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Chapters 26-50 started the saga of Pi being stranded at sea, and about the

sinking of the ship.

Chapter 26 starts with Pi’s parents and family trying to get him to choose one

religion, instead of letting him practice all three (Islam, Catholicism, and Hinduism). Pi

wants an Islamic prayer rug, to be baptized in the Catholic religion, to which his father is

adamantly against. His mother instead tries to distract him with literature, but ends up

with Pi being obsessed with Ghandi. As a Roman Catholic, it is true that in Catholicism

specifically, but also Christianity in general, you aren’t a true Catholic if you practice

more than one religion, especially if said religion is like Hinduism, where you believe in

more than one God. However, I personally do not mind, and think that as long as he is a

good person, and has good faith, I would consider him a Catholic. After all, many

“catholics” are not as spiritual and good as Pi is, so honestly good on him. Besides, in

Chapter 28, he gets baptized and gets a prayer rug, so he wins in the end anyways.

In Chapter 29, Pi’s parents tell him and his brother that they are moving to

canada, and sell their zoo and pack up to move. In Chapter 30 the author meets Pi’s

wife in the present, Meena. In Chapter 31 Mr. Kumar the scientist and Mr. Kumar the

muslim meets at the zoo, and both are curious. Then Pi kind of dunks on agnostics.The

next chapter talks about zoomorphism and how animals just get used to living in

captivity. Through the next chapters people buy the animals, and we meet the rest of

Pi’s family in the present. Then finally the ship sinks in chapter 37, and through the next

chapters we meet the zebra (R.I.P), Richard Parker the tiger, Orange Juice the

orangutan (R.I.P), and the hyena. In Chapter 50, Pi talks about the details of the boat,

and reflects on how details saved him.

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