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Marriage: Characteristics and Types of Marriage Marriage and family sociologically signifies the stage of greater social advancement. It is indicative of man’s entry into the world of emotion and feeling, harmony and culture. Long before the institution of marriage developed, man and woman may have lived together, procreated children and died unwept and unsung Marriage is the most important, institution of human society. It is a universal phenomenon. It has been the backbone of human civilisation. Marriage as an institution developed over the time. It may have been accepted as a measure of social discipline and as an expedient to eliminate social stress due to the sex rivali oT 7 Aa VIO Sociologists and anthfopologists have given definitions of marriage. Some of the important definitions are given below, As B, Malinowski defines, “Marriage is a contract ea production and maintenance of children”. 72 20 Uo : a According H.M. Johnson, “Marriage is a stable Berens in which a man and a woman are socially permitted without loss of standing in community, to have children”. Ira L. Reiss writes, “Marriage is a socially accepted union of individuals in husband and , with the key function of legitimating of parenthood Forms of Marriage: Societies evolved mannerism and method for selection of the spouses, according to their peculiar socio- economic @ ical conditions, and in accordance with their levels of cultural advancement. This expiains on the one hand the origin of the various forms, of marriage and on the other the differences in the attitude of societies towards the institution of marriage. Some have accepted it as purely a contractual arrangement between weds, while others hold it as the sacred union between man, and woman. Forms of marriage vary from society to society. Marriage can be broadly divided into two types, (1) monogamy and (2) polygamy Monogamy: Monogamy is that form of marriage in which at a given period of time one man has marital relations with one ‘woman. On the death of the spouse or one of the partners seek divorce then they can establish such relationship with other persons but at a given period of time, one cannot have two or more wives or two or more husbands. This one to one relationship is the most modem civilized way of living. In most of the societies it is this form, which is found and recognized. It should be noted that on a societal basis, only about 20 per cent of the societies are designated as strictly monogamous, that is, monogamy is the required form. = When monogamy does not achieve stability, certain married persons end their relationship and remarry. Thus, the second spouse, although not existing simultaneously with the first, is sometimes referred to as fitting into a pattern of sequential monogamy, serial monogamy or remarrian Polygamy: Distinguished from monogamy is polygamy. Polygamy refer to the marriage of several or many. Polygamy is the form of marriage in which one man marries two or more women or one woman marties two or more men or wor Mesias Balasara, “The forms of marriage which ‘number of men maa¥ 2 number of womens is plurality of partners is ealled polygamy”. ‘ i isl to Polygamy, like other forms of marriage is highly regulated and none come Itis likely ye supported by the attitudes and values ‘of both the sexes. Polygamy it many forms and var ) Polygyny, (ii) Polyandry and (ii) Group marriage- iu Polygamy is of three types cow discuss forms of polygamy in details age Let us n Polygyny: age in which man has more than one .wife ata mies eesrries more than one woman ata given time. It's the Polygyny is a form of marri also appears to be the pri lege of the wealthy, marriage in which one man among the tribes, Polygyny usually have more than one wil This type of marriage is found lage Vedic times until Hindu Marriage Polygyny may be of two types: (i) Sororal polygyny and (ii) Non- Sorroral Polygamy: Sorroral polygamy is often called as The: ‘means sister. Accordingly it refers to & marriage pras or after the death of his wife. ie Non-sororal Polygamy: Itis just opposite of the sororal pol sister to each other it is known as e Aris é his form of marriage is found among some tribes offNew Guineaina Levirate: ? In levirate the wife marries the brother ofthe dead husband. Ifa man dies, his wife marries the bro dead husband, Marriag ge of the widow with th h elder brother is called Senior Leviral she marries to the younger brother of the dead husband, itis called Junior Levirate, . Sororate: e ¥ In Sororate the husband marries the sister of his wife. Sororate is again divided into. iter geri Sororate and simultanequs Sororate. In restricted sororate, after: the death of one’s wife, the man marrie sister of his wife, In simultaneous sororate, the sister of Coneubinage: - Concubinage is state of living together as husband and wife ets being married. It i cota as an accepted institution. A concubine has a lower social status Satin that of a wife. ra enjoy a lower status in the society. Exogamy or Exogamous marriage: Its just opposite to the endogamy or endogamous marriage system. It refers an individual has to marry outside one’s own group such as gotra, prava marriage system which leads to the creation of healthy and intelligent child of exogamy such, Cross-cousin marriage: Maki property Res Parallel Cousin marriage: When marriage takes place between type of marriag caste, sub-caste, endogamy, sub-ce Mowsgumi Rant Dey Family The family is the most important primary group in society. It is the simplest and the most clementary form of society. It is the most basic of all social groupings. It is the first and the most immediate social environment to which a child is exposed. It is an outstanding primary group, because, itis in the family that the child develops its basic attitudes. Broadly speaking, family refers to the group comprising parents and children. It may also refer, in some cases, to a group of relatives and their dependents forming one household. All these refer to the compositional aspect of this institution. Another aspect is that of residence of its members. According to Maclver and page, “family is a group defined