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I. Look at the picture and listen to the teacher carefully. First, arrange the
pictures into a good order. Then answer the question by crossing (X) a, b,
c, or d.
(….) (….)

(....) (....)

26. Who gave Sinta free ticket for her holiday?

a. Her mother
b. Her uncle
c. Her aunt

d. Her father
27. Who was invited by Sinta to go with her?
a. Her best friend
b. Her mother
c. Her sister
d. Her brother
28. Where did Sinta and Rani go for her holiday?
a. To the market
b. To the town square
c. To the park
d. To the library
29. What was the weather like at the time?
a. It was cold and snowy
b. It was warm and sunny
c. It was wet and cloudy
d. It was windy and sunny
30. What happened while they go there?
a. The weather changed
b. The weather was uncomfortable
c. The weather didn’t change at all
d. The weather was comfortable
31. How was the situation at the time?
a. It was dark and started showering
b. It was clear and showering
c. It was clear and sunny
d. It was dark and raining heavily
32. What did Rani bring?
a. Umbrella
b. Jacket
c. Socks
d. Raincoat

33. Who was Sinta looking for?
a. Umbrella girl
b. Umbrella boy
c. Raincoat boy
d. Raincoat girl
34. What did umbrella boy do in the park?
a. Sold umbrella
b. Rented umbrella
c. Rented raincoat
d. Rented jacket
35. Where were they walking to?
a. The shelter
b. The tree
c. The shop
d. The house

Based on the pictures that you’re arranged into a good order, decided if the
statement is True (T) or False (F).
36. Sinta went to the park with her brother, Angga. (….)
37. The weather was sunny when they arrived at the park. (….)
38. Suddenly, the weather changed. It started showering. (….)
39. One of them was looking for umbrella boy. (….)
40. They were walking toward the tree while got the umbrella boy for them. (….)

II. Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher carefully, which picture
that is suitable with the story that you heard and give a check (v). Listen
once more the story and answer the question by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d.



41. How was the weather yesterday?

a. It was warm
b. It was sunny
c. It was rainy

d. It was cloudy
42. Who was driving a truck?
a. Father
b. Uncle
c. Grandpa
d. Nephew
43. What did Mary give to grandpa?
a. A towel
b. Some dry clothes
c. Some dry clothes and a towel
d. A coffee
44. What was grandma doing while grandpa dried his body?
a. She helped grandpa
b. She played with her grandson
c. She helped Bobby to close the barn
d. She sewed a cloth
45. What did Angie’s big brother do outside the house?
a. He was driving a truck
b. He was closing the barn
c. He was watching TV
d. He was sleeping

Based on the picture, decided if the statement is True (T) or False (F).
46. The wind was blowing slowly yesterday. (….)
47. Angie gave her grandpa a towel for drying his body. (….)
48. Her big brother, Bobby was outside the house for closing the barn. (….)
49. Grandma and her little brother played with their cat while it was raining hard
yesterday. (….)
50. They spent their time together in the house yesterday. (….)


Story C
Last week, Sinta had two free tickets from her uncle. Her uncle gave her free
tickets went to the park for her holiday gift. She invited her best friend, Rani to
join with her. Sinta and Rani went to the park directly. It was warm and sunny at
the time. There were some clouds in the sky and the sun was shining brightly.
However, by the time they went there, the weather changed all of sudden. The
dark clouds were covering the sun and it started showering. Fortunately, Rani
remembered she brought a raincoat. She put on her raincoat while Sinta was
looking for umbrella boy who rented umbrella in the park. They were walking
toward looking for a tree for shelter while the umbrella got the umbrella for them.
While they were waiting for the rain stopped, they played by themselves. Rani
played water that fell in front of her while Sinta was playing with her umbrella.
They were very happy that day. They would never forget their experience went to
the park for their holiday.

Story D
The weather was cloudy yesterday. The wind was blowing hard. Angie thought it
was going to rain. Soon, it was raining hard. Her grandpa was driving his truck
carefully because it was hard to see the road. When he arrived at home, her sister,
Mary, gave him some dry clothes and a towel. Meanwhile, her brother, Bobby
was outside the house for closing the barn. Because it was raining, he wore a
raincoat. Grandpa was very thankful to Mary. While her grandpa was drying his
body, her grandma sewed a cloth and her little brother was playing with his cat.
Because it was raining hard outside, they couldn’t do anything outside. So they
spent their time together in the house.


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