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From this point of view Pierre d'Ailly, together with

that it would be compelled to withdraw at the end of the year

of which the following are the chief --tropacocaine, stovaine,

Sheep, horses and pigs are also raised in large numbers.

He was successful in restoring the authority of Maximilian

of any crime unless by statute as in New York (Penal Code,

9 Etat des negociations actueelles, &c., mem. prepared by

province of Tenasserim. The district is subject to very heavy

and value of excitation due to this being controlled by

Few Englishmen have exercised so formative and controlling an

(5), between which and the south transept is a small

marked by the diverticulum caecum vitelli, the primitive

traversed by blood-vessels which run from a simple tubular

of the military schools, but he took little personal interest

these energetic and skilful farmers spread rapidly, and

the barony to the bishop of Durham, who in 1309 sold it to

present. The muscular coat consists of unstriped fibres

the case of Sallust's palace, which was situated close to

probable that very little improvement had taken place, either

well amongst the crops of the decade, but the yield of turnips

were shorn twice annually (a practice common to several Asiatic

expedition to Senegal, which from the unhealthiness of its

(1891). The South was represented by Mary Noailles Murfree

done more completely by tillage. It is therefore necessary not

with machines which like balloons are lighter than the air,

NEP. Nepos, Neptunus.

area 9219 sq. m. Alemtejo is traversed by several mountain

air. The practical drawbacks to employing air as the working

ALBEDO (from Lat. albus, white), ``whiteness,''

united with Rome by a hospitium publicum, who had become

to the ravages of time and the violence of man. But we

in the south-and contains 37 cantons and 841 communes.

commixture, which is the mixing together of liquids or solids,

of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, in 1875, and survey

The last quarter of the 19th century proved, however, a

autocracy. His political ideal was a nation containing only

and arctic floras, all authorities are agreed that the key

Steels containing as much as 12% of tungsten are now used

with English commissioners which resulted in the signature

Longstreet at Wauhatchie and revictualled Chattanooga (q.v.),

some outlying cases of indeterminate type, in which continuous

tramways. The place, usually called the Grand Square,

miles off on the field in which he will alight. It is very

projectiles. Alloyed with copper, it is used for the envelopes of

and others are now in general use in dairies, and cheese and

currents. If then the torsion head is provided with an index

Burtscheid (incorporated in 1897 with Aix-la-Chapelle) are

over 3 ft. high, yellowish white in colour, with a brown mane

by the ministers of the navy, justice and foreign affairs.

before.'' He gives quotations of Latin book-keeping terms in

Regiment). The first shock was repulsed, but a French column

in January 1883, since when Great Britain, with an army

he met with in 1657. He died on the 18th of January 1664.

Col de l'Alpe de Venose (Venose to Le Freney), bridle path . . . . .5,446

but ships of greater draught are laden and discharged at its

Dict. pp. 698-770: Ibn Hajar al-Haitami's Biography, publ. Cairo,

Assyria. To judge from analogous instances of a double

the palm on the thigh, with the spindle and with the twister.

taking advantage of the current from west to east which was

afterwards a claim for homage from Henry of England drew

navy was sent to complete these arrangements, but the sultan's

original name was Artemius, was raised to the throne of

freedom than he could have employed under his own name.

and the gazelle. The country generally is of sandstone or

Bibliotheque Nationale d'Alger--a Turkish palace built in

its splendid kings. For three days the will of king and

for Kassai of Tigre, as above mentioned, had by this time

tributaries. None of the rivers is navigable. The climate

Chemnitz, the centre of the mining industry, in order to widen

on slender bamboo rods, similar to the simpler board,

``Alexandria''; U. Wilcken, Observationes ad historiam

that he is mentioned by Pliny (Nat. Hist. xxxvi. 37) as

Grand Glavza . . . . . . . . . 10,781 Monte Granero. . . . . . . . . . 10,401

into mountain solitudes or lonely deserts. The deserts

metal will sometimes render the mixture of two other metals

with the approval of other prominent Spanish rabbis, sent a

magazines; all the details that pertain to the manufacture,

luxuriant vegetable growths of the Carboniferous period,

to the federal constitution. The Supreme Court dismissed

young orator of the "United Irishmen." But Lee, the Johnstons,

reconstruction. On each side of this, in the western pediment,

private practitioners and those engaged in large manufacturing

to public arrangements, and probably a very great majority

the power of criticizing these accounts financially, though

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