ....................................................................................................... 5
Fig. 3: Main Dimensions ...................................................................................................... 7
Fig. 4: Upper Guard Plate.................................................................................................... 8
Fig. 5: Bottom Guide Plate................................................................................................... 8
Fig. 6: Elevator .................................................................................................................... 9
Fig. 7: Open the Link Block.................................................................................................. 9
Fig. 8: Spider ..................................................................................................................... 10
Fig. 9: Hydraulic Connections............................................................................................ 10
Fig. 10: Schematic Hydraulic Connections .......................................................................... 10
Fig. 11: Block diagram, Connections with Control Unit....................................................... 11
Fig. 12: Hydraulic Control Lever .......................................................................................... 14
Fig. 13: Schematic hydraulic Plan of Control Unit............................................................... 16
Fig. 14: Emergency Operation............................................................................................. 17
Fig. 15: open BVE/S-750 ..................................................................................................... 18
Fig. 16: Changing Slips ....................................................................................................... 19
Fig. 17: Slip, changing inserts.............................................................................................. 20
Fig. 18: Greasing Points ...................................................................................................... 21
Fig. 19: Critical Areas .......................................................................................................... 22


1 Introduction
The Blohm + Voss 750 Tons Elevator/Spider will be used for handling long, heavy
strings of casings. These tools are convertible for use as casing spiders or casing

When dressed as an elevator the tool includes a casing guide bell, which automatically
centers the pipe for positive locking of the slips and a bottom guide plate.
Auxiliary equipment needed to use the tool as a spider includes a spider adapter plate,
which sits on the rotary table to provide a secure platform for the tool, and an upper
guard plate, which functions as a pipe centering device.

Fig. 1: BVE 750 Elevator

Fig. 2: BVS 750 Spider


2 Technical Data

2.1 Load Capacity

Safe working Load 750 sh tons

2.2 Pipe Range Diameter

4.1/2“ to 14“

2.3 Elevator Links

The BVE/S fits for : 4 ¾“ B+V Elevator Links 750 t
5 ½“ B+V Elevator Links 1000 t

2.4 Recommended hydraulic supply

Operating pressure : 210 bar (3450 psi)

Minimum pressure : 180 bar (2600 psi)
Maximum pressure : 250 bar (3600 psi)
Volumetric Flow : 10 gpm (35 l/min)


2.5 Main Dimensions

Spider (BVS) Elevator (BVE)

1530 1530



Fig. 3: Main Dimensions


2.6 Assemblies of BVE 750 (Elevator)

Part no. Quantity Description

710000-Y-H 1 BVE/S-750
710100-BC 1 Slip Assembly (shown at table page 30)
752600 1 Casing Guide Bell Assembly
table page 25 1 Bottom Guide Plate Assembly

2.7 Assemblies of BVS 750 (Spider)

Part no. Quantity Description

710000-Y-H 1 BVE/S-750
710100-BC 1 Slip Assembly (shown at table page 30)
table page 25 1 Upper Guard Plate Assembly
752765 1 Spider Adapter Plate

3 Installation
3.1 Checking Guide Plates
Prior to installation, inspect the Upper Guard Plate on the Spider and the Bottom Guide
Plate and Casing Guide Bell on the elevator.
Making sure they are tightly secured to tool bodies or covers and are of the right size for
the casings to be handled.
Also ensure that the inserts are properly installed and they are of the correct size for the
slips (table on page 25).

Part No. Part No.

Pipe size Pipe size

Fig. 4: Upper Guard Plate Fig. 5: Bottom Guide Plate


3.2 Installing Elevator

To install elevator:

1. Make sure that the Bottom Guide

Plate (a), Securing Handle (b) and
the Casing Guide Bell (c) are
installed and are of the correct
size (
2. Fig. 6). The Upper Guide Plate
must not be installed.

3. Remove the link block pin (d) and

safety spring (e) and allow the link
block (f) to swing open.

4. Place the links in the now open

assembly (Fig. 7) and secure by b
replacing the link block pin (d) and
safety spring (e) removed in the
previous step. Raise the elevator c a
in the derrick to a height sufficient
to allow installation of the spider.
Fig. 6: Elevator

5. The BVE/S-750 fits for 4 ¾“ B+V 750t and 5 ½“ B+V 1000t Elevator Links.

A: B:

Fig. 7: Open the Link Block


3.3 Installing Spider

To install spider:

1. Place the spider adapter plate

(Part No. 752765) (g) on the
rotary table

2. Make sure that the Upper

Guard Plate (h) is installed.
The Bottom Guide Plate and
the Casing Guide Bell must not
be installed.