by a sex relationship, sufficiently precise and enduring to provide for the procreation and upbringing of children”. According to Elliot and Mercl, “Family is the biological social unit composed of husband, wife and children”. Types of family Family is of many types. There are various factors, which are taken into account while classifying the family. Based upon some important factors, families can be classified as follows: 1. Residence: Depending on the place of residence of newly-wedded husband and wife, the families are of following three types: a) Patrilocal family: When the newly married wife leaves her parents’ house and goes to reside with her husband’s parents in their house; such families are known as patrilocal families. b) Matrilocal family: When the married couple reside in the wife’s parental residence then such families are known as matrilocal families. Such families are formed when the wife doesn’t leave her mother’s house even after marriage and it is the husband who comes to reside with her, leaving his parent's residence. ©) Neolocal family: When the couple after marriage moves to settle in an independent residence which is neither attached to the bride’s family of origin nor bridegroom’s family of origin it is called neolocal residence. 2. Authority: Families are of two types seen from the point of view of authority. These are: a Patriarchal family: Patriarchal family is a type of family in which all authority belongs to the paternal side, In this family, the eldest male or the father is the head of the family. He exercises his authority over the members of the family. b) Matriarchal family: It is a form of family in which authority is centered in the wife or mother, The matriarchal family system implies rule of the family by the mother, not by the father, in this type of family women are entitled to perform religious rites and husband lives in the house of wife. 3. Size: Family is divided into two types on the basis of size: a) ) Nuclear family: It is made up of a husband, wife and their unmarried children. This type of family is small in size. In urban areas, nuclear family is more popular, The size of the family is kept small because of lack of living space, economic problems, a feeling of individuals and other factors. It is the basic grouping of married couple and their children and is also known as immediate, primary or conjugal family. b) Joint/Extended family: It is composed of blood and marital relatives of three or more generations who identify themselves as members of a particular family. The members of the joint family provide financial and other kinds of help to each other and follow joint family norms. They usually live under one roof and function under one common authority. Extended family is an extension of the nuclear family, very often by addition of other closely related people. Such addition may be along collateral lines by including more than one spouse or several blood relatives. Changes and factors of change in the family Family, traditional as well as modem, has been undergoing changes under the impact of following factors: (i) Industralization (ii) Urbanization (iti) Western culture (iv) Modern education (v) Legislative measures (vi) Quarrels in the family (vii) Emergence of various associations to perform different functions of family. The structure i.¢., composition and inter-relationships within the family have undergone significant changes under the impact of the above-mentioned factors. ‘The functions of family too have changed significantly in the modern era. The changes are discussed below: Size of the family has been considerably reduced under the impact of urbanization and industrialization. In urban areas, it is very difficult to find large accommodation for large-sized families. Moreover, the income of an individual is not sufficient to meet the requirements of large families. Hence, families in modern times consist basically of husband, wife and their unmarried children. Such families are known as nuclear families. Rise of nuclear families has changed the inter-relationship among its members. The members of nuclear family interact with each other on more equal terms. They no longer have to follow the dictates of the elders blindly. In nuclear families, the husband, wife and children discuss their problems and likes and dislikes with each other. The decisions regarding family matters arid individual's life are taken collectively. Sometimes, conflict between older and younger generation is seen in the family because of their inability to understand each other’s point of view. As a result, the level of discipline and devotion towards each other has declined. Some parents do not take care of children adequately because of their jobs, busy schedule or desire of freedom from responsibilities of children. Boys and girls do not find it necessary to marry the mates selected by their parents. They choose their marital partners on the basis of mutual attraction, career and occupational similarity, financial benefits and so on. Class, caste and compatibility between family-values are no longer very important. Kinship-ties are not very strong in today’s family set-up. The family members have become more self-centered and self-reliant. They do not spare much time, energy and money for their relatives or kinsmen. The families have become child-centric. Parents spend most of their time, energy and money on their children. Due to break-up of joint family, they no longer have to compulsorily contribute towards the welfare of brothers and sisters. The entire life of the parents revolves around their children and all their future plans are made keeping their children in mind. The functions performed by the family have been reduced to a substantial extent. Other agencies which cater to the needs of the family members have come up although their roles are specific and not holistic as is the case with the family. The day-care centres for children, old-people’s homes, nursing homes, hostels, restaurants, banks, clubs and so on, are a few examples of agencies which have taken up varied family functions thereby ‘Seamed By Camera Scam

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