POM Case Study

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Case Scenario:

Kairen, a 25-year old CEO of KMJ Marketing that seems to have a little experience with
social media strategy. She was slow to embrace social media for the business and as a
Gen-Xer; she was slow to embrace it personally as well. She was having a hard time
imagining why potential customers would want to share my business with their networks.
She hired a social media manager to look over her company's profile and assist her by
coming up with some ideas for social media campaigns. For her, social media, specifically
Twitter, have been helpful on spreading the word about her company. However, initially,
she was not sure that it would be helpful. It was only after discovering how many people on
the platform were openly engaging and giving valuable feedbacks. However, Kairen
somewhat find this a daunting prospect because there are no predefined guidelines for
how businesses can use the service. The ability to post short messages for the entire
social network to see has encouraged people to use this microblogging platform to
comment on and share their opinions on the company. Therefore, Kairen want to know if
social media, specifically twitter, is a viable marketing tool for business.


The current case study aims to investigate whether Twitter is a tool that should be
taken seriously by businesses in their marketing strategies, from the perspective of
the company - how they perceive, use, and see the future of Twitter for their

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

Major: Is twitter a valuable marketing tool used in Kairen's company?

Minor: what are the disadvantage of twitter as a marketing tool?

Specifically, the case study ought to address the following questions:

1. What are the reasons that make companies use Twitter in their businesses?
2. What are the strategies needed to market effectively on Twitter?
3. How can you promote your product or service in a way that encourages people
to purchase?


The study's objectives are divided into two (2) categories:

1. To explore how companies are going to use Twitter in their marketing strategies.

2. To explore their perception of Twitter’s benefits/limitations as a marketing tool,

compared to other social networks

3. To explore their plans for improvement/future use of Twitter in their marketing


1. To embrace social media as a tool to advertise and establish the brand quickly and
2. to providing us the opportunity to network and engage with other local business, current
client, etc.


1. Profile Development
Whether you've had social media brand accounts for years or are just getting started, social
media marketing packages handled by a top-tier firm can improve the consistency and
quality of your online presence. The following research is involved in profile development:
 Buyer persona
 Vanity URL
 Setting up profiles
 Designing profile images
Take note that none of these actions include actually publishing anything. It's critical to
invest time creating buyer personas so that you can get your content in front of the correct
people. In addition, your buyer personas will determine which social channels your brand
will employ. An agency will make your profiles more appealing to attract people within your
target audience after determining who your target is and what platforms to use. Great social
media marketing packages are built on detailed profile creation.

2. Engagement
It's time to start thinking about content once you've set a solid basis for your company on
social media. This is where social media marketing packages differ the most amongst
Common differences in social media marketing packages:
 Original advertisements
 Amount of third-party content
 Number of posts per week
 Using pay-per-click
The list goes on and on. Choosing a bundle is determined by your company's objectives. If
you're just getting started with social media, an aggressive package that includes original
advertisements and frequent posting can help your company establish a strong online
presence. If you already have a presence, hiring an agency to maintain regular posts
involving relevant third-party content and original advertisements can result in consistent
growth and increased revenue through lead generation tactics.
Using a social media marketing service saves you time, money, and resources. You get to
do what you want without having to create a tweet every couple of hours. An agency will
post a mix of original content developed for your company and relevant third-party material
that promotes you as an industry thought leader. This technique transforms your social
media accounts into a reliable source of information that your buyer personas will value.

3. Tracking and Reporting

This final piece of the social media marketing packages puzzle is crucial to your continued
efforts. You can see exactly what's going on with your social media profiles thanks to
tracking and reporting. This is the most effective method for improving content
performance, increasing audience growth, and driving website traffic. If your brand gains a
large number of new Twitter followers but only a few click-throughs to your website, you'll
want to know why.
An agency will monitor all of these metrics on a regular basis and change your social media
strategy as needed. For example, if you know that 90% of people aged 18-29 use social
media, knowing your audience demographics and how to increase your market share
among those age groups may be beneficial. This is also an opportunity to remain linked to
your social media networks. Regular reporting and progress meetings assist an agency in
remaining on track with your marketing schedule.
Although it may appear that all social media marketing packages are unique, they should all
be divided into these three components. Choosing the best package for you can be difficult,
but working with an agency that has a proven track record of success can help you build an
exceptional social media presence quickly and efficiently.


