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In the Name of Freedom and for Freedom

“Layered Democracy”

First Edition, 2018/08/18, All rights reserved.

Author: Cyrus Godarz

Author Email:

Publisher: Supreme Art, USA

ISBN: 978-1942912828

Dedicated to all the liberals in the past, present, and future
Especially Cyrus the Great, their spiritual father

Liberals and sympathizers of humanity!
As the author of this book, I invite you to join us and, with our collective support,
take practical steps to establish true freedom and democracy around the world, with
the approach outlined in this book.
We should also try to establish the first "layered democracy" on earth as soon as
possible. To achieve this goal, we need each other's full cooperation, and at this stage
we need your financial assistance.
Unfortunately, because the author currently lives in Iran with severe restrictions and
censorship, he has to work under his own pseudonym(Cyrus Godarz), and the only
way for him to receive your financial aid is through cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin
and Tether.
Therefore, we ask you to help us as much as you can and continuously, through one
of the following accounts (preferably usdt trc20 due to the low transfer cost):


Tether USDT (Trc20):

Tether USDT (Erc20):


Receiving adequate and appropriate financial aid, in addition to spreading this new
idea (Layered Democracy), helps us to create an organized organization in one or
more relatively democratic countries and to acquire appropriate legal bases and legal
positions and various media. ; Let's officially announce the birth of layered
democracy to the world and take the first step towards its establishment.
Buying and transmitting cryptocurrencies is very simple and can not be identified
and traced in any way. If you are unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies, With a little
research and help from your friends, in addition to learning how to work with such
cryptocurrencies, which will be the common currencies of the future of human
democracy, you can also help us. Thank you.
In the hope of establishing peace and freedom throughout the world.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................ 1

PREFACE ..................................................................................................................................... 2

BOOK INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 4

1- CHAPTER ONE: THE DRAWBACKS OF DEMOCRACY .................................................................. 5

1.1- Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1.1- Speech contract ..............................................................................................................................................5

1.2- Definition of democracy.................................................................................................................................. 5

1.3- Methods of establishing democracy................................................................................................................ 5

1.3.1- Direct voting ...................................................................................................................................................5 Direct voting for making the final decision .............................................................................................5 Direct voting for taking the decision-making position ............................................................................6
1.3.2- Indirect voting .................................................................................................................................................6 Indirect voting for making the final decision ..........................................................................................6 Indirect voting for taking the decision-making position .........................................................................6

1.4- Disadvantages of current voting and weaknesses of risen democracies .......................................................... 6

1.4.1- Disadvantages of direct voting........................................................................................................................7
1.4.2- Disadvantages of indirect voting.....................................................................................................................8

2- CHAPTER TWO: A SUMMARY OF THE PRINCIPLES OF FREEDOM.............................................10

2.1- Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 10

2.2- Definition of freedom: Freedom is in two types ............................................................................................ 10

2.2.1- Individual freedom (free individual) .............................................................................................................10
2.2.2- Freedom in society (free society-social freedom).........................................................................................10 Point 1 ...................................................................................................................................................10 Point 2 ...................................................................................................................................................11 Point 3 ...................................................................................................................................................11 Point 4 ...................................................................................................................................................11

2.3- Principle of liberalism ................................................................................................................................... 12

2.3.1- Necessity to accept the principle of liberalism .............................................................................................12

2.4- Definition of liberals ..................................................................................................................................... 12

2.5- Definition of dictators ................................................................................................................................... 12

2.6- Definition of constitution .............................................................................................................................. 12

2.6.1- Point 1 ...........................................................................................................................................................12

2.6.2- Point 2 ...........................................................................................................................................................13
2.6.3- Definition of legal-individual freedom ..........................................................................................................13 Point 1 ...................................................................................................................................................14 Point 2 ...................................................................................................................................................14

2.7- Principe of legal individual freedom retention .............................................................................................. 14

2.8- Superiority of the wisdom of the crowd ........................................................................................................ 14

2.8.1- Point 1: ..........................................................................................................................................................14
2.8.2- Point 2 ...........................................................................................................................................................15

2.9- Definition of voting and elections ................................................................................................................. 15

2.9.1- Point 1 ...........................................................................................................................................................15

2.10- Definition of social justice ........................................................................................................................... 16

2.10.1- Point 1 .........................................................................................................................................................16
2.10.2- Point 2 .........................................................................................................................................................16
2.10.3- Point 3 .........................................................................................................................................................16
2.10.4- Point 4 .........................................................................................................................................................16
2.10.5- Point 5 .........................................................................................................................................................17

2.11- Definition of democracy .............................................................................................................................. 17

2.11.1- Point 1 .........................................................................................................................................................17
2.11.2- Point 2 .........................................................................................................................................................17
2.11.3- Point 3 .........................................................................................................................................................18
2.11.4- Point 4 .........................................................................................................................................................18
2.11.5- Point 5 .........................................................................................................................................................18

2.12- Definition of the scope of democracy (epidemic of democracy) .................................................................. 18

2.12.1- Point 1 .........................................................................................................................................................19

2.13- Definition of democracy persistence ........................................................................................................... 19

2.13.1- Point 1 .........................................................................................................................................................19
2.13.2- Point 2 .........................................................................................................................................................19

2.14- Definition of democracy depth (democracy culture) ................................................................................... 19

2.14.1- Point 1 .........................................................................................................................................................20

2.15- Human rights .............................................................................................................................................. 20

2.15.1- Point 1 .........................................................................................................................................................20

2.16- Definition of humanity ................................................................................................................................ 20

2.16.1- Point 1 .........................................................................................................................................................20

2.17- Main principle of human rights ................................................................................................................... 20

2.17.1- Point 1 .........................................................................................................................................................20
2.17.2- Point 2 .........................................................................................................................................................20

2.18- Definition of freedom of speech ................................................................................................................. 21

2.18.1- Point 1 .........................................................................................................................................................21
2.18.2- Point 2 .........................................................................................................................................................21
2.18.3- Point 3 .........................................................................................................................................................22

3- CHAPTER THREE: DEFINITION OF SIMPLE LAYERED DEMOCRACY ...........................................23

3.1- Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 23

3.2- Definition of layered democracy ................................................................................................................... 23

3.3- Definitions of simple layered voting .............................................................................................................. 23

3.3.1- Definition of layer zero .................................................................................................................................23
3.3.2- Notation of layer zero (L0) ............................................................................................................................24
3.3.3- Definition of layered democracy office .........................................................................................................24 A suggestion for cost reduction ............................................................................................................24 Reasons for not presenting an idea in form of software.......................................................................25
3.3.4- Definition of level zero group (G0)................................................................................................................26
3.3.5- Definition of group minimal number (M=10) ...............................................................................................27 Point 1 ...................................................................................................................................................28
3.3.6- Definition of active group .............................................................................................................................28
3.3.7- Definition of head group ...............................................................................................................................28
3.3.8- Voting rules in groups ...................................................................................................................................29
3.3.9- Definition of layer one (L1(A)) ......................................................................................................................29
3.3.10- Definition of level one group (G1) ..............................................................................................................29
3.3.11- Definition of level one head group (H(G)) ..................................................................................................29
3.3.12- General definition of layers, active groups, and head groups ....................................................................30
3.3.13- An example .................................................................................................................................................30
3.3.14- Definition of consultant layer .....................................................................................................................33 Point 1 .................................................................................................................................................33 Point 2 .................................................................................................................................................33
3.3.15- Definition of wisdom, legislator, and supervisor layers ..............................................................................34 Mathematical point.............................................................................................................................34


4.1- Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 37

4.2- Definition of advanced layered democracy ................................................................................................... 37

4.3- Reasons for developing simple layered democracy into advanced ................................................................ 37
4.3.1- Drawbacks in the structure of simple layered voting ...................................................................................37

4.4- Definition of advanced layered voting .......................................................................................................... 39

4.4.1- Definition of layered democracy office .........................................................................................................39
4.4.2- Definition of layer zero (L0) ..........................................................................................................................39
4.4.3- Definition of level zero group (G0)................................................................................................................40
4.4.4- Definition of group owner ............................................................................................................................40
4.4.5- Status of approving the group membership .................................................................................................40 Definition of open group .......................................................................................................................40 Definition of closed group.....................................................................................................................40 Definition of normal group (neither closed nor open) ..........................................................................40 Definition of abolished group ...............................................................................................................40
4.4.6- Rules of group owner ....................................................................................................................................40
4.4.7- Definition of head group ...............................................................................................................................41

4.4.8- Rules for selecting the head group ...............................................................................................................41
4.4.9- Definition of active minimal number (Mi=10) ..............................................................................................42
4.4.10- Different types of group in terms of activity ...............................................................................................42 Definition of group without head group .............................................................................................42 Definition of inactivated group ...........................................................................................................42 Definition of active group ...................................................................................................................42 Definition of inactive group ................................................................................................................43 Definition of suspended group ...........................................................................................................43
4.4.11- Types of groups without head group ..........................................................................................................43 Point 1 .................................................................................................................................................43
4.4.12- Definition of active head group ..................................................................................................................43
4.4.13- Definition of waiting member at a layer .....................................................................................................43 Point 1 .................................................................................................................................................43
4.4.14- Definition of semi-neutral member at a layer ............................................................................................44 Point 1 .................................................................................................................................................44
4.4.15- Definition of neutral member at a layer .....................................................................................................44 Point 1 .................................................................................................................................................44 Argument 1 .................................................................................................................................45
4.4.16- Definition of non-neutral member at a layer ..............................................................................................45
4.4.17- General definition of layers ........................................................................................................................45 Induction outset ..................................................................................................................................45 Induction hypothesis ...........................................................................................................................45 Inductive definition .............................................................................................................................45
4.4.18- Rules governing the layered voting.............................................................................................................46
4.4.19- Answering the problems raised at the beginning of the chapter ...............................................................48
4.4.20- Advantages of constant number of members at higher layers ...................................................................49
4.4.21- Suggestion number 7 as the number of members at consultant layer .......................................................50
4.4.22- Definition of pre-supervisor layer ...............................................................................................................52
4.4.23- Theorem .....................................................................................................................................................52 Point 1 .................................................................................................................................................52 Point 2 .................................................................................................................................................53
4.4.24- Definition of supervisor layer .....................................................................................................................53 Preventing a second job for supervisor layer ......................................................................................54 Point 1 .........................................................................................................................................54 Point 2 .........................................................................................................................................54
4.4.25- Definition of legislator layer .......................................................................................................................54
4.4.26- Definition of consultant layer .....................................................................................................................55 Status of no head group in the only group of consultant layer ...........................................................55
4.4.27- Definition of wisdom layer ..........................................................................................................................56

4.5- To the first wise ............................................................................................................................................. 57


5.1- Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 59

5.2- Types of transition steps ............................................................................................................................... 59

5.2.1- Definition of the first transition step ............................................................................................................60
5.2.2- Definition of the second transition step .......................................................................................................60
5.2.3- Definition of final consistency ......................................................................................................................60
5.2.4- Definition of the “systems and methods” ministry and prime minister .......................................................60

5.3- Layout of layered democracy offices in the first transition ............................................................................ 61
5.3.1- Definition of province head group ................................................................................................................62
5.3.2- Definition of city head group ........................................................................................................................62
5.3.3- Definition of district head group ...................................................................................................................63

5.4- Layout of layered democracy offices at the second transition ....................................................................... 65

5.5- Layout of layered democracy offices at final consistency .............................................................................. 67

5.5.1- Bordering and naming the provinces of Earth ..............................................................................................68
5.5.2- Cheating using population transition ............................................................................................................69

6- CHAPTER SIX: CREATING AN INDEPENDENT JUDICIAL SYSTEM ................................................72

6.1- Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 72

6.2- Reasons for independency of judicial system ................................................................................................ 72

6.3- How to create a judicial system in layered democracy? ................................................................................. 73

6.3.1- Definition of pre-supervisor layer in judicial system.....................................................................................74
6.3.2- Rules governing the layered voting of judicial system ..................................................................................74

6.4- Tasks of judicial system ................................................................................................................................. 74

6.4.1- Continues monitoring of health in layered voting ........................................................................................74
6.4.2- Continuous monitoring of economic health among the members of governmental layers (supervisor layers
upward) ...................................................................................................................................................................75
6.4.3- Qualifying the head of layered central office by the head of judicial system ...............................................76
6.4.4- Continuous monitoring of occupational health among the heads of employees of layered democracy
offices ......................................................................................................................................................................76
6.4.5- Consulting the legislator layer ......................................................................................................................77

6.5- Filing a complaint against the first wise ........................................................................................................ 77

6.6- Filing a complaint against the head of judicial system ................................................................................... 78

6.7- Violations and punishments.......................................................................................................................... 78

7- CHAPTER SEVEN: LEGISLATION AND TASKS OF LEGISLATOR LAYER ..........................................80

7.1- Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 80

7.2- Layered development of constitution ........................................................................................................... 82

7.2.1- Definition of constitution draft .....................................................................................................................83
7.2.2- Definition of district constitution..................................................................................................................83
7.2.3- Definition of district constitution draft .........................................................................................................83
7.2.4- Definition of city constitution .......................................................................................................................83
7.2.5- Definition of city constitution draft ..............................................................................................................84
7.2.6- Definition of province constitution ...............................................................................................................84
7.2.7- Definition of province constitution draft ......................................................................................................84
7.2.8- Definition of country constitution (central) ..................................................................................................84
7.2.9- Definition of country constitution draft ........................................................................................................84
7.2.10- Written contract .........................................................................................................................................84

7.2.11- Steps to develop and approve constitutions ..............................................................................................84
7.2.12- Steps to remove a principle from constitutions ..........................................................................................85
7.2.13- Adding a principle out of the draft to constitutions ...................................................................................86

7.3- Details of developing the country constitution draft ..................................................................................... 88

7.4- Merging the layers of two countries under layered democracy ..................................................................... 88
7.4.1- Question .......................................................................................................................................................89

7.5- Merging the constitution of two countries under layered democracy ........................................................... 90

7.6- Advantages of layered legislation.................................................................................................................. 91


8.1- Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 93

8.2- Access level of individuals to layered voting information .............................................................................. 93

8.2.1- Access level of layer zero ..............................................................................................................................93
8.2.2- Access level of head groups ..........................................................................................................................94
8.2.3- Access level of the members of supervisor layer and higher layers .............................................................94
8.2.4- Access level of judicial system ......................................................................................................................94

8.3- Tasks of supervisor layer ............................................................................................................................... 95

8.3.1- Supervising the public layered voting and layered voting of the judicial system .........................................95
8.3.2- Visiting democracy offices in different cities ................................................................................................95
8.3.3- Reviewing the reports on cheating ...............................................................................................................95
8.3.4- Reviewing the correct performance of layered democracy offices ..............................................................96
8.3.5- Suing and tracing the files of layered voting cheaters ..................................................................................96

9- CHAPTER NINE: GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE IN LAYERED DEMOCRACY ...................................97

9.1- Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 97

9.2- Square of separations (separation of religion, politics, analysis, and execution from each other) ................. 97
9.2.1- Definition of analytical manager ...................................................................................................................97
9.2.2- Definition of executive manager ...................................................................................................................98
9.2.3- Separation of politics from analytical management .....................................................................................98
9.2.4- Separation of analytical management from executive management .........................................................101
9.2.5- Separation of politics from executive management ...................................................................................103 Confession ...........................................................................................................................................104

9.3- Creating the executive system and ministries and selecting ministers ......................................................... 104
9.3.1- General characteristics of minister .............................................................................................................104
9.3.2- Identifying and determining the required ministries of government .........................................................105
9.3.3- Selecting a minister for ministry .................................................................................................................106
9.3.4- Prime minister ............................................................................................................................................107
9.3.5- Assistant wise person .................................................................................................................................108

10.1- Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 110

10.2- Strategy 1: Implementing through party formation................................................................................... 111

10.3- Strategy 2: Implementing through fighting dictatorship ............................................................................ 112

10.3.1- Observing the security tips while finding other groups ............................................................................116

10.4- Alliance of liberal oppositions against the dictator.................................................................................... 117

11- CHAPTER ELEVEN: SECOND TRANSITION AND EARTH INTEGRITY ........................................ 119

11.1- Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 119

11.2- Necessity to move for Earth integrity ........................................................................................................ 119

11.3- Steps of moving towards Earth integrity ................................................................................................... 123

11.4- Problems while integrating the entire Earth .............................................................................................. 125

11.5- Some challenges and answers ................................................................................................................... 126

11.5.1- Question ...................................................................................................................................................126
11.5.2- Question ...................................................................................................................................................126


12.1- Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 127

12.2- Advantages of layered democracy ............................................................................................................. 127

12.2.1- Advantages of weak democracy in layered democracy ............................................................................128 Transfer of power peacefully ............................................................................................................128 Preventing the formation of dictators...............................................................................................128 Respecting the citizens’ vote .............................................................................................................129
12.2.2- Disadvantages of weak democracy in layered democracy ........................................................................129 Lack of attention to the value of experts’ vote .................................................................................129 Deceiving the low-specialized classes ...............................................................................................129 Lack of enough recognition and appropriate research about candidates ........................................130 Lack of voting system flexibility in changing the selected individuals ..............................................131 Lack of replacing a more powerful person instead of the current person in position ......................131 Lack of human resources retention and using the best elite ............................................................131 Lack of long time planning and its executive guarantee ...................................................................132 Slow decision-making and its enforcement ......................................................................................132 Lack of attention to the rights of minority and dictatorship of majority ..........................................132 Lack of effective public opinions in decision-making ......................................................................132
12.2.3- Special advantages of layered democracy ................................................................................................133 Encouraging people to political participation ...................................................................................133 High transparency in layered democracy ..........................................................................................133 Step-like power gaining in layered democracy .................................................................................133 Public political training ......................................................................................................................133 Training political men and women ....................................................................................................134 Possibility of trial and error for people without any concern about adverse consequences ............134 Gradual movement of society towards an equal constitution ..........................................................134

xi Gradual movement of human towards a borderless world ..............................................................135 Approximation of religions over time ...............................................................................................135 Importance of creating a common language ..................................................................................136 True patriotism and lack of bias against mother tongue ................................................................136 Increasing importance of knowledge ..............................................................................................139 Imagination 1 ..........................................................................................................................140 Imagination 2 ..........................................................................................................................140 Imagination 3 ..........................................................................................................................141


13.1- Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 144

13.2- The most important issues in interacting with aliens ................................................................................ 144
13.2.1- 13.2.1. Techniques of discussion with aliens ............................................................................................144
13.2.2- Ability to detect the war or peace states ..................................................................................................145
13.2.3- Preparation for a probable war ................................................................................................................146
13.2.4- Suggesting an appropriate model for governance and dividing world resources ....................................147

13.3- Author’s final remarks............................................................................................................................... 148

First of all, we have to appreciate the liberals who made efforts though sacrifice to
help us better understand freedom and those who sacrificed their lives for the
realization of freedom and human rights.
I am thankful to all the teachers during my academic years. Each one of them taught
me lessons and writing this book would be impossible without them. with due
respect to their status, I still consider myself as their student.
My paternal grandfather was the true teacher of my life. He would be still my teacher
even if he was not my grandfather and I was so lucky having him in my life. He was
both a kind father and a wise teacher with a disciplined mind, beautiful thinking, and
sound logic. The best memories of my life are the photos of being with him. I still
remember that he talked to me with modesty about the deepest philosophical and
ethical issues not like a child but as an old friend. I remember how he taught me deep
philosophical, political, historical, and social facts in form of sweet stories and
poetry of Persian poets especially Hafiz and Saadi. He was the most liberal and
ethical person in my life. God bless him.
Also, every human being owns their lives to the love and kindness of their parents.
I know that they did their best to reach me to the highest levels of knowledge despite
all problems and shortages in Iran. The callous in my father’s hands and love in my
mother’s hands have always supported me. I am very thankful to my parents and kiss
their hands in full curtesy.
The number of people helping me to write this book is certainly more than the above-
mentioned people, but I thank all of them, without mentioning their names, due to
the lack of space and I hope they would not feel being forgotten because of not
mentioning their names.

My purpose of presenting new subject is creating a new structure and novel
discipline in the field of global administration. The adverse situation of human and
severe social-civil backwardness of modern human made me think and try to find
the roots of such problems. Although human has overtaken all other animals through
evolution and has also advanced significantly in sociology, social sciences, political
sciences and has currently many civil, political, and economic structures, this growth
has not been in line with other human progresses in other scientific field such as
physics, mathematics, medical sciences, etc. While the effectiveness of this field (i.e.
sociology, social sciences, political sciences) will be more than other fields in the
long term, because such a science which will be called “social sciences” from now,
can provide contexts for the growth of the previous scholars. Such creativities truly
excite human and indicate his continuous efforts and endeavors as well as suffering.
However, it can be found less in social sciences and political sciences. I do not am
to explore the reasons of this subject but perhaps we can accept the reason that the
nature of social-civil sciences is different and not- quantifiable where creativity is
difficult. On the other hand, openness to experience which is the basis of discoveries
and inventions in other fields is very difficult in social sciences because the nature
of social sciences has very slow results and many generations should pass to repeat
an experience and thus they cannot be practically experienced by a person except
the historical way. Most of the results obtained from history have no enough
accuracy. There was a proverb among the friends saying “history is the only science
which can tell lie”.
In this book, I attempt to introduce a novel form of social administration to you dear
readers. By spending lots of time in my mind, I have thought about it and eliminated
the drawbacks for more than one decade. I gradually noticed that through a slight
change, not only this suggestion can be a new technique in social administration, but
also can be an efficient technique for moving from the current society to a different
and much better and advanced society in terms of scientific, civil, industrial, and
other aspects. Thus, I did my best for such a thing. If I have spent 10 years on this
idea and changed it, you must certainly read it for a few days and think deeply about
its results to clarify my intention. In addition, I had to build an axiom system
including principles and definitions in order to clarify the content and transfer the
structure I had reached in my mind such as mathematics. I brought some parts of the
axiom system from a book entitled “Principles of Freedom”. In addition, a book
entitled “Principles of Ethics” will complete the content but here I mostly focused
on the concept of layered democracy and since I intend to emigrate to another
country and this subject has taken all my time and energy, I will keep the two books

“Principles of Freedom” and “Principles of Ethics” in my mind and will not publish
until I emigrate from Iran.
In summary, I had to create new definitions and concepts to transfer my mental
structure to others without ambiguity and you have to read the book and understand
it in order to understand my intention. In fact, the content of the book is very easy
and fluent. To put it in a nutshell, I only refer to the fact that if this plan is
implemented in one or two countries like Germany, France, America, Canada, and
other Scandinavian countries, the whole world will gradually join it and at the end,
we will have a uniform country called Earth without any border or army for
defending the hypothetical lines on papers (world map). Furthermore, this
suggestion is a kind of democracy which is not only in agreement with democracy
but also requires the previous democracies. I doubt if we can implement such a
suggestion easily in the tyrannized countries like North Korea (especially for the
first example). However, I hope that most countries join it by establishing the
suggestion in the current democratic countries and observing its results by the public.
Obviously, there will be enough military power for eliminating the remaining frozen
tyrannies. Hoping for that day!
Cyrus Godarz

Book Introduction
The purpose of different types of democracy is enabling people to have power and
be the final decision-maker. Voting tools and ballot box are used for achieving such
a goal in democracy.
If we look carefully, we can see that the inefficiency of the current voting tools has
prevented democracies from achieving their main goals. On the other hand, the lack
of an integrated logical system, or preferably axiom, has added to the inefficiency
and weakness of the current democracies in the world. Axiom is a mathematical
axiomatic system (such as Euclidean geometry axiomatic system or Set theory) to
define fundamental concepts such as freedom, human rights, freedom of speech,
justice, etc.) and establish democracy based on axiomatic system. In this book, the
concept of layered democracy is presented as an alternative system for the current
Layered democracy is a systematic and axiomatic model which can realize the
human liberal ideals and provide conditions for finding the elite and making their
votes effective, without losing the concept of democracy with equal voting right and
equal value for all members of society. In this model, the wisest members are used
for making key decisions and it is assured that decision-making is supported by the
majority of society.
In addition, layered democracy is an appropriate tool for fighting dictatorship in
tyrannized societies. This subject is important from three aspects. First, dictators
usually impede the coordination and solidarity of liberals and layered democracy
will cause coordination and solidarity among the liberals due to its inherent nature.
Second, from the point that liberals have usually no certain algorithm for fighting
dictators and suffer from huge losses and damages. Layered democracy presents this
algorithm and minimizes the damages to the least possible degree. Third, from the
point that liberals are in disagreement in forming a government after getting free
from dictators. The fear from a temporal insecurity being raised by the loss of
dictators’ power and the gap of power which is typically brought up by dictators
intensify this issue. Layered democracy proposes an appropriate government model
which is based on a steady and considerate framework and unites all liberals.

1- Chapter one: The drawbacks of democracy
1.1- Introduction
This chapter is a simple beginning for those having less familiarity with the concepts
such as democracy, voting, freedom, etc. discussed in this book. However, reading
this chapter will help the speech comprehension and communication with the author
if you are one of the people interested in political sciences, have a relatively
comprehensive attitude to these subjects, and know about the disadvantages and
weaknesses of democracy. Nevertheless, reviewing these issues is worthwhile due
to their importance in understanding the advantages of layered democracy and
remembering them for comparing to similar aspects of layered democracy.
1.1.1- Speech contract
Traditional democracies are called weak democracy from now due to the semantic
overlap with layered democracy.

1.2- Definition of democracy

Based on the conducted reviews by the author, no unit and coherent definition of
democracy has been presented so far. Farsi Wikipedia states: “Democracy is a
governmental technique for the errorless administration of right-oriented people
where no specific person of groups govern except people.”
Fortunately, the next chapter of this book presents a new definition based on the
axiom system.

1.3- Methods of establishing democracy

Methods of establishing democracy include the solutions and methods by which the
opinion of the majority of people can be found and specific mechanisms can be
expressed for its implementation. In the current world, voting is the only method of
receiving the opinions of the majority of people in practice.
Voting is performed in two methods of direct and indirect:
1.3.1- Direct voting
In this method, all people in society attend voting similarly by having an equal
suffrage and value. This type of voting has two types: Direct voting for making the final decision
This case which is rarely used is sometimes known as referendum which refers to
voting on a specific case.
5|Page Direct voting for taking the decision-making position
We all know about this type of voting. Elections for a president and parliament
representatives are the examples of this type of voting. In summary, some individuals
become candidates for decision-making positions, assuming full equality among all
people in society, and everyone votes them and elects some of them. The elected
individuals make the decisions related to that position for the whole society.
1.3.2- Indirect voting
In this method, the basis is the equal value of vote and public opinion. Based on the
level of understanding and expertise of individuals, especially in political- social
cases, there are some differences with the previous method. The purpose of this
method is finding and using the best elite in society. First, the qualified individuals
are assumed to be equal and every person can become candidates for the positions
which are considered for making decision for the whole society. This voting is
performed in two methods: Indirect voting for making the final decision
This case is similar to direct voting for making the final decision with the difference
that here some individuals are elected first and then they make the final decision.
The difference between this method and the previous method is that no specific
position is considered for the elected individuals and merely a decision in a short
period of time is regarded. Indirect voting for taking the decision-making position
In this type of voting, the members of society elect one or some individuals and the
purpose of this election is not making a specific decision or assigning them the
decision-making position but the elected individuals can nominate some other
individuals (important!) and then elect them for a specific decision-making. In fact,
fist the primary society forms a society from its elite and then the elite begin selecting
important positions for the decisions related to the whole society. Almost similar to
America elections which is electoral but as explained in a model called “layered
democracy” which is the basis of layered democracy in the future being consistent
with the voting method.

