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108, ii. 27, iv. 56, 57.

For the criticism of Herodotus's

the middle of the 19th century (see EGYPT and AFRICA,

rapidity of the contact may be modified or even eventually

diameter. At first it lies in the lower part of the neck,

leading up to it (a device to evade the pre-Deutero- nomic

(7) Amahai (the southern part of Mid-Ceram); (8) the Banda

und Firn (1901); E. Rambert, Ascensions et flaneries (2

for many years they had been accustomed to receive. They

build up a Social-Democratic political party. This soon led

But both identifications are conjectural. Nevertheless the

objectives for groups more with regard to the field of

remarkable analogy between the Albanian and the neighbouring

sacristan of the church of Beverley in the first half of the

Ogoki and Kenogami rivers are the principal tributaries.

temperament. Napoleon thought him a ``shifty Byzantine,''

quartered in the naval barracks and drafted from them to the

been founded in 1494 by Ahmad Nizam Shah, on the site of a

the Samoa settlement, this neutral zone was partitioned between

(1670), which is said to be an imitation of the temple of

grandfather, Ferdinand of Toledo, educated him in military

Italy. Its date cannot be later than the 5th and is possibly

Rovigo, 15 m. F. by rail from the town of Rovigo. It is

experimentalen Asthetik) a series of experiments carried out

of the Southern Nigeria protectorate. It contains luxuriant

prize. The same statute of Anne and acts of 1739 and 1744 give

as Willmans and Schulten, and especially of a great number

the palmy days of Ghazni miding was the road by which the
a set being justifiable only in the case of estates or of

the crystalline masses of Bohemia, the Black Forest and the

Caiman, which differs from Alligator by the absence of a

thrives best in moist soils, has a shrubby appearance, and

Hugo after many vain assaults to enter by the breach. The

from extinction, and it continued under its scheme of church

course, which is only about 13 m., has a slope of 100 ft. per

as it related to animals. In 1889 the Board of Agriculture

Chief Peaks of the Albula Range.

VIII. not to allow Albany's departure from France, but he

the kingdom of Belgium, E. by the department of Ardennes,

been explained by the suggestion that Larentia was called

a legend to the countryside and his feelings expanded with

of the priestly power to remit sins, he was obliged to

honestly conducted newspaper. All advertisers know that the

in Cork, Ireland, in 1812, and received his early education at

between the coryphaeus and a messenger (or, by aid of the

peoples of Wadai and Darfur; the few aborigines who persist, on

series of mountain chains, all of which exhibit less sharply

Passo di Cercen (gal di Genova to Fucine), snow. . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,984

loading ammunition,'' projectile and charge being

and at Western Bay (Cape Blanco), and of the documents

has a greater extension from north to south than any other

had disappeared, the attempts to imitate the old legends

L. 100, and no one can receive a grant more than once a

Elgin, Inverness and other trans-Grampian communities to form

14) that English altars were of wood down to the middle

125 m. from its confluence with the Amazon. Like the Nanay,
Cambrian age and possess a Paradoxides fauna. They

population is engaged in tending the beasts and in making

yellow and purple. The southern part of Alberta is covered

history, as distinct from the visits and influence of

lands, he returned to Holland, took his seat as a noble in the

century, though it has been reconstructed. The town was strongly

very great, it is the vortical state of motion that travels

articles of food an official definition of its nature and

say that eleven southern states seceded from the Union and

A soldier and a sailor,

Nile. This last object was not attained, inasmuch as Germany

108 ft., and in port from 36 to 66 ft. Two government dry

and reached Fashoda on the 10th of July, having established

bob-white (Ortyx virginianus) both there and in New Zealand.

strings of camels may still be seen from the train windows

ALLAN, SIR HUGH (1810-1882), Canadian financier, was

later years the materials for the history of that time became

Austria such a special commission was established by royal

in the period of the fall of Judah. (See JEREMIAH.)

in vigorous language and show a lively power of description.

ALCIATI, ANDREA (1492-1550), Italian jurist, was born at

completed in 1617 except the charter or deed of incorporation

matter,'' the question then is, how far a critical analysis

great beauty, which will thrive in the extreme south of

Dict. pp. 698-770: Ibn Hajar al-Haitami's Biography, publ. Cairo,

Most of all did it profit by the statesmanship of Aratus

AMES, WILLIAM (1576-1633), English Puritan divine, better

a bishop or archbishop is exercised, the patron can still

African plateau was broken up by a series of longitudinal

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