1. Create brand awareness

It is true that large corporations do not need to sell their products because their
brand is well-known. However, if you own a small firm, you must raise brand
awareness so that more people would follow you. Additionally, if you own a small
business, you must first create a personal profile. Then, after gaining the trust of
several people, switch to a professional account. This will help you build brand
awareness and get more people to follow you.

When a brand undertakes an ineffective advertising campaign, having a great
brand awareness might backfire. For example, if a brand launches an accidentally
offending advertising campaign, the brand's reputation might be significantly
tarnished overnight.
Just as brand awareness campaigns can foster positive associations between a
brand and its customers, they can also foster negative associations and harm a
brand's reputation.

2. Build relationships
After connecting with clients, you must establish connections with them. This will
assist you in effectively growing your business. To get the attention of a potential
consumer, start posting items on Twitter that are relevant to the customer's

The software can sometimes make too many judgments for the workers. As a
result, they will lose motivation and production will suffer. What these people
require is the freedom to make their own judgments and to feel as though they
have an impact on their career and their organization. They want to feel like they
have made an influence on their job when they leave work and go home, not like
robots who do nothing but click buttons all day.

3. Marketing new products

As previously said, Twitter is useful not only for tweeting but also for marketing.
First and first, you must create an account for your company, and then you must
begin publishing or marketing your product on Twitter so that others can follow you.
Make sure to tweet about new goods to keep people up to date on your company's
Because market conditions change, the time span during which market research
data is relevant may be restricted. Data gathered for the purpose of releasing a
new product may be out of date by the time the product is ready for commercial
release. You must constantly monitor changing market conditions and update your
data to ensure that your research remains relevant. If you fail to update your data,
the survey may not accurately reflect the situation on the ground.

4. Boost sales with special offers and discounts

It maintains the flow of goods between distributors and retailers. This includes both
products with a set lifespan and those that do not. For businesses, this means that
things are regularly supplied with recently manufactured items. According to
Dryden, it also pushes distributors to buy
more things and ensure that they always have an appropriate quantity of sales.
Suppliers and distributors frequently purchase items based on demand and how
frequently a commodity is sold. As a result, if an item's sales are particularly slow,
dealers / suppliers are less likely to buy it on a regular basis, and the item is more
likely to run out of reserves.

As with the majority of sales promotions, neither the dealer nor the firm that sells
the goods benefits as much as they did previously. Sales promotion is a calculated
risk, but to be genuinely effective, it must be well planned and controlled. To inform
buyers of the exceptional deal, sales promotions should be marketed. The public
will react unfavorably if there is a disparity between what is advertised and what is
delivered. Retailers and distributors must guarantee that any sales promotion that
is published is truthful, or else your own sales promotion will work against you,
potentially ruining your company's reputation.

5. Keep an eye on the competition

Businesses frequently follow, evaluate, and study what their business rivals give
and how they deliver it in order to improve their offers and better cater to their
clients. Rivalry between companies is frequently won by the company that stands
out and serves the customers better than others. As a result, market participants
prioritize clients above anything else.

Competition puts a lot of pressure on businesses to improve their game, which
leads to many of them failing because they are unable to compete with the big
market players. Competition frequently causes a business to overspend on
marketing and other promotional strategies in order to woo customers, business
partners, and employees. This increases the cost and is frequently unnecessary.


Based on the circumstances of the study, It reveals a big potential for Twitter as marketing
to improve sales but a lack of understanding on how to accomplish such outcomes. The
customers are there, eager to become brand ambassadors, but where is your company?
Social media marketing aids in brand validation and is no longer optional. It's an important
technique for businesses to reach out to customers. When done effectively, it
communicates to those customers that their brand is active and engaged on
communication. The longer you wait, the more you risk losing. When done correctly,
social media initiatives can result in more customers, traffic, and engagement. Having a
social media presence without an active social media marketing strategy can be just as
detrimental to your organization as not having one at all. Conversely, it is a win for Kairen
if she uses social media, specifically twitter, to promote and advertise her company. After
considering all alternatives, it’s appropriate to say that twitter is a valuable marketing tool.
With the ongoing migration of clients to interactive face-to-face communication platforms,
social media channels are increasing enterprises' engagement quotient. Social media
marketing has the potential to increase your company's overall visibility, assist you in
reaching your target audience more quickly, and strengthen your brand across your target
market. The majority of marketers say that their social media marketing efforts have been
"successful" or "extremely effective" for their company.


