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B. Tech.

(CSE, Semester- 5)
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (PCC-CSE-307-G)
Allowed Time: 1 Hour 2nd Sessional Test Max. Marks: 15
Note: Q.1 is Compulsory. Attempt any one question from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1(a) What is N-Queen problem?
(b) Differentiate between Decision and Optimization Problem.
(c) Differentiate between Backtracking and Branch & Bound technique.
(d) What is Sum of Subset problem?
Q.2) Explain m-coloring problem for n= 3 and m= 3 and also draw the state space tree.
Q.3) Explain Branch and Bound strategy to solve Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) for the given graph. Also draw
state space tree that is generated

Q.4) Explain P, NP, NP Hard and NP complete Problems.
Q.5) Explain NP Scheduling problems.

B. Tech. (CSE, Semester- 5)

Design and Analysis of Algorithms (PCC-CSE-307-G)
Allowed Time: 1 Hour 2nd Sessional Test Max. Marks: 15
Note: Q.1 is Compulsory. Attempt any one question from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1(a) What is N-Queen problem?
(b) Differentiate between Decision and Optimization Problem.
(c) Differentiate between Backtracking and Branch & Bound technique.
(d) What is Sum of Subset problem?
Q.2) Explain m-coloring problem for n= 3 and m= 3 and also draw the state space tree.
Q.3) Explain Branch and Bound strategy to solve Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) for the given graph. Also draw
state space tree that is generated

Q.4) Explain P, NP, NP Hard and NP complete Problems.
Q.5) Explain NP Scheduling problems.

B. Tech. (CSE, Semester- 5)

Design and Analysis of Algorithms (PCC-CSE-307-G)
Allowed Time: 1 Hour 2nd Sessional Test Max. Marks: 15
Note: Q.1 is Compulsory. Attempt any one question from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1(a) What is N-Queen problem?
(b) Differentiate between Decision and Optimization Problem.
(c) Differentiate between Backtracking and Branch & Bound technique.
(d) What is Sum of Subset problem?
Q.2) Explain m-coloring problem for n= 3 and m= 3 and also draw the state space tree.
Q.3) Explain Branch and Bound strategy to solve Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) for the given graph.
Also draw state space tree that is generated.

Q.4) Explain P, NP, NP Hard and NP complete Problems.
Q.5) Explain NP Scheduling problems.

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