Fig. 8: Spider

3.4 Terminal connecting

3.4.1 Connectings for Operation without Control Unit

A B Fig. 10: Schematic Hydraulic Connections

Fig. 9: Hydraulic Connections

A: Power supply


B: Return Pipe
3.4.2 Connectings for Operation with Control Unit

Fig. 11: Block diagram, Connections with Control Unit

For Operation with Control Unit a special Lever-position is required:
- Slip-lever “SLIP DOWN “
- Lock-lever “LOCK OFF“


3.5 Commissioning the BVE/S 750

Read manual before first use !

Operating personel is aware of all danger that depends on handling the

OK  BVE/S 750 (see manual first) !

Prior to use of the BVE/S 750, following checks must be carried out :
(according to Technical Documentation, Installation and operation).


OK  Cross check of all delivered parts

Hydraulic Characteristics

 Operating pressure 180...210 bar (2630...3040 PSI)

 Volumetric flow 37,85 l/min (10 GPM)

 Minimum required
hydraulic oil clearness


OK  Check for correct seating of Hinge Pins and are secured

Apply grease to all greasing points (see manual, greasing shedule) until
OK  grease is visibly coming out of the bores
Make sure the required Sip Assembly is installed before first use (see
OK  manual, Slip Assembly)

OK  Cover is closed

Hydraulic Connections (see manual)

OK  All Hydraulic Lines are connected according to manual


Installation Spider

Make sure the required Upper Guard Plates are installed before first use (see
OK  manual, Upper Guard Plates)

OK  The Upper Guard Plates are fixed with the screws (see manual).

Installation Elevator

Make sure the required Bottom Guide Plates and Casing Guide Bell witch Securing
OK  Handle are installed before first use (see manual, Bottom Guide Plates)

The Bottom Guide Plates and Casing Guide Bell witch Securing Handle are fixed
OK  with the screws (see manual).

Basically the elevator has to be installed as shown in the manual

OK  Installation of B+V Elevator to Elevator Links according to manual

OK  Link Blocks are closed

Function test

Function test (open /close) without Control Unit

Slip Assy. opens, when Lock Lever stands in „LOCK ON“ Position and Slip
OK  Lever
in „SLIP UP“ Position
Slip Assy. closes, when Lock Lever stands in „LOCK OFF“ Position and Slip
OK  Lever in „SLIP DOWN“

Function test (open /close) with Control Unit

For Operation of BVE/S-750 with Control Unit the Slip-control-lever must

be in “SLIP DOWN”-Position and the Lock-control-lever must be in
“LOCK OFF”-Position.

Slip Assy. opens, when Pressure apply at Connection B

OK  feedback signal indicates: Elevator is open
Slip Assy. closes, when Pressure apply at Connection A
OK  feedback signal indicates: Elevator is closed


4 Operations
Keep hands and all other parts away from the internal components of the equipment.
Keep all tools away from the slips or other internal components during operation.
Do not operate without Upper Guard and Corner Covers in place.
Do not stand under the elevator/spider during operation.
Failure to comply with these warnings could result in serious injury or death to rig

4.1 Normal Operation

4.1.1 Raise the Slips without Control Unit

1. To raise the Slips, the Lock Control Lever is moved to the „LOCK ON“ position.

2. The Slip Control lever is moved to the „SLIP UP“ position .

3. Until the slips are raised the Slip Control lever must remain in the “LOCK ON”

4. The slips will automatically lock in the upper position, by an mechanical locking

Fig. 12: Hydraulic Control Lever


4.1.2 Lower the Slips without Control Unit

1. To lower the Slips, the Slip Control lever must move to the „SLIP UP“ position.

2. When the Slip is raised, the Lock Control Lever must shift to the „LOCK OFF“
position and hold there.

3. The Slip Control lever must push to the „SLIP DOWN“ position.

5. The slips will automatically lock in the lower position, by an mechanical locking

4.1.3 Operation with Control Unit

For the BVE/S-750 are different Control Units available

Manual Control Unit, P/N 755108

Pneumatic Control Unit P/N 755107
Electrical Control Unit P/N 755105

These Control Units are delivered with separate documentations.

