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Project File- 5 marks
Viva Voce- 5 marks

The Project-Portfolios is a compilation of the work that the students produce during the process of working on their
ALS Project.

The Project-Portfolio may include the following:

● Cover page, with title of project, school details/details of students.
● Statement of purpose/objectives/goals
● Certificate of completion under the guidance of the teacher.
● Action plan for the completion of assigned tasks.
● Materials such as scripts for the theatre/role play, questionnaires for interview, written assignments, essays,
survey-reports and other material evidence of learning progress and academic accomplishment.
● The 800-1000 words essay/Script/Report.
● Student/group reflections.
● If possible, Photographs that capture the positive learning experiences of the student(s).
● List of resources/bibliography.

The following points must be kept for consideration while assessing the project portfolios:
● Quality of content of the project
● Accuracy of information
● Adherence to the specified timeline
● Content in respect of (spellings, grammar ,punctuation)
● Clarity of thoughts and ideas
● Creativity
● Contributions by group members
● Knowledge and experience gained

Group wise distribution of project assignment-

1. XIIA- RN 1-11: INDIGO- Collect All about different kinds of freedom movements of our country. How
Champaran was important? You can write about autobiography of any freedom fighter.

2. XIIB- RN 1-10: A THING OF BEAUTY- Write all about benefits of going amongst nature. Why men find
peace and Solidarity there? Collect data of important natural destinations of our country.

3. XIIA- RN 12-23: ON THE FACE OF IT- Interview a physically challenged person and write about his/her
views on the problems he/she faced due to his/her condition and what is the attitude of society towards him/her.
Collect data on the condition of rehabilitation centres in India and how people are living there?

4. XIIB- RN 11-20: LOST SPRING- Write an article on the topic ‘How millions of children in India lose out
on living their childhood’. Interview young children dropped out from school or working as child labourers
to earn livelihood and support their families.

5. XIIA- RN 24-35: A ROADSIDE STAND- Interview any two owners of the roadside stands. Interview them
and know about their earnings and their thought process about money and their families and children. Prepare a
write up on how these small shopkeepers are essential in the growth of indian economy.

6. XIIB- RN 21-30: AUNT JENNIFER’S TIGERS- Make an interview based research on the topic atrocities
against women. Meet any five women of different backgrounds And police officer and interview them. Paste
the photographs also.

7. XIIA- RN 36-47: Make an interview-based research on the topic ‘Corona pandemic and the positive impact on
society’. Meet some people who used covid period as an opportunity and achieved remarkable in their life.
Interview them & paste the photographs too.

8. XIIB- RN 31-39: Make an interview-based research on the topic ‘Reality check of education in villages’.
Interview the teachers and the students of that school and record your observation along with the photographs.
Mention how Corona hit the education system badly.

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