1.4- Disadvantages of current voting and weaknesses of risen

Among the advantages of a weak democracy are passing through the dark era of
dictatorship and entering public discourse. Good steps have been taken since Ancient
Greece so far causing the social evolution and progress of human kind. Despite all

these advantages, no system is flawless and every system can be always improved.
Here are some disadvantages of this type of democracy (weak).
1.4.1- Disadvantages of direct voting
i. Lack of attention to the value of elite’s opinions; in these methods, the
opinions of the best scholars in society (or elite) have an equal value to other
classes of society.
ii. Deceiving the less expert classes of society; opening the way for entering
dictators via heavy advertising and retaining them in key positions due to the
abuse of vote equality as well as the possibility of deceiving less expert classes
of society by dictators in different ways (as we see in the world).
iii. Impossibility of enough recognition and appropriate research about
candidates; due to the vast population in most current societies, it is not possible
to identify the elite for key positions by all voters and the majority of voters
must vote by guessing (do not forget the lack of expertise) or unfortunately
based on personal tastes and sentiments. Obviously, there is no need to mention
the reason that the majority of society have no opportunity or mood for doing
research about the candidates.
iv. Lack of the voting system flexibility in changing the elected individuals; for
key positions like presidency, a certain time is determined and in this constant
period of time, it would not be easy to change the elected person. Although the
above-mentioned constant time intervals (such as presidency which usually
takes 4-5 years) due to limiting the president and preventing his dictatorship,
the same time limit is undoubtedly long. Due to the extraordinary power in such
positions, it is possible that a wrong decision by people (as explained earlier
due to advertising, partisanship, etc. which is not unlikely) leads to many years
of regret or damage to society. Changing the key positions like president, prime
minister, etc. is either impossible or costs a lot to society.
v. Lack of replacing a more powerful person for the current position owner;
Referring to the previous drawback, it can be emphasized that perhaps after
electing a person for a key position, people find a better person, thus changing
the owner of the key position is impossible despite changing the decision of the
majority and causes some decisions unlike the confirmation by the majority
which is clearly in conflict with freedom.
vi. Lack of retaining human capitals and using the best elite; since the key
positions such as presidency are among the most difficult positions, no human
can be dominant in such positions in the short term. Perhaps the person is
currently more powerful and experienced in fulfilling his tasks after several
years of presidency, but the limitations caused by the voting system and
unreasonable fear of such systems as well as the lack of an appropriate
mechanism for preventing such fears (fear from dictatorship) remove him.
vii. Lack of long term planning and its performance bond; a person maybe still
popular by the majority after even 8-10 years and be the first choice of the
public but legal limitations remove him. In addition, the presence of limitations
makes a major part of the thoughts of most presidents to be spent on creating
an appropriate context for being elected in the next round or the election of their
party but not working for their society- they do not dare to begin long term
plans when they have to leave because of limitations because there will be
performance bond. The stereotype concerns which often exist in democracy and
almost the whole cabinet especially at the end of the first round of presidency
think about victory in the second-round election. This issue is obvious so that
most politicians make no serious contract or negotiation with the country which
is at the end of his election period and this subject significantly reduces the
validity and durability of international contracts and covenants.
viii. Slow decision-making and enforcement; unlike the dictatorship techniques
where a person is decision-maker and can enforce his decisions quickly, in
weak democracy, decision-making and decision enforcement are somehow
ix. Lack of attention to the rights of minorities and tyranny of majorities; In
weak democracies, the rights of minorities is usually violated. Laws are
developed in favor of majorities without paying attention to minorities. It is not
possible to create different, parallel, and integrated constitutions written by
minorities for preventing their tendency to independency.
x. Impossibility of the effectiveness of public opinion in decision-making; the
decision-making system of weak democracies is not agile and enforcing the
public opinion needs a long time because there is no tool or method for
transferring opinions after voting and assignment. The origin of protests,
demonstrations, and strikes in societies is usually in weak democracy.
1.4.2- Disadvantages of indirect voting
All the above-mentioned items for direct voting, except the items related to the value
of vote and opinion of elite, are true for this type of voting too. The major drawback
to both types of voting and consequently the concluded democracies goes back to
the lack of a fast, cheap, and easy mechanism for changing the elected individuals
by people. One of the specific disadvantages of the current voting is that they
consider themselves in no need to people after selecting the middle layers (at least

for one round of election) and also when they elected others for key positions. The
final elected individuals consider themselves in no need to people and even the
middle layer of voters. The important point is that the personal interests of those
middle ones are prioritized in form of political parties over the interests of the
majority of people and this is a sad story in this era!

2- Chapter two: A summary of the principles of
2.1- Introduction
This chapter is in fact the first chapter of the book entitled “Principles of Freedom”.
Thus, it is included here that the topics of the next chapter are based on the raised
infrastructure and bases of this chapter and the lack of expressing this infrastructure
may not transfer the main attitude and purpose of the book completely.

2.2- Definition of freedom: Freedom is in two types

2.2.1- Individual freedom (free individual)
Individual freedom means eliminating any ethical or social constraints and law of
the individual until everyone can do whatever they want within the range of their
power. In other words, the peak of individual freedom is pure anarchy or the law of
the jungle and in this sense, there is nobody more free than animals. It means that
the person can do whatever he chooses and the power and authority of every person
determine his limitations and nothing else! Obviously, this type of freedom is not
discussed in social topics (a deceit used by dictator regimes is replacing this concept
with social freedom concept).
The end of this chapter raises the concept of “legal-individual freedom” that
usually the scholars of social sciences attempt for explaining and retaining it and it
is perhaps somehow sacred. Due to the dependence of this concept on the concept
of “social freedom” in the approach of this book, defining it before defining the
concept of social freedom and law is impossible.
2.2.2- Freedom in society (free society-social freedom)
When no person or minor group cannot make decision and choose instead of
majority in a society, we call that society free. Point 1
The important point in this definition is the power of selecting and decision-making
especially decision-making in important issues like peace and war, approving or
changing laws, budget allocation, macro strategies of society, etc. in other words, no
person or minor group can impose their favorite interest to the society unlike the
decision, selection, and interests of the majority.

10 | P a g e Point 2
It is often seen in such topics that the concept of social freedom is confused with
individual freedom. We emphasize that individual freedom is not meant here.
Obviously, individual freedom, i.e. anarchy (or the law of the jungle) and a person
without any limitation is certainly the freest person. There is an inverse relationship
between individual freedom and social freedom. Obviously, based on the above-
mentioned definition, free societies are severely limited in terms of individual
freedom unlike the initial perception and individual freedoms are prohibited in such
societies. In other words, a society with the mechanisms which can prevent the
individual interests and demands unlike the opinion and demand of the majority is
free. Social freedom means enforcing limitation to decision-making and individual
selection freedom until harming the decision-making by the majority. According to
Hafiz “in the compass of fate we stand at the axis of submission
subject to what you in your wisdom decide
true liberation is liberation from the self
self-regard is apostasy in our religion” Point 3
If you note, the first definition we provided is social freedom (we call it freedom
from now because individual freedom is not the subject of this book) and then we
define other concepts such as law, human rights, justice, democracy, etc. based on
this concept. A few principles are also explained and accepted gradually. The first
principle is liberalism as described below. Point 4
Note that there must be no minority group in a free society to have decision-making
power instead of the majority. The lack of having decision-making power by a
specific person instead of the majority matters here not using it in society. If a
minority group has decision-making power instead of the majority in a society but it
avoids doing it, that society will not be considered as a free society according to out
definition. For example, if we assume that a country has a king with an indisputable
power for any decision-making but lets the majority to be heard for different reasons
(such as deceiving people or optimistically out of kindness), such a county is not
free and there is no trust on the non-use of that power by the minority group.
A society where liberals take the decision-making power from anyone having such
a power to make decision instead of the majority is a free society under the condition
that there is no minority with decision-making power for the majority.

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2.3- Principle of liberalism
All human societies and consequently all members of such societies have the right
of having social freedom and no other right can be defined above that and also no
person or group can violate such a right.
2.3.1- Necessity to accept the principle of liberalism
You are obliged to accept one or several principles in every logical system. Principle
refers to the propositions, the accuracy of which you accept by your intuition and try
to make them be based on your attitudes from the world realities and more
importantly, you can reach your favorite results by using those principles. We need
a principle by far to justify the need to law and create a disciplined society based on
law. However, we have all accepted its necessity without reasoning because we have
accepted that progress is impossible without a law-based and integrated society
(however, perhaps it is not like that). Nevertheless, this principle is so obvious at this
era and is accepted so that everyone, from a 9-year-old child to a 90-year-old old
man, want it.

2.4- Definition of liberals

All of the forces affecting a society in terms of social freedom or freedom retention
or in other words, all of the members in a society allowing nobody to have decision-
making power instead of the majority are called the liberals of the society.

2.5- Definition of dictators

In other words, all of the forces working at the opposite of liberals in a society are
called dictators. In other words, the forces affecting a society, doing advertising, or
fighting unlike liberals are called dictators.

2.6- Definition of constitution

When liberals impose some limitations in retaining or optimizing freedom on
everyone in a free society (emphasized on free), we call such limitations as the
constitution of that society or country. These limitations are usually written on paper
and called constitution.
2.6.1- Point 1
Note that freedom retention is the infrastructure and existential cause of freedom.
Obviously, the meaning of law never exists in such a definition in the dictator system.
There is not freedom in such a society that we want to enforce law for its retention.
It is only the impeding laws of dictators who intend to exploit more nations. Such

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laws are usually drawn for controlling liberals not to overthrow the dictator. For this
reason, we do not call it constitution at the time of dictatorship but we call it as
constitutional convention.
It can be easily concluded that violating the laws being used by dictators to eliminate
liberals is only a false reasoning because there is no law in dictatorship to make law-
violation meaningful. According to the author, the first way of releasing from
dictators is not following their constitutional convention based on measure.
2.6.2- Point 2
There is a delicate point here indicating that constitution is one of the tools and forces
required for establishing freedom in the society. Thus, there is an ambiguity that we
may get involved with circle1 in defining freedom and referred to the constitution
for defining freedom. The constitution is defined by the concept of freedom in the
next step. Our answer is no. it is not like that because there is no law at the initial
conflict of liberals with dictators in the society. Thus, the victory of liberals may
occur for protecting freedom 2 . Based on liberalism principle, which exists in
humanism and frees the society, liberals play a key role in the victory of liberals.
However, the constitution plays no role in their victory (it does not exist at all) but
they create it after the victory of liberals for freedom retention. In other words, the
constitution is not a power for creating freedom but is a power for freedom retention
and is the result of freedom. As we explained before, whatever being created as law
in the absence of freedom will not be anything except a convention. It can be said
that the constitution is one of the most important and efficient tools of liberals in
freedom retention not its creation.
2.6.3- Definition of legal-individual freedom
In a free society, the set of all decisions, options, and actions by a special person
being consistent with the constitution of that society is called the legal-individual
freedom of the same specific person. In other words, individual freedom except all
limitations imposed to the person by accepting the constitution is called “legal
individual freedom”.

-Circle is a philosophical concept and here we mean that for defining two phenomena with a
distinguished concept (e.g. A, B), we must first define one of them (e.g. we define A based on the
concept of B) and then define another one based on the first case. (defining B based on the
concept of A) and this is unlike the logical structure of axiom systems.
-Note that liberals overcome dictators in a primitive society but they make no policy due to
unfamiliarity with legislation and its benefits. In this case, although the society is considered free
according to our definitions, it has no law.
13 | P a g e Point 1
Obviously, legal individual freedom will differ from every society to another society
according to their constitutions. In addition, legal individual freedoms always
change due to the variable and evolving nature of the constitution. Point 2
Obviously, the legal individual freedom of a specific person goes back to the circle
of that person’s abilities. Thus, legal individual freedom will be different in a
completely free society with a specific constitution. For example, by assuming that
the constitution has authorized the hunting of coral on a specific beach to all
individuals of the society to swim in that area, then only those who are skilled in
swimming in deep waters will have the legal individual freedom of hunting coral.
However, others cannot swim in the sea not only because of the legal limitations or
deprivation of authority on behalf of others but also spontaneously.

2.7- Principe of legal individual freedom retention

The legal individual freedom of everyone in a free society is respectable and no
person or organization can violate the right or weaken the legal individual freedom
of another person.

2.8- Superiority of the wisdom of the crowd

For making progress in any society, the best and most appropriate decisions in
different affairs are those made by the majority regardless of the amount of
understanding in all members of the society.
2.8.1- Point 1:
The decisions based on the wisdom of the crowd may not be necessarily the right
decisions for that subject and perhaps the person has a better solution in his mind.
However, if you pay attention to the principle, you will find that the goal is the
progress of society not selecting a right option in a specific interval. Perhaps a
society must first select a wrong or very wrong path (like crime) to experience it and
reach a better wisdom of the crowd and maturity for the future decision-making.
Fishing is better than fish. Its example is America that did not give the right to the
black people at the beginning due to its wrong attitude but the society understood its
mistake gradually because the wisdom of the crowd was somehow dominant and
this wrong decision was tested in practice and put into thinking.

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2.8.2- Point 2
Perhaps from a high level perspective, the decision made by a primitive and wild
society (like the Amazon rainforest) collectively is too wrong and for example
modern experts can present a very comprehensive and advanced solution but their
wrong decision is understandable to them while probably the solutions presented by
our high level experts are incomprehensible and non-implementable to them. in
summary, the wisdom of the crowd emphasizes the superiority of the decision made
by the majority not because of its absolute health but because it is at the level of their
understanding and has come from their own mind. Note that this example is different
from the case where our experts go to the primitive society and teach them and in
fact increase the general attitude of that society because the wisdom of the crowd is
still improved and governing in the second case.

2.9- Definition of voting and elections

Whenever in a free society (emphasizing free) and in a specific subject, we can be
aware of the decision of the majority in a specific way such as ballot box, referendum,
etc. we can say that election and voting occurred on that specific case. In other words,
voting means stabilizing the decision of the society members as well as finding the
decision of the majority on a specific subject.
2.9.1- Point 1
Obviously, there is no such a definition or election in its true meaning in dictator
societies because dictator has already decided to put the subject into voting or not
because of having the higher level decision-making and selection power!!! In
addition, due to the high power of dictator, obedience of power entities, possibility
of creating fear among people, and obedience of the vote counting systems from the
dictator, there is no guarantee for the validity of election and if the election is valid,
voting and election will be under the control of the dictator in such a way to be
confirmed by the dictator (and this bitter humor is the contemporary history of many
countries in the current world). furthermore, election competition is inside the
regime in some dictator regimes and people cannot elect their desired candidates and
also dictators elect the candidates or disqualify the candidates at least with different
excuses such as the verification of competence. As a result, the same weak
democracy will be deviated.
Thus, the case similar to election in a dictator society is called pseudo-election
which is mostly a deceit and the dictator pretends to assign decision-making to the
majority of people in some electoral districts (usually unimportant districts) and tries
to control people and induce his decision in more important districts and prevent

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decision-making by the majority. Obviously, such a deceit cannot be recognized as
election and is known under the same name.

2.10- Definition of social justice

Whenever no person or group is treated in a society unlike the constitution of that
society, we can say that justice is established. However, if we want to say more
accurately, we have to define justice about every principle of the constitution because
one principle of the constitution in a society may be enforced well but another
principle is violated.
The amount of observing justice for a specific principle means the percentage of
people in a society for whom that specific principle is observed at a specific time
interval. In other words, the percentage of people for whom that specific principle is
not violated at a specific time interval.
If we calculate the amount of justice for all principles of the constitution in a society
and then average, the obtained number will be amount of observing the justice in
the whole constitution of that society or the amount of justice.
2.10.1- Point 1
Obviously, no dictator society has social justice because there is no law to have
justice in such a society. They have a convention which results in collective
2.10.2- Point 2
It is obvious that the constitution of a country will be never errorless because it is
written by human being but using the mistakes in the constitution is still justice.
2.10.3- Point 3
No individual justice can be defined. Justice is a concept which finds meaning in
2.10.4- Point 4
A number can be considered for every principle of the constitution as the amount
and percentage of observing that principle which is in fact the same amount of justice
in line with the principle in that society. For example, if a principle of the constitution
considers free social security insurance for all people as one of the tasks of the
government, the amount of justice for this principle equals the percentage of the
people being under the free insurance.

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2.10.5- Point 5
It should be noted here that perhaps a society is really free but has no enough social
justice and for example the rights of some minorities in that society are violated. In
other words, the constitution of that society is not enforced appropriately for the
minorities. This is a big risk for free societies. It is often imagined that free society
means errorless and just… while it is not like that. Although free society is the
required condition for establishing social justice, it is not the sufficient condition.
The sufficient condition is the universality of the constitution theoretically and
practically by all members of the society.

2.11- Definition of democracy

As much as justice is institutionalized in a free society having constitution, that
society has democracy. The word “institutionalized” is of great importance in this
definition. In other words, as observing the law in a free society is more and becomes
a natural process in the daily life of individuals in that society, we can say that the
society has more democracy. In other words, democracy in a society means the
realization of the concepts and results being derived from social freedom and
repeated so that they became like culture making people still observing that law if it
is eliminated for a short time.
2.11.1- Point 1
Obviously, the concept of democracy is merely defined for a free society and is
meaningful but democracy needs constitution. In the logical state, there might be
some free societies which have no constitution. For example, perhaps some tribes of
the Stone Age have freedom but they have not reached civilization and progress of
constitution (even unwritten), thus the definition of democracy is not meaningful to
2.11.2- Point 2
With this definition of democracy, a percentage can be allocated to the amount of
democracy in a free society. The time interval when the people of a society observe
the principles of the constitution despite the penalties and impeding legal forces is a
certain numerical criterion for determining the duration of democracy. In addition,
the time interval a society observe the principles of the constitution without
compulsory leverages and fear from the police and penalty is a certain numerical
criterion for determining the depth of democracy.

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2.11.3- Point 3
In a society with high democracy, the return of tyranny and dictatorship is difficult
because according to the definition of democracy, the constitution which is a major
force in freedom retention is institutionalized in such a society and difficult to change.
2.11.4- Point 4
The concept of democracy depends on the written constitution and whatever being
accepted as law in the culture of people in a free society. According to the author,
understanding the concept of democracy because of dependency on two different
and far factors is the same factor making the professors of social sciences and
political sciences to have an integrated definition of democracy. However, we have
a better understanding by separating it in this book.
2.11.5- Point 5
The difference between justice and democracy, according to their definitions, is that
justice is an indicator for showing the non-violation of the constitution in a whole
society and has nothing to do with the “how” and “why” of violations but refers to
the violation of law and in fact is inversely dependent on the number of all victims
about whom one principle of the constitution is not observed. However, democracy
is an indicator for showing the acceptability of the constitution in a society and is
inversely dependent on the number of violators of the constitution. For example, if
in a country with a population of a hundred million people, some people are thief
and for example 100 people rob all banks of that country in one month and then
elude, since all people in that society were oppressed and witnessed a law violation,
the indicator of justice in that society will significantly decrease in that month while
the indicator of democracy in that society will decrease slightly only because of the
violation by 100 people because those 100 people have no effect in the result of
adhering to law by the majority.
Justice is an indicator for showing the ability of retaining the constitution by the
society and government. Democracy is an indicator for showing the public and
cultural acceptance of the constitution in that society and in fact is the reaction of
people to the structure, government, and constitution.

2.12- Definition of the scope of democracy (epidemic of

The scope of democracy for a specific principle at a specific time interval refers to
the percentage of people in a society observing that principle at that specific time

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If the scope of democracy is calculated for all principles of the constitution in a
society and then average, the obtained number will be the scope of democracy for
the whole constitution of the society or so-called the scope of democracy.
2.12.1- Point 1
The scope of democracy is a percentage factor which is not related to 0 or 1 in free
society. The scope of democracy for a dictator society is normally 0% while it is 100%
for a utopia where the constitution is completely observed by all citizens (even
because of fear from legal penalties).

2.13- Definition of democracy persistence

Democracy persistence for a specific principle at a specific time interval means the
average seconds people do not violate the that principle of the constitution despite
the penalties and impending legal forces.
If democracy persistence is calculated for all principles of a society and then average,
the obtained number will be the democracy of the whole constitution in that society
or so-called the average of democracy.
2.13.1- Point 1
Note that we must consider a specific and limited time interval for calculating the
democracy persistence of a society and record all violations occurring by the
members of the society for that specific principle from the beginning and then
average. Obviously, those who did not violate in that time interval have had
persistence during the time interval and are included in the calculation. This number
will give the experts a relatively interesting criterion of democracy from the
perspective of its persistence.
2.13.2- Point 2
2.14- Definition of democracy depth (democracy culture)
Democracy depth for a specific principle at the specific time interval means the
average seconds people do not violate the principle of the constitution without
compulsory leverages or fear from penalty.
If we calculate democracy depth for all principles of the constitution in a society and
then average, the obtained number will be the democracy depth of the whole
constitution in the society or so-called democracy depth.

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2.14.1- Point 1
Perhaps it seems that democracy depth is a number lesser than or equal to democracy
persistence but we should not judge so fast without accurate scientific research or
experts’ opinions.

2.15- Human rights

The intersection of the constitution of all free societies is called human rights.
2.15.1- Point 1
With such a definition, no free society can have human rights different from another

2.16- Definition of humanity

Every creature or object which can understand the concept of freedom, liberalism,
constitution, and human rights and has reached a knowledge and understanding to
force himself to adhere to human rights is called a creature having humanity or so-
called human.
2.16.1- Point 1
Even if artificial intelligence gains such an ability, it is not an inanimate object but
human rights must be considered for it like a human.

2.17- Main principle of human rights

Every human is required to observe human rights than another human despite the
society he lives in.
2.17.1- Point 1
Note the defined concept of human in this definition. If a person or creature is not
adhered to human rights, he will get out of the human circle and there will be no
need to observe that violated part of human rights by the person for himself! It is
better not to sue the concept the person does not accept for himself. Thus, if someone
considers another person as unclean, he will be considered as unclean. If someone
murders another one because of his beliefs, killing the murdered will be obligatory
to liberals. By accepting this thinking method, there is no place in the human world
for those like the ISIS.
2.17.2- Point 2
Using any means even contrary to human rights is allowed for the enemies of
freedom and human rights and the criterion for selecting how to deal with it depends
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on the power, access, cost reduction, effectiveness of solutions and methods, as well
as penalties despite the observance of human rights. We must not use human
reactions for the actions of these humanoid people because we will endanger the
human society. “Feeling pity for the sharp-teeth leopard will be an oppression to the
sheep” (Persian proverb).

2.18- Definition of freedom of speech

A part of the constitution allowing every person or group to speak, make speech,
do advertising, publish beliefs, form parties, and criticize the people, another belief,
or systems for changing and modifying the decisions of the majority without force
(usually with increasing knowledge and awareness) is called freedom of speech.
2.18.1- Point 1
Obviously, with the above-mentioned definition of freedom of speech, merely
hearing and receiving the news or even criticizing the rulers does not mean the
presence of freedom of speech in society. However, freedom of speech means
allowing every member of a society to speak and communicate with others to change
the decision and opinion of the majority and even change the opinion of the minority
without any fear. In general, freedom of speech is meaningful in free societies and
such a definition is meaningless in non-free societies. You cannot speak about
freedom of speech in a society where freedom with the defined meaning is not exist
because the society which has no freedom has no certain decision by the majority,
so that no person can make effort for modifying or changing it. in general, human
rights, constitution, justice, etc. and also freedom of speech find meaning after the
establishment of a free government and are just deceit and false reasoning before
2.18.2- Point 2
Freedom of speech does not mean the individual freedom of speech. It does not mean
that a person is free to insult, say whatever he wants, or unveil the secrets! No, it is
not like that, but freedom of speech means giving right to all people of a society to
opine about macro social- political issues and decision-making. Although the author
believes that individual freedom of speech must be provided in the society and reach
a point of intellect sublimity where none of us care about the insulter, consider him
as person having madness for a few seconds, keep the secrets, and it is better not to
limit freedom of speech in another person because of weakness in fulfilling personal
tasks but social freedom of speech is not like that and we are looking for its social

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2.18.3- Point 3
Obviously, every advertisement or any action being done by a person or some people
to weaken freedom or any principle of freedom retention, whether called freedom of
justice or any other title, is rejected and must be stopped or suppressed by liberals.
For example, nobody is allowed to use freedom of speech in a free country to
advertise the imperial system, dictatorship, and suffocation!

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3- Chapter three: definition of simple layered
3.1- Introduction
This chapter introduces the main idea of layered democracy. Details are not included
in this chapter and the author eliminates or presents an incomplete description of
some definitions and rules for increasing the speed of transferring the main idea in
such a way that the readers of this book understand the content more easily by
spending less time. It is easily concluded that this chapter is not appropriate for
implementing in the real world and has some weaknesses being abandoned
intentionally. The accurate definitions and rules of this idea and its standard
framework are raised in detail in the next chapter to be an appropriate reference for
those who intend to evaluate the idea more accurately or those who aim to implement
the idea.
On the other hand, my idea achieved the same amount of layered democracy being
discussed in chapter three and I achieved its better version gradually during the time
I worked with this idea. The mind of most readers probably works similarly and it
was because of this perspective that I thought I could prioritize the high speed and
simplicity in understanding in addition to sufficient time in selecting and including
the content of this chapter because if you, dear readers, and I implement this system
one-day sooner, it means that we can prevent many wars, deaths, loss of costs, and
oppression. Thus, we begin with the main core of layered democracy directly.

3.2- Definition of layered democracy

Layered democracy refers to all kinds of democracy based on “layered voting”. Note
that democracy refers to the methods of social administration while the system of
selecting and finding the vote of the majority is mostly based on voting until writing
this file. Thus, we have to explain the method of “layered voting” first and then
return to layered democracy.

3.3- Definitions of simple layered voting

3.3.1- Definition of layer zero
In any society, the set of all individuals allowed for participating in voting is called
the layer zero (L0) of that society.