For Operation of BVE/S-750 with Control Unit the Slip-control-lever must
be in “SLIP DOWN”-Position and the Lock-control-lever must be in
“LOCK OFF”-Position.

Electrical Control Unit


Connection P (Pressure) and T (Tank) are connected with hydraulic power unit.
Connection A, B and C are connected to the BVE/S-750.
Connection S4 and S5 are electrical control lines (S4 = Slips up, S5 = Slips down).
Connection S6 and S3 are electrical signal lines (S3 = Slips are set, S6 = Slips are
Connection D and S7 are unused.

Functional description

The control unit controls the BVE/S-750 with an electrical controlled 4/3 way valve (Pos.
1, Fig. 13 page 16). Two safety valves are installed to avoid damage on the BVE/S-
Between set-slip operation and raise slip operation the 4/3 way valve has to stay in the
middle position by de energizing the solenoids at least for a short moment.


Otherwise the hydraulic pressure is not able to release. This causes problems with the
feedback signal.

A time limit relay has to be installed in both control lines, if there is no central position
provided by the electric control for the 4/3 way valve (Pos. 1).

Ball valves on connections P and T allow depressurized connection and disconnection

of hydraulic hoses (Pos. 3).

The return line “C” is set under pressure from the BVE/S-750 (Feedback signal) if the
slip is set op raised completely.
Only one line “A” or “B” in the control unit is under pressure, depending on slip is set or

With help of the 3/2 way valve between signals S6 and S3 the slip position is
differentiated (S3 = Slips are set, S6 = Slips are raised).

2 3 3 4 3 4

2 2

1 1 1

Fig. 13: Schematic hydraulic Plan of Control Unit


4.2 Emergency Operation

1. In case of BVE/S-750-intern hydraulic failure, the slips can be raised manually. First it
will be necessary to open the Cover (A) and attach four straps of a ½ Tons capacity or
more to the hole(B) of each slip support plate directly behind the slip.
Then push the two latches(C) out and raise the straps and slips until the requested high
is reached. To lock the slips in upper Position support the Slip Support Plate with
suitable objects.
To lower the slips lift the slips only enough to remove the supporting objects. Then
lower the slips. The slips will automatically lock in lower position.


Fig. 14: Emergency Operation

2. In case of rig-hydraulic supply failure the slips only can raised on times with an hand
operated pump.
First open hydraulic connection A and shift the hydraulic control lever to “SLIP DOWN”
and “LOCK OFF”. Then connect the Hand operated pump with Connection B and pump
the slips up.


In no case should the load on the center of the slip support plate exceed ½ Tons. Loads
in excess of this may cause damage to the slip support plates, stanchions or other
components. Such damage may cause damage to the pipe or associated equipment
and could possible result in injury or death to rig personnel.

3. If it becomes necessary to remove the elevator/spider from the pipe from the side,
raise the slips, remove the two Screws from the Cover (a), remove the two Screws
and the Hinge Pin securing plate (b), remove the exposed hinge pin by pulling
upwardly on the eyebolt (c), and spread the body halves apart until the
elevator/spider can be withdrawn from the pipe.

a b

Fig. 15: open BVE/S-750


5 Changing Slips
1. Remove the two screws (a) from the top of the Cover and open both Covers to
expose the slip support plate.
2. Raise the slips and confirm that the slip locks are engaged.
3. Install a forged steel eyebolt (b) into the slip
4. Support the weight of the slip by attaching an overhead lifting device (1 ton minimum
capacity)to the eyebolt. Raising the slip by using the forged steel eyebolt (b) until
the Slip Link (c) is horizontal.
5. Remove the Safety spring (d) from the slip support pins and while supporting the
Slip Links remove the Slip Support Pins (e)
6. Lift the slip clear of the elevator/spider and set it aside
7. Repeat for the remaining slips


