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INTRODUCTION “ASSIRCATION OF & HoserTAL te ‘Gaping up the naeyohe hath ac Wt {aterigonaton of sb! 18000 “prance pied Fxoming elo 0 pamary Mai Ths oe i tap reg oncaians Qnullaive are % We patentee ae: ‘ernst iis bJDepending upon the no. of beds CATEGORIES NO, OF BEDS ® 550 e 91300 ° a ae € sovrsa 7 (emer) FORM OF HOSPITALS The form ofa hospital isstronelybnflwenced by the choice of access and circulation routes. itis therefore necessary to decide earlier on Whether to chaote 3 spin form with branching sections (individual dept Jor whether circulation will be radially outwards from a central core, Consideration willbe given to future expansions, The vertical arrangement within» hospital should be designed so that the functional areas : care, treatment supply Bnd disposal, access for bedridden patients, service yard underground _Earage stores. administration, medical services can be connected and accessed most efficentty, + ‘Thename comes fram Latin hoses (host. + Ahospital, in the modern sense af the word, 1 an institution for hesith care providing atient treatment by specialized staff and equipment, and often, but not always praviging for longer-term patient stays + Its hetorieal meaning, until relatively reeent tires, was “a place of hoxptalty”. momen MEM aa as as ZONING @ —~=—~ Location of the building shouldbe convenient tathe people serve. the publ ome should be in fram, Etiective zoning bs cesulved [Public zone ,einieal zane and staff zone. ‘privacy and confidentiality are important security and supervision in the premises ‘wil be necessary. ‘emergency should have separate entrance. ‘Mortuary should be linked with service rod, land must not be contaminated ‘Tncorshowid be tour coma tEmergencyentronce beprovidedfor hospital Entrance totheO.PD pend on availabilty of land, hawever an Serviceentrance ‘tos of Lpectare for every 25 baat ie secommended, SITE PLANNING: senshi areas tke wads, consuls ‘keitment rooms and operation theaters are i re noise, Mainhospitatentrarce ORIENTATION ten) ‘The most suitable orientation for treatment and ‘operating raamsis between He and N-E, East and west faring rooms have comparatively ‘deeper sun penetration through less winter sun [Pain Se LANDSCAPING: | | fandicape olements. such as open aveas, |-{ o _ | horticulture fo increase the comfort conditions. | ings the bullang ad aio the sureunding \ | |e environmant should be kept in view, | ‘cucu = |=) ‘The constructional grid must provide a precive uide as well 35 allowing for ferentiation of ares, for the main functions, support functions and wehicuar traffic ‘The variation operations centers can be planned ‘most appropriately with a column grid spacing of ‘Limy_or 7.8m _smalier construction grids_are ‘aroblematic because large rooms teg.aperating, theatres} which must be free from jiternal calumasare mare dificult to aecommodste. FORTIS HEART & MULTI-SPECIALITY HOSPITAL. MOHALI 42 |S CLIENT : FORTIS HEALTH CARE LIMITED. (FHL).C/0, Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited. DESIGN TEAM LEAD ARCHITEC TOTAL PLOT AREA TOTAL BUILT -UP AREA : 300003. M HEIGHT OF BUILDING ; 30. tinslusing lass tower, YEAR OF COMPLETION = 2001, DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION : A recor 8 COST OF PROJECT : 155 crows LOCATION > Locate in ostor 62, Phase VIILS.A.S. Nagars Mohali Disit, Ropar, SE ANALYSIS. Punjab, inin~ Just 7 kins. from Chandigarh. * The linear proportions of the site 3:1 have brought out the Fingar plan of | + Varynetrtetke hess —Thu ono ote patios coming fom” een ting the Me enrace beng on he ng se cut of sity : poles “Tei kms for the inom 9 kms om bus snd tac I7)and 12 kaw.) Reet te Ney ita IH fromm the rai lsay statin | tae ORIENTATION : 7 ae "The building faces notih-tt the most favourable orietaton, i Clute been