23 | P a g e
3.3.2- Notation of layer zero (L0)
Assume that A is a sample society for example Germany (you can even consider A
as the total population of Earth as society). In addition, assume that the allowed
population for voting equals P0 (e.g. P0= 45 million). The total population P0 is
called the layer zero of society A and the set is shown as L0(A). further, the notation
of the elements of a layer is performed like mathematics as follows:
P0 = |L0(A)|

3.3.3- Definition of layered democracy office

The official places where the data about the groups of all levels or layers of layered
democracy are register and kept and are in change of determining the head group of
each group, issuing the licenses of head groups, and monitoring the time limitations
of groups and head groups related to layered democracy are called layered
democracy offices.
I suggest registering a specific numerical code for each democracy office in the
Where A, B, and N represent the dial-in code of country, dial-in code of city, and the
number indicating the rank of the registered office in the world, respectively. This
code will be certainly a unique code being used for other kinds of coding. For
Indicating that this office is a registered office in Iran and Mashhad and it is the 313-
th democracy office in the world. the advantage of this type of coding is that the
viewer recognizes the location of the democracy office easily and on the other hand
the unique number at the end will be highly used for references, especially when we
want to implement this idea in a software. A suggestion for cost reduction
The author suggests considering the layered democracy offices as a subset of the
Registry Office, especially if layered democracy is supposed to be established in the
country for the first time. Preventing extra costs and relying on the current
infrastructures reinforce this suggestion more. In addition, as you will notice the best
center for such a service is the same office in charge of population census and issuing
of ID cards. When a system is more advanced, it has better and more accurate
functions and its costs also increase. However, I designed layered democracy in such
24 | P a g e
a way to reduce the establishment and implementation costs. In general, layered
voting is so cheap even cheaper than the previous models of voting. Reasons for not presenting an idea in form of software
The author knows that the whole layered voting system can be presented on software
platforms, especially the web-based software platforms (websites) because of an
integrated algorithm. He also knows that in this case, a faster, more reliable, and
better performance will be provided to the society and I will be happy to present it
in form of software and thereby preserve the copyright of creating it for myself.
However, I decided to raise it in a non-software form but in form of a book for the
following reasons at this time period:
xi. The first reason is to show that this model is not dependent on software
issues and can be implemented even when there is no computer. An interesting
point is that this method is not dependent on paper, voting, etc. Obviously,
software and other similar things will be very useful for increasing the speed
and health of voting issues. Layered democracy office can be created in
software virtually similar to the real world. In other words, the need to software
speed and health is not a vital need and it can be implemented easily in the
society by ordinary people without a need to software.
xii. Ease and understandability for people in such a way that they do not need
software understanding and expertise for understanding such a simple idea. As
a result, the idea will be extended more easily and can be established faster in
the world.
xiii. Showing the idea power and flexibility which can be implemented with
the least facilities.
xiv. Showing that layered democracy can be implemented at the worst war-torn
regions without any civil structure. Even if the world faces the worst disasters
like atomic attacks and we lose the technologies like the Internet, the survivors
can still build the global government based on this model.
xv. Showing that if layered democracy is implemented in the world or in a
country, its structure can be still preserved even in case of adverse disasters,
ruinous wars, and the loss of software infrastructures! Because everyone
remembers those whom they are in touch with and does not forget easily.
xvi. Showing that if layered democracy is established in a country and is
severely protected due to being institutionalized and the lack of need to specific
facilities against dictators, the possibility of establishing dictator systems and
even weak democracy in such societies significantly decrease.
25 | P a g e
xvii. In societies where dictators cause dispute among all opposition groups via
the Internet, etc. to survive, the result will be trust and alliance based on correct
criterion and elimination of marginal factors.
3.3.4- Definition of level zero group (G0)
It is the smallest constituent of layered democracy which is composed of demand
and membership of at least one person in democracy offices. Its formation and
accurate definition are as follows:
When a person like a belonging to L0(A) or ∀a∈L0(A) refers to one of the
democracy offices established in the society and asks for forming a level zero group
G0, these offices are required to create a group. This person is named the group
founder. However, some conditions govern the groups including the level zero
groups which must be followed:
i. Every person ∀a∈L0(A) in every layer which he is a member of can create
up to one group if he is willing. However, he is not forced to form the group if
he is not willing.
ii. Democracy offices must adopt a unique naming (or coding) strategy for each
group. The author suggests that the founder of each group selects any arbitrary
name he wants for his group but the democracy office allocates a compulsory
code to that group to be the criterion of action for official interactions. The
proposed code is G0-N-20151130- 2154 where N indicates the democracy
office. The rest of it includes date (year, month, day) and the time and minute
of forming this group. Index number 0 represents the level zero of this group.
In other words, we have G0⊆L0 (G0 is subset of L0).
iii. Every person who is the member of any other level zero group and his name
is not registered in the list of members in that group in one of the non-registered
democracy offices can ask for membership in any of the level zero groups. The
condition for entering a group is the permission of the group founder and owner.
It can be simply concluded that every person can be a member only in one level
zero group.
iv. No person or group can dismiss or eliminate any person, even the founder
(or owner) of the group does not have such a permission. The owner can prevent
the entry of people at the beginning but he cannot eliminate them after their
v. Every member of the group including the group founder can leave the group
whenever they want and nobody can for them to stay. If the group founder
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wants to leave, he introduces a person from the group as his substitute and we
call him as the group owner. In addition, the founder can assign the group
ownership to another member of the group without leaving the group and in
this case, all authorities of the founder are transferred to the owner and the
founder’s name will remain on him just in terms of his records. Obviously, the
concept of group owner is different from group founder but at the beginning
the founder is the same owner of the group.
vi. If a group has only one member (such a member is certainly the owner of
that group) and if he wants to leave the group, the group will (certainly such a
member is the owner of that group) and if he wants to leave, the group will be
completely eliminated and no new member can ever enter the group. Such
groups are called abolished groups.
vii. The owner of a group can convert it into a closed group which accepts no
request for membership and can announce it as an open group where all
membership requests will be accepted as default. The group in the normal state
is called normal group (neither closed nor open) requiring the verification of
the owner for the arrival of the new member.
3.3.5- Definition of group minimal number (M=10)
It is a number like M=10 which is determined for all groups on behalf of the central
office of layered democracy and each group must accept members as many as that
number. The author suggests to consider this number as 10 for giving examples by
the end of this article. However, there is no logic reason for selecting this number
and it requires expertise, but perhaps these reasons can be counted:
i. Number 10 equals the fingers of hands and all our daily calculations are done
with this number and also working with this number and understanding it is
ii. The number is not so big that not everyone can have one active group at this
number. On the other hand, it is not so small to increase the number of groups
(at any level, especially at level zero).
iii. Those with natural and inherent mutual interests are in one family and every
person with his first-degree relatives can usually create a 10-member group or
every person, family, or favorite neighbors, close colleagues, or friends of him
create 10-member groups.
iv. This number is appropriate for calling it a group and assigning the concept
of group to less than that is not very interesting.

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v. We can have more serious votes at least for 10-member groups compared to
the groups with 3 and 4 members and if this number is considered more than
10, the groups will have problems in collecting individuals and the probability
of fraud in voting will increase. However, the author suggests number 10 but
experts can certainly find a better number with a more accurate any scientific
work for any society where they aim to establish layered democracy. For
example, although number 10 may be appropriate for the countries like China,
India, and even France, Germany, Iran, etc., the minimal number M=5 or even
less is perhaps better for the countries with a population of less than one million. Point 1
Note that we considered an equal minimal number for group for all levels of layered
democracy for simplification which seems enough. In other words, we considered
number 10 for all of them. now, it might be specified with more expertise that a
specific number for each layer. For example, numbers 15, 10, and 8 should be
considered for layers 0,1, and 2, respectively. Different numbers can be considered
for different layers. In this case, we show each one of the minimal numbers of a
group at a specific level such as Li with Mi where i indicates the number of that level.
3.3.6- Definition of active group
When a group has at members as much as the minimal number of the group, the
group will be called active group and can send a head group to a higher level as
explained in detail below.
3.3.7- Definition of head group
Whenever the maximum number of an active group (being active is important) refers
to the layered democracy to assign his right to decision-making to one of the
members in his group, that person is called the head group of that group. In fact,
the head group of each group must gain the maximum votes of the members in the
group. In order to become the head group, there is no need to be a candidate, the
members must vote him. When a person is not willing but the members of the group
select him, he will be legally in charge but can leave the group. Voting does not mean
establishing a ballot box or other things but every person can refer to the layered
democracy office while being a member of the group or any other working hour to
ask the person in charge of the office to change his registered opinion in the layered
democracy office in line with his favorite person for becoming the head group. It is
preferred to allow this change even several times on a day, so that you are not worried
about the high volume of changes because except the first days when people are
unfamiliar; they reach a certainty in decision and there will be very little volume of

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changes. In addition, there must be the possibility of abstaining vote so that they
have the opportunity of thinking. This vote is not hidden.
3.3.8- Voting rules in groups
i. Every person can change his vote by referring one of the democracy offices
and there is no limitation in this case.
ii. The vote of every person can be abstaining by any time.
iii. If a person leaves the group, his vote whether positive or negative will be
iv. Death, madness, etc. means leaving the group.
v. Voting in each group is inside that group has no direct effect on other groups
at other levels.
3.3.9- Definition of layer one (L1(A))
The set of all head groups of level zero from active groups form the layer one of that
society. Democracy offices are suggested to issue ID cards for all these head groups.
3.3.10- Definition of level one group (G1)
The definition of this type of groups is similar to the level zero groups and similar
rules govern them with the difference that formation and membership in these groups
are only possible for the individuals in layer one. In other words, for becoming the
founder of member of a level one group, you need to be first the head group of a
level zero group and reach the level one.
3.3.11- Definition of level one head group (H(G))
It is defined similar to the head groups of level zero and refers to the head group of
level one and similar rules govern them. in addition, the concepts of closed, open,
and active groups can be defined similarly for level one groups. Now that at least
two levels are studied partially, it is time to present our definitions in a generalized
way for all groups and layers. Before beginning, we must say that the active minimal
number of a layer can be different for each layer according to the expert. As
mentioned before, I considered this number as 10 equally for all layers (except the
last layer which will be explained). In other words, m0 = m1 = m2 = ….. = m z – 1
= 10 where mi represents the minimal number of the i-th layer and z is the number
of the last layer which will be discussed later).

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3.3.12- General definition of layers, active groups, and head groups
Then, we assume that layer Li (A) is defined for number i and then we define its next
layer L( i +1) similarly as follows:
Layer i +1 or L(i + 1)(A) refers to the set of all head groups in layer Li(A) or
according to set theory in mathematics, we have:
L(i +1) = { a Є A | a Є Li(A) & Ǝ Gi Є Li(A) ; H(Gi)= a}
Now, we reach the definition of the group at level (i+1) by expressing the general
rules for forming a group.
i. Every person at layer Li +1 can apply for forming a group at this level
provided that there is no member or founder of another group at the same level
at the moment of demand.
ii. Every person at layer Li +1 can ask for membership to one of the groups of
this level (i+1) provided that there is no member or founder of another group
at the same level at the moment of demand.
iii. The founders of the groups at layer (i+1) can give positive or negative
answers to the demands. In addition, they can announce their group as closed,
open, or regular.
iv. The definition of active group at (i+1) is similar to the last one and includes
the groups which gain the required number of members. In other words, there
must be determined groups as much as the minimal number determined by
democracy central office for layer (i+1) .
Similarly, the groups which are formed at layer (i+1) and are active can select a
head group for themselves by internal voting. Such a head group is called the head
group of level (i+1) and is represented as H (Gi+1).
Here is an example because as they say, a good example is better than a 100-page
3.3.13- An example
Assume that we have a society where voting conditions are qualified as P = 70 * 106.
If you look at the layered model and figure of our example, you see nine layers
including L0 to L8. The last layer is called wisdom layer and the only person of the
layer is called the first wise of society A

30 | P a g e
Figure layerthis figure
1: If M=10 Firstshows P8 of
wisea view of different layers in a population = 70
1 millionL8

Consultant layer Consultants P7 = 7 L7

Legislator layer Legislators P6 = 70 L6

Supervisor layer Supervisors P5 = 7*102 L5

Layer 4 P4 = 7*103 L4

Layer 3 P3 = 7*104 L3

Layer 2 P2 = 7*105 L2

Layer 1 P1 = 7*106 L1

Layer 0 All ordinary people qualified for voting P0 = 7*107 L0

The first wise is the person making important decisions for the issues happening
suddenly and need instant decision-making or the issues which are not already
determined (such as the instant command of defending against the enemy). Perhaps
you confuse such a person with the current presidents or leaders of dictator systems.
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But it is not like this! His performance and responsibilities are different. Read this
book to learn about his status properly. If you note, layer L7 has one feature that the
number of the members of this layer is less than the active minimal number. Thus,
only one group is allowed to be formed in this layer (the same 7-member group with
all members in the layer). This group is called consultant group and this layer is
called consultant layer. The layer before the consultant group is called legislator
layer and the previous layer is called supervisors layer. In line with the tasks of
each layer, descriptions will be provided in the next chapters in form of examples
and some interesting ideas will be defined for controlling the society in the area of
their tasks and authorities. However, it is enough here to mention that the consultant
layer includes those giving advice to the first wise (in fact, the first wise is one of
them and the rest of the individual is meant here). The final decision is made with
the first wise. Obviously, the first wise is the head group selected by the majority
from the consultant layer and if his decisions are dictator-like, he is pulled down
immediately by the consultant layer!

The legislator layer includes those in charge of legislation. In fact, when the head
groups of the supervisor layer being selected by those in supervisor layer, they surely
pay attention to the fact that they should select a person who can understand
legislation at the macro level of a society. Note that all weak democracy systems
have nothing to do with legislation or do not provide at least an integrated solution
for that, but one of the tasks of layered democracy is creating an integrated context
with pre-determined processes for legislators.
In line with the supervisor layer, the members of this layer are in charge of
monitoring the health of implementing layered democracy, controlling and
preventing fraud (with a probability of almost zero in this model) and managing the
democracy offices. In addition, only from the supervisor layer onward receive salary
not before that (important!).
Let’s stop here and think at the level of this example that if this model is implemented
correctly, no wise person in the society will protest for claiming his rights. The
transparency of the model is so high that nobody can even suspect its health and at
every moment of suspicion, the suspicious branches of groups and head groups can
be studied.
Also, note that this model has a criterion of wisdom and gives everyone more
motivation for thinking. The author guesses that after a while that individuals are in
layer L1, they will have friendly relationships with each other due to their more
interactions and also layer L2 and others will use relatively common understandings
as platforms for promoting the public understanding level. There is a proverb in
32 | P a g e
Persian as: “Birds of a feather flock together.”. Such items and advantages will be
reviewed in one of the chapters. (Chapter of “consequences of layered democracy”).
Now, let’s go out of the example and deal with definitions more officially as
before.But note that we will present these definitions much better and more
completely in the next chapter.
3.3.14- Definition of consultant layer
Based on the inductive definition of layered democracy, as we move towards the
higher level layers, the number of members in that layer decreases. The first layer
(e.g. Lj) with the number of constituents Pj=|Lj| smaller than or equal to 3 times the
active minimal number of that layer (3Mj)is called consultant layer. In this layer, all
members are called first wise consultants and all of them will be forced to be the
member of a predefined group called the consultant group and there will be no
permission to establish a new group in this layer. This group can determine the first
wise with the maximum vote. Point 1
It is obvious why the consultant layer was defined like this. The reason for the less
number of elements in this group 3 times the minimal number of the group in this
layer is considered as its determining criterion as the consultant layer (one before
the last layer) is that if the number of layered elements is less than 2 times the
minimal number, there is only one possibility of forming up to one group and it
means that the next layer has one person that is the last layer, so this layer is the one
before the last layer. If the number of members in this group is between 2M i and
3Mi, a maximum of two groups can be formed and it means that two members are
sent to the next layer that is certainly the consultant layer. Finally, one of them is
sent to the next layer and will be the first wise. Thus, there will be only one
consultant that is not enough and appropriate. In addition, in this case the number of
the legislator layer, as defined below in detail, has low population and is not be very
interesting. Point 2
In case of need to create the consultant and legislator layers or other layers with
different minimal numbers for creating special structures in a specific society, the
legislator layer must be prepared and if it is accepted with the maximum votes in the
supervisor layer, these numbers can be changed. Note that such changes should not
be confirmed by the first wise (for preventing dictatorship).

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3.3.15- Definition of wisdom, legislator, and supervisor layers
The last layer and in fact the layer after the consultant layer is called wisdom layer
(first wise layer) and the layer before the consultant layer is called legislator layer.
Also, the layer before the legislator layer is called supervisor layer. Mathematical point
If we assume that A is a society, P is the number of population qualified for elections
A, and the minimal number of all layers is equal to m and also to each other, the
following steps should be taken for obtaining the maximum number of layers and
maximum number of the members of all layers in society A.
i. Take the number P towards m. assume that the obtained number is Q.
ii. Look at the number on the left of Q, if it is equal to 1, the number of layers
will be equal to the numbers of Q. If it is not equal to 1, the number of layers
will be one more, i.e. equal to the numbers of Q plus 1.
iii. For finding the number of members in each layer (for example the i-th layer
or the members of Li), it is enough to eliminate i from the right of Q. the
obtained number from Q will be the number of elements in the i-th layer. The
subject becomes clear with more examples.
Example 1: Assume that A is a society and P(A)=79812 and m=10, it is desirable to
calculate the maximum number of all layered democracy layers and the maximum
number of elements in each layer.
Solution: since the number P is on the basis of 10, there is no need to convert the
basis and in fact Q=P=79812 but since the left number of Q equals 7, the total
number of layers is equal to the numbers of Q plus 1. In other words, the total number
of layers equals 6=1+5. The number of elements in each layer is obtained as follows
by eliminating the numbers from the right of Q.
L0(A)|=79812 |L1(A)|=7981 |L2(A)|=798 |L3(A)|=79 |L4(A)|=7 |L5(A)|=1
Example 2: Assume that A is a society and P(A)=129718 and m=10. It is desirable
to calculate the total number of layered democracy layers and the number of
elements in each layer.
Solution: since the number P is on the basis of 10, there is no need to convert the
basis and in fact Q=P=129718 but since the left number of Q equals 1, the total
number of layers is equal to the numbers of Q plus 1. In other words, the total number
of layers equals 6. The number of elements in each layer is obtained as follows by
eliminating the numbers from the right of Q.

34 | P a g e
|L0(A)|= 129718 |L1(A)|= 12971 |L2(A)|= 1297 |L3(A)|= 129 |L4(A)|= 12 |L5(A)|=1
Example 3: Assume that A is a society and P(A)=129718 and m=7. It is desirable to
calculate the total maximum number of layered democracy layers and the maximum
number of elements in each layer.
Solution: First, we have to take P to the basis m=7. We have:
In fact, Q= 1050121 and since the number on the left of Q equals 1, the total; number
of layers is equal to the number of Q. in other words, the total number of layers
equals 7. The number of elements in each layer is obtained by eliminating the
numbers from the right of Q as follows. Just note that you have to eliminate the
number from the right of Q in the same basis m=7 for finding he population of each
layer but the obtained number must be returned to the basis 10 for finding the
L0(A)|=(1050121)7=129718 |L1(A)|=(105012)7=18531 |L2(A)|=(10501)7=2647
|L4(A)|=(105)7=54 |L5(A)|=(10)7=7 |L6(A)|=(1)7=1

Example 4: Assume that A is a society and P(A)=8215721 and m=6. It is desirable

to calculate the total number of layered democracy layers and the number of
elements in each layer.
Solution: First, we have to take P to the basis m=6. We have:
Since the number on the left of Q is not equal to 1, the total number of layers is equal
to the number of Q plus 1, i.e. equal to 10. The number of elements in each layer is
obtained by eliminating the number on the right of Q as follows:
L0(A)|=(452031425)10=8215721 |L1(A)|=( 45203142)10=1369286
|L2(A)|=( 4520314)10=228214|
L3(A)|=( 452031)10=38035 |L4(A)|=( 45203)10=6339 |L5(A)|=( 4520)10=1056
|L6(A)|=( 452)10=176
|L7(A)|=( 45)10=29 |L8(A)|=(4)10=4 |L9(A)|=1

35 | P a g e
We hope that these examples do not make our mathematician friends tired because
this subject has a very simple mathematics and we brought these examples for those
readers who are not much familiar with mathematics and need such calculations in
this regard.

36 | P a g e
4- Chapter four: Introduction of advanced layered
4.1- Introduction
The previous chapter was presented for the fast acquaintance of readers with the
general idea of layered democracy and easier understanding of it in a simple and
informal way. Complexities were excluded from the last chapter. However, in this
chapter the idea is presented formally and more details are discussed. Thus. This
chapter is perhaps the most basic chapter of this book. Most important definitions
and general form of layered democracy are presented in a complete and standard
form in this chapter and it is a complete reference for practical implementation.

4.2- Definition of advanced layered democracy

All types of democracy which are based on advanced layered voting are called
advanced layered democracy.

4.3- Reasons for developing simple layered democracy into

You intelligent readers have probably noticed a major drawback in the structure of
simple layered voting introduced in chapter three. Yes, in that raised structure, there
is a slight possibility of fraud and this is the fraud which made us extend and change
the previous version by adding a slight complexity and then call it advanced layered
voting. Thus, first the current drawbacks are explained and then the problem is
solved by expressing the definitions and rules of advanced layered voting.
4.3.1- Drawbacks in the structure of simple layered voting
i. Fraudulent individuals or organizations having a high number of loyal
members can form an active group in level zero and send the head group to
level 1 to ask some of the group members to leave the group and become
member of another group at level zero and then leave that group by completing
the required number of that group, activating it, and sending its head group to
level 1. In other words, a large number of members are created in level 1
without having a complete group as their support. They repeat the same action
in level 1 and affect the results of voting.
ii. Perhaps this answer seems correct that we must add another law for solving
the above-mentioned problem and prevent this kind of fraud as follows: if one
of the members of an active group leaves that group and the number of members

37 | P a g e
in the group is lower than the normal number of the group, we must inactive
that group and cancel the validity of its head group. However, it creates another
problem that even in the groups which have no intention to fraud and one of
their members is normally lost because of death, etc., the group must be
inactivated until it attracts a new member and thus the validity of its head group
is canceled. In other words, the head group loses the validity of staring in layer
1 and if the head group in another group is member at level 1, that group
becomes inactivated at level 1 and thus the validity of the head group at level 2
is canceled. Such a process can create a chain of canceled head groups even to
the first wise and even cancel the validity of the first wise. In other words, the
exclusion of an ordinary citizen from a group at level zero (for any reason such
as natural death) can cause the crisis of the lack of the first wise and some of
his consultants in a country or society for even a short time.
iii. Another drawback in the simple voting model is that if the head group of a
group reaches the top layers such as the legislator consultant, and especially
wisdom layers, some of his group members (especially the group pf level zero)
use the threat of changing vote to another head group against him and ask for
some benefits. In other words, if he resists against the demands of his group
members due to the benefits of the majority, they can eliminate him easily from
his position by changing a simple vote and thus he is eliminated from higher
layers hierarchically, unless we vaccinate the structure against such drawbacks.
iv. In the simple voting model, the head groups cannot leave the group without
huge costs, especially if a person can enter the top layers, leaving a group at
level zero means that the head group of no group is active. It means that his
validity is canceled in layer 1 and as mentioned previously, a process of
cancellation is formed automatically in the higher layers eliminating him from
all layers. Although he may form a group at level zero and return to layer 1, the
owner of the previous group who was a member of levels 1, 2, etc., may not let
him enter or least he may lose the ownership of some of these groups and never
take back the ownership again.
v. Another drawback is the number of members in top layers, for example the
wisdom, consultant, and supervisor layers. These drawbacks are explained with
an example. Assume that society A has a population of 29’000’000 qualified
for voting and the minimal number of all layers equals 10, thus the population
of layers in the ideal case where everyone can participate in voting and all
groups are active will be 2’900’000, 290’000, 29’000, 2’900, 290, 29, and,
respectively. Now, assume society B with a population of 31’000’000 with the
above-mentioned assumptions. The number of members in the layers will be

38 | P a g e
3’100’000, 310’000, 31’000, 3’100, 310, 31, 3, and 1, respectively. If you pay
attention, you will find that the number of members in the consultant layer of
society A for less population is equal to 29 but the number of members in the
consultant layer of society with more population equals 3. In the legislator and
supervisor layers, numbers have no proportionality with population. Now, the
question is if the population of society B is much more for example
310’000’000 or 3’100’000’000, the same number and members will be resulted
or not. Now that the number of members in these layers is not proportional to
the initial population of the society, is not it better that the number of elements
in all of the consultant, legislator, supervisor, and wisdom layers, which is
always 1, to have a constant number?

4.4- Definition of advanced layered voting

As mentioned above, the problem cannot be solved easily. On the one hand, we want
to maintain the functional agility and speed of the idea but we want to maintain the
model health and security on the other hand, thus we require new definitions. In
addition, we must change some of the definitions or rules in Chapter three and
express them more accurately and comprehensively. Thus, all definitions are raised
in this section in an integrated, general, and standard way and thus effort makes the
basis of advanced layered democracy. I hope you do not get bored because of
observing logical standards in definitions because the goal is the simplicity and
understandability of this book for everyone and its defensible nature in top scientific
communities as well as implementation in the real world.
4.4.1- Definition of layered democracy office
The official places where all information related to layered voting is recorded and
kept are called layered democracy offices. In addition, all layered democracy offices
are supervised by one center at a society being in charge of general supervision and
determining the required numbers in layered voting structure. This central office is
called layered democracy central office.
4.4.2- Definition of layer zero (L0)
Assuming that society A has a population of P0 qualified for voting, the total set of
P0 form layer zero being represented with L0(A). In addition, the number of
elements in a layer is notated as L0(A) similar to the number of elements of sets in
P0|L0(A)| =

39 | P a g e
4.4.3- Definition of level zero group (G0)
It is the smallest constituent of layered democracy which is formed in layered
democracy offices by demand and membership of a layer zero member (ordinary
person qualified for voting-at age of maturity- lack of insanity- and alike). This
person is called group founder. A group is defined as follows:
Any empty set of layer zero is called a group in layer zero and is sometimes called
level zero group.
4.4.4- Definition of group owner
One of the members of group in charge of allowing the membership of any new
member in the group is called group owner.
4.4.5- Status of approving the group membership Definition of open group
It is a group where all membership requests are accepted as default. Definition of closed group
It is a group where none of the membership requests are accepted as default (all of
the are rejected). Definition of normal group (neither closed nor open)
It is a group where all membership requests will wait for approval or non-approval
of the owner. In case of approving, the membership will be accepted while in case
of non-approval, the membership will not be accepted. The owner has no time
limitation in approving the membership. Definition of abolished group
It is a group being left by all its members. Such a group is completely abolished and
the return of members or arrival of any new member is impossible for ever.
4.4.6- Rules of group owner
i. Every group has only one owner at any moment. A group founder is the first
group owner. In other words, the group founder is the group owner as default.
No group can continue its activity without an owner.
ii. The group owner can transfer his authorities to another member of the group.
However, after the transfer, he is an ordinary member and has no advantage
than other group members.

40 | P a g e
iii. As mentioned before, the group founder is the group owner at the beginning.
Like any other owner, he can assign his ownership to someone else but the
concept of group founder cannot be assigned and he has no specific
iv. Only the group owner can determine the status of approving the group
membership for dealing with the membership requests of new members and
choose one of the closed, open, or normal states. A group is at the approval state
of normal membership as default, in other words, the owner approval is
required for entering any new member.
4.4.7- Definition of head group
When the majority of members in a group refer to layered democracy office to assign
their decision-making right to one of their group members, that person is called the
head group of that group. In other words, a head group must gain the majority of
votes from his group members.
4.4.8- Rules for selecting the head group
i. Every person has a vote and can vote to only one of the group members as
head group. However, he can vote himself too.
ii. When the group has no head group and the number of votes given to at least
two group members is more than the other members but equal to each other,
none of the them are selected as the head group and the group will have no head
iii. Every member of a group can change his vote by referring to one of the
democracy offices at any time and there is no limitation in this case.
iv. If the group has a head group with the majority of votes by its members, but
has another member has the majority of votes now because some members
changed their votes, the previous head group is canceled and given to the
member with the majority of votes.
v. When the current head group has equal number of votes with another
member, the previous head group remains in his position and no change occurs
in this case.
vi. Voting does not mean establishing a ballot box, but any person can refer to
the layered democracy office at the time of membership in a group or any other
working hour and ask the office to change his registered vote about his favorite
person for the position of head group. Such a change is preferred to be allowed
several times a day and you must not be worried about the high volume of

41 | P a g e
changes because people will fix their decisions and the volume of changes will
be very low except the first days when people are unfamiliar.
vii. The vote of every person can abstaining by any time in order to have time
for thinking.
viii. If the person is not willing to be chosen by his group members, he will be
in charge after announcement but can leave the group.
ix. If the head group leaves the group, the vote of the members who had voted
him will be automatically abstaining and thus one of the members in the group
having the majority of votes will be selected as head group automatically.
Obviously, they can vote again by referring to the layered democracy office.
x. If a person leaves the group, his vote whether positive or negative will be
xi. Death, insanity, etc. means leaving the group.
xii. In every group, the vote of each member to the head group is not hidden to
other members of the same group but the author recommends it to be hidden
for all other members of society (except for supervisor layer and other layers
which will be mentioned later).
xiii. The vote of every group is internal and has no direct effect on other groups
or the groups in other levels.
4.4.9- Definition of active minimal number (Mi=10)
A natural number like Mi is determined at each arbitrary layer Li by the layered
democracy central office for all groups located at that layer. Every group must have
members as the number indicates in order to be recognized in the layered democracy
administrative system and be legally effective in voting. The author recommends
this number to be M0=M1=M2=…=10.

