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country intersected with rocky canons and fertile valleys,

and the colouring is gaudy. Saints and good people are always

birds have been found suffering from a disease which attacks

For further details of his mathematical investigations see the

1767. William Dunlap (1766-1839) is, however, credited with

"lord of the treasury"), sometimes mere dignity, as in the

monarch of Persia from the river Oxus to the Tigris. In

Travels in the Air (London, 1871); O. Chanute, Progress

acts of his reign was to appoint a secret committee, called

National Review, No. 392, for April 1908.

in the Oetzthal Alps, and so close to the true main watershed.

proverbs of the Seven Sages on the walls (Paus. x. 24. 1),

(Paris, 1887, 2 vols.). P. Bailleu (ed). Briefwechsel Konig

which led to two courts-martial and to the resignation of

dwelling-houses in the village; in the barn is stored the hay

midst of marshlands and lakes. It was probably originally a

prose. A small anthology, called Mananias de Abril y Mayo

forth by the Swiss Federal Topographical Bureau, under the

divides it from Siam, and partly of a rich alluvial tract

J.P. Justice of the Peace.

railway and built 182 bridges in 40 days, forging their own

Fig. 9. -- Leaf 10 of Codex Borbonicus with figure of the god of

by the imperial authorities had been practically decided on;

railway, whose main line runs via Kintore and Huntly to Keith and

now houses the cantonal museum of antiquities. (W. A. B. C.)

give it variety and weight. In ordinary English heroic verse

wheat has practically gone out of cultivation, but barley

southern California in which co-operation has made possible

but these merely attracted to him the favourable attention

the same manoeuvres, combined with constant "tapping" at

crushing of which in the following year established Adelaide's

AMPHITRITE, in ancient Greek mythology, a sea-goddess,

ABATEMENT IN LITIGATION. In civil proceedings, no action

Alexander now went on through the mountain belt, teaching the

are said (though the statement is doubtful) to have been

may now be traced. By the convention of the 14th of February

or English currency in France. The balance of trade between

the words which we have borrowed from French into English

and the first of Evans's ``Minoan'' periods (see CRETE).

known as the Tavole Amalfitane, was recognized in the

observed or not; and it was with the intention of definitely

not only a strong religious impulse, but a store of tales of

him to undertake banking. The Spanish government gave him

Utrecht, bestowed the fief on his brother, Guy of Hainaut.

of Conradin, the last of the Hohenstaufen, promising him

world, for the eyes of all nations were now turned with fear

unsuitable for an ancient city, and does not at all answer to

provinces in Spain are inhabited by so laborious, active and

deacon of the church of St Bartholomew at Liege, his native

definite article al, and maliakh, a word of uncertain

Borgia's daughter Lucrezia (see BORGIA, LUCREZIA) lived with

Whittier: Holmes: Lowell.

Total resistance . . . . . . . .= 40.38

specially marked in the great central highlands between Kabul

In 1861 the Southern States of North America seceded from the

collected. See also Ciampinus, Vetera Monumenta (Rome,

lowered or raised; sometimes it is fixed to the wall or reredos;

British, as was the case with his father. He was surrounded

and the chateaus of Veauce and Lapalisse, are also of

even to the eventual obliteration of the perforations by a

nature, such as railways and telegraphs, proposed either

the date of the borrowing seems too late. The runes are

foreign powers after that of February 1778 with France.

balanced. At the burning of Moscow, he declared afterwards,

been decided. The legis actiones were superseded by the

T.F. Testamentum fecit, Titi filius, Titulum fecit, Titus Flavius.

Africa was reached in 1854 when independence was forced

the northern Somali coast from Ras Jibuti on the west to Bandar

academicians were elected in 1869. The honorary members

origin, and which in some cases belong to the common stock

which points to a complete parasitism. Allusion has already

CATILINE); two years later a revolt under Catugnatus was

river, and on the S. by the Hindu Lush, the Koh-i-Baba and

addition to the literal. It is generally treated as a figure of

Scott. Abbotsford gave its name to the ``Abbotsford Club,''

railways, the first concession for a railway from the coast

subjection, and in 1062 had founded the city of Marrakesh

low. A constant annual loss of 2000 or 3000 emigrants

sherbet spoons, &c., made of the wood of pear and box trees.

object of pure contemplation. This aesthetic satisfaction is

Clermont (d. 1234), and Mary, who married Philip, count of

brick jacket; c,c, flues; d,e, iron plates arranged

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