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CHAPTER 13- PROJECT EVALUATION AND CONTROL o The S-curve also provides real-time tracking information  Milestone in one

formation  Milestone in one form or another, are probably the

in that budget expenditures can be constantly updated simplest and most widely used pf all project control
Elements of Control Cycles
and the new values plotted on the graph devices
1. Setting a goal  The problem with them is that, like S-curves, they are
S-Curve Drawbacks
- Project goal setting goes beyond overall scope reactive control system
development to include setting the project baseline 1. S-curve can identify positive or negative variance  The problem is compounded
plan (budget expenditure above or below projections) but
2. Measuring Progress Tracking Gantt Chart
they do not allow us to make reasonable interpretation as
- Effective control systems require accurate project to the cause of variance  Is useful for evaluating project performance at specific
measurement mechanisms 2. They are providing “reactive” data; that is we plot the point in time
3. Comparing Actual with Planned Performance result of expenditures after the money has already been  The tracking Gantt chart allows the project team to
- Comparing actual with planned performance. When spent constantly update the project’s status by linking task
we have some sense of the original baseline (plan) completion to the schedule baseline
and a method for accurately measuring progress, the Milestone Analysis
 It is also possible to measure both positive and negative
next step is to compare the two pieces of information - A milestone is an event or stage of the project that deviations from the schedule base line with the tracking
4. Taking Action represents a significant accomplishment on the read Gantt chart
- One we detect significant deviations from the project to the project’s completion
plan, it become necessary to engage in some form of Benefits & Drawbacks of Tracking Gantt Charts
corrective action minimize or remove the deviation Several Benefits to using milestone as form of Project
Control:  A key benefit of tracking Gantt chart is that they are
Monitoring Project Performance quite easy to understand
1. Milestone signal the completion of important project  This type of control chart can be updated very quickly,
steps providing a sense of real-time project control
2. Milestone can motivate the project team  It is difficult to accurately estimate the time to
3. Milestone offer points at which to reevaluate client needs completion for project, particularly in the case of
and any potential change request significant positive or negative variation from the
4. Milestone help coordinate schedule with vendors and baseline
5. Milestone identify key project review gates Earned Value Management
6. Milestones tell other team members when their
 An increasingly popular method used in project
participation is expected to begin
monitoring and control consists of a mechanism
The Project S-Curve: A basic tool 7. Milestone can delineate the various deliverables
developed in the work Breakdown Structure thereby  EVM has been practiced in multiple settings by agencies
o To determine project performance and status, a enable the project team to develop a better overall view from governments as diverse as Australia, Canada, and
straightforward time/cost analysis is often our first of the project Sweden, as well as by a host of project-based firms in
choice numerous industries
o Monitoring the status of a project using S-curve become Problems with Milestone  EVM recognizes that it is necessary to jointly consider
a simple tracking problem the impact of time, cost, and project performance on any
o Simplicity is the key benefit of S-curve analysis analysis of current project status.
 We can illustrate the advance in the project control 3. The use of earned value management for portfolio
process that Earned Value Management represents by tracking and control offers top management an excellent
comparing it to the other project tracking mechanisms. window in the firm’s ability to efficiently run projects
 Earned value (EV), on the other hand, directly links all Creating Project Baselines
Flow of Earned Value System
three primary project success metrics (cost, schedule,
and performance).  Baseline information is critical regardless of the control - Earned value begins early at North Grumman
process we employ, but baselines are elemental when project. In fact, there is a “flow” to the EVM system
performing EVM. o Proposal Stage – the specifics of the
 The actual steps in establishing the project baseline are program are determined at this stage
fairly straightforward and require two pieces of data: o Contract award – when North Grumman is
o Work Breakdown Structure – identified the
selected as the successful contractor, all
individual work packages and tasks necessary to critical elements and requirements of the
accomplish the project project are defined
o Time-Phased Project Budget – takes the WBS o Baseline stage – once the preliminary scope
one step further: It allows us to identify the and deliverables have been agreed to
correct sequencing of tasks, but more between the contractor and the client, the