4.4.10- Different types of group in terms of activity Definition of group without head group
It is a group with no head group. Definition of inactivated group
It is a group which has not sent any head group to the higher layer. Definition of active group
It is a group with the following two conditions:
42 | P a g e
i. With a specified head group.
ii. The number of its members is more than (or equal to) the active minimal
number. Definition of inactive group
It is a group which is not active. Definition of suspended group
It is a group where the number of members is less than the active minimal number.
4.4.11- Types of groups without head group
i. A group which has not have any head group yet and the vote of all its
members is abstaining.
ii. A group which has not have any head group yet and at least two members of
the group have gained the maximum vote equally. Thus, none of them is
selected as the head group.
iii. A group where the head group has left it (death, insanity, etc.) and after him
at least two members have gained the maximum vote equally. Thus, none of
them is selected as the head group. Point 1
Based on the rules of selecting the head group, if a group has head group now, it will
never be turned into a group without head group by changing the votes of its
members and such a case can occur only if the head group leaves the group.
4.4.12- Definition of active head group
The head group of an active group is called active head group.
4.4.13- Definition of waiting member at a layer
At any layer, the member who is deprived of the following authorities is called the
waiting member of the same layer.
i. Forming a new group at that layer
ii. Asking for membership in one group Point 1
The waiting member can still:
i. Be selected as the head group, owner, or founder of the group in which he is
a member of or continue playing his role.
43 | P a g e
ii. Have the right to vote in the group and participate in the internal voting of
the group for the head group and his vote is effective.
iii. Be considered as a group member in counting the number of group members
to reach the active minimal number of the group.
iv. Leave his group.
4.4.14- Definition of semi-neutral member at a layer
At any layer, the member who is deprived of the following authorities is called the
semi-neutral member.
i. Forming a new group at that layer
ii. Asking for membership in a group
iii. The right to vote in a group he is a member of. In other words, his vote is
considered to be abstaining. Point 1
The semi-neutral member can still:
i. Be selected as the head group, owner, or founder of the group in which he is
a member of or continue playing his role.
ii. Have the right to vote in the group and participate in the internal voting of
the group for the head group and his vote is effective.
iii. Be considered as a group member in counting the number of group members
to reach the active minimal number of the group.
4.4.15- Definition of neutral member at a layer
At any layer, the member who is deprived of the following authorities is called the
neutral member of that layer.
i. Forming a new group at that layer
ii. Asking for membership in a group
iii. The right to vote in a group he is a member of. In other words, his vote is
considered to be abstaining.
iv. The right to be considered at counting the number of members for reaching
the active minimal number of the group Point 1
The neutral member can still:
44 | P a g e
i. Be selected as the head group, owner, or founder of the group in which he is
a member of or continue playing his role.
ii. Leave his group. Argument 1
Based on the above-mentioned definitions, obviously any neutral member is also a
semi-neutral member. However, its opposite is not always true.
4.4.16- Definition of non-neutral member at a layer
At any layer, a member who is not semi-neutral or neutral is called non-neutral.
4.4.17- General definition of layers
We present definition through induction. In other words, we must define the layer
zero (L0) of layers.
Then, we assume that layer Li(A) is defined for number i and then we express the
definition for the layer of level (i+1) (i.e. L( i + 1)). Induction outset

Layer zero was defined at Section 4.5.2 and then the level zero group was defined.
After that, the concepts of founder, owner, rules governing the owner, head group,
rules governing the head group, active minimal number and groups without head
group, inactivated, active, suspended, and inactive groups, as well as waiting, neutral
and semi-neutral members were defined. Thus, their definition at all layers including
layer zero were presented. Induction hypothesis
We assume that the above-mentioned factors are defined for number i. In other words,
we define layer Li(A) and groups at level i as well as the head groups of level i and
all governing rules. Inductive definition
Layer (i+1) or L(i+1)(A) means the set of all active head groups at layer Li(A) or
according to sets in mathematics, we have:
L(i +1) = { a Є A | a Є Li(A) & Ǝ Gi Є Li(A) ; H(Gi) = a and Gi is Active}
In addition, the number of members at one layer is notated like mathematics as

45 | P a g e
PiL| = i|(A)

4.4.18- Rules governing the layered voting

i. Every person must ask for membership at layered voting through a layered
democracy office. Then, the layered democracy office must check and register
the identity of the applicant and if he is qualified in terms of constitution and
has no legal problem, the office will enroll him. As he is enrolled, he enters the
first layer of layered voting which is layer zero. All members being enrolled
through a layered democracy office are called the members of that office. Every
person can perform all affairs related to layered democracy including the
formation of group, membership in group, voting the head group, changing the
votes, etc. except the initial enrolment and authentication at any of the
democracy offices. However, the office he is a member of is in charge of
authentication for attending the layered voting, enrollment, and elimination of
membership (upon the order of the judicial system, death, or insanity).
ii. No person can be the member of two democracy offices at the same time in
other words, every person can be the member of an office. Checking the lack
of membership of the applicant at other democracy offices is the task of
employees and head of the democracy office.
iii. Any non-neutral (neither semi-neutral nor neutral) from a specific layer
( a∈Li(A), i=>0∀) can form one group at the same layer (Li). However, he is
not forced to form a group if he is not willing.
iv. The democracy central office must adopt a unique and standard approach
(or coding) for naming the groups at democracy offices. The author
recommends the founder of each group to choose an arbitrary name for his
group but the democracy office allocates a compulsory code to the group to be
the criterion for formal interactions. The proposed code is Gi-N-20151130-
1054 in which N represents the democracy office and the rest of it is date (year,
month, day) and time and minute of forming the group. The index number i
indicates the level i of this group.
v. At any layer, each non-neutral member who is not the member of any group
at that layer, can ask for membership in any of the non-closed groups. The
inclusion criterion for entering a group is the permission of that group owner.
Obviously, it is probable that the member of a layer has not joined any group
vi. No person or set can dismiss or eliminate any person from the group. Even
the owner (or founder) of the group does not have such an authority. The owner

46 | P a g e
can prevent the entrance of members on arrival but cannot eliminate them after
vii. All members including the owner and founder of the group can leave the
group whenever they want and nobody can force them to stay. If the owner of
a group wants to leave the group, he is recommended to introduce another
member of the group as his substitute and if he does not do this and leave the
group, the head group will be the owner and if the group founder leaves the
group, he will be still the founder of that group although he is not a member of
the group. However, he must be approved by the owner if in case of returning
to the group.
viii. Whenever an active head group at layer Li I not active at a higher layer
(i.e. layer L(0+1)), as soon as the head group loses his activeness at layer Li, he
is removed from the higher layer(i.e. layer L(0+1)).
ix. Whenever a member is an active head group at a higher layer (h ЄL(i+1) ;
i>=0) but is not active at the lower layer (Li), he is turned into a semi-neutral
member at the higher layer L(i+1) by the layered democracy central office.
x. At layer Li, every semi-neutral member can be semi-neutral up to time Ti
being considered by the layered democracy central office for that layer. Then,
it turns into a neutral member at the same layer automatically. In addition, Ti is
called the due time of semi-neutrality at layer Li. The author recommends Ti to
be equal to Mi (active minimal number of layer i).
xi. Every neutral or semi-neutral member of layer L(i+1) will get out of neutral
or semi-neutral states and become a normal member if he can become an active
head group at layer Li.
xii. At layer Li, if leaving the group by a member inactivates the group and also
makes the head group at the higher layer (i.e. L(i+1)) to become semi-neutral,
then the leaving member will turn into waiting members at layer Li with all
members of that group except the semi-neutral head group. In other words, they
cannot be a member of another group at this layer or form a new group at layer

47 | P a g e
4.4.19- Answering the problems raised at the beginning of the
If a person leaves the group where the head group is not a head group at the higher
layer and it leads to the inactivation of the group, the head group will be quickly
dismissed from the higher layer based on the rule vi. Thus, the cheating groups
cannot send the head group to the higher group and cannot cheat again by eliminating
the members and forming new groups.
If a person leaves the group where the head group is a head group at the higher layer
and it leads to the inactivation of the group, the head group will be quickly semi-
neutral at the higher layer based on the rule vii. Thus, based on the rule x, that
member and all members of the group will wait for due time Ti and cannot form a
new group or become the member of other groups. As a result, the cheating groups
cannot send the head group to the higher group and cannot cheat again by eliminating
the members and forming new groups. If the group receives new members before
the end of the semi-neutrality and everything gets back to normal, they will have no
problem for continuing and the waiting state of members will also end. If the due
time ends and the semi=neutral members the neutral, the cheating groups cannot
achieve their goals except a neutral member whose presence or absence has no effect
on this layer and the result of voting. Thus, there will be no motivation for such
The second drawback includes the natural leave including death which shocks the
layered democracy body and is answered in the framework of concepts and rules in
this chapter because a person who has reached the higher layers will not lose his
position at the higher players quickly by leaving or changing the vote of the level
zero group. Finally, he becomes a semi-neutral member having a due time for
restoring his position at the lower layers. By assuming that he cannot restore at layer
zero and leads to neutralization at layer 1, it will probably turn into semi-neutral at
layer 2 and will have a due time. Note that this due time included in the above-
mentioned rules is not a barrier to the change of people’s demand and vote because
when we look at the rules carefully, if the majority of people do not support a person,
he is completely removed. When a person becomes semi-neutral despite changing
people’s vote in one group and is not dismissed of the higher layers because he has
some supporters at the higher layer. In fact, each one of them have voting value equal
to a group similar to their groups. In addition, considering this point highlights the
importance and necessity of defining the due tome of semi-neutrality and giving a
right due time for restoring the group to the semi-neutral person.

48 | P a g e
With such an argument, the members of higher layers at the layered democracy
hierarchy, can easily leave the lower layers and join other levels or also form a new
group without losing their position. Thus, this problem is also solved
The only problem is v which is not solved with these solutions and we need to
discuss how to determine the active minimal number of the group at layers. Although
I am sure that the discussion is mathematical and more creative solutions are
suggested by others, I suggest the following solution as a temporary solution. The
purpose is focus on the main skeleton of the work and assign more works on these
details to other liberals. The following changes will cause slight changes in the rules
related to layers, especially when grouping cannot be conducted at layers before
supervisors and higher layers (supervisor, legislator, and first wise layers) because
creating pre-made groups is inevitable with the constant number of members as
explained below.
4.4.20- Advantages of constant number of members at higher layers
As mentioned at the beginning of the chapter on simple layered democracy problems
at v, the number of members at layers can be in such a way that if for example we
create higher layers with active minimal number M=10, we cannot find right
numbers for the legislator, consultant, and supervisor layers. Fortunately, the
wisdom layer has only one member who is the first wise because one person is the
main authority of society in all countries having layered democracy and he is the
final decision-maker making the two countries with layered democracy reach an
agreement on negotiations more easily because in both countries, one person is at
the top of decision-making and on the other hand, the agreement between two people
is much simpler than agreement between several people.
If we want to reach the number of members at the consultant, legislator, and
supervisor layers to right constant numbers, then we will have the following
advantages in addition to solving the problem v:
i. The political structure of society and number of political and jobs in all
societies with layered democracy will be completely constant and similar. The
stability of these positions leads to independency to the changes of people’s
political votes where transformation is very normal because of increasing or
decreasing population, changing political attitude, etc. As a result, we will have
no unstable administrative structure at higher levels and the budgets, costs, and
structures we considered for the political jobs of higher layers in layered
democracy due to the number of members at each layers based on which labor
division is considered must not become unpredictable due to the change in the
number of these positions. It is true that the momentary applying of the vote of

49 | P a g e
the majority is considered as one of the strengths of layered democracy, the
political-administrative structure of the country must not change momentarily.
For the independency of this structure in terms of its position to the changes
caused by layered democracy, we should reach the number of members at
higher layers to constant numbers.
ii. When two countries with layered democracy have political negotiations with
each other, the constant and standard number of the members at higher layers
make the negotiators sit at the negotiation table with their peers despite the
difference in the population of the two countries. Note that the function of these
layers, from the supervisor layer upward, is considered as a political job and
this issue will be explained below.
iii. Creating, expanding, and explaining the principles of the constitution
related to political jobs and higher layers of layered democracy are conducted
more easily. Note that the principles of the constitution do not mean the inherent
rules of layered democracy mentioned in this book, but the parts of the
constitution in the society which are going to be created by the legislator layer
iv. With the similarity of administrative-political structures between the two
countries having layered democracy, the probability of similarity between the
constitution of the two countries increases, especially in case of the items
related to political jobs. As a result, the integration of the two countries for
reaching a single country will be accelerated which is one of the main
objectives of presenting this book.
4.4.21- Suggestion number 7 as the number of members at
consultant layer
The consultant layer, as the name suggests, is supposed to consult the first wise. In
layered democracy, each layer prevents the dictator-like performance of the top layer.
The consultant layer is in charge of this important task in relation to the first wise
and since the wisdom layer has only one member (first wise), this danger is very
serious. Thus, the task of preventing the dictatorship of the first wise, being taken by
the consultant layer, becomes highly important. Obviously, the presence of 2-3
consultants at this layer is not enough from this perspective. On the other hand, if
the number of consultants increases and we have for example 15-20 consultants, the
first must probably spent 24 hours for consulting them. thus, their group consulting
sessions will turn into ceremonies and events. Thus, we must choose a right number
for this layer. According to the author, number 7 can be a good can candidate because:
i. Number 7 is a prime and odd number and helps easier voting.
50 | P a g e
ii. Number 7 is neither so small that the members of the consultant layer cannot
control and guide the self-centeredness of their first wise nor so big to turn the
concept of consultation into ceremonies and events.
iii. Number 7 is sacred and pleasant to most of the people in the world and this
psychological aspect makes this number as a normal and good choice.
iv. The number of population in the world is about 7 billion people at the time
of writing this book. If we make layers with minimal number M=10, we can
reach number 7.
However, the author does not insist on this number because he knows that choosing
the right number requires further investigation but the basis will be the same and
another number will be merely replaced. Thus, I will use this number.
Note that choosing number 7 or any other number for the consultant layer or other
layers does not mean that the consultants, first wise, or supervisors cannot use the
consultation or services of lawyers and other technical-operational teams. However,
the members of the consultant layer are in fact the main consultants of the first wise
and help him receive full information and manage the society. In addition, the
consultant layer consults the first wise and it does not mean that the first wise merely
listens and makes decision without convincing the majority except some specific
cases requiring fast decision-making. All top layers can certainly receive information
or other consultations in form of recruiting employees or receiving services from the
private sector. Nevertheless, we assign the legislation of such items and building
structure related to governmental jobs or even other required simple jobs such as
cleaning the office of the first wise or consultants and many other items to the time
of running this idea practically because depicting the practical conditions in the
author’s mind is impossible or difficult. I hope that at the time of implementing this
idea in the first country (I wonder what country will be the first) it will experience
such administrative and job structures and develop as rules. These will be among the
constitution of that society and the legislation technique, legislator layer, and
managerial structures will be discussed in the next chapters in detail. However, the
inherent rules of layered democracy mean the rules which are discussed in this book
such as the activation or inactivation of a group, neutrality or semi-neutrality of a
member, etc. forming the main basis of layered democracy.
Apart from this fact, if you agree with number 7 as the constant number of the
consultant layer and the minimal our is still M=10, the number of members at layers
will be as follows:
Wisdom layer: 1 (first wise), consultant layer (N=7), legislator layer (N=70),
supervisor layer (N=700)

51 | P a g e
It can be immediately concluded that if we want to consider the members of the
supervisor layer as the active head groups of the pre-supervisor layer, we must define
the pre-supervisor layer in such a way to have exactly 700 groups. Thus, this layer
is defined.
4.4.22- Definition of pre-supervisor layer
The first layer with members fewer than 21’000 is called the layer pre-supervisor
At this layer, there are exactly 700 pre-made groups and their founder is not a
specific person and no one can create a new group. These groups are named with
numbers such as group 1 (G1) to group 700 (G700) and the minimal number of this
layer is defined as 3 unlike other layers which was equal to 10. In addition, every
member of this layer can enter each one of the above-mentioned groups and these
groups are always open. The rest of the rules are similar to the previous rules for
layers and groups.
This layer consists of ordinary people and no position or right is considered for
members to enter this layer. They are in charge of no specific responsibility except
voting and selecting the next layer.
4.4.23- Theorem
At the ideal state (i.e. when all individuals at a layer are the members of active groups
which have members exactly as many as the minimal number of that layer), the
number of members at the pre-supervisor layer is always 2’100 or more (or equal).
If we number of members at this layer equals x and fewer than 2’100, it means that
there were x groups at the layer before this layer. Assuming that each group has 10
members, the population of the last population will equal 10x because x is less than
2’100, thus 10x will be less than 21’000. In other words, the previous layer is true
in the condition of defining the pre-supervisor layer and this is inconsistent with the
first status of the pre-supervisor layer. Thus, the proof by contradiction is rejected
and the number of members at the pre-supervisor layer will be always more than
2’100. Point 1
The reason for selecting number 21’000 is that with the help of the above-mentioned
theorem, we can make sure that the minimum number of the pre-supervisor layer is
more than or equal to 2’100 and since:
52 | P a g e
It is concluded that the minimal number 3 can be determined for each group of the
pre-supervisor layer logically. Determining number 3 is important because it is the
first number by which we can make a group. Obviously, a group with one member
is not a group conceptually and a group with 2 members has no sufficient stability
in voting and selecting the head group and also the head group cannot be changed
when the second member of the group is in contract with the current head group
because the number of their votes will equal 1 and the condition for changing the
head group is the majority of votes. Point 2
Since the ideal state may not occur in practice and the inactive groups or wandering
members of the layer who are the member of any group may be created at the pre-
supervisor layer for different reasons, can we add a numerical value to maximum
number of members at the pre-supervisor layer to implement with more trust. For
example, we select number 25’000 (or even 30’000) members instead of 21’000, i.e.
4’000 (or even 9’000) more members to make sure that 2’100 members are present
at this layer to activate all 700 groups.
4.4.24- Definition of supervisor layer
The layer after the pre-supervisor is called “supervisor layer”. In other words, the set
of all active head groups at the pre-supervisor layer is called “supervisor layer”.
Due to the definition of the pre-supervisor layer, the number of members at this layer
will normally equal 700.
At this layer, there are exactly 70 pre-made groups and their founder is not a specific
person and no one can create a new group. These groups are named with numbers
such as group 1 (G1) to group 70 (G70) and the minimal number of this layer is
defined as 10. In addition, every member of this layer can enter each one of the
above-mentioned groups and these groups are always open. The rest of the rules are
similar to the previous rules for layers and groups.
This layer is the first political layer that entering it means accepting the job
responsibility and has the benefits and salary of a governmental job. The main task
of this layer is supervising the health of layered voting and monitoring all branches
of its graph continuously. In addition, all members of this layer have access to
information like personal information, contact information, real address, phone
numbers, etc. for their authentication and checking the health of layered voting.
However, this information is one of the confidential secrets of the society and they
are in charge of preserving it. since there are 70 pre-made groups at this layer, 70

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members of this layer enter the higher layer, i.e. the legislator layer, and 630
members must fulfill the tasks of this layer.
As mentioned, all the individuals who can enter the supervisor layer are employed
by the government and attending this layer means a political job in the society and
other salaries and benefits must be considered for this layer and higher layers. It is
emphasized that all pre-supervisor layers are recognized as people and they have no
benefits in this regard. We should mention one rule here: Preventing a second job for supervisor layer
Everyone who enters the supervisor layer (or higher layers) cannot have a second
job in the society as long as they attend this layer. As soon as a person enters this
layer, he must resign all his previous jobs. Point 1
The reasons of this rule are very obvious. The first reason is that they must have
enough opportunity for fulfilling their tasks. The second reason is not to use their
political position for achieving the business goals of their second jobs. Point 2
It is a good method that on the arrival of individuals to higher layers (from
supervisors upward) which is considered as job, all their properties and assets are
calculated by an expert team of layered democracy office and then announced to the
public with reason. this expert team is in charge of monitoring all these individuals
continuously until they are working in these jobs. This subject will be addressed
more in the chapter related to the legislative.
4.4.25- Definition of legislator layer
The layer after the supervisor layer is called “legislator layer”. In other words, all
active head groups at the supervisor layer form the legislator layer.
Based on the definition of the supervisor layer, the number of members at this layer
will equal 70 at the normal state.
At this layer, there are exactly 7 pre-made groups and their founder is not a specific
person and no one can create a new group. These groups are named with numbers
such as group 1 (G1) to group 7 (G7) and the minimal number of this layer is defined
as 10. In addition, every member of this layer can enter each one of the above-
mentioned groups and these groups are always open. The rest of the rules are similar
to the previous rules for layers and groups.
This layer is the second political layer that entering it means accepting a heavy job
responsibility and has the benefits and salary of a governmental job. The main task
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of this layer is legislating for the society. Creating, developing, improving, and
changing the rules of the society are the tasks of this layer which will be explained
in the next chapters in detail. In addition, although all members of this layer are
considered as active head groups of the supervisor layer, must guide the group
members for supervising the layered voting. Since there are 7 pre-made groups at
this layer, 7 members of this layer enter the higher layer, i.e. the consultant layer,
and 63 members must fulfill the tasks of this layer.
4.4.26- Definition of consultant layer
The layer after the legislator layer is called “consultant layer”. In other words, all
active head groups at the legislator layer form the consultant layer.
Based on the definition of the legislator layer, the number of members at this layer
will equal 7 at the normal state.
At this layer, there is exactly 1 pre-made group and its founder is not a specific
person and no one can create a new group. This group is named as the consultant
group and the minimal number of this layer equals the total number of its members.
This layer is the third political layer that entering it means accepting a very heavy
job responsibility and has the benefits and salary of a governmental job. The main
task of this layer is consulting the first wise. In addition, although all members of
this layer are considered as active head groups of the legislator layer, must guide the
group members for approving the rules. Since there is 1 pre-made group at this layer,
only one member of this layer enters the higher layer, i.e. the wisdom layer, and 6
members must fulfill the tasks of this layer. Status of no head group in the only group of consultant layer
Based on the definition of the consultant layer, there is exactly 1 group at this layer.
It means that all members of this layer (we assume to be 7) are placed in one group.
As discussed in Section of types of groups without head group, a group can have no
head group under some conditions. The question is that if one of the status occurs to
the consultant group, what will be the solution?
In response, we can use this method. If the only group of the consultant layer cannot
select the first wise with the maximum votes for any reason, selecting the first wise
for the first time will be performed by direct vote (referendum) from the legislator
layer. The candidates for referendum will be some members from the consultant
layer having votes equal to other members. This referendum is better to be performed
as hidden vote due to the competition between candidates. The person with the
maximum vote in this referendum will be the head group (first wise).

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If at least two candidates with gain the majority votes equally at the referendum held
at the legislator layer, the referendum will be held again among the candidates (those
who have gained the maximum votes in common). If one of them gains the
maximum vote, he will be the head group (first wise), otherwise, this we continue
this referendum at the lower layer until we reach the conclusion.
This case is certainly exceptional and its reoccurrence is low. However, if it occurs,
referendum at the legislator or supervisor layers will probably determine the first
wise. Even if this referendum is held at the next layers with poor probability, finally
at least one of the candidates will be one single vote ahead of other candidates at
later zero, we have to examine the case where the referendum has two people with
an equal vote (which is very unlikely) at layer zero (ordinary people). If such a case
happens, then the chess match is held among the candidates having an equal vote
and the winner will be selected as the first wise (also a draw can be held between the
candidates with equal votes and we choose one of them randomly. However, the
author prefers chess).
We emphasize that the probability of this case is very low in general because we note
that such a case will never occur by changing the votes of members at the consultant
group because the new head group must gain more votes than the current head group
and equal votes do not cause the dismissal of the current head group. On the other
hand, the first wise must leave the consultant group or a specific case like death or
insanity must occur. In addition, after the first wise leaves the group, the number of
members at the consultant layer must be equal. All of these seem unlikely and
perhaps occur once or twice during a century. In this case, the problem can be solved
with referendum at the higher layers.
4.4.27- Definition of wisdom layer
The layer after the consultant layer is called “wisdom layer”. In other words, all
active head groups at the consultant layer form the wisdom layer.
Based on the definition of the consultant layer, the number of members at this layer
will equal 1 who is called the first wise.
At this layer, there is no group and no new group can be formed and in fact layered
voting operations end and we reach the top of layered democracy.
This layer is the fourth political layer that entering it means accepting a very heavy
job responsibility and has the benefits and salary of a governmental job. The main
task of this layer is making decisions for the whole society with the consultation of
the consultant layer, especially decision-making about the cases which must be made

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The first wise is the symbol of wisdom and kindness in the society. He is the person
being accepted by everyone and has such a high and lovable status in his society that
everyone dreams of reaching such an intellectual and behavioral status.
The first wise, whether man or woman, is the super human to whom the poor and
orphans need for making creative decisions by his kind heart and solving the
problems in the society. “To our friend in beauty of disposition and of fidelity, one
reaches’ not in this matter, to thee, denial of our work reaches not.”

4.5- To the first wise

You, the first wise, who have read this book are the fruit of a tree I have planted the
seed during the dark time of humanity. The dark times when the previous men and
those living at the same time with me have drawn some hypothetical line son
geographical maps of which there is truly no trace in the nature and they called them
country. Regarding those hypothetical lines, they created different rules, limitations
of traveling across borders, different custom tariffs, as well as armies and weapons
to plunder each other while they could create a single country liked “Earth” to gain
more than these plunders. Unfortunately, they called this ugliness as “patriotism”,
made it so sacred, spread stupidity among people, exploited people, and many
politicians made decisions for people by causing fear and threatening the national
interests. In fact, they destroyed freedom in the world because of keeping their jobs
because if there is no border and country, there will be no government to have rulers
and politicians and there will be only one government and winning the job would be
impossible. Nevertheless, if you exist, it means that I have reached my goal and I am
happy. Although the author knows that you will come after me and you will be wiser
than me, you also have grown up with more information and will not need my advice,
but I said all of these so that you would appreciate whatever you have and know that
this is a very special opportunity for you. You are the turning point of changes in the
behavior of the global community and according to Hafez: “If you want to hear this
majestic advice Hafez… you will reach the main path of truth”. Thus, have to say
Whenever you notice a mistake, discuss it with people immediately and do not hide
it even if you lose your position because honesty is at the top place. Find the other
first wises. Talk to them about the wisdom in your instinct and trust them and know
that they are wise like you. Create an integrated world with the first wise together.
We do not need a country more than Earth. One language is enough for the entire
Earth and work on making one language based on the vote of the majority. Although
English is an international language at present, as French in the past, choosing a
human-made language such as Esperanto by logicians and mathematicians skilled in
linguistics will have more brilliant results for human kind. Its suffering will be
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transferable in the next one or two generations but there is a big treasure at the end
of it. this similarity in language will gradually lead to discourse between different
religions and beliefs and will approximate the religions and improve the ethical
principles logically while its benefits are more to be included here and you have
certainly more concerns than me. My wholeheartedly salute to the first wises of the
countries gathering around for forming a single country on Earth.

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5- Chapter Five: Layout and rules governing the
layered democracy offices
5.1- Introduction
As mentioned, layered democracy offices are the main skeleton for layered voting
and layered democracy. In other words, before implementing the layered voting,
there must be a place where people can enroll and have their identity recognized to
prevent the re-enrolment of cheaters.
The offices with high reliability and a structure where cheating is difficult and
removed quickly are among the necessities of creating layered democracy offices
because those in charge of receiving, counting, and announcing the votes will be
always at risk of different temptations on behalf of freedom enemies (dictators) for
cheating or abusing in voting.
Layered democracy offices are in fact the layered democracy databases where all
information of people in line with layered democracy are stored. Thus, any abuse of
groups and intra-group votes as well as the information of people will have adverse
social effects on the society.
There is a special problem that we need layered democracy offices for voting on the
one hand and while layered voting has been held in no country yet and the
government structure is not specified yet, there are no such offices, thus they must
be the first things to be built. Now, the question is what should we do in this case?
What should we do after establishing the layered democracy and forming the
government? How will be the layout and location of such offices for a country? And
the other question is how will be the layout of layered democracy offices after
establishing the layered democracy completely on Earth?
This chapter is considered for answering such questions.

5.2- Types of transition steps

Note that there are at least three distinct steps for layered democracy. The first step
is called the first transition which means the time from writing this book to
implementing it successfully in a country. The second step is called the second
transition where layered democracy begins in at least one country after being fully
implemented and continues until this model is established on the entire Earth and
causes integrity among all countries. Finally, we reach the step after the full
establishment on the entire Earth which is called the final consistency.

