Defi1 Ibk Strategie Ang

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Reading strategy reminder

Reading strategies help you to better understand a document (article, compu-
ter graphics, poster, quiz…). In this reminder, you will find all the reading strate-
gies present in the units of Défi. Tick the strategies used for each document.
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en plusieu

Strategies before reading en ligne

1   make hypotheses about the contents of the document

  Before reading a document, you can make hypotheses about the contents.

For this, use:

  illustrations (pictures, photos, graphics, icons…)
  the heading and subheadings
  the introduction (the short text which introduces, and sometimes summarizes, a text
  the words that you already know in the text

  Then, you can check your hypotheses.

  reading the whole document
  reading parts of the document (heading, subheading, caption…)

1 p. 28 ; 1 p. 35 ; 1 et 3 p. 43 ; 2 p. 45 ; 1 p. 57 ; 1 p. 67 ; 1, 2, 4 p. 69 ; 2 p. 73 ; 1 p. 77 ; 1 p. 107

2   use what you know about the subject

  Before reading a text, make a list of what you know about the subject of the text.

  of the information that you know about the subject
  of words which can be linked to this subject (for example, you can create a mind map)

1 p. 21 ; 1 p. 27 ; 2 p. 28 ; 1 p. 41 ; 1 p. 44 ; 2 p. 45 ; 1 p. 49 ; 1 p. 72 ; 2 p. 91 ; 1 p. 92 ; 1 , 2 p. 105 ; 1 p. 120 ; 1 p. 125

3   search for information before reading

  Before reading a document, you can search for information to find out about the subject and make hypotheses.

You can:
  make Internet searches
  exchange information with classmates who know about the subject
  ask the teacher questions

1 , 2 p. 58

cent trente et un 131


Strategies while reading

4   ask someone for help

  While reading, you can ask for help from:

  your classmates: what did they understand?

  your teacher: how to translate a word or an expression?

all units

5   use resources

  While reading, you can use a monolingual or bilingual dictionary to translate the words that you do not understand.

1 p. 63 ; 1 p. 99

6   complete your hypotheses and make assumptions

  You always understand something in a text, sometimes just one or several words, sometimes an idea… 
You can improve your comprehension by making assumptions.

You can:
  underline all the words that you know
  try to understand the text with the help of your hypotheses before reading it

2 p. 21 ; 3 p. 29 ; 2 p. 35 ; 2 p. 41 ; 2 p. 45 ; 2, 3 p. 49 ; 2 p. 57 ; 3 p. 59 ; 2 p. 121 ; 2 p. 125

7   identify the structure of the text

  You can identify the structure of the text: its heading, its introduction, its subheadings, its parts, its photos, its captions…
What does each part of the text talk about?

1 p. 53 ; 2 p. 77 ; 1 p. 78 ; 2 p. 93 ; 2 p. 80

8   identify the cultural contents

  In the documents, certain words, phrases or photos talk about Francophone culture or new cultural contents. These
contents may be similar in your culture or different. You can make Internet searches or compare these contents with
your culture.

4 p. 41 ; 1, 3 p. 84

132 cent trente deux

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