Fig. 16: Changing Slips


6 Changing Inserts
1. Unlock and remove the screws (a) then take off the Insert Retainer (b).
2. Remove the upper inserts (c).
3. Unscrew both screws (d) and pull out the load carrying ring (e).
4. Remove the remaining Inserts (f).
During the proper heat-treatment of inserts, they become very hard and
somewhat brittle. When assembling slips, always wear eye protection and
never strike the inserts with a hammer or other hard object. Failure to observe
these safety precautions could result in serious injury to personnel.
5. Grease the insert slots (g) with a lithium based grease.
6. Slide the new inserts (f) into the dovetail-shaped insert slots up to the load carrying
ring, taking care to ensure that the inserts are oriented properly (That is, that the
buttress-shaped tooth form is oriented upwardly).
7. Install the load carrying ring (e) and both screws (d) Tightening torque min. 100Nm.
8. Continue to fill the slip with inserts (c) until all slots are filled. Begin with a half insert
(h) per Slot. If the inserts do not slide readily into the slots, it may be necessary to
lightly tap them in using a brass or non-metallic rod. If more than a light force is
required, do not use the insert.
9. Install the insert retainer (b) by using the screws (a). Secure bolts with wire.

b a



Fig. 17: Slip, changing inserts


7 Service and Maintenance

7.1 General Lubrication
When the tool is in use, the following lubrication procedure should be performed daily,
or as inspection indicates:

1. Lubricate the back of the slips with heavy grease (a)

2. Apply an extreme-pressure lubricant through the grease fittings on the two Hinge
Pins (b) (12 greasing points)

3. Grease the four slip stanchions (c) (8 greasing points)

4. Check and grease each hydraulic cylinder and cylinder bearing (d) regularly.
(6 greasing points)

5. Inspect the inserts periodically and replace them if necessary. Always grease the
insert slots when installing inserts. Failure to routinely grease inserts slots will cause
the inserts to stick.


Fig. 18: Greasing Points

Contact B+V or one of our Agents to purchase special high pressure grease.


7.2 Hydraulic System

Check for leakage every day.

Should internal or external leakage reach an unacceptable high level, contact Blohm +
Voss Oil Tools or an authorized service company.

8 Repair

All kinds of repairs not performed by Blohm+Voss Oil Tools, should nevertheless be
done in according with their methods and procedures or with their agents. Minor cracks
or defects, which may be removed without reducing safety or operation of the elevator,
can be removed by grinding (see critical areas).

Following the repair, the parts should again be inspected by an appropriate method to
insure that the defect has been completely removed.

If the elevator is defective beyond repair, destroy it directly. If it should turn out
necessary to secure the open elevator for repair work, inspection, etc., fix the trigger
with the securing pin after opening of the elevator.

Remember to use only genuine B+V Replacement Parts and Accessories.
Otherwise, Blohm+Voss will not responsible for the proper operation of B+V

9 Critical Areas

Critical Areas are striped

Fig. 19: Critical Areas


10 Drawings and Spare Parts

710000-Y-H B+V BVE/S-750 hydr. act. Elevator/Spider (4.1/2“-14“).............................24

710033 Upper Guide Assembly 7.5/8” x 7” and 7.5/8” x 7.5/8”......................................26
710043 Bottom Guide Assembly 7.5/8” x 7” and 7.5/8” x 7.5/8” ....................................26
710032 Upper Guide Assembly 9.5/8” x 9.5/8”..............................................................27
710042 Bottom Guide Assembly 9.5/8” x 9.5/8” ............................................................27
710031 Upper Guide Assembly 14” x 13.3/8” and 14” x 14”..........................................28
710044 Bottom Guide Assembly 14” x 13.3/8” and 14” x 14” ........................................28
710100 Slip Assembly 7.5/8” , 9.5/8” , 13.3/8” , 14”.......................................................29
710300 Latch Assembly, hydraulic ................................................................................31
710300-1 Latch Assembly, hydraulic .............................................................................33
710400 Lifting Assembly ...............................................................................................35
710500 Covering Assembly hydraulic ...........................................................................36
752600 Casing Guide Bell Assembly ............................................................................37
710700 Hydraulic Assembly ..........................................................................................38
710700 Schematic Hydraulic Plan.................................................................................41


710000-Y-H B+V BVE/S-750 hydr. act. Elevator/Spider (4.1/2“-14“)

Ansicht ohne Covering Assy.