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5.2.1- Definition of the first transition step
This step continues from the moment of writing this book to implementing it
successfully in a country. In fact, the result of this step will be a practical example
from establishing the layered democracy.
5.2.2- Definition of the second transition step
It continues from the end of the first transition step to its full establishment on the
entire Earth (at least politically) in such a way to integrate the entire Earth. The
purpose of the second transition is integrating all countries in form of a single
country called Earth.
5.2.3- Definition of final consistency
The step of final consistency from the moment when layered democracy is
established on the entire Earth and in form of a single country called Earth and there
is no other country and continues until this model is not replaced with another model.
5.2.4- Definition of the “systems and methods” ministry and prime
It is a ministry for discussing the organizational strategic goals based on the orders
of the first wise and integrating the goals, analyzing the organizational and
administrative structures, developing the business process- every organization
separately, and consulting to implement their organizational charts and processes, as
well as preparing the high level reports on macro management of organizations and
ministries especially the reports of overlap in some performances of ministries with
each other and similar issues which are considered in the field of industrial
engineering and analysis. The minister of the “systems and methods” ministry is
selected like other ministers by the first wise. The minister of this ministry is called
prime minister who is in charge of managing the board of ministers. The reason for
selecting him as the prime minister is his power of analysis. A prime minister must
have the power to understand the orders of the first wise and divide the projects into
smaller sub-projects for outsourcing to different ministries. Such a task division
requires a clear attitude to performances and processes of every ministry as well as
full dominance on their abilities and limitations. Based on the tasks of the “systems
and methods” ministry, it is obvious that the best candidate of this subject is the
minister of this ministry. As the process of selecting and dismissing ministers will
be explained later, the first wise can dismiss any minister including the minister of
the “systems and methods”.

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5.3- Layout of layered democracy offices in the first
Assume that the imaginary society A is a country from the current countries in the
world. however, we must assume that such a country is a free country having a weak
democracy (or traditional democracy) because it is unlikely that a dictator country
like North Korea lets the liberals discuss such a democracy (layered democracy).
Since layered democracy offices are intended for enrolling, creating groups, voting
the head group, and receiving certificates for entering the higher layers, ordinary
people will be highly involved with such offices. Thus, the location of these offices
must be chosen in such a way to have one special office in every district of a city for
more convenience of people. This type of layered democracy offices is called
“district center offices” (as the author suggests, there must be at least one district
center office for every 500’000 people and a mobile district center office must be
considered for rural areas). All of the people enrolling in a district office is called the
members of that district center office.
All of the district center offices work under the supervision of an office at a higher
rank called the layered democracy “downtown office” in the city. In other words,
there is one layered democracy downtown office in downtown monitoring the
implementation of layered democracy in the city. In addition, this downtown office
and district center office will welcome the members of the supervisor layer who
probably travel to different cities for supervising. Obviously, enrolling new members
is conducted in district center offices while downtown offices do not provide such
services. All members of district center offices in a city are called the members of
downtown office in the same city.
Similarly, one province capital office is considered for layered democracy in the
capital of provinces that all downtown offices of that province are supervised by this
province office.
There is one central office in the entire country and probably in the capital
supervising all province capital offices and this office is called the country capital
In the first transition where offices are not formed yet, some volunteers who are
trusted by the people of that district will be in charge of the district center offices.
Then, some volunteers are selected for the downtown office, province capital office,
and country capital office by holding a meeting between the officials of district
center office, downtown office, and country capital office, respectively. The
volunteers must live in the same district, city, or province and if they are in charge
of their tasks temporarily, they must be trusted relatively by the people of that district.
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We note that these people in charge of the relevant offices temporarily not constantly
because when the layered democracy is in the first transition, the layers are not
formed yet to choose the ministries, organizations, organizational positions, and
officials of layered democracy offices
However, after the formation of layers and government by the first wise, the steps of
recruiting the officials of layered democracy offices will be in this way: the first wise,
that will be explained more in the next chapters, selects the prime minister and all
ministers, including the democracy minister (in some countries including Iran, he is
known as the country minister). The democracy minister must suggest a head for the
country capital office to the head of the judicial system. If the democracy minister
approves, the head of the country capital office is required to establish an appropriate
administrative structure for layered democracy offices as well as education and
recruitment system for each level of layered democracy office at the district, city,
and provinces levels based on the best scientific methods and analytical models with
the help of the head of the judicial system.
However, we have not talked about how to select the head of the judicial system and
the structure and layout of the judicial system which will be described in the next
chapters. In addition, the democracy minister is probably a person who has too much
knowledge in the fields of politics, social sciences, and sociology and has full
mastery in layered democracy model and its implementation theoretically and
We need some definitions before completing this topic.
5.3.1- Definition of province head group
In every province, some (one of a few) members of the province capital office except
the members who have entered the supervisor layer are placed at a higher layer than
all other members of that office. These members are called the head groups of that
province. In other words, the head groups of a province are the individuals from
whom no member of province capital office, except those who have entered the
supervisor layer, has entered a higher layer.
5.3.2- Definition of city head group
In every city, some (one of a few) members of the downtown office except the
provinces head groups and the members who have entered the supervisor layer are
placed at a higher layer than all other members of that office. These members are
called the head groups of that city. In other words, the head groups of a city are the
individuals from whom no member of downtown office, except the provinces head
groups and those who have entered the supervisor layer, has entered a higher layer.

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5.3.3- Definition of district head group
In every district, some (one of a few) members of the district center office except the
city head groups and the members who have entered the supervisor layer are placed
at a higher layer than all other members of that office. These members are called the
head groups of that district. In other words, the head groups of a district are the
individuals from whom no member of district center office, except the city head
groups and those who have entered the supervisor layer, has entered a higher layer.
The head of the judicial system can retract his approval and in this case, the head of
the country capital office is immediately dismissed. Obviously, the head of the
country capital office works directly under the supervision of the democracy minister
who dismisses or recruits him. In this case, the head of the judicial system has no
role but he has such a power in terms of legal health and prevention of any cheating.
In other words, the power of approving and dismissing the head of the country capital
office is in hands of the head of the judicial system because he can remove him from
the layered democracy in case of suspicion and lack of trust even without approving
any crime. All this caution is because of the sensitivity of the job position of the
country capital office because the management and information related to layered
democracy must be controlled by someone who is not approved and trusted by the
judicial system. However, the head of the judicial system just attempts to prevent
corruption and has no role in outsourcing.
The head of the country capital office has two important tasks:
i. Recruiting the head of provinces capital offices: The head of the country
capital office recommends them and must be officially approved by the
province head groups in every province. Selecting the province head groups for
such jobs is acceptable. When the person introduced by the country capital
office is not approved by the province head groups, the head of the country
capital office is required to introduce someone else. In addition, if the majority
of votes imply the dismissal of the head of the province capital office, he will
be immediately dismissed.
ii. Recruiting the employees of country capital office: The head of the country
capital office recruits the employees for his office in line with the systems and
methods ministry based on the approved structures in this ministry. Note that
the sub-activities and processes of each office by the systems and methods
ministry after analyses are given to the democracy minister by the best
analyzers (especially the bpm analyzers) and the minister of this ministry and
then after approval, they are sent to these offices for announcement by the
democracy minister. The employees of the systems and methods ministry

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supervise the working operations by the employees of these offices for not
exiting the path of analyzed processes but have no engagement. However, they
solve the problems in the depicted processes and report to higher layers of their
organization. These reports are provided to the democracy minister and he
makes decision and issues new orders for improvement.
Similarly, the head of the province capital office has two main tasks:
i. Recruiting the head of downtown offices: The head of the province capital
office recommends them for the office of one city but must be officially
approved by the city head groups in every city. Selecting the city head groups
for such jobs is acceptable. When the person introduced by the province capital
office is not approved by the city head groups, the head of the province capital
office is required to introduce someone else. In addition, if the majority of votes
imply the dismissal of the head of the city capital office, he will be immediately
ii. Recruiting the employees of province capital office: The head of the
province capital office recruits the employees for his office in line with the
systems and methods ministry based on the approved structures in this ministry.
Similarly, the head of the downtown office has two main tasks:
i. Recruiting the head of district center offices: The head of the downtown
office recommends them for a district center office but must be officially
approved by the district head groups in every district. Selecting the district head
groups for such jobs is acceptable. When the person introduced by the
downtown office is not approved by the district head groups, the head of the
downtown office is required to introduce someone else. In addition, if the
majority of votes imply the dismissal of the head of the district center office,
he will be immediately dismissed.
ii. Recruiting the employees of downtown office: The head of the downtown
office recruits the employees for his office in line with the systems and methods
ministry based on the approved structures in this ministry.
In this way, one of the most important tasks of the head of district center office is
recruiting the employees of his district center office which is in line with the systems
and methods ministry of the country based on the structures approved in this ministry.
With this regard, we could consider an appropriate layout for layered democracy
offices in the first transition. Obviously, we began and developed it symbolically in
a country without a governmental and administrative structure with volunteers
among people to make the model be accountable in the worst possible way. In

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practice, it is expected to conduct the necessary cooperation by the governments
caused by poor democracy to help the establishment of layered democracy offices.
In this case, it will be too much simpler.

5.4- Layout of layered democracy offices at the second

Assume that two countries A and B have passed the first transition and are now
layered democracy is established in them. thus, each one of them will have country
capital, province capital, downtown, and district center offices.
Assume that the first wises of the two countries A and B have reached a consensus
to build a shared country and remove the borders. For this purpose, the layered
democracy must be implemented appropriately in this new-born country (called AB).
Thus, as already mentioned, we must first establish layered democracy offices for
the country AB.
A shared office called international layered democracy office is established between
the two countries by having branches in both countries. Branch does not necessarily
mean a separate physical location from the country capital office, but the author
recommends to use the same physical space of the country capital office because this
international office will be needed temporarily. However, the country capital offices
in both countries A and B must work under the supervision of this office. The head
of the international office will be the task of two country office heads of countries A
and B temporarily until joining if the two countries completely and creating a shared
constitution. This emphasizes the shared decision-making and consensus on any
decision. All province capital, downtown, and district center offices of both countries
will be under the supervision of this shared and temporary committee of two addition, both heads and offices save and keep the voting information of
the new country AB independently. This is feasible by assigning some forces having
enough information at the offices of district, city, and province.
Here, we do not deal with the details of this integration and development of the
shared law as well as layered voting despite the obtained layers in two former
countries of A and B because we will explain it in another chapter in detail. Here,
the focus is on the layout of layered democracy offices in the new country AB
because the presence of layered democracy offices is necessary before layered
democracy logically.
By assuming the integration of the two countries into one single country called AB
successfully by layered democracy tools, the first wise of this new country will be
specified immediately. When the first wise of the country AB is specified, he

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specifies the prime minister, democracy minister, and then the democracy minister
of the country capital office as before. In addition, the first wise specifies the capital
of the new country. On the other hand, the head of the judicial system for the country
AB in an independent process which will be discussed in the next chapters. In case
of confirming by the head of the judicial system in the new country AB, the head of
the country capital office will recruit employees for this office and cancel the
international offices and province capital offices of the two former countries of A
and B. obviously, there is no need to change the rules of selecting the heads at the
levels of province, city, and district because the provinces, cities, and districts of the
two countries have turned into the provinces, cities, and districts of the new country.
However, the people who have positions may change. The processes and structures
formed in each country which were based on the performance of the systems and
methods ministries will probably remain unchanged. Although by combining the two
countries and probably changing the ministers, there is the probability of changing
and improving these things gradually.
When for example the country C wants to join the new established country (called
AB) and form a country called ABC, the steps will be similar as if the two countries
interact to get integrated with each other.
Perhaps the question is when the countries A, B, and C tend to get integrated at the
same time. Obviously, if we answer this question for the cases with more number of
countries, this case has been also answered.
In this case, an inter-country central office called the international layered
democracy office has reached consensus among all countries and is established in
such a way to have branch in all countries. The country capital offices of each
country must work under the supervision of this international office. A shared
committee of all heads of the country capital offices in these countries will be in
charge of managing the international office temporarily until the joining of all
countries and creating a shared constitution and all heads having a veto for any
decision and this emphasizes the importance of shared decision-making and
consensus on any decision.
The information of voting in all countries is verified separately by all other countries.
This is possible by assigning some forces having enough access to information at
the offices of district, city, and province of all other countries. When the validity of
the results of layered voting in all countries is ensured, they issue the order of
We neglect the explanations of this step and assume that layered voting for the new
shared country is performed well and now there are layers for a big country and also
the first wise of this country is determined. Like before, the first wise assigns the
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prime minister, democracy minister, and then the democracy minister assigns the
head of the country capital office by approval of the head of the judicial system. Now,
all branches of the international offices and country capital offices related to former
countries are canceled. The first wise of the new country determines the capital of
the new country and converts all provinces of the former countries to the provinces
of the new country. The rules of assigning the heads of the province capital,
downtown, and district center offices will be similar to the last one. Thus, explaining
it is avoided.

5.5- Layout of layered democracy offices at final consistency

Assume that based on whatever mentioned, all countries are integrated with each
other by the above-mentioned method and establish a single country called Earth
and assume that the first wise and other layers are formed well. In this case, based
on the last section, there is one country capital office for Earth in case of creating
layered democracy office at the second transition. Here, the only available country
is Earth which consists of many provinces and each province includes cities and
districts. The layout of layered democracy offices is similar to a case being designed
for one country.
Selecting capital for Earth is probably a big challenge. The author hopes that the
people recognize the presence of borders and countries as the cause of conflicts,
eliminate them, have such an open mind to pay attention to the knowledge, opinion
of unbiased experts, and reasonable causes in advantages and disadvantages of each
city for being the capital and do not care about the biases which belong to the era of
the author and before him.
This hope is not unreasonable because the author believes in collective wisdom
superiority being established in such a country (Earth) due to layered democracy,
especially in this model, the first wise will be at the higher layers and the decision-
making power is in their hands. Contrary to the present time when some biased, cruel,
and selfish rulers are governing and the first wise in each country is in isolation.
However, I do not want to depict the current world very day and I should fairly say
that lots of advances occurred in this world and the humankind is moving towards
the general improvement in all aspects and it is natural that not everything is
complete and we (majority of the humankind) did not understand some topics before
to do something about them. Lack of knowledge and awareness creates right.
Anyway, we have no choice except moving along at the range of our perception until
we assign the decision-making power to the expert layer appropriately and we should
wait until that time and I hope it will happen very soon. I wish I would be able to see
that time and hug the first wise of the world wholeheartedly. I send salute and respect

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to him: “Hafez burnt and I am scared that explaining his story… will not be heard
by the lucky king”.
Therefore, we assume that the capital of the entire Earth is set by the first wise. Now,
we have two questions:
i. Since the borders between provinces are imaginary like the borders between
countries, is not it better to change them?
ii. What measures have been considered in layered democracy to deal with
cheating in the use of population transition?
5.5.1- Bordering and naming the provinces of Earth
As you know, the borders of provinces and states in all countries are hypothetical at
the time of writing this book and related to past historical times. Most of these
borders were almost formed not based on a correct logic but based on absurd political
conflicts, riots, colonialism, and plunder. In other words, the reason for these
classifications is mostly based on power and random not based on wisdom for
On the other hand, the concept of province, unlike country, does not have heavy
consequences because the concept of country causes the creation of military force
and defend the borders as well as very heavy consequences for humankind without
any useful function. However, the concept of province, especially at the time of
creating the single country of Earth does not have heavy consequences. On the
contrary, preventing some frauds and cheating, like cheating the population
transition, will be useful for classifying and managing better. However, the concept
of province does not have a specific standard.
Thus, it is very appropriate to change the current classification and increase the
function of the concept of province significantly by standardizing it and creating new
provinces on Earth.
For this purpose, we use two concepts of orbit and meridian as you know them
already. As you know, Earth is composed of 24 slides being located at the distance
of 15 degrees from each other. Their source is Prime Meridian. In this way, consider
some orbits at the distance of 15 degrees from each other at the equator. The number
of these orbits will be 24.
Each area limited between two adjacent orbits and two adjacent meridians is called
a province and we name them with number. the beginning of naming will be from
the north of area where equator collides with meridian and contrary to the direction
of Earth rotation like time.

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In this way, every part of Earth is placed in a province having a simple and specified
standard although being separated from each other using hypothetical lines. Second,
they have simple numerical naming and all residents of Earth understand and
pronounce it easily and it is not based on a special language.
5.5.2- Cheating using population transition
First, we must explain what this type of cheating means. Assume that we could
implement layered democracy on Earth. In other words, we have entered the final
consistency step and former countries do not exist anymore. Thus, there is no
bordering and the people of different countries travel or emigrate to other countries
However, we must note that layered democracy does not mean the freedom of
individuals in migration and those who are worried about the consequences of
migration must not worry about this subject because as will be discussed in the next
chapters in more details about the regulation and approval of rules for states, cities,
and districts, we will see that provinces, cities, and districts can have their own
specific rules in all fields and this is one of the advantages of layered democracy
because other systems do not provide the presence of several constitutions in line
with each other for realizing the rights of the minority.
With this explanation, the reason why the author assumes that there is no limitation
in traveling or emigrating to other parts of Earth is:
i. The author tends to remove all of these limitations and people feel free to
choose their living place. Thus, the problems of this case must be examined and
solved. One of these problems is cheating using population transition as
discussed later.
ii. The author assumes that people will change the strict rules after forming the
single country of Earth and will move towards the freedom of rules for moving
across Earth because first, with the absence of the concept of former countries,
there will be no nationalistic biases and political problems as well as the escape
of dictators and wars and the only reason for migration will be better economic
issues. Second, despite the layered democracy, economic issues in the whole
world will gradually move towards relative equality and balance, so that you
will determine your own income and your place of birth and position will play
no role in this regard.
Let’s go back to cheating in population transition. The probability that if a group or
organization wants to use this method is very slight because it needs to organize a
lot of people. However, we want to prevent these cases strictly. Assume that layered
voting is running on Earth. District democracy offices are registering and accepting
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members in different cities. In some parts of Earth are low-populated and rich in
resources for some reasons rooted in political and economic issues of the former
countries (such as Qatar). On the contrary, there are some high-populated areas
where most of the population live under the poverty threshold (such as China), some
organized movements may occur on behalf of these high-populated provinces for
migration and entering the layered democracy offices of the low-populated province
for taking the power and affect the legislation and management. For preventing such
cases, we explicitly mentioned at the section “Rules governing the layered voting”
“Every person must ask for membership at layered voting through a layered
democracy office. Then, the layered democracy office must check and register the
identity of the applicant and if he is qualified in terms of constitution and has no
legal problem, the office will enroll him. As he is enrolled, he enters the first layer
of layered voting which is layer zero. All members being enrolled through a layered
democracy office are called the members of that office. Every person can perform
all affairs related to layered democracy including the formation of group,
membership in group, voting the head group, changing the votes, etc. except the
initial enrolment and authentication at any of the democracy offices. However, the
office he is a member of is in charge of authentication for attending the layered
voting, enrollment, and elimination of membership (upon the order of the judicial
system, death, or insanity).”.
I emphasize that the desired person must be qualified in terms of the constitution of
that district. We will see in the next chapters that the constitution of the whole
country is composed of the intersection of constitutions in different cities and even
different districts. In other words, the constitution of cities and districts can be
different from each other although their intersection will be the constitution of the
province and the intersection of the rules of the province will be considered as the
constitution of Earth (or the desired society). Now, at the province capital offices,
only the legislators of the province, which will be discussed in detail, can make
decision who can enter the district center offices of that province. For example, those
who only live in that province or those who have the ID card of that province, the
employees and head of the district center office of such a province are in charge of
accepting the membership of such individuals. In other words, no person can be the
member of layered democracy offices in the province unlike the willingness of the
people living in the district or province. The people of every province will regulate
the laws for their province, especially the laws of entering and leaving, as well as
passport and visa. Thus, cheating by population transition is impossible.

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However, as legislation will be discussed in detail, we will consider an algorithm
intentionally for legislation to help the local laws move towards equal laws over time
and it means that the borders will be removed gradually and very slowly and
language, history, and culture move towards unification except in some geographical

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6- Chapter six: Creating an independent judicial
6.1- Introduction
The judicial system interferes exactly when there is a complaint and judgement is
required. Every other function by this system causes the interference of other
systems as a result the judicial system must be independent of all other systems.
On the other hand, such an independency must not cause a separate management
core in the society and interfere in the function of other systems in line with the
political power formed by layered voting. The decision-making power is in the hands
of the first wise and other layers and layered voting.
The judicial system is not created for managing the society and its systems, but is
formed for preventing any norm-breaking. This system is in charge of observing the
constitution and preventing any legal violation.

6.2- Reasons for independency of judicial system

This concept is clear and means that the political system derived from layered voting
includes different layers including the first wise when he cannot abuse his political
position for changing judgment in the judicial system.
Thus, it is preferred to choose all job positions of this system and change the rewards
and punishments in a way other than the political authorities of the country and help
this system not to have any weakness when it must judge on the complaints related
to the political authorities.
On the other hand, judicial system is not an organization with project-based tasks.
In other words, this system does not have a certain function and outputs, but it is
merely involved with observing and judging on a complaint based on the
observations and reasons presented by the two sides. Thus, this system does not need
to have managerial control by the political or management system of the country and
the members of this system must be honest and have sufficient skill in judgement.
In other systems, only the expertise of individuals is important and the management
system must be in such a way not to let any violation to the executives but dry the
motivation for violation. Having an efficient judicial system in society is one of the
inhibitors of violation.

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6.3- How to create a judicial system in layered democracy?
One of the primary conditions of all of those who are supposed to work in the judicial
system is having the least academic studies in laws and other related fields as well
as gaining the required certificates. In other words, in a society we have to choose
the head and other members of the judicial system from all experts and educated
individuals of laws and related fields as a smaller society inside the main society. In
addition, nobody has the sufficient recognition for evaluation and selection of the
members of the judicial system except the experts and members of the smaller
society. Therefore, determining the top layers of the judicial system is performed by
some of the people knowing about the least basics of laws. In other words, it is
suggested to hold the judicial system by layered voting among the academics and
graduates of laws as well as all the fields related to the responsibility of this system.
Since we explained the layered voting model before, there is no need to repeat it for
this specific society. However, the highest selected person in this society is not called
the first wise, but he will be the head of the judicial system. In addition, the layer of
the head of the judicial system is called the layer of the presidency of the judicial
system. The next layer which was the consultant layer in the general model (the
general layered voting model which is for the public) can be still named with the
same name but as the consultant layer of the head of the judicial system. The
legislator layer is also named as the legislator layer of the judicial system and their
task is preparing and approving the administrative and non- administrative rules
related to the judicial system. In addition, they must work as the consultant of the
legislator layer of the general model. The supervisor layer is also called the
supervisor layer of the judicial system and have similar tasks to the supervisor layer
in the general model. In other words, they supervise the health of the votes made by
the judicial system. All definitions in the general layered voting are true about the
layered voting related to the judicial system.
In case of layered democracy offices, the author suggests to use the same offices and
employees which were created in the general model for voting in the judicial system.
This has two advantages. One of them reduces the costs significantly. Second, the
health of layered democracy offices is evaluated by the head groups of district,
downtown, and province groups as well as the supervisor layer of the general model
and also by the head groups of district, downtown, and province groups as well as
the supervisors of the judicial system. In other words, each one of them supervises
the health of his own voting and the health of other kinds of voting. Both sides
evaluate the health and qualifications of the employees at layered democracy offices.
The point in line with the smaller population of the judicial system than the whole
society is that the higher layers of the judicial system are evaluated by some
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calculations like the calculations of the general model but the constant number of 3
must be used. In other words, we must determine the pre-supervisor layer in such a
way that the number of the consultant layers (judicial system) equals 3, the number
of the legislator layer equals 30, and the number of the supervisor layer equals 300.
For this purpose, we must define the pre-supervisor layer as follows:
6.3.1- Definition of pre-supervisor layer in judicial system
The first layer whose members are fewer than 9’000 is called the pre- pre-supervisor
layer of the judicial system because this layer will have 300 members and every
group 3 members). However, this number can be considered bigger for caution and
presence of non-ideal cases in practice. For example, it can be considered equal to
6.3.2- Rules governing the layered voting of judicial system
i. - By forming the layers of layered democracy in the context of those educated
members of society in laws, the judicial system is formed.
ii. - Those who attend the layered voting of the judicial system can attend the
general layered voting of society too but in case of entering the supervisor layer,
they will lose the right to enter the other supervisor layer because entering the
supervisor layer means accepting a governmental job and one of its conditions
is resigning from all previous jobs.
iii. In order to be accepted in all layers of the judicial system, the least academic
certificates are required. For example, being a university student for layer zero,
associate’s degree for the pre-supervisor layer, bachelor for the supervisor layer,
master’s for the legislator layer, and PhD are pre-requirements for the head of
the judicial system.

6.4- Tasks of judicial system

6.4.1- Continues monitoring of health in layered voting
One of the main tasks of the judicial system is the continuous monitoring of health
in general layered voting and layered voting which can be conducted through the
pursue of all complaints related to this subject. However, a sub-sector called voting
inspection can be considered for supervising the voting in the judicial system in
order to sue against the offenders in case of detecting a legal violation as the public
prosecutor on behalf of the public.

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6.4.2- Continuous monitoring of economic health among the
members of governmental layers (supervisor layers upward)
Most of humans, even the best humans, are planned genetically in such a way to be
more exposed to abusing our power when we have power and no supervisor is
monitoring our actions. Obviously, most abuses are in the area of financial benefits.
For this reason, a method by which we can tangibly monitor the health of financial
performance is the best method for preventing the political elite in society exposed
to the abuse of power and not encourage financial corruption by them.
For this reason, one of the important tasks of the judicial system is the continuous
monitoring of economic health among all members of governmental layers. For this
purpose, we need a specialized financial team to calculate the assets of individuals
at the beginning of entering and leaving the supervisor layer to realize their financial
violations in case of any unusual difference. In addition, one of the tasks of this team
is the continuous monitoring of the financial status among the members of the
supervisor layer and this can be performed delicately without attracting attention and
bothering these important governmental individuals. But the question is who should
assign this expert team?
Since the head of the central office is assigned by the first wise, it is not a good
decision to let this team be assigned by the head of the central office because they
cannot endanger their job and unveil the probable corruption by the first wise or any
other member of the supervisor layer. For this purpose, it is better to ask help from
the judicial system. In other words, the judicial system forms this financial team with
a process which needs expertise in this system and this team must be settled in the
central layered democracy office. This settlement has some advantages. First, the
eyes and ears of the judicial system will be at the core of the layered democracy
offices and the judicial system will be directly aware of the layered voting. Second,
the judicial system will have access to the voting information and statistics which
can be archived by the forces under command and cannot be changed by other
officials of the central office. Third, the financial information related to the
individuals working at the supervisor layer (and upward) are recorded and monitored
in another organization where there are layered democracy offices and they are not
referred to the judicial system because this system must interfere at the time of
complaint and no complaint has been raised yet because no violation has been

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6.4.3- Qualifying the head of layered central office by the head of
judicial system
As stated before, the head of the central office can officially start working after being
selected by the democracy minister and confirmed by the judicial system. But it does
not mean that the head of the judicial system plays a role in selecting the head of the
office, nominate a specific person, or impose it to the democracy minister. However,
he is in charge of checking every nominee selected by the democracy minister in
terms of legal health and confirming him.
The head of the judicial system can retract his approval at any moment and in this
case, the head of the central office is dismissed quickly and layered voting is stopped
until the new head officially starts working. Obviously, the head of the central office
works directly under the supervision of the democracy minister who can dismiss or
assign him. In this regard, the head of the judicial system has no role but has such a
power in terms of legal health and preventing any cheating. In other words, the head
of the judicial system can approve and dismiss the head of the central office in order
to dismiss the head of the layered democracy office in case of feeling suspicion even
without proving any crime because it is not appropriate that a person who is not
trusted by the judicial system completely controls the information about layered
democracy. However, the head of the judicial system only interferes in terms of
preventing corruption and plays no role in outsourcing.
6.4.4- Continuous monitoring of occupational health among the
heads of employees of layered democracy offices
In layered voting, every district, city, and province had some head groups which
were defined. Similarly, the district head groups, city head groups, and province head
groups are defined for the judicial system. However, it may be possible that no
person has enrolled for the layered voting of the judicial system at a district center
because due to limiting the individuals allowed for attending the layered voting to
laws fields of study, the layer zero of this voting becomes smaller.
As mentioned before, the head groups of the district center are in charge of approving
and monitoring continuously and also dismissing the head of the district center office
if needed. This is performed with the maximum votes between them. it was
implicitly mentioned that all of the head groups of district center included some head
groups from the district center due to general voting as well as the head groups of
the district center due to the voting of the judicial system. When a district center has
no head group for layered voting in the judicial system, the head groups of the
general layered voting will be responsible for decision-making.

