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I-Pre Board Examination 2022-23

Marking Scheme

Que. 01. Macro.

Que. 02. a
Que. 03. d or c
Que. 04. c
Que. 05. a
Que. 06. c or a
Que. 07. c
Que. 08. a
Que. 09. b
Que. 10. d.
Que. 11. Distinguish on basic of point of time V/S period of time along with any suitable
Differentiate on the basis of direct satisfaction human wants V/S not direct satisfaction with any
Que. 12.increase in CRR --- volume of credit decrees.
Decrease CRR ---- volume of credit decrees.
Que. 13. Increase in tax
- Reduction in subsidy.
- Reduction in budgetary deficit.
-Increase of public borrowing.
Que. 14. More taxes on those persons or institutions which have more income and wealth and expenditure
on those parsons which have lesser part on income and wealth.
Allocation of resources in a manner such that there is balance between the goals of profit
maximization and social welfare.
Que. 15. (1) d (2) c (3) a (4) appreciation .
Que. 16. (a) Operating Surplus
= Rent and interest+ Undisrupted profits+ Corporation tax +Dividend.
= Rs. 800 core + Rs. 300 Crore + Rs. 460 crore + Rs. 940 crore.
= Rs. 2500 Crore.
(b) Domestic income
= Compensation of employees+ Operating surplus+ Mixed income.
= Rs. 2000 croe+ Rs. 2500 crore + Rs. 200 crore.
= Rs. 4700 crore.
= National income- Private final consumption expenditure- Gross domestic capital formation Net
exports+ Consumption of fixed capital Net indirect taxes- Net factor income from abroad.
=Rs. 71000 crore- Rs.40000 crore-Rs.10000 crore Rs. 5000 crore +Rs. 3000 crore + Rs.2000 crore
- Rs. 1000 crore.
= Rs. 20000 crore.
Mixed income of self-employed.
= National income- Wages and salaries- Operating surplus- Net factor income from abroad.
=Rs.71000 crore-Rs.15000 crore-Rs. 30000 crore- Rs.1000 crore.
=Rs. 25000 crore.
Que. 17. Functioning of investment multiplier with suitable numerical example.
Que. 18. (d)
Que. 19. (b) OR (a)
Que. 20. (c)
Que. 21. (a) OR (c )
Que. 22. (c )
Que. 23. (b)
Que. 24. (a)
Que. 25. (d) OR (b)
Que. 27. (c)
Que. 28. (i) Abolition of industrial Licensing.
(ii) Contraction of public sector.
(iii) Change in Role of RBI from a regulator to a facilitator.
(iv) Tax reforms etc. (Any two ½ mark for heading and 1 mark for explanation each)
(1) Reduction in Tariffs.
(2) Convertibility currency .
(3) Long-term trade policy
(4) Withdrawal of quantitative restrictions. (Any two ½ mark for heading and 1 mark for
Explanation each)
Que. 29. On the basis of HDI Rank infant mortality rate, life expectancy literacy rate etc.
comparison should be made.
Que. 30. Education - productivity production GDP-growth
(such correlation should be expressed)
Health - productivity production GDP-growth
(such correlation should be expressed)

Que. 31. Yes because in india It is a related to

the problem of capital formation,
lack of production capacity,
population growth etc.
Que. 32. (a). in respected in growth rate india shows improvement in services sector while china
shows no improvement in china sector. inspite in these growths in agriculture and
industries sector is better.
(b). Indias growth rate better than growth rate Pakistan in all sectors indias growth rate
shows improvement in service sector in later stage while Pakistan shows no such
improvement .
Que. 33. Any four reforms from technical reforms, institutional reforms and general reforms.( ½
mark for heading and 1 mark for explanation each)
Que. 34. (a) Any two environmental or health issued.
( ½ mark for heading and 1 mark for explanation each)
(b) HDI and other social development parameters should be used in explanation.

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