710000-Y-H B+V BVE/S-750 hydr. act. Elevator/Spider (4.1/2“-14“) Partlist

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

1 2 710010 Body
2 2 710013 Hinge Pin
3 2 710019 Link Block
4 1 710100 Slip Assembly
5 1 710300 Latch Assembly, hydraulic
6 1 710400 Lifting Assembly, hydraulic
7 1 710500 Covering Assembly, hydraulic
8 1 710700 Hydraulic Assembly
9 2 710020 Lifting Screw
10 20 70064 Grease Fitting
11 20 612518 Protection Cap
12 2 752202 Link Block Pin
13 2 752301 Safety Spring
14 2 710025 Screw
15 2 613623 Nut
16 2 612699 Split Pin
21 1 710300-1 Latch Assembly
22 2 617518 Plate
23 4 617519 Screw
24 4 617520 Safety sheet

for use as Elevator

17 1 752600 Casing Guide Bell Assembly
18 1 table Bottom Guide Plate Assembly
25 2 752336 Security Handle
26 2 752337 Screw
27 2 752338 Nut
28 2 752339 Cotter Pin

for use as Spider

19 1 table Upper Guard Plate Assembly
20 1 752765 Spider Adapter Plate
31 1 752333 Screw
32 1 752325 Lock Washer

Pipe size Bottom Guide Assembly Upper Guard Assembly

7.5/8” x 7”
710043 710033
7.5/8” x 7.5/8”
9.5/8” x 9.5/8” 710042 710032
14” x 13.3/8”
710044 710031
14” x 14”


710033 Upper Guide Assembly 7.5/8” x 7” and 7.5/8” x 7.5/8”

710033 Upper Guide Assembly 7.5/8” x 7” and 7.5/8” x 7.5/8” Parts List

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

1 1 752726 Upper Guide Plate

710043 Bottom Guide Assembly 7.5/8” x 7” and 7.5/8” x 7.5/8”

710043 Bottom Guide Assembly 7.5/8” x 7” and 7.5/8” x 7.5/8” Parts List

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

1 1 710041 Bottom Guide Plate


710032 Upper Guide Assembly 9.5/8” x 9.5/8”

710032 Upper Guide Assembly 9.5/8” x 9.5/8” Parts List

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

1 1 752736 Upper Guide Plate

710042 Bottom Guide Assembly 9.5/8” x 9.5/8”

710042 Bottom Guide Assembly 9.5/8” x 9.5/8” Parts List

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

1 1 710040 Bottom Guide Plate


710031 Upper Guide Assembly 14” x 13.3/8” and 14” x 14”

710031 Upper Guide Assembly 14” x 13.3/8” and 14” x 14” Parts List

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

1 1 710030 Upper Guide Plate

710044 Bottom Guide Assembly 14” x 13.3/8” and 14” x 14”

710031 Bottem Assembly 14” x 13.3/8” and 14” x 14” Parts List

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

1 1 710045 Bottom Guide Plate


710100 Slip Assembly 7.5/8” , 9.5/8” , 13.3/8” , 14”


710100 Slip Assembly 7.5/8” , 9.5/8” , 13.3/8” , 14” Partlist

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

1 4 s. table Slip
2 4 s. table Insert Retainer
3 s. table s. table Insert
4 12 710140 Screw
5 4 710141 Lifting Eye
6 12 752327 Split Washer
7 8 775056 Screw
8 8 710415 Slip Link
9 8 710431 Shoulder Screw
10 8 88240-4 Spring straight pin
11 4 s. table Load carrying ring
12 4 s. table End stop
13 8 725464 Screw

Insert Load
Slip Assembly Slip Insert End stop
Retainer carrying ring

Size Part No. Part No. Part No. pcs. Part No. Part No. Part No.

7.5/8“x 710100- 12 half

710135 752953 710125 710138 without
7” 229 60 full

7.5/8“x 710100- 12 half

710135 671132 710125 710138 without
7.5/8” 231 60 full

9.5/8“x 710100- 16 half

710134 752901 710124 710137 710152
9.5/8” 236 80 full

14”x 710100- 28 half

710133 752954 710123 710136 710151
13.3/8” 243 140 full

14“x 710100- 28 half

710133 752901 710123 710136 710151
14” 255 140 full


710300 Latch Assembly, hydraulic


710300 Latch Assembly, hydraulic Partlist

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

1 1 710305-1 Plate Lock Mounting 1

3 1 710310 Latch Pin
4 1 710315 Plunger
5 1 710320 Latch
6 1 710325 Cam
7 1 710330 Knuckle
8 1 710335 Latch Spring
9 1 710350 Pin
10 1 710353 Shoulder Screw
11 1 710347 Cotter Pin
12 1 710340 Link Bolt
13 2 613720 Retaining Ring
14 1 710348 Nut
15 4 710349 Screw
16 4 752309 Split Washer
17 1 710352 Valve Mounting
18 2 650218-3 Washer
19 2 611523 Retaining Ring
20 1 710354 Castle Nut
21 1 620609 Cotter Pin
22 2 645198 Screw
23 2 725443 Washer
24 2 612671 Screw
25 2 755248 Washer