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In addition, in case of any violation by any of the employees at layered democracy
offices, the head groups of the judicial system corresponding to that office are
obliged to raise the complaint from that violation in the judicial system by collecting
enough evidence. However, any member of the society is required to deal with any
violation and file a complaint to the judicial system in needed but in terms of
emphasis, this task is assigned to them. The fact that the head groups of the judicial
system are dominant on laws and can probably collect better legal evidence for
proving the crime is higher.
6.4.5- Consulting the legislator layer
One of the tasks of this layer in the judicial system is attending the meetings of voting
for the constitution. This presence means consultation with 70 members of this layer
for regulating the constitution but they have no decision-making power. in other
words, the members of the legislator layer will make decision. Every member of the
legislator layer can consult the members of the legislator layer in the judicial system
if needed and invite them to attend their meetings. In this case, they are required to
present a correct legal consultation. In not necessary, the consultation of such
individuals is not needed and they have no right to attend the formal meetings of

6.5- Filing a complaint against the first wise

When the judicial system is formed in society, everyone can refer to the judicial
system and file a complaint against the wise person or any other member of the
society including the head of the judicial system at any time.
Recognizing the justified complaint and forming a court are based on the process
accepted in the judicial system. Even if the head of the judicial system files a
complaint against someone, this process must be passed except when the first wise
complains someone or the first wise confirms the complaint of someone about
someone else.
It is emphasized that the head of the judicial system can file a complaint against the
first wise and also the first wise can file a complaint against the head of the judicial
If a justified complaint (accepted as complaint in the judicial system) is raised
against the first wise by any member of the society even the head of the judicial
system, a public trial is formed and the judge of the court will be the head of the
judicial system. The jury includes six members of the consultant layer, first wise,
and two members of the consultant layer of the head of the judicial system and the
head of the judicial system himself. The evidence and testators are presented. Each

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one of the members of the jury has only one vote except the head of the judicial
system having two votes. In this regard, a total of 10 votes will be given by the jury
and he will be sentenced if at least six votes are given to the sentence of the first
wise, otherwise, he will be acquitted.

6.6- Filing a complaint against the head of judicial system

On the contrary, everyone can file a complaint against the head of the judicial system
or any other person by referring to the judicial system.
Recognizing the justified complaint and forming a court are based on the process
accepted in the judicial system except when the first wise files a complaint against
the head of the judicial system or confirms that a complaint is justified. The reason
for this exception is that the process of justifying a complaint is supervised by the
judicial system and it works under the supervision of the head of the judicial system.
The above-mentioned process may not work properly in line with the pressure of the
head of the judicial system on its employees or other cases. With this exception, the
effort for the inappropriate dominance on this process is prevented.
When the justified complaint (accepted as a complaint in the judicial system) against
the head of the judicial system by any member of the society including the first wise
is raised, a public trial must be formed and the judge will be the first wise. The jury
includes six members of the consultant layer of the first wise, the first wise, two
members of the consultant layer in the judicial system, and six members of the
legislator layer of the judicial system, all three of whom are selected by one of the
two members of the consultant layer in the judicial system. The evidence and
testators are presented. Each one of the members of the jury have only one vote
except the first wise who has two votes. In this regard, a total of 16 votes are given
by the jury and if at least 9 votes are given for sentencing the head of the judicial
system, he will be sentenced, otherwise he will be acquitted.

6.7- Violations and punishments

When the constitution is specified to a society, violations will be specified too.
However, determining the punishment for violations is not directly obtained from
the constitution. The judicial system can be the best option for developing these
punishments using the modern sciences like sociology, psychology, and social issues.
However, the opinion of scientists and sociologists should be still the criterion of
decision-making in these cases. Thus, it is recommended to recruit the most well-
known experts of social sciences and psychology who can determine the
punishments in the judicial system.

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The author has no opinion in determining the punishment and mental effects of these
decisions on different societies. However, as the author of this book mentions,
freedom and layered democracy system which are the most important tools for
achieving freedom are the most fundamental and important concepts of a free society
and thus are the most sacred concepts. For this reason, the biggest crime in layered
democracy is betraying freedom and disrupting the voting system or cheating in this
system. Even the intention of cheating or destructing must be accompanied with
For this reason, the author recommends you to have the maximum punishment for
this subject. At least the punishment of intention against layered democracy or
cheating in layered voting, being proved with certainty, must be considered as
removing the offender from the qualified members for voting in the society and leave
no choice of forgiveness for them. Such individuals must be always monitored like
dangerous psychos and prevent their future crime.
When it is proven that a person violates the layered voting and it is also proven that
this violation is intentional, the hardest punishment must be considered for such a
person who is the enemy of freedom because freedom in society is the most precious
and sacred thing in a society and some punishment must be certainly considered for
the offenders of freedom.
However, it is also emphasized to consider the opinion of experts for determining
the punishment because the goal of setting punishment is not punishing individuals
or taking revenge, but the goal is improving the society and observing the law.

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7- Chapter seven: Legislation and tasks of legislator
7.1- Introduction
In this chapter, the regulation of constitution in a government based on layered
democracy is addressed. Based on the tasks of the legislator layer in this regard,
more details of their tasks are studied too.
If it is supposed to implement the layered democracy in a country or society having
similar and integrated laws in all parts of the country, this chapter and even the topic
of layout of democracy offices. However, almost no country has such features and
the main goal of designing and suggesting this model is its function at the global
level. Due to different geographical conditions, it is inevitable to regulate different
rules. In addition, the purpose was to enable this model have a relatively strong chain
for connecting all nations with different ethical, religious, language, culture, and
history features, as well as sometimes financial interests. That is why this model
must be in such a way that:
i. Every country tends to implement it because this model must connect all
minorities and independence seeking sectors of the country to each other to be
ii. The first two countries establishing the layered democracy system are
severely closed to each other and tend to be united in all legal and financial
aspects with too much acceleration.
iii. As the number of countries which are managed by this method (layered
democracy) increases, all dictators are removed.
Layered democracy models must overcome a variety of conditions, laws of states,
and heterogeneity of different sectors of a country (such the US) at the time of
transition to global establishment and its structure must be in such a way to guide
them towards integrated laws and homogeneity because no real economic (or non-
economic) interest is separate from each other. However, the differences in
constitutions\ do not mean the logical differences caused by the difference in
geographical conditions or alike. However, the difference of constitution is not the
logical differences caused by the difference in geographical conditions or alike, but
the effort to remove difference in cases where they have no real origin.
In addition, I think that you have the same ideas with the author that all cultures,
languages, and ethics have no inherent conflict with each other. Thus, there is no
need that the laws governing people are different. However, apart from religion and
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beliefs which are the fundamental problems of modern human and the author does
not intend to talk about, because he lives in a country with much religious sensitivity.
I have to mention that religions are always in conflict with each other. Not only with
each other, but also with all cultures and even science. All of these religions consider
themselves to have right and do not deal with religions. If a religion deals
appropriately with another one for some reasons such as the systematic weakness in
his followers, another one does not deal with it. fortunately, layered democracy is
helpful here and will be discussed in the chapter “Advantages and results of layered
Constitution is certainly the most important tool for retention of freedom in a free
society. On the other hand, the historical question has been always raised that “how
can we prevent the rights and requests of the minority when the constitution is
developed and approved in a weak democracy (but healthy) by the majority? In other
words, how can we prevent the dictatorship of the majority over the minority? This
is more obvious when the minority has specific climatic, economic, cultural, and
religious conditions. In these cases, usually the minority wants the independence and
separation from the central government. For example, Kurdistan, Iran, Iraq, and
Turkey have been always attempting for independence during the past centuries.
Catalonia also demands full independence from the government of Spain and we
have lots of examples like this.
We face a paradox here. On the one hand, the power and evolution of human depend
on getting united and integrated and on the other hand, such issues make humans
move towards disintegration.
At the first step, such problems look very unlikely. As section 1.4.4 “Disadvantages
of direct voting” in paragraph ix showed, one of the disadvantages of weak
democracy is the lack of a different constitution for the minority along with the
constitution of the majority in a coordinated way without conflict. According to the
author, having no law is better than the compulsory exertion of a law on the people
who do not want it. In weak democracy, the constitution is developed and approved
by the majority in the best conditions and the minority are required to follow the
majority while perhaps the reason of being minority is merely a wrong
administrative division. For instance, Kurdistan which is part of Iran, Iraq, Turkey,
and Syria is considered as a big country but its division makes it be considered as
the minority in each one of these countries. In such cases, they do not really want
the constitution of the majority although they do not express apparently and have to
follow it, the minority do not fight for separation from the majority and
independence –seeking because better financial benefits can be gained while it is not
usually like that and causes the least hostility and sanction of the majority and they

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must tolerate the problems of not supporting the majority. Nevertheless, they fight
for independence-seeking because they want to have their own constitution. They
feel that they have lost their freedom and thus they fight for the loss of the majority
and they have right most of the time.
Another problem in developing the constitution is performed by weak democracy
and all previous methods is that changing the constitution especially changing the
constitution is not easy. The main part of this problem is that in weak democracy,
people have no tool for applying rapid pressure on those who have been already
selected. Unlike the layered democracy where people can immediately apply a
serious pressure in less than 1 hour3 to the highest ranks of government by pressure
on the head groups. It is normal that in the government based on layered democracy,
no government official keeps himself uninformed of the requests of people or does
not neglect their requests because he is removed quickly by doing so and always a
rival is waiting in the neighboring group to help people achieve their goals. This is
for the smallest things and will be very obvious for important cases such as the
In addition to having such an effect on legislators by people in layered democracy,
we want to sort out the layered democracy in such a way to be creative and
innovative, so that the laws are raised and approved in a layered way. We want people
to suggest laws and legislators approve them. In this case, we can solve the problem
of minority. In addition, we can gather a country or society having thousands of
cultural differences and different economic interests around with a general
constitution and local laws.

7.2- Layered development of constitution

Constitution is a concept depending on place and time and must be in such a way to
be changed from one place to another and from one time to another, especially
dynamism is one of the most factors of a good constitution over time. It is important
that this dynamism and such changes are gradual and according to the changes in the
society over time and do not occur suddenly to cause shock. On the other hand, the
era when some wise people develop a constitution for everyone is over but the people
of provinces, cities, and even districts must develop their desired constitution and
most importantly, everyone can edit it whenever required. The possibility of
changing the constitution is more important than creating and developing it because
the constitution is created at once but can be always changed.

Especially if a web-based software system is used for layered voting.
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Creating the layered constitution is considered here. Layered means like the layers
of onion that as you move towards the inner layers, the constitution becomes smaller.
In other words, the constitution of the whole country is the intersection of all laws
in provinces and the constitution of provinces is the intersection of all laws in the
city and in this regard, the constitution of cities is the intersection of all laws of the
districts in that city.
The layers which are raised here are the layers related to place and human and
although they are created with the help of layered voting layers and concepts, they
are mainly different from the layers being formed in layered voting. These layers
i. Districts and head groups of district centers
ii. Cities and head groups of downtowns
iii. Provinces and head groups of province capitals
iv. Country capital office (central office) and members of the legislator layer
from layered voting
The reason we did not form layered democracy based on these layers from the
beginning was that we did not want the layered democracy be dependent on places
and geography. The purpose was/is that layered democracy can easily cover the cases
without border and cases like travel and even the migration of people.
7.2.1- Definition of constitution draft
The set of principles and laws being suggested for approval as the constitution is
called the constitution draft and each one of the them is called the draft principle of
7.2.2- Definition of district constitution
It is a constitution of which the principles have meaning in a district.
7.2.3- Definition of district constitution draft
It is a draft of district constitution.
7.2.4- Definition of city constitution
It is a constitution of which the principles have meaning in a city and most of its
principles address several districts or all districts of a city. In addition, this
constitution includes the intersection of the principles of constitutions in all different
districts of a city.

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7.2.5- Definition of city constitution draft
It is a draft of city constitution.
7.2.6- Definition of province constitution
It is a constitution of which the principles have meaning in a province and most of
its principles address several cities or all cities of a province. In addition, this
constitution includes the intersection of the principles of constitutions in all different
cities of a province.
7.2.7- Definition of province constitution draft
It is a draft of province constitution.
7.2.8- Definition of country constitution (central)
It is a constitution of which the principles have meaning in a country and most of its
principles address several provinces or all provinces of a country. In addition, this
constitution includes the intersection of the principles of constitutions in all different
provinces of a country.
7.2.9- Definition of country constitution draft
It is a draft of country constitution.
7.2.10- Written contract
In this book, when the approval or non-approval of a subject is raised by the
members of a group or the members of a layer, it means approving that subject by
gaining the maximum votes of the members of that group or layer in an internal
voting. In this case, we agree that the case where the number of votes is equal is
considered as non-approval, unless we mention its opposite explicitly.
7.2.11- Steps to develop and approve constitutions
i. Drafting the country constitution is performed by the legislator layer and sent
to the central office of layered democracy.
ii. The central office sends the country constitution draft to all layered
democracy offices including the province capital, downtown, and district center
offices and these offices provide the draft to their head groups.
iii. The head groups of the district center observe and evaluate the country
constitution draft and select each one of the principles they prefer and then
approve as the principles of the constitution for their district. However, it is not
possible to add anything else than the principles in the country constitution draft
at this step. A principle out of the draft is possible to be added at the next steps
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under specific conditions. The constitution obtained at this step is sent to the
downtown office through the district center office. The district constitution
must be implemented by all members in that district (whether living in the
district or passing the district).
iv. In the downtown office, the head groups are required to find the intersection
of the constitution sent from their district centers and develop them as the
constitution of their own city and then send to all district center offices. This
constitution must be implemented by all individuals in that city (whether living
in the city or passing the city).
v. In the province capital office, the head groups are required to find the
intersection of the constitution sent from their downtown offices and develop
them as the constitution of their own province and then send to all downtown
offices. This constitution must be implemented by all individuals in that
province (whether living in the province or passing the province).
vi. In the country capital office, the members of the legislator layer are required
to find the intersection of the constitution sent from their province capital
offices and develop them as the constitution of their own country and then send
to all province capital offices. This constitution must be implemented by all
individuals in that district (whether living in the district or passing the district).
In this regard, we created the initial constitution of the country. If you remember the
definition of human rights, developing this document and this initial core is highly
similar to the definition of human rights and in fact, it is the same, especially if we
consider the country as the entire earth. The initial constitution of Earth is approved
by all human beings.
7.2.12- Steps to remove a principle from constitutions
i. When a principle is removed by the head groups of a district from the list of
the constitution principles in that district, the constitution of that district
immediately changes but the people of this district must implement it as long
as that principle exists in the constitution of the city. In other words, the
principles of the city constitution are superior to all principles of district
ii. It is not possible to remove a principle from the city constitution without
removing all of the constitutions in the districts of that city and only if the
principle is removed from the constitution of all districts (by the head groups
of those districts), it is removed automatically from the constitution of that city
and the head groups of the city are required to remove that principle from the
city constitution officially. However, the people of this city must implement it
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as long as the principle exists in the constitution of that province. In other words,
the principles of province constitution are superior to all principles of city
iii. It is not possible to remove a principle from the province constitution
without removing all of the constitutions in the cities of that province and only
if the principle is removed from the constitution of all cities (by the head groups
of those cities), it is removed automatically from the constitution of that
province and the head groups of the province are required to remove that
principle from the province constitution officially. However, the people of this
province must implement it as long as the principle exists in the constitution of
that country. In other words, the principles of country constitution are superior
to all principles of province constitution.
iv. It is not possible to remove a principle from the country constitution without
removing all of the constitutions in the provinces of that country and only if the
principle is removed from the constitution of all provinces (by the head groups
of those provinces), it is removed automatically from the constitution of that
country and legislator layer is required to remove it officially from the
constitution of that country.
7.2.13- Adding a principle out of the draft to constitutions
If a principle belongs to the principles of the country constitution draft, the process
of adding it to the constitutions is similar to the initial development of the
constitution. It means that the head groups of the districts approve it and consider as
the constitutions of their district. Then, implementing this law is necessary for the
people of that district. If all districts of a city add the principle to their constitution,
that principle is added automatically to the city constitution and in this way if all
cities of a province add the principle to their constitution, the principle is added to
the constitution of the province and if all provinces add the principle to their
constitution, it will be added to the constitution of the country.
However, if a principle does not belong to the principles of country constitution draft,
a solution is to suggest it to the legislator layer in order to be added to the country
constitution draft and in this case, we return to the previous case. The second solution
is that:
i. The head groups of a district center send the principle to the head groups of
the downtown for evaluation and confirmation.
ii. All head groups of the downtown evaluate the above-mentioned principle in
terms of contradiction (overlap or inconsistency) with the principles of city
principles and do not approve it in case of any contradiction. If all head groups
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of the downtown have the same opinion based on the contradiction of the
above-mentioned principle, the principle is not confirmed and explain the
reason for the non-approval to the head groups of the district center. Even if
one of the head groups of the downtown confirms the lack of contradiction in
the above-mentioned principle, that principle is approved and sent to the
province step for approval.
iii. In case of non-approval and if the head groups of the district center accept
the explanations of the head groups of the downtown, the subject ends here but
if the head groups of the district center do not accept the explanations of the
city head groups, the decision-making reference for the same head groups of
the downtown is the judicial system in the same city.
iv. If at least one of the head groups of the downtown or the head groups of the
downtown agree with the contradiction of the raised principle on behalf of the
district center head groups with the city constitution principle, the principle is
sent to the head groups of the province capital to check the lack of contradiction
with the principles of the city constitution and principles of the province
v. All head groups of the province capital check the above-mentioned principle
in terms of contradiction with the principles of city constitution and province
constitution and do not approve it in terms of observing any contradiction. If
all head groups of the province center have the same opinion based on the
contradiction of the raised principle with the city or province constitution, the
principle is not approved and they explain the reason for the lack of
contradiction to the head groups of the district center. Even if one of the head
groups of the province capital confirms the lack of contradiction in the above-
mentioned principle, that principle is approved and sent to the country step for
vi. In case of non-approval and if the head groups of the district center accept
the explanations of the province capital, the issue ends here but if the head
groups of the district do not accept the explanations of the province head groups,
the decision-making reference is the same as the head groups of the province
capital in the judicial system of the same province.
vii. If at least one of the head groups of the province capital or at most the head
groups of the downtown of the judicial system agree with the non-compliance
of the principle proposed by the head groups of the district center to the
constitution principles of the city and province, then the principle will be sent
to the legislator layer for evaluating the non-compliance to the constitution
principles of city, province, and country.
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viii. If at least 10 members of the legislator layer confirm the non-compliance
of the desired principle to the constitutions of city, province, and country, the
principle will be added to the country constitution draft as a principle and
approved immediately as a principle of constitution and from that moment, the
people of that district must enforce it. otherwise, the request of the head groups
in the district will be rejected.
We should mention another issue here and it is that if a principle exists in the draft
of country constitution, but is not among the constitution of any district or province,
the legislator layer can easily remove it. otherwise, it cannot be removed and the
only solution to remove the principle from the country constitution draft is
negotiation with the heads of the district, city, or province to remove it from the
constitution. Obviously, no authority or group except the legislator layer is allowed
to remove a principle from the constitution draft.
In addition, as mentioned at the end of chapter five, removing and adding to
constitutions were considered in such a way to be in favor of the convergence of all
local, urban, and provincial laws to the country constitution. Adding to the laws is
relatively easy and removing is also easy but if a law is accepted at a higher level, it
cannot be removed so easily. Thus, the entire country moves gradually towards an
equal constitution without force but with their will.

7.3- Details of developing the country constitution draft

i. - Every member of the legislator layer can raise some principles for voting.
Every principle must be voted by the members of the legislator layer and if it
gains the maximum vote, it will be recorded as the principles of pre-constitution
in the country. Note that the maximum vote is the criterion for confirming and
entering the principle into the country draft and if the vote of the opponents and
advocates is exactly equal, the vote of opponents will be accepted.
ii. - Every person in the country can propose some principles to the legislator
layer but as soon as at least one of the members of this layer requests for
evaluating the principle, it must be raised in the legislator layer for voting.

7.4- Merging the layers of two countries under layered

We assume that we have two free countries called A and B where layered democracy
is established and these two countries have agreed to be merged together and make
a new country called AB. In chapter five, the layout of layered democracy offices
was discussed for merging two countries. Thus, the layered democracy offices will
be active the same in country AB. If the number of layers in these two countries is
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equal, merging will be very easy. In this case, it is necessary to accept all groups and
head groups of the layers below the supervisor layer as they are formed in each
country. In this regard, new layers will be created from merging the layers lower
than the supervisor layer in two countries for the new country AB. Obviously, the
merging of layers zero, layers one, and two similar layers will create the new layer
zero, layer one of the new country, and their corresponding layer, respectively.
However, note that merging the pre-supervisor layers in the two countries will not
necessarily lead to the creation of the pre-supervisor layer for the country AB
because its population may become more than 21’000 because of merging and not
be true in the definition of the pre-supervisor layer. Thus, all steps of layered voting
will move from this layer (the layer obtained from merging the two pre-supervisor
layers in the two countries) towards the top layers as mentioned in previous chapters.
In other words, all laws of layered voting will form the next layers by creating the
head groups and active groups and this action will continue until creating the pre-
supervisor layer, supervisor layer, and other top layers.
If the number of layers in the two countries is not equal, there will be not much
difference. Assume that the number of layers in country A is equal to m and the
number of layers in country B equals n, and m>n, it means that the number of layers
in country A is more than the layers in country B. In addition, assume that the pre-
supervisor layer in country A is the i-th layer (Li) and the pre-supervisor layer of
country B is the j-th layer (Lj). Obviously, i>j. In this case, all groups and head
groups of the layers lower than the j-th layer in both countries have to be accepted
as they are formed in each country. Merging the two similar layers of the former
countries will create their corresponding layer in the new country. In this way, the j-
th layer for the new country AB will be created by merging the j-th layers of the two
countries A and B. All steps of layered voting are mentioned from this layer towards
the top layers as discussed in the last chapters. In other words, we built the next
layers according to all laws of layered voting by creating the active groups and head
groups and it continues until creating the pre-supervisor, supervisor, and other top
7.4.1- Question
If the population of country B is too much less than the population of country A, for
example country B has a population of 2’000’000 qualified for attending the layered
voting and country A has a population of 900’000’000 qualified for attending the
layered voting. In case of merging the two countries by the above-mentioned method,
all parts of the country will be in hands of those who are from country A, leading to
the approval of laws in favor of people from country A. Thus, country B will have
no incentive for merging.
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Answer: The most concern in this case which is reasonable is related to the
development of constitution. Even this concern is about the countries with different
minorities or provinces with slightly different culture or history. The solution is not
to avoid merging the minorities in case of their independence-seeking if a country is
a member. We should let the minorities, here country B will be a minority after
merging, develop their own constitution without reducing the integrity of the
constitution in the final country after merging. The method raised for developing and
approving the constitution in this chapter was designed in such a way to cover this
concern. Thus, the next section evaluates the merging of constitutions in two
countries under layered democracy and by doing this, all concerns will be eliminated.
In this method, the emphasis is on the freedom and authority of minorities to select
and develop their constitution while an appropriate context is created for negotiation
on the principles of the constitution. The author believes that the negotiation of
different minorities with each other and also with the majorities on the principles of
constitution will gradually move them towards a common understanding. As a result,
they will have a common attitude and finally a constitution over time and it can be
said that they will turn into a single nation and it has been the dream of many social
reformers: “Seventy-two nations war, their follies let pass Not seeing the truth they
took fable-paved paths” (Hafez).

7.5- Merging the constitution of two countries under layered

Assume that we have two free countries of A and B where layered democracy is
established and layered offices, different layers from layered voting, and head groups
of district centers, downtowns, and province capitals are specified. Assume that the
judicial system and layers from the layered voting of the judicial system and the head
groups of the district center, downtown, and province center of the judicial system
are specified in both countries. In addition, assume that the constitution is developed
and approved in both countries at the level of districts, cities, provinces, and
countries. Obviously, the constitution drat is available and developed by the
legislator layer in both countries. Assume that we want to develop the constitution
for the country AB which is the result of merging the countries A and B. before this,
we merge the layers obtained from layered voting with each other and hold the
layered voting for the country AB and thus the district, city, and province head
groups are specified who will be likely the same head groups of countries A and B
due to the merging method of layers in layered voting. Since the method of
developing and approving the constitution is highly focused on the opinion of these
head groups, thus there will be no concern for the minorities before and after the

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merging. The details of the process of merging the constitutions in the two countries
are as follows:
i. The constitution draft of country AB is defined as the merging of all
principles in the drafts of countries A and B.
ii. The legislator layer of the new country AB cannot change the constitution
draft until the full merging of the constitution of the country AB.
iii. The constitution of districts, constitution of cities, constitution of provinces
in the new country AB will be exactly the constitutions before merging.
iv. The constitution of two countries A and B is invalidated and the legislator
layer of the new country AB obtains the intersection of the constitution of all
provinces in the country AB and defines it equal to the constitution of the
country AB.
v. Since the moment of defining the constitution of the country AB, the two
countries are far from the merging state and the new country AB is officially
formed. There are no countries called A and B anymore. Thus, all the laws
related to adding and removing the principles to the constitutions as well as
adding or removing the drafts of constitutions in the district, city, province, and
country will be similar to what raised in previous sections.

7.6- Advantages of layered legislation

This chapter ends with some advantages of layered legislation method.
i. People are their own legislators.
ii. Every district and city can have their own laws without overlap with the
general laws of the country or society. The laws of the minorities are not
violated and every minority can have their own laws. The laws are not
developed in favor of the majority regardless of the minority. The possibility
of developing different, parallel, and integrated constitutions by the minorities
is created to prevent their willingness to independence-seeking.
iii. The dynamic and instant change of laws is made in line with the changes of
the real world in a continuous way according to time.
iv. According to the legislation nature of people and rapid change of laws,
people will observe the results of their laws in the real world and find skills in
legislation every day better than the last day. In fact, this model acts as a class
of teaching the development and approval of the laws appropriate for the society.
v. When a law is developed by people, they respect and observe it more.

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vi. Most of the legal violations are due to the lack of knowledge or appropriate
understanding of laws by people, especially ordinary people. Obviously, people
get familiar with law in this model and the law is discussed by people more
than any other model.
vii. Since the laws are developed by people, there is more hope that they are
prepared and written simply in such a way to be understood by everyone and it
reduces the need to legal experts.
viii. The layered legislation model provides the layered democracy with the big
advantage that not only it can approach democracy by controlling the political
men but also can significantly reduce the effect of political men and the risk of
ensuring them.
ix. This model provides the possibility of merging the two countries with
layered democracy and paves the way through the problems caused by different
constitution which is due to different benefits.
x. This model was designed intentionally in such a way that the legislators of
every layer are required to compare, bring reasons, discuss, and evaluate the
laws of other districts, cities, and provinces. In addition, according to the
possibility of the relatively simple change of constitution, it is obvious that
negotiation approaches the laws and leads to general improvement. In summary,
the author highly hopes that these conditions approach the laws of districts,
cities, provinces, and countries due to the presence of reasonable negotiation in
practice over time and finally achieve uniform and dynamic law which always
changes over time. In this law, the difference caused by the nature of conditions,
geographical place, and alike are logical and necessary.

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8- Chapter eight: The significance of supervising and
the tasks of supervisor layer
8.1- Introduction
Most of the individuals and systems do not remain healthy without supervision but
lead to financial and legal corruption. Thus, the element of “supervision” is of great
importance. However, supervision must not give the supervisors the excuse of
violation in laws in a licentious way. the definitions and scope of functions by
supervisors become important.
In this chapter, some tasks and authorities of the supervisor layer resulted from
public voting or the voting of the judicial system are mentioned. The author cannot
cover all aspects of the subject but the objective is presenting some examples to
clarify the importance of this layer to the readers.