hen to past te cured sora a Wc bing tata a dlircetion 0 gt the maxdune ckposire to glarefee Ligh. cxarvEn FLOOR SPACE DISTRIBUTION senesce soca SURROUNDINGS 3° Tig approms he se Home Dhn i ed ving Slagomad sos ‘ ‘+ Wha PSEB building on one side de the Punjab Urban Planning & iN PATIENT Development Building opposite to it and a proposed market behind it. ig crQSTiC AND TREATMENT i SIGNIFICANT FEATURES: : OPD AND EMERGENCY © "With site area oF (33m x 110mm), m= 36740 sq.m, and permissible ground couerage of 309%, thé comnples has been divided ita 4 Macks —m§ ADMINISTRATIVE ABCE&D, WSERVICES NIN i ANDSCAPING: Lindeopng hs boc pid pecinlaelon heel FORTIS, Mota, i tusing it as an clement of beauty & at the same time to rejuvenate’ the spititof the patients, A. sicnsd_landssansd_sourtrand between the two buildings of the bosptal enabling the paents #0 look down om the greenery, not making het fel sik seems to he 1 The secon: The Retibilitation biclding which has Less i: The Malin Hospital Building approached by ents, thei visitors, he staf and doctors, ‘desk al the back & base parking form the Shapes like ciealar de ether curvilinear Grr . Thus providing barony & uly ase eve. — Road edacs marked with flowers and specific = anime re lindseapedaress earmarked by Nowe pots, TT cous ane (120cars @ S0scouers) all parkings! = The masin hospital budge octors, high officials te + F thas been dre ot re CIRCULATION : hg paren Alli scgrentons follow a defines & specifi pa ending ata, with spar ated to their respective destinations. BLOCK A: topaion Aadmiaiiaion i resncd to patients aiid & thee vistas BLOCK: Diogristies and Labs BLOCK ORD Rebsbilaaon cee, closest to Parking as OFT has ratiuen pie wai There ate 4 ENTRANCES tdscuping spread all over thesite lsc ght ne = Hasement ear park ‘COVERED THWAYS FROM my (OPDTO EMERGENCY COFFEE SHOP FOUR WHEELER PARKING CIRCULATION : HORIZONTAL CIRCULATION ; + Main spinal cord of the hospital; 245m wide. + Ie bifureates wo form a doubly loaded curved corridor (2.45 vide) inthe blocks A&B, ‘Another 2.4m wide singly beaded! corridor runs throughout COURTYARD the longth of blocks Cat D along a ladsraped courtyard Rasically he inter-departmental circulation is boing. governs by 245m wide cortiders & the intra ‘departmental by 1.8m wide conridos, "RUB AREA FORIVEOTS ‘Swinging doors have been placed at regular intervals in INTHE the corridors to provide a defined poh xo ser zones and at ACCESS the same time to provide privacy 10 the VAROW vty coapun campo eur conripons, ‘parent. VERTICAL CIRCUL Tran be vied ino 3 components Suaireses. Lifts Ramps + STAIRCASES LIFTS LOMA Firoescape «4 Co aie 3 Reis) + LIFTS Pablis <6 Bed-lifis—2 guy Services a IRE ESCAPE SHAMCASE Rehab = IC STAIRCASE § : IS CORRIDOR OUTSIDE RAMP=1 Bt puswasrERs CONSULTANT RDN + One CAGE-LIFT in kitchen for the msportiion ef ‘material from basement stores to kitchen at the CF, ‘wo DUMB: WAITER Rs connected from CSSD to Day care OT aid Cardiac OT at Ist and 2nd floor respectively. RAMP TO HASEMENT + Each sek has Is ove saline + Most of the staircases are on cstemat walls huving ‘natural ight and ventilation + There isa ramp (1:7 slope, 6in vide) going downto the service dock for loading / unlonling of material from trocks & the sta parking in asernent BASEMENT PLAN: Block A&B Lv 3.1m 8 Ieprovides staff parking foraboorsS-cars 75 "'_ I + Block houses the waste disposal storage. oles df aby, Ie abo ba + Block Ba STERILE LAUNDRY COLLECTION winpow PARKING FOR STAEF IN THE BASEMENT BLOCK B || ea sae 2 : BASEMENT oa Block C ~ tr has main Kitchen, a Pharmacy depanment, Medical record em, Lavindry, CSSD, Bio-medical sgincering workshop, ‘carpentry uni, stores, EDP (Electronic Data Processing unit, UPS rod, Electricity panel room, diesel generator sets room, jaitor twiles punp Foor DINING FORSTARF MEDICAL REC CRD. ROOM LAUNDRY * Itconsistsof mainly storage ateas, has a receiving bay. ‘3 hukery, a confectionery, a eold and deep freezer, farsa for parking. and washing tolleys and a special age litt Lawinlny.CSSD.