710300-1 Latch Assembly, hydraulic

19 8

7 6







710300-1 Latch Assembly, hydraulic Partlist

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

1 1 710305-2 Plate Lock Mounting 2

3 1 710310 Latch Pin
4 1 710316 Plunger
5 1 710320 Latch
6 1 710325 Cam
7 1 710330 Knuckle
8 1 710335 Latch Spring
9 1 710350 Pin
10 1 710353 Shoulder Screw
11 1 710347 Cotter Pin
12 1 710340 Link Bolt
13 2 613720 Retaining Ring
14 1 710348 Nut
15 4 710349 Screw
16 4 752309 Split Washer
18 2 650218-3 Washer
19 2 611523 Retaining Ring
20 1 710354 Castle Nut
21 1 620609 Cotter Pin


710400 Lifting Assembly


Slip Assembly
P/N 710100

710400 Lifting Assembly Partlist

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

1 2 710405-1 Slip Support Plate

2 4 710410 Slip Stanchion
4 4 710420 Slip Support Pin
5 4 710425 Slip Support Pin
7 4 710432 Screw
8 8 622515 Safety Spring
9 4 710433 Split Washer
10 4 710427 Screw
11 2 615145 Screw
12 1 710426 Indexing Bolt


710500 Covering Assembly hydraulic

710500 Covering Assembly hydraulic Partlist

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

1 1 710505 Corner Cover

2 2 710510 Corner Cover
3 1 710515 Corner Cover
4 1 710520 Cover
5 4 710525 Hinge Pin
6 4 710530 Hinge Sleeve
7 2 710541 Screw
8 4 752322 Cotter Pin
9 40 710542 Screw
10 40 621432 Washer


752600 Casing Guide Bell Assembly

752600 Casing Guide Bell Assembly Partlist

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

1 2 752601 Casing Guide Bell

2 4 752329 Screw
3 4 752330 Nut
4 4 752331 Splint Pin


710700 Hydraulic Assembly

42 29
7 0 50 5 1 4 2 2
10 53 5 2 4 3 35 4 0
4 7 50 5 7 4 9 40
4 7 49 4 8 5 7 13
42 5 1 5 0
42 30

72 50 37 40 35 29

23 25
7 1 5 0 5 1 4 0 35 22
15 5
14 20
50 51 38
9 24 31
50 51 38 33 32
17 38 51 50 65 5 4 50 47 7 9 47 50 Y
3 3 35 3 4
3 3 67 3 4
8 31
27 16 36 45 56
33 3 2
38 3 2 51 5 0 6 3 4 2 5 1 5 0 69 50 5 1
33 35 34

3 4 67 33
7 Detail X
7 4 50 3 7 3 2 6 4 42 5 1 5 0 6 9 5 0 5 1 M 1: 2
4 1 5 0 73 7 6 5 0 37 38 51 50
7 1 50 37
7 3 50 3 7
4 0 35 38 32 51 50
Detail Y
View A
7 3 5 0 4 1 32
40 50 37
47 55 4 9 70 5 0 3 7 3 8