8.2- Access level of individuals to layered voting information

8.2.1- Access level of layer zero
Everyone who is the member of a group at level zero has access to all of the
information of the members in his group. In addition, every member of the group
has all of the information of layered voting related to his group and knows about the
vote of all members of the group and changes of their votes for headship.
Furthermore, every member of the group has the right to know the name of the group
and names of members of the group whose head group has joined it at a higher layer
(layer 1) and is aware of the vote of his head group in that group.
However, a simple member in the group of layer zero does not have access to the
information of other groups at layer zero or other groups at higher layers. In addition,
since the selected head group has reached the layers higher than layer 1, he cannot
ask for the information of the group at layer 2 or higher. Exception in this case is
layer 1 that was already explained.
Any attempt for gaining confidential information whose access level is not defined
for the above-mentioned person is considered as crime. Since the psychological
security of the participants in layered voting plays an important role in their
willingness to civil participation in the society and attending the layered voting, this
issue must be considered very seriously and heavy penalties must be regarded for
the violation.

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8.2.2- Access level of head groups
There is an easy law for determining the scope of access level for head groups. Every
head group has full access to all of the information of the groups to which at least
one person has assigned decision-making right to the head group. In other words,
every head group has full access to the information of the groups he is a member of
and also all of the sub-groups of those groups. For example, if someone has entered
layer six, he has groups at layers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and he is a member of such
layers. Thus, he has full access to all of those groups and sub groups. The sub-groups
of a parent group at a specific layer mean all of the groups from the lower layer of
that group whose head group is in the higher group. However, every sub group may
have some sub-groups from the initial parent group and in this case, these sub-groups
are also considered as the parent group and the head group of the parent group has
also full access to the information.
8.2.3- Access level of the members of supervisor layer and higher
As a member enters the supervisor layer, his access level may change to the highest
access level. In other words, other members of the supervisor layer can have access
to all information of layered voting, individuals, addresses, and their votes even at
the consultant layer.
In addition, the members of this layer have access to all information related to
layered voting in the judicial system.
8.2.4- Access level of judicial system
The members of the layer zero in the judicial system have access to all information
of the members in their group like the layer zero in public voting. In addition, each
member has all information of layered voting related to his group and knows about
the vote of all members of the group and change of their votes for headship.
Furthermore, every member of the group has the right to know the name of the group
and names of the members of the group in which the head group has joined at the
higher layer (L1) and also know the vote of his head group.
The other factors related to the access in the judicial system are determined similar
to the access level in layered voting.

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8.3- Tasks of supervisor layer
8.3.1- Supervising the public layered voting and layered voting of
the judicial system
The most important task of the members of the supervisor layer is supervising the
public layered voting and layered voting of the judicial system. There are some
similar tasks for the members of the supervisor layer in the judicial system. In other
words, both supervisor layers obtained from the public voting and layered voting of
the judicial system are common in this task.
A supervisor (the member of the public supervisor layer or judicial system) is
required to supervise the routes of the graph of public layered voting and judicial
system continuously. The accuracy of the identity of participants must be assured
and in case of doubt or ambiguity in the identity of individuals, the subject must be
followed up until getting assured.
As previously mentioned, the access level of supervisors is the highest possible
access level. Thus, they can ask for identity cards, information of other members in
the group, their votes, and even inspections from every person in the society. For this
purpose, the supervisors are provided with appropriate facilities and sufficient forces.
8.3.2- Visiting democracy offices in different cities
By labor division, each supervisor must fully inspect at least two other branches over
the studied year except his own tree branch in the layered voting graph. For this
purpose, the facilities of traveling, accommodation, and entertainment in other cities
must be provided for visiting and inspecting the layered democracy offices of those
two branches. Such in-person visits and observing individuals at site and talking to
them block the path for any cheat by freedom enemies.
8.3.3- Reviewing the reports on cheating
As supervisors try to solve the probable problems and cheating in layered voting
(public and judicial system), there must be an appropriate mechanism for receiving
public reports from their observed violations. In case of receiving a report, the
accurate review of the reported case begins by the supervisor layer and any cheating
or violation in the system is dealt with. The results of reviews are preferred to be
given to the reporter for encouraging such reports.

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8.3.4- Reviewing the correct performance of layered democracy
Supervisors visit the democracy offices in different cities in order to visit and inspect
the layered democracy graph. During these visits, the supervisors must ensure the
correct performance of layered democracy offices in those cities.
One of the most important cases which must be reviewed by supervisors is the
accuracy of eliminating the cases related to death or insanity of individuals at the
offices of district center. The delay or rejection of dead cases may be abused for
keeping the vote of one branch high.
8.3.5- Suing and tracing the files of layered voting cheaters
A supervisor is required to sue the cheaters to the judicial system as soon as he is
sure about the cheating in layered voting with sufficient evidence.
In addition, he must have the required follow-ups for punishing the cheaters based
on laws.

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9- Chapter nine: government structure in layered
9.1- Introduction
We have illustrated the political structure of society so far with the help of layered
democracy. However, the selection of ministers and layout of government based on
layered democracy have not been discussed yet.
This chapter presents the method of selecting the minister and prime minister and
also raises a novel attitude tow the interaction of different sectors of government. In
addition, this chapter defines the concepts such as management, manager, and
political sovereignty in another way.

9.2- Square of separations (separation of religion, politics,

analysis, and execution from each other)
The subject of separating religion from politics is not a new subject and many books
have been written in this regard. There are other types of separation which should be
discussed by scholars. These cases include:
i. Separation of managers from analytical management
ii. Separation of analytical management from executive management
iii. Separation of politics from executive management
We study each one of these cases separately. Before explaining each of these factors,
we must change the definition of management we have in our minds. Manager often
means someone who is at the top of an organization and is allowed to change the
tasks as well as their order and priority and also assign tasks to the individuals
working in that organization. In other words, a manager has knowledge about the
organizational structure, processes, and activities of each process and can create,
develop, and change these structures and processes. On the other hand, the manager
recognizes who with what capability and tasks is at what position. We have to
separate these two from each other. Thus, the first type of manager is defined as
analytical manager and the second type is defined as executive manager.
9.2.1- Definition of analytical manager
The specialized knowledge of these managers is industrial engineering and
mathematics and some creative individuals with high intelligence and analytical
power are required for this job. These individuals have a high level of studies and
are familiar with the common methods of analyzing an organization. They can
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receive the macro strategies of the organization and consult the politicians about the
feasibility of such strategies. In addition, they have the power of recognizing the
common processes of the organization, identify their advantages and disadvantages,
and also recognize the desirable processes. They can model these processes with the
newest methods and tools and provide the organization with a suitable policy for
moving from the current state to the desirable state.
The tasks of these analytical managers include entering an organization, depicting
and modeling the processes, drawing organizational charts, and suggesting
appropriate changes for integrating the entire target organization or ministry with all
other ministries. They play an important role in suggesting the desirable state
processes and reaching the state. Most of these analytical managers will be from the
personnel of the systems and methods ministry and prime minister is their most
specialized person.
An analytical manager is a person with a very high analytical power who is familiar
with the best analytical models and tools and tries to look for and implement the best
methods of management and inter-group cooperation standards.
9.2.2- Definition of executive manager
An executive manager fulfills the tasks of recruiting, assigning tasks, requesting
work from human resources, allocating budget and resources, as well as rewarding
and punishing the employees based on the processes depicted for the organization.
This type of management is directly related to the personnel of the organization and
implementation of processes. Obviously, this manager must not be the final decision-
maker for designing the organizational processes and positions as well as the general
laws of the organization. However, he is a technical person who has a high expertise
and experience in the field he is an executive manager in. An executive manager
knows the processes and activities of the organization well and collaborates with the
analytical manager as a consultant while designing the processes.
An executive manager interacts with different technical levels for fulfilling the
activities of the organization and his goal sot reach the requests of politicians. He is
in a practical atmosphere and focuses on the correct fulfillment of the tasks in the
organization under his management. In addition, he thinks about the effect of his
decisions on the appropriate results of projects and operational cases.
9.2.3- Separation of politics from analytical management
At first, it may seem that politicians, especially the first wise, are in charge of
analytical management.

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A politician can say what people want but the analytical manager decides about the
path he reaches to and the politician must not enter high-level knowledge areas such
as the macro analysis of organizations and country just because of having a political
A politician is the substitute of people and deals with the human resources on behalf
of people. However, the politician is not supposed to recognize the path to reach the
requests just like the people of a region who want the extraction and sale of oil. When
they choose a politician for this purpose, they do not expect him to know the process
of oil extraction completely. However, the politician consults with the analysts and
they depict the processes. Then, the oil ministry is founded and the employees of
this ministry are recruited by the minister of this ministry and after that, the
employees extract oil under the pre-determined processes.
Politics means the exact understanding of the decision made by people and gaining
popularity through expressing the demands of people as well as attracting their trust
with an honest effort to realize such demands. This attitude is highly different from
the common attitude which considers politics as deception.
A politician interacts with people and does not communicate with any specific
organization or technical forces of the organization, but he interacts with analytical
and executive managers. He is the substitute of people and asks the organizations
and ministries for the best services people intend to have.
It should be noted that political sciences are a very beautiful and specialized field of
study. For example, the content of this book is perhaps in the category of political
sciences and somewhat sociology but knowing such sciences does not mean that you
become a political person in the society and people know you and trust your
decision-making, but the fact that they trust in someone special and assign their
decision-making power to him depends on many parameters such as the thinking
and status of people in the society. The author is not aware of such parameters
accurately and does not think that such parameters have been studied academically.
Accordingly, the political layers coming from public layered voting should not be
expected to perform analytical management in ministries. As you know, in most
countries of the world, a president is someone voted by people and is charge of
managing the government and dividing labor among ministries while most of them
are not familiar with the analytical methods and standards as well as the methods of
controlling projects and modern interactions with technical forces or if they have
such a knowledge, they do not have suitable skills and this is one of the weaknesses
of weak democracies.

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In layered democracy, the political layer makes decision for what people want or do
not want. In order to realize such requests and prevent the unwanted things, ample
knowledge and different expertise are required in ministries. However, each one of
these ministries works in a specialized area related to one or a few specific branches
of sciences and none of them can cover all requests of people. In other words, there
is a need to teamwork of this ministry with each other to achieve the goal. An
appropriate structure, processes according to tasks, and effective relationship must
be found for the team to result in a good teamwork. Such tasks depend on the
interaction between the team and development of laws for an efficient teamwork and
better productivity of teams and are the tasks of analytical managers.
An analytical manager has nothing to do with the things people want or do not want,
but receives the wanted and unwanted things from the political layer as an order and
his goals are determined. From the managerial and analytical perspective, the
ministers of government and each ministry, he must arrange in such a way to achieve
these goals in the best way. The knowledge of the top manager of a government, who
will be called minister, is the knowledge and skill of business analysis and he is
required to propose some laws and appropriate structures for interaction of the
cabinet including the government ministers using the best scientific methods in
industrial engineering as well as the experiences of analytical managers. After being
approved by the first wise, the top manager explains the above-mentioned model to
the ministers and supervises the appropriate execution of the model. However, the
expertise of analytical managers is different from the expertise of ministers. The
expertise of ministers is in line with the axial knowledge of their ministries. Thus,
they will play no role in depicting the processes except the role of technical
If you note, the prime minister is not in charge of deciding which projects they should
do, but the first wise is allowed to make such decisions with the help of his consultant
team. Dividing this project to smaller projects which is one of the tasks of a ministry
is not only the task of the prime minister. However, the prime minister as an analyst
and one of the ministers in dividing the projects into sub-projects play an important
role but it is not one of his tasks because a high technical knowledge is required for
dividing a problem into smaller problems and this is provided to the board of
ministers and it is required to divide the project in some meetings between all
ministers with some technical dialogues under the control of prime minister who has
a better analytical attitude. At the meantime, the prime minister who is a professional
analyst is in charge of implementing a structure of interaction and layout of
relationships according to the best scientific standards in the cabinet in order to have
a certain, routine, and standard macro process of dividing the projects and
outsourcing to ministries.
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9.2.4- Separation of analytical management from executive
Analytical managers think about the macro organizational structures and appropriate
processes to achieve the organizational goals. In addition, they model and propose
the processes and methods appropriate for execution with the help of executive
managers who are experts of axial knowledge in that organization. However,
executive managers who think about their processes along with analytical managers
using the analysis power and have a role by consulting and expressing the technical-
scientific laws in forming the modeled processes by analytical models are not
allowed to depict or change the process models without the analytical models
because they are not educated for this and have no academic knowledge, but are
expert in their own scientific branch.
The executive managers focus on the selection, allocation of resources, outsourcing
of all depicted processes and assigning tasks to human resources for the exact
execution of processes. At this step which is the execution of processes, none of the
analytical managers should interfere. However, the analytical managers as the eyes
and ears of the systems and methods ministry are required to have intangible
supervision on the non-exit of executive managers from the path of processes which
are like a roadmap for execution and identify the non-compliant factors. If the reason
of such harms goes back to the process model, the suggestion to change the processes
is presented and if it goes back to the execution method, it presents the solution for
correcting it.
If we consider the details of society in form of ministries, all of these ministries
require executive management in their forces to achieve their goals. We know that a
special background and scientific branch have the main focus in each of these
ministries. For example, the ministry of health focuses on medical sciences, the
ministry of power focuses on physics and chemistry, and the ministry of mine
focuses on geology. On the other hand, analytical management is an academic field
separate from various sub-fields. Now, we have two solutions. First, we have to
choose a very expert person with academic degrees in the scientific field of that
ministry and try to make it a good manager. The second solution is to choose a
manager with academic degrees in the scientific field of management as the minister
of the ministry and try to make him familiar with the technical and scientific issues
of the ministry to some extent. However, in some exceptions, perhaps the person
who has academic degrees and sufficient experience in both fields of management
and scientific field required by the ministry can be found. However, these are
exceptions and such options are not usually available.

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The drawback in the above-mentioned cases mostly goes back to the overlap of
analytical management with executive management and technical topics. Without a
doubt, the headship of a technical and knowledge-based group such as a ministry
must be assigned to a person who has high expertise and academic degree. In order
to find such a person, a method is raised here but the question is how to cover the
lack of management knowledge in such a person? The answer is that analytical
management is not anything except the appropriate layout for a team as well as the
development of appropriate laws for the cooperation of team with each other. Thus,
it is necessary to depict an appropriate legal and standard structure for the technical
individuals should be depicted by those having analytical management knowledge
and these experts should have continuous supervision for the correct establishment
and function of the technical team in the determined framework. However, this
supervision should not lead to outsourcing, labor division, or assigning tasks by
analytical managers.
The person who has analytical management knowledge should never make decision
on the cases requiring technical and specialized knowledge. Even asking for
technical consultation cannot be an excuse for having license for such decision-
making. Labor division is an issue which is completely related to the technical
knowledge of individuals which must be assigned to the executive manager with
higher knowledge who can supervise the technical members of his team in terms of
knowledge. However, only the analytical manager can find and depict the best
possible process for the organization with the help of the technical consultation of
executive managers at the time of analyzing the processes. This design finds an
executive value upon the approval of the higher technical managers.
From this perspective, analytical management and process analysis is a scientific
field and must be the main axis of a ministry like many other fields of study. In other
words, the suggestion of forming the systems and methods ministry was given for
this reason and the prime minister was assigned as the minister of this ministry. The
task of this ministry solved the need of analytical management of other ministries,
the judicial system, and society. Perhaps the fulfillment of this task is ambiguous
that is expressed in the next section in detail.
From the author’s perspective, analytical management is a completely theoretical
issue while organizations and ministries also need executive management which is
exposed to practical cases and human resources. Executive managers must be
monitored by analytical teams to determine that the pre-determined processes and
frameworks have not been elicited by them. in fact, the low-rank analysts are the
eyes and ears of the minister of the systems and methods or the same prime minister
and send their analytical-managerial attitudes, deficits, and shortcomings of

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management as well as their desired improvements with evidence to the prime
minister. In the cabinet, discussion and decision-making are performed and the
results of such discussion are transferred to the executive managers by the relevant
minister. None of the individuals working in the systems and methods ministry have
the right to follow the work or assign work to other individuals of the ministry and
also nobody assigns tasks to them. However, they are always thinking about how to
solve the problems, improve the performances and processes, especially the integrity,
and prevent the overwork which is in fact the macro business analysis of the
government. Undoubtedly, all of us tend to put out tax on the path of the processes
depicted by the best analysts in the society than assign to the non-scientific decision-
makers and non-experts.
At the end, we have to admit that there are some disciplines called management as
the sub-set of humanities but have no appropriate outputs for none of the analytical
or executive managers. To the best knowledge of the author, these disciplines focus
on the preservation of content and reviewing the management theories at a
philosophical level and did not create any analytical mind and do not provide the
students with a to depict the process. On the other hand, it is obvious that the
references taught in these disciplines are not in the knowledge-based area of any of
the ministries. Thus, the author suggests to remove these disciplines or at least avoid
using them in ministries. Industrial engineering and mathematics which foster
creative students with analytical minds will be the best options.
9.2.5- Separation of politics from executive management
The separation of politics from executive management or in other words the
prevention of overlap between policies and executive cases in the society being
manifested in form of judicial system is obvious. For example, it is obvious that the
political layer and specifically the first wise is not supposed to enter the executive
topics of the ministry of agriculture.
The structure of government must not be in such a way that politicians, especially
the first wise can directly affect the technical-executive topics. Nevertheless, the
political layer of the country refers to going to one of the several paths of yes and no
and can make decisions between different projects, starting an executive project,
approving its end time, approving the budget rate, etc. in agreement with the
executive sectors. However, implementing every project has its own specific
technical considerations and recruitment of human resources and its knowledge is
provided to the experts of that discipline. Such cases must not be changed on taste
regardless of scientific and standard frameworks by the political layer in order to
achieve political goals.

103 | P a g e Confession
At the end of this section, I have to confess that although these separations and their
reasons are very clear in the author’s mind, since they are new topics and with old
concepts and terms which we have to use (such as management which has a meaning
in the reader’s mind from the past), expressing them was among the most difficult
parts of this book by far. Although I rewrote this part several times, I did not write
whatever I wanted. I do not want to stop here because one day of my stop means one
day late in the establishment of layered democracy and it means one day of war,
poverty, and many other problems for humans and I hope the readers would
understand me with their intuition.

9.3- Creating the executive system and ministries and

selecting ministers
In this section, we want to raise a process which leads to the selection of a minister
for a ministry. To start the topic, first some general characteristics of a minister are
discussed and after recognizing the ministries which are required for the government,
we go to the details of the process of selecting ministers.
9.3.1- General characteristics of minister
i. The minister of every ministry is a person with high academic degrees who
is at the top of the scientific community in the required fields of that ministry
and must be among the famous individuals in that field. For example, the
ministry of power which is in charge of providing people with power must be
a head whose doctoral degree in electrical engineering is from one of the best
universities in the world and is a prominent university professor in this field.
Otherwise, he will be unaware of the technical topics raised by the technical
employees of the ministry of power. In this case, the employees will not be
willing to such a head in the ministry. Professor does not necessarily mean the
professor of an academic course, but an expert who has high degrees from the
best universities and has full mastery in his field. Such a person must have
certainly worked in the ministry for several years and has enough experience.
Not such a person can be suddenly invited to have this position from the
universities where they are still learning.
ii. The minister of a ministry is an expert and is no compulsion to choose him
from the individuals of the same society. It is enough for him to reach the step
of becoming a minister in the process of selection that will be discussed in the
next section. Even a person living in another country can be selected as a
professional minister for a country with democracy. From this perspective, the

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minister and workers in the ministry are like the employees and workers and
are supposed to work for salary and here expertise and skill are important and
nothing else matters.
iii. In selecting the minister and other ranks of a ministry, the highest expertise,
skill, and ability must be looked for and the absence or presence of ethical
characteristics, commitment to people, and altruism intentions of him must be
neglected because the administrative structure of laws of society must be in
such a way to use the experts who are the least expert and not let corruption by
them. However, the context must be provided for gaining financial benefits in
exchange for appropriate services and all of their benefit-seeking is just spent
on serving people.
I have seen many technical experts who are angry or bad-tempered. Most of them
have no good interaction with people and if they do not find a correct way for earning
money, they will use their creativity to earn money through inappropriate ways. A
good system provides such elites with an opportunity to serve people as much as
they can and preserve the society from corruption, crime, and destruction. If I have
no choice except surgery, I certainly prefer to undergo the surgery by a professional
surgeon even if he is a stranger, bad-tempered, and in love with money than a
surgeon with low experience but kind and sympathetic.
9.3.2- Identifying and determining the required ministries of
Identifying and determining the required ministries depend on many factors such as
people’s needs, conditions of country, especially the new scientific discoveries and
its fundamental changes. For example, after the invention of computer and epidemic
of information technology, some ministries were established in some countries to
cover this field of knowledge. If we disregard the difference of naming them, they
have almost similar organizational charts and tasks.
Based on this issue, a dynamic system must be proposed which can always monitor
the above-mentioned factors for removing or adding the ministries or changing their
tasks for the government.
However, we have to suggest a method for two cases since layered democracy has
not been implemented in any country yet.
In the first state or first transition, we assume that we want to implement layered
democracy in a country for the first time. Assume that we created the political layers
to the first wise successfully. The best option here is creating all ministries in the

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first step similar to the country before the layered democracy. This will cause less
shock to the society and stops the society from getting used to more changes.
In the second state where layered democracy is established well in a country and its
ministries are formed, the suggestion is to remove or add a ministry to the cabinet
based on the voting between all members of the current cabinet, the first wise, and
consultants of the first wise. In addition, determining the least academic degrees and
scientific pre-requisites for becoming a minister in a ministry is the task of this group.
9.3.3- Selecting a minister for ministry
In order to select a minister, the layers obtained from the public layered voting are
used. The reason why we do not use the layers of district center and downtown is
that as explained, the official of a ministry is a scientific official and must work for
the whole society. Thus, he must not be selected in such a way to owe to a district,
city, or province but must consider himself dependent on the vote of the majority of
people in the society.
A candidate for minister must have willingness to this job and nobody cannot
introduce him as a candidate without permission from another person.
A candidate for minister must be qualified for all legal pre-requisites such as having
a degree, required age, having no criminal record, and alike. The author suggests to
consider another expert team for identifying and approving these pre-requisites to
work as the expert team of verification of competency, as a subset of the layered
democracy central office, in addition to the financial expert team being settled in the
layered central office by the judicial system. In this case, all candidates of the
ministry must receive an approval from this team.
Everyone can be introduced as candidate through more than one person and by more
than one active group and there is no limitation in this regard.
When the candidate is introduced to the active head group of level zero group, the
active head group is required to ask the candidate of the ministry to present the
approval of the expert team that is in charge of the verification of competency. After
observing the approval, the active head group of the level zero suggests the best
option, among all of those being introduced to him by the member groups, to the
head group of the second level. The best option is suggested to the head group of the
second level.
Every person (including the head groups) at layer zero can become the candidate for
every ministry by introducing himself or another person to the active head group.

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Every person except the active head groups of layer 1, who is the head group of an
active group at layer zero, can introduce only one of the candidates suggested by the
members of the level zero group to the head group of the level 1 group.
At the higher layers, the members of an active group except the head group, can
introduce only one of the candidates by the group which has the active head group
in the last layer. This process continues until the highest layer, i.e. the supervisors,
legislators, and consultants. In other words, in the supervisor layer which has 700
members, we reach 630 by removing 70 active head groups of that layer and thus
the maximum number 630 is raised as a different suggestion for the candidate of
minister in a specific ministry. However, this number is less and perhaps less than
the fingers of a hand and most groups have a shared candidate to increase their
success rate. Among the candidates introduced to the legislator layer, only 63
candidates can have suggestion because seven active head groups are at the
consultant layer and have no right to suggest at this step. Thus, a maximum of 63
suggestions for the above-mentioned ministry can be given to the consultant layer
and only six suggestions remain at the consultant layer by removing the first wise
because the first wise is the active group at this layer and has no right to suggest.
Therefore, a maximum of six suggestions are given to the first wise for becoming
the minister of the desired ministry. At this point, the first wise must select one
person from the suggested candidates.
All ministers are selected in this way. As mentioned previously, a ministry called the
systems and methods is created for monitoring the systems in a country. Thus, the
minister of this ministry will be selected by this way among the educated individuals
of management. The minister of this ministry is called the prime minister and the he
is in charge of the analytical management of the cabinet. Analytical management
does not mean headship and presidency but the first wise is the head and he will
make the decisions. For more explanation, the following section discusses this
9.3.4- Prime minister
Prime minister is the minister of the systems and methods ministry and is a person
with a very high analytical power and consultation and in fact gives analytical
consultation to the first wise and consultant layer. He is a graduate of industrial
The tasks of a prime minister are not macro decision-making unlike whatever which
has bene for this job title historically but he must manage the systems and methods
and the cabinet appropriately and focus the decisions of the first wise. He has to raise
the updated scientific processes and standards with the help of all members in the

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ministry (the systems and methods ministry) for managing the cabinet and ministries
and then implement in all ministries after the approval of the first wise. The systems
and methods ministry will be an effective model for other ministries and can inspire
other ministries. At the time of writing this book, the standards such as gaining a
variety of Iso standards, business analysis by BPM, and having a method to move
from the current status to the desirable status are among these topics
We should not forget that the first wise makes some decisions as macro. The
appropriate implementation of these decisions often depend on the correct
performance of several ministries. For example, environmental decisions depend on
the performance of the ministries of environment, water and wastewater, road and
urbanism, etc.
The first wise certainly orders the cabinet to implement the decision after the
sufficient consultation with his own cabinet and measurement of initial and required
resources for running the decision and optimal solutions to achieve the decision. The
first wise assigns tasks to the cabinet and the prime minister is one of the members
of the cabinet. The reason for the presence of prime minister between the first wise
and other ministers is that no condition was considered for the ability of managing
big works and the first wise is mostly a political character than executive or
management being selected by ordinary people and may have no knowledge in the
management of a project but has a deep understanding of political leadership in the
society. On the other hand, the prime minister is not the same trusted person whose
decision making right has been assigned to, but he is just a professional manager.
The main task of the prime minister is continuously monitoring the performance of
other ministries and reporting it to the first wise and people because people choose
the ministers!
The prime minister is the shared link of decision making between all ministers and
causes the integrity of their tasks.
9.3.5- Assistant wise person
Since the first wise is the selected extract of the elite and every moment of his life is
valuable for the society, we have to provide the opportunity of thinking and deciding
accurately for him. For this reason, the first wise can select an appropriate person
who can choose his substitute in the board. We will call this position as assistant first
wise. There is no need to selection by people or approval by another authority but
we have to let the first wise to find the most appropriate and closest person and assign
his responsibilities as long as he tends.
We note that the administrative events of the board of ministers and government are
very time-consuming. The first wise must be free must feel free to spend his time on
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his society. If required, he has to attend important meetings, send his assistant to
those meetings in insignificant cases, and deal with more important issues.
Obviously, any words or actions by the assistant first wise mean that the first wise
has done who is completely responsible for the actions of his assistant. Thus, the
assistant first wise will be under the control of the first wise and he is dismissed or
assigned by the first wise.

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10- Chapter ten: First transition and movement
towards layered democracy
10.1- Introduction
In the fifth chapter, the layout and establishment of layered democracy offices in the
first transition were explained in a standard way but the fact is that the conditions
and parameters are not simple in the real world. In other words, there will be
resistance and inertia to such big changes even in the best conditions and highly
democratic countries at the present. All of us genetically face fear and caution against
changes because we need much thoughts and observe the phenomenon in practice
over time. For this reason, the first role of the country which can implement layered
democracy is highly important. Such a leading country is certainly a big blockage to
the fast development of human.
Due to the significance of the subject and prevention of any failure in the first attempt,
we must act very accurately. Thus, the author does his best to raise a clear, accurate,
and step-by-step strategy by which layered democracy can be implemented
gradually in a short period of time. However, as you have understood, the nature of
layered democracy is so flexible and easy that its establishment is much easier than
other structures.
In this case, the current countries in the world which have at least democracy (any
of its types) have freedom of expression and freedom of forming parties exist
because although real decision-making is not possible by the majority in these
countries, the majority can play a big role in selecting the structure of government
and decision-making in such fundamental issues over time with the help of
traditional voting (weak voting) and pressure by the press and freedom of expression.
Greetings to the founders of these freedoms because working would be more
difficult to us without them.
Nevertheless, the author tends not to underestimate the chance of establishing
layered democracy even in the fully dictator countries without parties for the
miserable people of such countries. He would like to think about them as much as
he can and thus spend his only existential capital for their freedom who are captured
by dictators in big prisons called country. Thus, I suggest two strategies called
strategy 1 and strategy 2 that strategy 1 is designed for the countries with weak
democracy and strategy 2 is designed for the countries under dictatorship. I hope
that these hope and thoughts are not fruitless. “ O bird of the sward thanks for that
thou art in ease/ To the cage- captives, glad tidings of the rose- bed bring” (Hafez).

