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No Notes What you do and write on your journal

1 Planning - the text tell about christmas

- the title is interesting
2 Title A christmas carol
Total of words 8000 word
3 What you know about the title This story tells about Christmas cheers
of the text
This text will bring the reader to the feel of christmas

4 What questions do you have in Why the title is Christmas carol?

your mind?

What predictions do you have?

maybe this story is about the joy of the songs during the

Christmas celebration

5 Read

6 What do you get from the text? Yes I do

7 Revise
prediction of answers from the text is not very

appropriate. because at the beginning of the prediction, I

thought this story was about the joy of Christmas

because the title was also titled "a christmas carol"

however, this story actually tells the greed of a man

during the Christmas celebration.

8 Reference
9 Write the summary of the book
This short story takes place on Christmas Eve when

Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by three spirits. Scrooge's

name has become synonymous with not only greed but

Christmas hatred. He is depicted early in the show as a

man who only cares about money. His business partner,

Jacob Marley, had died years earlier and his closest

thing to a friend was Bob Cratchit, his employee. Even

though his nephew invites him to Christmas dinner,

Scrooge refuses, preferring to be alone.

That night Scrooge is visited by the ghost of Marley who

warns him that he will be visited by three spirits.

Marley's soul has been cursed to hell because of his

greed but he hopes the spirit will be able to save

Scrooge. The first is the ghost of a past Christmas who

takes Scrooge on a journey through his childhood

Christmas first with his younger sister then with his first

mistress Fezziwig.

The first employer is the exact opposite of Scrooge. He

loved Christmas and people, Scrooge reminded him of

the joy he had over the years.

The second spirit is the ghost of Christmas Gifts, which

takes Scrooge on a tour of his nephew and Bob

Cratchit's vacation. We learn that Bob has a sick son

named Tiny Tim and that Scrooge pays him so little that

the Cratchit family lives in poverty.

Although the family has many reasons to be unhappy,

Scrooge sees that their love and kindness towards one

another brightens up even the most difficult situations.

As he grew up for Tiny Time he grew that the future did

not look bright for the little boy.

When the Christmas Ghosts Haven't Come yet things

take a bleak turn. Scrooge sees the world after his death.

Not only is there no one who doesn't mourn his loss the

world is a colder place that seems to be because of him.

Scrooge finally saw the error of his ways and begged for

a chance to set things right. He then wakes up and finds

that only one night has passed. Full of Christmas cheer

bought Bob Cratchit a Christmas goose and became a

more generous person. Tiny Tim was able to fully


The tales of harsh condemnation of greed and the true

meaning of Christmas are what have made it an

unforgettable tale.
10 Write the number of words of 8000 words
the book

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