40 50 51
4 7 4 8 3 6 45 5 4 32 3 5 4 0 3 2 View B 77 50 37

3 8 5 1 50
44 81 47 46
26 18 3 9 50 4 7 8 0

42 28

4 5 8 44 68 3 6

67 33
32 32 42 59 37 50 75 3 8 51 5 0 7 8
8 2 4 7 4 8 39
42 3 2 6 7 38 5 1 5 0


710700 Hydraulic Assembly Partlist

Pos. Quantity Part no. Description
1 4 710707 Cylinder
2 2 710708 Cylinder
3 8 710709 Beating Block f. Cylinder
4 1 710701 Valve Block
5 1 710712 Hydraulic Plate
6 1 710717 Hydraulic Plate
7 2 710710 Mounting Plate for Cylinder
8 2 710711 Mounting Plate for Cylinder
9 4 710713 Link Bolt
10 4 710714 Link Bolt
11 1 710724 Mounting Plate for Cylinder
12 1 710725 Angle
13 1 710726 Plate
14 1 710729 Plate
15 1 710732 Angle
16 12 725464 Screw
17 16 710723 Screw
18 8 710349 Screw
19 16 613720 Retaining Ring
20 16 613949-1 U-Seal
21 6 710727 Screw
22 6 755251 Nut
23 2 612671 Screw
24 4 710730 Screw
25 2 755248 Washer
26 8 752119 Split Washer
27 12 710543 Split Washer
28 2 612945 Sequence Valve
29 2 710735 Directional Poppet Valve
30 1 756320 Shuttle Valve
31 2 755369 Elbow Bulkhead Coupling
32 14 755367 Adjustable Stud Elbow
33 8 755370 Straight Bulkhead Coupling
34 4 755366 Equal Elbow
35 13 755364 Swivel Reducer
36 3 755738 Fitting 90 degree
37 9 755325 Tapered Nipple 45 degree
38 13 755365 Banjo Coupling
39 2 755372 Standpipe Reducer


Pos. Quantity Part no. Description

40 22 755368 Equal Tee
41 2 755326 Tapered Nipple 90 degree
42 23 755373 Straight Male Stud Coupling
43 4 755360 Valve
44 3 755374 Straight Male Stud Coupling
45 2 612945 Straight Connection 8L-8L
46 5 612951 Hose Connection, straight 8L
47 9 612955 Hose Fitting
48 3 612953 Hose Connection 45 degree
49 3 613945 Fitting 90 degree
50 33 617551 Swaged Fitting
51 22 617552 Tapered Nipple
52 5 612968 Pressure Gauge Connecting Part
53 4 612967 Air bleeder
54 2 612944 Straight Connection 8L-1/4”
55 1 612954 Hose Connection 90 degree 8L
56 2 645105 Straight bulkhead Coupling
57 2 645096 L-Adapter
58 3 645109 Adjustable Adapter
59 1 617541 Equal Elbow
60 1 613946 Straight Connection
61 1 645117 Direct Pipe Fitting
62 2 615116 Direct Pipe Fitting
63 1 612936-1 Coupling G3/8”, SKS
64 1 612937-1 Coupling G3/8”, SKM
65 1 612965-1 Coupling G1/4”, SKS
67 - 755376 Hydraulic Pipe 12L
68 - 645093 Hydraulic Pipe 08L
69 1 617550 Hydraulic Hose 12L (300 mm lg.)
70 5 “ Hydraulic Hose 12L (500 mm lg.)
71 2 “ Hydraulic Hose 12L (430 mm lg.)
72 1 “ Hydraulic Hose 12L (620 mm lg.)
73 3 “ Hydraulic Hose 12L (390 mm lg.)
74 1 “ Hydraulic Hose 12L (350 mm lg.)
75 1 “ Hydraulic Hose 12L (270 mm lg.)
76 1 “ Hydraulic Hose 12L (250 mm lg.)
77 1 “ Hydraulic Hose 12L (410 mm lg.)
78 1 “ Hydraulic Hose 12L (640 mm lg.)
79 1 612956 Hydraulic Hose 08L (500 mm lg.)
80 1 “ Hydraulic Hose 08L (300 mm lg.)
81 1 “ Hydraulic Hose 08L (320 mm lg.)
82 1 “ Hydraulic Hose 08L (390 mm lg.)

Slip Slip
up blocking element up
down Latch latch off down
latch on


710700 Schematic Hydraulic Plan


down unlock
Slip latch off

up Latch latch on


Blohm + Voss Oil Tools

Hermann-Blohm-Straße 2
20457 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40/3119-1826/1162
Fax: +49 40/3119-8194

Blohm + Voss Oil Tools, LLC

7670 Woodway, Suite 266
Texas 77063
United States of America
Phone: +1-713-952 0266
Fax: +1-713-952 2807

Premier Sea & Land Pte. Ltd.

1, Scotts Road
#19-12 Shaw Centre
Singapore 228208
Republic of Singapore
Phone: +65-6734-7177
Fax: +65-6734-9115


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