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01/09/22 11.

51 Elementary Linear Algebra - 9781118473504 - Latihan 23 | Quizlet

Solusi yang diverifikasi oleh para ahli Elementary Linear Algebra

Latihan 23
Bab 1, halaman 103

Elementary Linear Algebra

ISBN: 9781118473504

Daftar isi

Solusi Diverifikasi… 1/3
01/09/22 11.51 Elementary Linear Algebra - 9781118473504 - Latihan 23 | Quizlet

Langkah 1 1 dari 2

Let A be an invertible matrix such that entries in A−1 are differentiable

functions of x. From Exercise 22, part (c) we know

d dA dB
(AB) =
​ B+A . ​ ​

dx dx dx
Now, we will use this formula on an equation

AA−1 = I.

Thus, we obtain

d d
(AA−1 ) = I
dx dx
​ ​

dA −1 dA−1 ​ ​

A +A ​
=0 ​

dx dx

Which implies

dA−1 dA −1
A =− A .
dx dx
​ ​

By left multiplying with A−1 , we obtain

−1 dA −1
A A = −A−1 A .
dx dx
​ ​


dA−1 dA −1
= −A−1 A .
dx dx
​ ​… 2/3
01/09/22 11.51 Elementary Linear Algebra - 9781118473504 - Latihan 23 | Quizlet

Hasil 2 dari 2

Use formula from Exercise 22, part (c) on an equation

AA−1 = I.

Latihan 22 Latihan 24

Privasi Persyaratan… 3/3

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