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Waking up mantras

For Spiritual Master and Śrīla Prabhupāda

uttiṣṭhottiṣṭha śrī-guro tyaja nidrāṁ kṛpā-maya
O all-merciful spiritual master, please rise from bed.
For Lord Nityānanda
uttiṣṭha jāhnaveśvara / yoga-nidrāṁ tyaja prabho
nāmno haṭṭe divya-nāmaṁ / su-śraddhārthaṁ vitarasi
O Nityānanda, Lord of Jāhnavā, please arise and give up Your divine sleep. At the marketplace
of the holy name You distribute the divine name, asking only for one’s faith as payment.
For Lord Gaurāṅga
uttiṣṭhottiṣṭha gaurāṅga / jahi nidrāṁ mahāprabho
śubha-dṛṣṭi-pradānena / trailokya-maṅgalaṁ kuru
O Lord Gaurāṅga, please rise from sleep and bless the three worlds with Your auspicious
For the Lords Kṛṣṇa and Balarama
brahmāṇḍeśvarottiṣṭhetam / gopālau kṛṣṇa-rāmau ca
rādheśa rohiṇī-suta / vām sakhān saha krīḍatam
O Kṛṣṇa and Balarama, You are the protectors of the cows. Now please arise, O Lords or the
universes. O Lord of Rādhā, O son of Rohiṇī, please come and play with your friends.

Putting to rest mantras

For the Lords Kṛṣṇa and Balarama
śayyām āgacchataṁ kṛṣṇa / yaśodānanda-vardhana
śayyām āgacchataṁ rāma / patitaṁ māṁ dayāṁ kuru
O Kṛṣṇa, O source of Mother Yaśodā’s happiness, now please come to Your bed. O Lord
Balarāma, please come to Your bed and bestow Your mercy upon me, who am lowly and
For Lord Gaurāṅga
āgaccha viśrama-sthānaṁ / sva-gaṇaiḥ saha gaurāṅga
kṣaṇaṁ viśramya sukhena / līlayā vihara prabho
O Lord Gaurāṅga, please come to Your resting place along with Your associates. O Lord, rest
comfortably for a moment, enjoying Your pastimes.
For Lord Nityānanda
āgaccha śayana-sthānaṁ / nityānanda jagad-guro
tava rūpe mahā-viṣṇor / anante śayanaṁ kuru
O spiritual master of the universe, Lord Nityānanda, please come to Your place of rest. In
Your form of Mahā-Viṣṇu, please rest upon the thousand-headed serpent known as Śeṣa.
For Śrīla Prabhupāda and Spiritual Master
āgaccha śayana-sthānaṁ sva-gaṇaiḥ saha śrī-guro
O spiritual master, please come to your resting place, along with all your associates.

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