Ada Assignment 1

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Rushi ta imment-1

Cse- 9
nro )INo:-O )2 itho Deiw Apaluss


Two sets oe calleed, Aisjoimt dets hey dont fae omy
eleme uw Comm on tthe mtuueti set s mul Aet
A ata stbuutue that stoues disjoint "Bubset s elemevds
is called disjoint et dota stucime Tt Klho knou
Uuio- fiuel data stuuetune
xapleTke is set elemedti 3 0,1,2,3,4,53 There oe
6 elements S N: 6. Uke M aswoto mamaje the
the ele mentg.
Aumbtoy ALB eljeai ae conmpcted enly i asLA]= auCA
a s ume thot R ús ueot element, then' dvCRI - R

Each eloment is the Sest o iteae n a l dhe subsets ecause

0suL i , whene i ieleMment n the det

nien l,0)

RootCo) us set as posientoot (1).Tha value s a r 3

wull choemom Ito0
3 y5

sueot lo)
Nouw, we l l set Root (2) 0 s paent of
Volue e alo3 wil chamyeuomO to 2

3Uiew(4) uoot

Roo&C4) us set as orent Aoot (3)

Valu y
o a c wul chone om 8to
O 23 y ds5
cA 2 ol E 5
A)Union l,4) 4eot

Root (4) ús set as pott ueot 1)

alue ass [23 chonges "om 2to y
O 2 3 d4

Nauo, we cam suosun uind msraton check whethe

ALB ae Conmetted
LOO A B ane aame dhe i t means that A B
ae sone &ubset and are Comyected
tud l ) 9 hane some suoot ie. . t
tommeteol oLult s Toue
ndd 3, 6) 3 5 sume SuDot
do mot hawe
Thus earns chey a e not onyeeted 2 u u l t iralue.

Zblement ation
uint PC3 nd CNI;
mi tialize ()
toi t i:O; i<N; ut)

int qmol (unt )L

(Pl9 ==) Jutwnn;
Ltwm find (PC)
v i l unisn wt a, unt b)
Jnt ne a)
wwt d ))
) etunn
eliaw cam be delned as the element n the dala set
whio debasuates thë highe Ro o the dota Aomble
L o the Jow hall

hHe dthe unbut ine pdk we ake cthe iddlle element

t e d daka T inbut.
sine J e we oitk am

ae ddle two elements im Leted sbueom

loimd Hhe kt paLd gtadisbics al set e n

allo am steps should be folloed.
T) t the mbut asay un w.owasing ncRR
Retwn the dlement ot K-1 mde in Losked omay
k aimum ( o t elenment)
median= M*

Deunradi en Raundomi d- Seled (A,P,v,)

hCD-V) dhen getun ALP]
r-Yathen (A, P,2)
K 9-P+
i - K) then setum A[]
S4 (i<K) Hhen tusm Ramdomirud Select (A, P, T-l,

Srtwm Ramdomiud-Select A,r+l, V,d-K)

/wm Cowpleniety O(nJogn)

ampl- - 7 28
oa 6o13 5 83 2
6 s pi vot bout,ten anay s '


Now, K H-1+H =
Neu,SontadArar8 1o I13
At - +,elements
Code Umt muanC)
uimt auC ) = $6, 1o, 13,5,8,3,2,11
wt Na 8i2 la)/Ai a [oJ)3
int Ka4
& t i t S(oM7 A +N);
Aet 4 unt>: iteato t S. bgn )

aduance (ite , K-I)

Cout << J t 2 < " \ m " :

utwm 0

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