1. Define your goals
2. Create a unique profile
3. Establish your voice
4. Adjust the appearance of your page
5. Create engaging content
6. Boost your posts
7. Review your analytics
8. Enhance your content


1. Hard to build a following 
2. Limited word count
3. Beware of Spams
4. Fake accounts
5. Time Consumption and Expectations


1. Not every company with a Twitter account uses the app for the same reasons, and
it's critical that the way you utilize it represents your ultimate aims. The best tactics
for a corporation attempting to sell products on Twitter differ from those attempting
to drive traffic to blogs, and both differ from those attempting to generate brand
awareness. Understanding why you use Twitter can assist you decide how to
arrange your account.
2. After you've defined your business objectives, you can start developing an
engaging profile to attract potential clients. Upload distinct photographs for your
banner and profile picture to set yourself out from the competition. Make sure you
have a distinguishing Twitter handle or username that others may use to discover
you simply.
3. Make sure you tweet on your company's Twitter account from a consistent point of
view and in a consistent voice. Many businesses utilize Twitter to foster more in-
depth dialogues with their clients, and they may even take a comic tone on
occasion. You may decide that keeping your tone professional is the best way to
achieve your goals, but the voice you employ is entirely up to you. Having a
consistent voice can help you connect with and engage your audience.
4. Following the establishment of your voice, ensure that your account contains all of
the most important information, such as a link to your website and a company
description in the biofield. Consider including a company logo to highlight the brand
and using the banner to display a creative image. You can better showcase your
brand to a wide range of customers by customizing your page.
5. Concentrate on gaining followers and driving organic traffic by writing compelling
tweets that encourage engagement in the form of retweets and replies. You may
also use polls to actively engage with your audience. In addition, look for hot
hashtags to see if you have any related posts to submit, so you can capitalize on
popular themes. While hashtags are important, try to limit yourself to one or two per
tweet to avoid overuse.
6. Consider boosting your reach with promoted tweets to compliment your organic
posts. These tweets are displayed in a user's feed or search results and can help
you connect with those who aren't already following you. They perform similarly to
conventional tweets and can assist you in reaching your target audience more
easily. You can also buy advertisements to promote a variety of tweets to reach a
marketing aim. For example, if you want to increase website conversions, you
could create a conversion campaign that includes a sponsored tweet with the
website link.
7. Examine the outcomes of your campaigns to discover if they were successful and
what you should do differently in the future. Using data from prior campaigns to
improve your marketing efforts is the most effective way to learn and adapt,
allowing you to continuously improve the effectiveness of your account. Focus on
the data that are most critical to your business goals, such as the amount of
followers that are directly engaged with your material.
8. Consider how you might improve your content in order to attract a broader
audience. For instance, you may opt to boost your use of photographs and videos
in order to enhance engagement with your followers. Conduct research to
determine the hashtags your audience uses the most frequently so that you can
use them yourself, as well as the times of day when your audience is most active.
This allows you to schedule posts ahead of time and communicate with your
followers more effectively.

The rapid adoption of the social media platform Twitter for business purposes by
organizations all over the world highlights the importance of understanding the extent to
which the new communication tool has been adopted and how it is being used for
business purposes. Twitter is now the third most popular social media platform, trailing
only Facebook and YouTube. Its user base statistics ensure that businesses can engage
with a large audience. However, Kairen find this a terrifying notion because there are no
predefined criteria for how businesses might use the service, she needs embrace the
usage of social media for marketing strategy to help her business to to adapt practices to
reach a wider customer base and develop the range of products and services your
business offers. Thus, it is obvious that accepting change in Kairen’s marketing strategy is
critical to overall success. The changes required to attain each of these benefits will vary
greatly from business to business, but by making the necessary adjustments, your
company will reap the benefits.
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