& Musical Resomds © Laundry plaged nest to the CSSD for conven sterilizing lean clothes and tin ‘© The while area is very efficiently planes For ease of rocelving, washing & drying, ironing with special stean areas & dispateh, nats | =e #1 basically consists of suf? rooms with toilets, 2 if ‘SERVICES: = lobbies, building automation units, panel roms, HVAC BLOCK D ‘Public Health services, dure ail see apace or foture expansion, (Emergency (mentee ee sot ean oe se ea Ss ees ee Ths Hooks scaly egmerencvaren, Sayre No W hiss its own reception tea, priblic Wilels, Syee atecreaion toons fir cron on pat Sates ba er facts tke X-ray. ultasouid, a small 0.7. and 7250" hangs ron Sonn oe + A special trolley bay & wheel chair piskibj, ota evs noag ec | inte vesthule for mediate aston Hecneirstemdonsos + Block B thas the INPATIENT DIEFARTMENT withthe nocesay faites # Itconsits of reception ares, x billingregistzation counter, a waiting area, business conte, some olfices, a pharminey dt public toilets and a blood bar It dition to all this, the bloek consists of | EMER srious facilities ke a cafeteria (Café Ritazzay, a Moris, book store, bank & a POEM ncency = ey ENTRANCE 00 STORE CAFETARIA Ie WARTING RECEPTION fo q-= mr BLOCK.A BLOCK-B |___ GROUND FLOOR GENTS PURLIC TOI Block C: © Weonssts ofthe it LOADING UNLOADING BLOCK C ‘consists of the main OPD area with the Rehabilitation Cente, + tehhas the main reeepaon with enauiry counter + Various consultant moms). ith examination rooms, inspection rooms 8 waiting areas are provided in the form of susters + Ht also has the hydro, wax and nysinherapy area scene BLOCK D nae, labs. & diagnostics, * Separate scetions in kitchen for bulk cooking, main cooking, ehipattis salud & di + Tho dignostic wing consists of various lnbs and the radiology department Hike X ray, MRI, ‘ttrasound, CY sean ete. with separate waiting areas, toilets & change rooms. washing, LANDSCAPED COURTYARD “~~ ~QPD CONSULTATION DOUBLE HEIGHT LOBBY BLocK of BLOCK D ‘GROUND FLOOR, FIRST FLOOR PLAN Block C ow Ths prt bslly comes of he MalocTa.oe | Se ~ st co a general surgeries including their pre-operative and | O28 BLOCKA BLDC: » Taomnave wink wih sosvenioty, Woomed”, ‘using stor. This bck abo connins the nonsrasie Cand Lake ting Be (cocmocariopopinh TMT res & € FIRST FLOOR LEVE Ash + 4.65m + Ik bapicaly consists of single rooms on one side & double rooms om the other side with centrally placed nursing stations, Theres! ofthe area + jncludesstoes lockers, pantry, A.H.U, AB dty unite ets, + Theroares types of wands BLOCK C “s sie A1Smedsm. 7 Placement of hed is such that the patient ts rdsu eft hand sid lighting ole seatces~ sine 3.41 Si x 6:00, nis dived tno tv units with lw prattions of foldable type, Distance — CONSULTATION HOON Hretwoen tha beds = 1.3 r im sine is double vo shut of double seater, One tll partition, 2 bes For patients & 2 for ‘canplices BLOCK D Block D: 7 + itmainly houses the Cardine OFD, special ties & health enletinance elie sth the ‘consultant rooms & waiting areas, J , + It also: has some tbs. like Neurology monoliray wilh their sample collestion waiting are [BRS ROOM SEATER Two single seaters roo ‘#SEATER iene vi CARDIAC OFD. Wwarnene ‘CONSLILTANT pac na combine tof SECOND FLOOR PLAN ‘ea + Apert Ia lng B above vere ten fool | 623 SSRLOPK e. Acar at 3 + “Caaeesss: 3-2 side or cay moneeents | 020 ofimen & machines + “Toneuite dation ef the aan so ska ois ‘+ roeion for erengey ext + “Orennoncoun: =o a8 as per the eqaremanifsrsof the surges be Se zoxaanio ‘Sass windows ane side any ‘Sing so [2 ap dor 5 mis O.T. COMPLEX om | roel basically as the invasive ‘Both thece