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Knowledge Management Portal

A knowledge portal is an Internet-based computer program that constitutes a single point of

access to organizational knowledge, integrating knowledge repositories, expert directories,

collaboration tools, and other knowledge-intensive applications. The portal works as a single

source of thought for organizations.

To have an effective portal it goes through this three stages.

1.knowledge creation.

This is a process where an organization identify and document any existing or new knowledge.

After Getting the right knowledge they would like to pass form one organization to another the

company will need to store this intimation.

2.knowledge storage.

This is the system that hosts the information collected for the organizational knowledge and

distribution. The data is formatted in away to meet the repository storage structure.

3.knowldedge shearing.

This is the final stage where process to shear the knowledge are communicated in the


There are tools that ensure proper functioning of the system.

1. Content management system – is an application that manages web content allowing

end users to edit and publish content. The content type found at this point can be a

document, FAQS or any other form of media. This system can be hosted on a public

website for customer use or an intranet for internal uses.

2. Document management systems – this is a centralized storage system for documents,

pdfs, word and other document formats relevant to the organizations.

3. Data ware house – is a system that aggregates all the companies data and acts as a

single central consistent data storage. The collection of data from this companies is

often automated.

characteristics of the Knowledge Management Portal

1. Options for advanced search

This feature allows users to easy look for solutions to already answer questions. The

aim of this feature is to answer all the questions. A Good search engine makes it

easy for users to get up to date information from the systems.

KMS portal with flexible search queries reduces time spent on searching

information’s. Self-service portal allows users to solve problems on their own using

depth articles, guides, and FAQs.

2. Access using mobile devices.

The access to a KMS should be very easy and quick from any ware using a device of

their choices. The KMS must be functional in the same environment as the team.

The KMS should be cross functional with visual assistant on mobile devices to the

customer for reference if they ever get stuck.

3. Public sharing and user communities

Information is useful only when it gets and consumed by the right peoples. A good

knowledge-sharing system should allow uses to circulate material to external users

is an excellent way to successfully lead prospects down the channel while keeping
track of which material is performing and which isn’t. You can share visual picture

guides easily.

4. Analytics and report

A KMS with analytics that show which data is mostly accessed and used by the users.

This helps separate relevant data form obsolete data on the KMS.

5. Boost the speed of learning

To boost the speed of learning new treads should be constantly updated on the

knowledge management system. This ensures the learning process is quick and easy

when shifting form one system to another.

Advantages of a self-service portal

1. Superior customer assistance

The success of a customer results to the success of the company. KMS allow for

easy access to information and self-help on the self-service portal by the


2. Better resource allocation and cost savings

Employs self-services portals save time and effort that could be used in waiting

for help. This also reduces errors that are prone with manual data entry and

recues the cost of business management.

3. Faster services

KMS portals allow employs to easy update their employment information.

Personal information such as emergency contact numbers and addresses

without requiring assistant from anther servant.


Tserng, H. P. J. (2005). A knowledge management portal system for construction

projects using knowledge map. In Knowledge Management in the Construction

Industry: A Socio-Technical Perspective (pp. 299-322). IGI Global.

Iskandar, K., Gaol, F. L., Soewito, B., Warnars, H. L. H. S., & Kosala, R. (2016, October).

Software size measurement of knowledge management portal with use case

point. In 2016 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its

Applications (IC3INA) (pp. 42-47). IEEE.

Maier, R., & Hadrich, T. (2011). Knowledge management systems. In Encyclopedia of

Knowledge Management, Second Edition (pp. 779-790). IGI Global.

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