importantly it enables the project team to detailed planning, project schedule, and
determine the points in the project when budget formal work authorization is developed
money is likely to be spent in pursuit of those o Maintenance phase – once the project
Terminologies for Earned Value tasks.
baseline is established and formally signed
Steps in Earned Value Management off by key parties, the project passes top\ the
monitoring and control stage, where the key
1. Clearly define each activity or task that will be advantage of EVM are clearly realized
performed on the project, including its resource needs as
well as detailed budget Issues in the Effective use of EVM
2. Create the activity and resource usage schedules
 0/100 – the simplest and perhaps least effective method
3. Develop a ‘time-phase” budget that shows expenditures
requires that a project activity be assigned a value of
across the project’s life
zero until the point activity is finished, at which time
4. Total the actual costs of doing each task to arrive at the
value switches to 100%
actual cost of work performed
 50/50 rule – under this decision rule, an activity that has
5. Calculate both a project’s budget variance and schedule
been started automatically receives a valuation of 50%
variance while it is still in process
Using Earned Value to Manage a Portfolio of Projects  Percentage complete rule – the project manager and team
members mutually agree on a set of completion
1. Earned value management can work at the portfolio level
milestones, whether they are based on quarters, thirds, or
as well as with individual projects
some other values
2. Portfolio earned value management table includes the
total positive variances for both budget and schedule Human Factors in Project Evaluation & Control
 Another recurring problem with establishing accurate or  The 10 critical success factors represent an important,
meaningful EVM results has to do with the need to supplemental source of information on the project’ s
recognize the human factor in all project activity status.
completion projections.
Critical Success Factor Definitions
 The common feature of control approaches is their
reliance on measurable data based on project outcomes; 1. Project mission – relates to the underlying purpose for
 A key component of any process evaluation of project the project
performance must include an assessment of its people, 2. Top management support – has ling been considered of
their technical skills, management, teamwork, great importance in distinguishing between ultimate
communication processes, motivation, leadership, and so success and failure
forth. 3. Project plans and schedules – refers to the importance of
 Past research examining the impact of human factors on developing a detailed plan of the required stages of the
project success bears out the importance of considering implementation process
the wider management challenge inherent in managing 4. Client consultation – the “client” is anyone who
projects. Included in their list were issues such as: ultimately will be using the product of the project, either
o Project coordination and relations among as a customer outside the company or as a department
stakeholders within the organization
o Adequacy of project structure and control 5. Personnel – includes recruitment, selection, and training
o Project uniqueness, importance, and public of project team members
exposure 6. Technical task – refers to the necessity of having not
o Success criteria salience and consensus only required numbers of personnel for the
o Lack of budgetary pressure implementation team but also ensuring that they passes
o Avoidance of initial overoptimism and the technical skills and the technology and technical
support needed to perform their task
conceptual difficulties
7. Client acceptance – refers to the final stage in the project
 Their findings bear out the importance of having a clear
development process, at which time the overall efficacy
knowledge of the managerial challenges involved when
of the project is to be determined
implementing projects
8. Monitoring & feedback – refers to the project control
 The findings of such research are intriguing because of
process by which key personnel receive feedback at each
the importance they place on the managerial and human
stage of the project implementation on how the project is
behavioral aspects of project management for project
progressing compared to initial projections
9. Communication – is not only essential within the
 One of the key recurring problems, however, with projects team itself, but also vital between the team and
making wider use of nontechnical information as a the rest of the organization as well as with clients
method for controlling projects and assessing their 10. Troubleshooting – problem areas exist in almost every
ongoing status lies in the question of measurement project development. The measure of a successful
 The work of Pinto and Slevin13 addresses the project is not the avoidance of problems, but taking the
shortcomings with behavioral assessments of project correct steps once problems develop
management processes.

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