blocks have ICUs wandiac Lab (ntensive Care Units). including 3 "Right next to the ences Cris Labs wie is separmie change rooms pasha & lockers for gents, Indies Sean sia & stat They ive the nunsitig siations, toilets & doctor's duty rooms located in the ‘cena place. Icu ENTRANCE compris of the Candle OTs. «Mw OT coupes bal hs 3 eines > Que Zane = Conestng of teeny fr —=— doctors, sti & patient, : lume OTs, Scrab area & patient holding areas (Pre de Post aperative room) having i sis: Comping ofthe stage __‘isbes eet ot stein amen ca eran of nem le tm erase term fic clod onmtomann lore coe ds led call & omer 1 AN i wr nbn thi the ae poste X-ray machine. There are @ OTs ( 9X75mm x 9875: each) araged around a commen sterilized ares, ‘Duinitiwaiters connget the OT eotiplex to CSSD for direct supply oF sesiliaed equiprisents, jack ¢ THIRD FLOOR PLAN Bleck C: =) mocks + Risepmnoscd fa ining iti (Café dee), eco sete a daly wat moody rng Sl ‘ih lectus als conereane fom [PL apes scart a inka, LECTURE HALL ‘= is basicaly the baud rooms & auwinéewative areas + Ft has some offices, 3 meting roms & arsa fo fnure expansion, THIRD FLOOR LEVEL = LwL s+ Eas floor leveh fs blocks have single and ‘double rooms. BLOCK € ‘THe FORTIS IW: cates eagle BUILDING SERVICES : Parla ceahonierrmpsonper Water supply: = i + There ane 6 water stmags tanks in Rospta, which have tows constant wiergnand PRAVLEUASHONE «Fee water tanks 3m. i has two ispes Treated nate tanks 20s AROAACY THIN ROOM + awe water tunis 1 no Rar wer és rated. pumped “ELEVATIONAL FEATURES: to elevate storage tank, dsbuted to diferent inet at rome ee et et woe ate td Sit He roo iabing slong with Dsadp ass pp + “Estima of guaiity of waar (in. Unie 480 lines + "For curtain wall, Be pas fom Belgien pee ead pray ong with devils insulated plas for > SUP (Sewage Treatment Piaat) ‘windows bas en us +o treat all the sraste suiter and sewage waste, sewaue or + Thc ehring induces vray wile the aa ngs treatment plant fas beet provided which is located on jes toczoeal bands break the wrtieatin’ tes — OOUBEE GI the right side of the FD entrance while facing jo Jacked h haduanal econeasiing: Beenie > HVAC (Heat Ventilation & Air Conditioning unit) a + The whole builing i seeurally ar sonionsd wih lets have venlators ops in shal [Ait changes are provided by mechanical mean wards: }eWhr, Kitchen ~ 10h’, bathrooms & WCs ~3 eh, OTs Procedure + Water-coaled chiller as hoon used + Basically the medium is chilled water + Pipes uke the water the FCUs (Fan coll unt) & further wo the AHUs ( Air Handing Wt) + Chilled wer comes in cacict withthe wie Roa i = *+ Chile air is then disteue by ducts to diffuses ard yeni = > FIRE FIGHTING ATR OP AC PLAST COGRING TOMES AT ROOF Frese contin bis bet des ws AAC Blocks (ule tte conti bck). Sprinklers have een provided @ appros. 3000mm depending upon equal distribution of wih of ball wail, ‘Two types detectorshave been used, “ ‘Smoke sensors ¥ Heat sensor ‘the hasement-parkng areas: foam extinguishers for coating Ie PROOTEL : ehh cy ‘Hloss-reels in fire-fighting nishes 4°s4" have been used HOSE REELS Seni ‘Public uddresssystern & hooters have becn placed strategically ‘Fire wit routes with automat “pening type doors have boon provi, > ELECTRICAL + HT (High Tensioa) transformers. In case of power faiure dbescl generators start automatically. + UPS» 2no, eaters to power requirements of the Hospital Information System, Emergency, lighting ' es. ‘sf emirehopal af OT ia «Gales afoebekes I eA crys prmal ie “ona ee lk HF PANEL Roo Steet sa a tall ; + Stearn ftom the boiler is fod bo the laundry, kitchen, C851) ete. for DECLR AN RasiMENECOVERIO WH ) taut povided 1 sepa vole tiation with 3 step down SPRISKLER ‘GENERATOR ROOM cearwen neta To >» REVERSE OSMOSIS WATER PLANT >» SOFT WATER PLANT: ‘Location = Basement, Block B sLocation= Basement, lock ‘Ht eas bi ital to proses uli pre clean te, which “SoM water here precucesd is used for steam boilers. {used in scrubs, OT, Cat labs, ICUs & CSSD. » SEWERAGE ‘+ All iletstave shats adjoining to curry waste disposal pipes and water soppy tes. © Soll popes have Beet Lid 160 slope DRAINAGE = "Foe acer, aug walle ave bach povided al bivale whhete wikis wae ie soltested and amp out t the manbotss + Co ints are povided at the edges othe rods to drain the water > MEDICAL GASES MANIFOLD * Location = 11 is located behind kitchen in the basement right én fmt of staf” ‘ its Bad shove Maar level ‘Colour coding of theve limes + Oxygen : yellow with white bands ious anid: yellows with bie bards ‘+ Compressed ar: blue with white bands ‘+ Vacuum: blue with black bands compu come, + AGSS :red (Anesihotic gis scavenging system) > STRUCTURAL DETAILS Raf footing has boon provided. (Combined foting) ‘The grid isa combination of radial and squave grid RCC cali of arable sizes. Circular eolumas i basemen 850 (Fes of the flor : 10 ru din Retaining wall inches thick > CONSTRUCTIONAL DETAILS : REC construction First clas bricks & AAC blocks used ‘As the hospital falls on avinon routs, measures Rave = been taken to reduce the sound level inside the hospital: 8" lass ans + AAC (autoclaved aerated concrete blocks) have been used + Acoust fale csilingileshave bosn used. + For windows double lass hasbeen used nm di, AAC blocks © 39-19 30 ems, Kor outer Ieid heating ‘walls AAC blocks © 39 19° 10 én. For inner loud bearing + Two types of doors have been provided. The ones with cedar yminates are for patient entry and the ones with green rates arc not for patient entry = TYPES OF FLOORING. * Pulblic areas: Maris + Pationtarcas; Mosaic + OTs Granite | + Ius:PvC CEDAR LAMINATES Raxdiology = PVC + Nuclear medicine PVE + Public staisases : Marble Fire-escapesaireases : Kota Stone + Concrete blocks hive been wsed for pavements les have been used in various colours and sis, Chemisally resist tiles for labs. + The imterios have been plastered and painted. + Profabricatd funiture which is easily portable & mabe has been provided MARBLE GRANITE » DESIGN/CRITICAL ANALYSIS : ‘A unique Feature ofthis fospital i its wage of space. Separate entry for ORD, IPD, Emengency and Service zone : thus segregating the traffic flow. ‘A flexible & modular approach imbibed to impart adaptability to the future changes & modifications. ‘The OPD has been kept on the ground and fist Moor : thus providing easy aceessibility for patients and their attendants. COPD placed mext tolisanostic: easy access ‘The CSSD has been placed below the OT area hence direct connection via dumbiaiters, A very long welllandscaped courtyard has been placed in the centre, thus providing natural fight in corridors. Waiting areas for all OPDs are provided in the form of simall elusters, Vertical cireulation in the form of stirs and lifts ts separate forall blocks The shafts provided for maintainance are narrow, thus leading to inconvenience, Administration is provided on the third floor which is too far from the scope of visitors. ‘Basement enteranoe is on the fear side and cannot be approached from one shames. Reception and cafeteria inthe i.D. Block are quite ncar to each other which causes lot of con fusion near the entrance ir ‘STANDARDS: onsite ANALYSIS nec. | PRESENT ‘Wuliorpon/eea mt | a/100b008 $ 2 ° i vim ——*we* Q Zounmoas ~}erawoanos TousneTawauves] [Staincase | stanoanos [owsme | anatvsis eesramier [Matin | aamwce | gy al Sen: | ote oe wide Rier same | 150mm e Patients in.2a5m | 245m wise soridor | de © | [war [ismaam [aamwae clean coridor be Main/spine | Min.am | 245m wide ae cera eee. 9 ‘an both tsaoriee | Doublyloaded | Min. 3m 2.45m wide Sidesofthe | one-side of cerridor o flight the Mat ow on os

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