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10.2- Strategy 1: Implementing through party formation
i. First, we form a party called layered democracy or any other appropriate
name according to the native culture of that region.
ii. We try to invite more members to the party by explaining about layered
democracy not by advertising. At this step, never insist. It is only enough to
explain this model for your smart friends as step by step and provide them with
books and sources. Let those who notice the value late, join this model later
because the model needs smarter individuals more at the beginning of its work.
On the other hand, according to Saadi: “Musk must be smelled by oneself not
when the grocer says himself. A wise man is quiet like the grocer’s drum and
the stupid is like a loud drum having nothing inside it.”
iii. As the number of members reaches 100, we begin the structure of layered
democracy in the party and implement it for ourselves. In this way, we create a
small example for observing other people in addition to learning skills and
politics in this model. Note that the shocks and turbulence among the
individuals are normal at the beginning because the subject is new and if you
experience it in a population smaller than 1’000 members, it is regarded as an
iv. Under the supervision of the first wise in the new party, try to attract more
members for the party through the members and available facilities. As each
member to explain this model and its advantages for their friends patiently and
invite them to the model.
v. When the number of members in layered democracy party reaches the
required minimum for competing with other available parties in your country,
try to do the first advertising. In addition, consider some individuals for sending
to the parliament and also a person for presidency. However, all of these
strategies are written to have some classic models. In practice, the first wise
and party consultants will make the best decisions. He has certainly studied
these cases and knows how, to what extent, and at what level these strategies
can be used.
vi. Consider the first goal as taking the parliament positions. If you fail in the
first elections and do not send anyone to the parliament, you should not be
worried. At least your effort has provided an initial introduction of layered
democracy and its ideals to the people in your country. Continue it until you
take most positions of the parliament, presidency, and then other key positions.

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vii. When the key positions are taken by your party, try to advertise for
changing the whole constitution of the country under the supervision of the first
wise and his consultants at an appropriate time set by the first wise, so that
layered democracy is recognized officially in the new law and then is
- Implement the layered democracy completely and then re-develop the
constitution based on the layered democracy and form a system based on
layered democracy in the country.

10.3- Strategy 2: Implementing through fighting dictatorship

Without any exaggeration, the real glory of layered democracy model is clarified to
the future generations while fighting dictators and destroying their dictator structures.
All dictators in the current world are killing the liberals in their countries unbeknown
to the press. One of the main reasons why liberals cannot overcome dictators is the
lack of an appropriate tool such as layered democracy and strategy of fighting
dictators by such a tool.
There have been two solutions for brave liberals by far:
i. Fighting dictators obviously and dying with the risk of reaching no
ii. Remaining silent until the appropriate conditions and opportunities are
provided to fight dictators while this fight may most probably cause freedom
in society.
The first solution leads to the loss of liberals and the society gets free of the bravest
liberals. The second solution has no guarantee for improving the conditions and
creating an appropriate opportunity and even perhaps the excessive silence makes
the dictators braver and worsens the situation.
Thus, none of these two strategies are appropriate. We have to have a strategy which:
i. Establishes an appropriate context for the communication of liberals with
each other unbeknown to dictators in order to take measures by coordinating
with each other under a single command.
ii. Connects all liberals to each other without endangering their security or has
the least risk.
iii. Assigns decision-making to liberals of each society and prevents the
sensitive measures and loss of human resources because victory in war is
obtained by contemplation not sword.

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iv. Is a regular system to give enough motivation and hope to all liberals and
cause fear and distress among dictators
v. Informs all other liberals and makes them try to free the liberals who are
With this background, we explain the details of strategy 2 here.
At the time of dictatorship or occupation of the country by foreigners, layered
democracy can cause a more comfortable communication bridge provided that it is
used correctly. The strongest tools of dictators aim at preserving their dominance for
preventing the adoption and coordination of the majority. For this reason, they are
highly scared of social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, etc. and
filter or limit them.
As we are witnessing in the real world, the fact is that they will be always one step
ahead of people in terms of using technology due to the high financial and
administrative power of dictators than people. Dictators destroy all effective
communications and cause frustration among people before people can reach an
effective solidarity with the help of Internet networks. Dictators make all these
efforts to prevent the organization of liberals and find a leadership and discipline
among them because each of them can be easily destroyed as long as the actions of
people are not organized while the presence of a wise leader for people against
dictators makes the attacks to dictators to happen in an integrated, united, and very
accurate when the probability of resistance by the dictator to such attacks is very low.
The good news is that there is no need to technology and social media for liberals to
communicate with each other from now on because of the presence of layered
democracy. The reason is that if we think well, we can see that layered democracy
is based on the ordinary communications of individuals with family and friends who
meet each other every day or at least it can be (the author thinks that those in the
same group even in non-dictatorship state at any level are those who are friends with
each other in the real world). No dictator can limit the regular and daily
communications between friends and families. It is enough that people are familiar
with layered democracy and its potential for fighting dictators, then they can act as
follows and defeat the dictator in a probable scenario. Level zero groups are formed
among the family members and reliable friends without the need to be noted
anywhere. In other words, there is no evidence by now against them. obviously, there
are some groups like this between 10 members and nothing is forgotten. For example,
the number of votes is easily kept in the mind of everyone and in case of need to
change, a meeting is held in the house of one of the friends.

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Some of the friends and neighbors who know and trust in each other but are in two
different groups create some communicative bridges between the level zero groups.
It is enough that the head groups realize the presence of some neighboring groups
with the help of the members in their groups. When the head groups of the two level
zero groups find each other, with 20 members (the total of members in two groups),
they look for the next group and head group of level zero. Obviously, the real public
group should not be trapped by the fake groups which had created the information
elements of information by dictators. In order to preserve security, it is enough to
trust in those who already know themselves in daily life and attend in groups with
their own families. In other words, if people consider these conditions, the
information elements are among these people and have no choice expect bringing
their families to this battle and became information elements in case of being
revealed, especially by the relatives and friends of the arrested person. On the other
hand, revealing by people has no evidence except negotiation that if they can prevent
the secret saving of their voice, presenting an evidence at the fake courts of dictators
against liberals will become very difficult.
If this process is correctly performed at most parts of the country, the head groups
of level zero will reach 10 and the formation of group at level 2 happens. Here,
searching for finding the other level zero groups will stop due to increasing security.
Voting occurs secretly among 10 head groups without informing the members of
layer zero and a head group at level 2, that the members of level zero do not know
which one of those 10 individuals is, will be selected. Now, we have a head group
of level 2 and 100 members while 90 of them do not know who he is from those10
individuals. Under the command and guidance of this new head group, all 100
members will search to find the head groups of level 2. By knowing this, probably
the other people have formed such groups.
Now, this process continues to find the first wise and he will progress the battle in a
more organized way.
i. First, he is aware that he is the first wise.
ii. Second, people know that they have succeeded in this work and they have
found the first wise.
iii. Third, commands are issued by him and people act according to those
commands against dictatorship in an integrated way.
iv. Fourth, people of level zero are unaware of the head groups of level 2,
people of level 1 are unaware of the head group of level 3, and so no
information is available of the high rank head groups by the members of lower

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layers. Thus, ordinary people do not know the first wise exactly although they
know he is there and receives their messages!
v. In this case, although people are integrated without the need to social
networks, there is a creative and smart person who is reliable and manages them
and this is the nightmare of dictators.
I emphasize that the efficiency of this method is better than using other
communicative methods and even the use of social and Internet networks which are
all anonymous and their effects are more deadly to the dictators because not only
this method makes people act against dictator in a coordinated way (because they
are led by a single leader and for example can protest on streets on a certain day and
at a specific hour(, but also have a smarter behavior than the social networks which
did not know each other and acted more blindly. In addition, we should not forget
that using social network, since all of the people were anonymous, the plans of
moving against dictators had to be published on the networks to be available to
everyone and the dictators were among the first ones who were aware of that and
prepared each other for facing it and there is no chance for people and liberals to
have a surprise impact to the dictator. While in the strategy 2, the dictator cannot
understand the movement of people so easily. People meet each other in person in
their groups and can use very simple codes for specific information and transfer the
messages of the first wise to each other in less than few hours via phone calls. The
dictators will be soon defeated by people, especially in this case when he faces a
very smart first wise and he will use the power of gossip and artificial movements
without having any loss to make the dictator forces tired. The dictator has no choice
except preparing his forces and cover all urban areas and this will cause high costs,
fatigue, and their defeat.
We should keep it in mind that even using social networks and hiding behind
different types of proxy cannot guarantee the concealing of liberals against dictators
completely. In this regard, we will certainly have some loss in layered democracy
and no battle will have no loss. Fortunately, in layered democracy, the other side
especially the information forces of the dictator regime will be trapped in case of the
appropriate performance of people and for any captivated liberal, one information
force with his family and friends will be detected and since the cost will rise for them,
their function will decrease.
By discussing a sub-section to examine the security tips while finding other groups,
we end this chapter. Working on this strategy must certainly continue by other
creative liberals in the world. there is certainly much more need to work on the
process of grouping while finding the groups until finding the first wise. In order to

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complete this section, the author wants you to use your mind because many will lose
their lives because of weakness in our strategies.
10.3.1- Observing the security tips while finding other groups
For example, assume that we have a 10-member group at layer 5. It means that
1’000’000 people are at the lower layers of this group supporting the members of
this group. The first 10 members choose their head group without informing any
person at the lower layers. The head group will be at layer 6. The head group orders
searching for other head groups of level 6 for creating a group at level 6. As layered,
the order is announced to al layers until the level zero. In addition, the head group
of level 6 orders all members of layer 2 and upward not to find other groups at all.
The reason for this order is simple because first most of these 1’000’000 people are
at layers 0 and 1, i.e. 990’000 people are at layers 0 and 1, and second in terms of
security, the members of level 2 and upward are valuable members and must not be
captivated by the dictator.
The order of the head group at level 6 is to look for the groups of level zero based
on ethnic relations and among very close friends. The full information of every level
zero group being found by these liberals is reported with the list of all members to
the higher layers by the head groups. The only information given to the newly found
level zero group is the list and information of all members at level zero group. Since
at layers 5 and especially layer 6, all information related to the groups and their
members is provided to the head group of level 6 and recognize that this group is
an internal group (i.e. a group at the lower groups of the same head group 6), or not,
a group is outside of this set. If the group is internal, it is removed from the list while
if it is an external group, the order for collecting information about this level zero
group will issue including the collection of any information on job records, relatives,
communications, etc. The information forces of dictator and torturing forces are
unlikely to escape easily from thousands of people living in their cities. Until no
doubt is unraveled from this new group, the level zero group will play its role as a
single group and conceals the presence of a set with 6 levels. If he suspects even one
of the members of the new level zero, he tries to keep the relationship and focus on
the person. If you get sure of a member in this new group to be a spy, do not do
anything without the permission of the head group of layer 6. Try to identify other
spies through this spy and his relations. Enforcing any punishment for the spies who
are fully recognized is according to the orders of the head group of layer 6. However,
the presence of punishment for the traitors and creating fear and horror for the enemy
forces will be a big mistake. On the other hand, showing any mercy to these enemies
will cause the loss of many friends. In addition, remember that you must not let any
group enter the group until their job records, living place, spouse, children, friends,

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and living place of parents and relatives of all members are not fully identified yet.
These are the minimum factors. It is necessary to find more information through all
members of the family and friends intangibly with the help of the big division of the
set. There are some liberals usually in every family and know the advocates of
dictatorship in their family. This process must be carefully done over time.
Achieving the goal later is better than never.
When we trust this new level zero group, we accept it but never tell its members that
we are a member of a 6-level set. But we tell them that we are the member of a 1-
level set. In other words, we reveal only one layer more than before. This layer is
composed of 100 members. We have two cases: either this new level zero group
reveals a level 1 layer according to this formula or no, we are stopped at this level to
link this group with the similar level zero groups and expand the set more. In addition,
we must find the level zero groups and a maximum of level 1.
If this group of level zero has layer 1 and reveals it, more reliability can be found in
this group. However, all of the level zero groups mentioned above are monitored in
terms of information like the previous method over time. This is the thing the
opposite side performs on us too. When we get sure of all level zero groups, we
reveal level 2 and repeat this algorithm to the highest level.

10.4- Alliance of liberal oppositions against the dictator

One of the problems caused by dictators against the liberal oppositions is causing
conflict. Dictators do their best to cause conflicts among the liberals. They may even
create fake groups to implement their conflicting policies.
At the meantime, layered democracy can connect all liberal oppositions to each other
like a bridge. For this purpose, it is enough to look at each opposition as a province
of the country and let them have their own internal laws like the provinces while
there will be a shared comprehensive law with a single leader for all liberal
oppositions. In this way, we have let them have different laws in addition to different
oppositions and could preserve their integrity against dictators. Obviously, the
political weight and public welcoming of each political party in the oppositions are
easily specified with the help of layered democracy and their avidity in the future
government after the victory over the dictator is prevented.
Considering this point is essential that even after the victory over the dictator and
forming the government by liberals, the presence of differences among liberals may
lead to their involvement and will have no result except weakening the freedom.
Thus, it is important that we select a system for the government after the dictator at
the time of fighting and can integrate all parties and liberal oppositions.

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In fact, since layered democracy preserves the independence of each party and
opposition, it seems unlikely that real oppositions do not join the dictators while
fighting them. In other words, not joining of each opposition to layered democracy
for forming a single opposition against the dictator can be considered as a sign for
the lack of honesty in that opposition about his liberalism.

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11- Chapter eleven: Second transition and Earth
11.1- Introduction
The idea of homeland world or the integrity of all countries as well as removing
borders is not a new idea but has become an unassailable dream for elders, scholars,
and advocates of human rights. There is no doubt in the accuracy of this idea but no
effective approach has been raised to achieve this goal or the author is not familiar
with. The lack of an effective approach and fear from the complications of
inappropriate implementation has made some scholars oppose to it sometimes. Thus,
the author aims to explain his attitude in detail and express the necessity of moving
for integrating Earth and transiting from this chaos.

11.2- Necessity to move for Earth integrity

Let’s look at the nature and animals where there is the origin of evolution. If we look
carefully, we see that each animal determines its own territory. Some of them mark
on a tree and some others determine their territories by smelling the urine, and
perhaps many other techniques that we are not familiar with yet. The territories
which are in fact imaginary territories. The reason for the need to more territories is
because of the intrinsic weakness of animals that they cannot define their interests
in collaboration with each other. In other words, their brains have not developed so
much to expand the concept of collaboration and their territories which are a kind of
constraint are deleted and they have useful collaboration and interaction with each
other as they interact with the animals in their tribe. However, the author knows that
there has been improvement in some animals but they are still so much behind
humankind. Animals have only learned to remove others in order to deal with the
nature because of weakness in their brains. This is likely that our first ancestors
survived using the same model.
Thanks to Darwin who presented the evolution concept to us. We know that our early
ancestors determined some territories for themselves using the same techniques. I
do not have a specialized knowledge on biology but guess that our ancestors
determined their territories by making signs and tall embankments. We move in
history gradually from putting stones on each other to building castles and walls like
the Great Wall of China.
As humans gained more understanding, they built more castles in form of a single
tribe and then several tribes were united with each other and created a city and then

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a few cities were united with each other and created a region. After that, some regions
and states built a country.
It can be easily concluded that as human understanding of the world increases, he
sees his territory more expanded and it can be said that: “the expansion of territory
of everyone is as big as his understanding”.
This process of joining has not stopped in our era. Some countries are united with
each other and form unions. The European Union, Union of Southeast Asian Nations,
Union of South American Nations, League of Arab States, etc. and it is not unlikely
that if we move along like this, the structure of the future world will be only defined
by unions and countries will be gradually eliminated. After that, unions will probably
join each other and create a single territory which is Earth.
Now, you dear readers have two options. The first option is that you just forget about
it and let the passing of time clarify the accuracy or inaccuracy of these words.
However, in this case we will lose a lot of time. The second option is that you join
this beautiful and reasonable idea. The idea which has been raised by big scholars
for many times. In this case, we can collaborate with each other to eliminate all
territories, countries, and humankind freedom off the hypothetical lines on maps.
Let me give you an example. Sometimes a good example is better than a 100-page
book provided that it is used at an exact point. Assume that we are in the era before
Christopher Columbus. To the continent of native Americans where they lived
independently of other people on the planet. I do not know the exact structure of
their society and it is not of great importance to our example, but they were probably
big and small tribes living next to each other and considering themselves different
and separate. Such an attitude was either because of little ethnic changes (note that
they were all native Americans” or because of a little different accent or maybe
because of a bit different financial interests (in terms of hunting or agriculture).
However, now that we look at them through the window of history, they were
certainly wrong and they could not see themselves integrated with common benefits
because of considering such differences bi. Thus, they were eliminated. I mean just
having a simple attitude on the world reality can be so effective.
If they spent their energy on organized collaboration for finding good and meeting
other life needs such as security, etc. instead of very straggling competitions and
bloody wars between tribes, they could have made some progress more advanced
than the Europeans in terms of science and technology and they could discover
Europe, Asia, and Africa. I have no doubt that there were some scholars among those
native Americans who understood the advantages of alliance and stopping the
irrational wars on hypothetical territories and declared to their people. However, they
were not certainly successful in this issue. In fact, their people could not understand
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what they said and the cost of such ignorance to their scientists was the approximate
elimination of their race and destruction of their history and culture chain forever.
Hafez, the Persian poet, said: “He died of your coquetry, Hafez did not listen to the
advice… someone who fails to understand the words will see the bad results”.
My dear friends, we are living on a planet called Earth and according to the scientists,
many other creatures are living on another planet for sure. They might have begun
their lives sooner than us and perhaps they will discover us soon. However, this
probability belongs to extraterrestrial creatures having a body like us and are
supposed to experience evolution on planets like Earth. However, the author believes
that there is the probability of extraterrestrial creatures (even terrestrial) with bodies
different than us, especially if we can imagine the probability of such creatures
without physical bodies and add the creatures of other type like thermal energy,
sound waves, light, or other types which we do not know yet and are similar to our
understanding. Then, the number of probabilities will increase highly because
nobody has proved that intelligence can be formed only in the framework of a
material body and experience revolution. I do not mean supernatural creatures or
religious myths but it is clear that although heat, light, and waves are not materials,
they exist in the nature and their presence can be proved. Think about a kind of
intelligent life having conscience which has been created on a Neutron star! There
are hundreds of billion galaxies in the world and each galaxy includes billions or
even trillions of stars. How can we believe that there is no chance for an intelligent
creature in this big world?
Whatever we talk about here is not like Russell's teapot. Here, we talk about the high
probabilities raised by scientists.
Regardless of the nature and type of extraterrestrial creatures, I hope that their
technology is not too much advanced than us while facing them because our fate will
be surely in their hands and we will not really know what the result will be. If they
are more advanced than us, they must be certainly more advanced in all fields and I
hope that they are better than us in terms of observing the rights of other living
creatures especially those with conscience or at least be better than the whites who
eliminated the generation of native Americans.
Even if we consider these probabilities zero, nobody has guaranteed that adverse
cases like the collision of a wandering planet to Earth will not happen or an unknown
disaster will not occur. We have not forgotten about the big risk of Ebola virus.
A question arises here as: what solutions do we have for such cases threatening our

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We have a clear logical solution which can be supported by definite reasons. Using
such reasons, we can say why there is no need to draw some borders around
ourselves by urine just like our first ancestors. The lands some people call as country
are just imaginary borders on maps and paper. In the real nature, there is no such
bordering. I mean if humans do not put fence or wall, you will not notice it while
crossing the border of a country. These are just hallucination! Although they have
played an important role in our evolution (as the line and smell of urine play for
animals) and have been respectful and holy by now, we are now so wise to not need
these borders. Undoubtedly, we should become wise sooner because we have
experienced that the lack of wisdom will have adverse results.
Obviously there is no solution except war until there are borders which have made
the benefits of humankind different. Enormous costs will be resulted until there are
wars and armies and also there will be poor people until there is military cost. In
addition, there will be dissatisfaction until there are poor people, deviating the
human focus from what he should work on towards defending or attacking other
humans. As a result, there will be much more poverty and lack of human freedom.
Furthermore, it means the loss of opportunity for a bigger and faster jump of
humankind in technology areas. Such a poverty causes dissatisfaction and bad
decision-making because most of the people are poor and just think about supplying
their essential needs and cannot think of global benefits. On the other hand, poor
people are deceived more easily because of not being trained and thus the way for
being exploited by other nations is opened to meet the temporary needs of exploiters.
This ugly cycle is nothing except the mere stupidity of humankind.
I would like to listen to the words of a liberal astronaut. The first man who stepped
on the moon. Let’s read the first feelings of a heart full of humanity on the moon:
“I am not a sensitive man... I did not cry when I left my parents’ house, I did not cry
when my cat died, I did not cry when I found a job at NASA, I did not even cry when
I stepped on the moon, but when I looked at Earth from the moon, I felt a catch in
my throat. I played with the flag I was supposed to install on Earth. There was no
color, race, or nationality from that distance. It was just us and a round blue house. I
thought: what do humans fight for?
I took my thumb towards Earth and it hid behind my thumb with all of its greatness
and then I cried wholeheartedly.” Neil Armstrong
The endless greetings of liberals to you “Neil Armstrong”. We appreciate your small
step on the moon very much but more than that, we appreciate your big step of
feelings who thought about the integrity of Earth, cried for it, and regretted peace
for humans, amid those fears while facing the unknown things. In fact, your pure

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heart was worth of stepping the moon as the first man and because that was why the
beautiful moon accepted you on behalf of all of us. Praise be upon you!
Now, let’s focus that we can and must spend the total potential of Earth on adding
our scientific power and know the world better. So that, we can prevent the damage
to the environment at the global level and even on other planets according to our
progress and then use the resources in the best way. we must have very accurate
scientific plans for population control or even reduction and then get prepared for
probable risks in the future in an integrated way and also increase the speed of
scientific growth for any interaction with probable aliens in the future.
Perhaps, some of you might think what is this book going to say? Is this a science
fiction book? Is all of this dreaming? And this book answers how great it would be
that at least one of the native Americans had imagination like Christopher Columbus
and the others cared about his imagination. However, maybe some of them did it but
nobody listened to them. I do not know. ok forget about it.
What was I talking about? Yes. The integrity of Earth and elimination of countries,
especially their political states that suddenly we talked about America and the space.
Now, with this introduction, we emphasize the necessity of moving towards an
integrated world and removing all borders. I hope that with the help of layered
democracy and whatever mentioned in this book, we can achieve a law, country, and
a language (very important!) in the next step by eliminating different laws and then
have a culture, civilization, and history gradually. The reason of this explanation is
because nobody can understand the importance of Earth integrity until not
considering this issue from this perspective. This chapter suggests some solutions
and steps for fundamental changes around the world and nobody can understand why
some of these changes are required despite of their too much difficulty until they do
not consider the value of these changes and final result.

11.3- Steps of moving towards Earth integrity

There is this wrong notion that Earth integrity is in conflict with the interests of the
current rich or powerful people but this book is talking to these people and they are
the most effective people for changing the current world. The owners of wealth and
power are usually smarter and braver than others. They have not found any model
yet which has enough stability for establishing discipline in the world at least in
terms of theory. Thus, they have not taken a step in this path. Currently, layered
democracy hopes to be considered by them because of having an appropriate
structure. There is no doubt that the public interests including the interests of the rich
will be preserved more in a safer and richer world and there is no need to bring
reason. everyone knows that there is more security for me and my family when it is
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safe everywhere in the world. everyone knows that when all people are richer, my
business will be better too? It is obvious that when there is no war, the constructors
or sellers of weapon can invest in scientific issues like vaccine production and
pharmacology with their small capital they have earned by selling weapons, so they
can produce strong weapons against diseases and earn more money? There is not
even any need to change the job, you have to make weapons for another disease.
Thus, unlike the inappropriate advocacy of many intellectuals, the author of this
book asks all power and wealth owners for help to create a fundamental change in
the world. On behalf of all poor people, patients, refugees of wars, and working
children, the author asks the power and wealth owners to make a fundamental
decision for the life of such people. A decision which will be the turning point of
humankind. Let’s make a more beautiful world for all humans next to each other
under a logical umbrella called layered democracy. Even if such a decision is made
under a logical model other than layered democracy model, the author still supports
it and the intention and goal to do such a change just matters.
In order to achieve this goal, the following steps are suggested or predicted using
layered democracy:
i. The relationship between the like-minded: the first step is that we and all of
the individuals who understood this goal, i.e. Earth integrity, find each other
and communicate.
ii. Implement the layered democracy model among ourselves as a small global
world. find the first wise and move under his control. But the author raises some
steps as advice as follows.
iii. At the first opportunity, program an appropriate software for layered
democracy at the global level from the financial backups of members. Then,
create some platforms based on internet especially block chain systems to speed
up the implementation in other countries.
iv. As we are attracting more individuals to our society from all countries and
races, we try to have a stronger voice on the media and international
v. make appropriate financial investments which can supply the initial
population of layered democracy around the world with the gracious helps of
vi. Try to make the world understand this model and importance of Earth
integrity by informing the people in the world.

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vii. Encourage different countries to implement layered democracy and support
the first countries which take steps on this path.
viii. As soon as the first country implements the layered democracy structure,
we try to encourage the neighboring countries to do this. In case of successful
efforts, we begin merging them. we continue this process until the integrity of
the entire Earth.
ix. The author guesses that layered democracy causes a variety of revolutions
and social transformations on the path of extending itself to non-democratic
countries. We should be patient and tolerate on this transition path.
Unfortunately, bleeding has been the cost to freedoms. Two countries with
layered democracy will never enter the war because real people will never
decide for war but the countries with layered democracy may be gradually
merge and extend, face some dictator-stricken countries that there will be no
choice except fighting and freedom of people in those countries. We are not
worried about the result of fighting because the country with layered democracy
will have faster speed in technology than a dictator-stricken country, even if
they do not intend to merge in the short term, they will immediately merge with
each other in terms of military. Such an alliance means like NATO.

11.4- Problems while integrating the entire Earth

Since when layered democracy integrates the entire Earth, the problems and needs
of Earth will be different and thus layered democracy model should be able to answer
such challenges reasonably. Perhaps you say that first let Earth become an integrated
country and remove the borders and then think about the problems of that time. The
answer is no because if some of the fundamental challenges of that time are not
reviewed from now, those challenges might prevent the entire Earth to get united. In
other words, if we do not find an appropriate solution to those challenges at least in
the theoretical field, fear from those unsolved challenges and problems or fear from
ambiguous challenges in the future will become a good excuse to stop and not have
enough investment because as the author has experienced, human kind works very
slowly in terms of social growth.
Second, if we do not the coming challenges as the mind of the genius individuals
have power, then the probability of finding our mistake that we should have not gone
on this path to achieve the big goal, will be very much. In other words, some models
might look easier apparently, the model will cause serious problems in the future
because Earth has not been integrated yet by that model. The problems of that
integration model are not seen appropriately at the level of Earth integrity. Thus, at

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the time of integrity (assuming that such a model can achieve an appropriate integrity
which is unlikely), thus the probability of losing integrity will increase.
Some of the relatively obvious challenges are raised in here. we hope that other
liberals would think and complete this list more.

11.5- Some challenges and answers

11.5.1- Question
The world will be unsafe and rebellions will occur with the lack of armies.
Answer: since there is no country, it is not supposed that we do not have any police.
The military army has bene created for fighting against other armies but police and
anti-rebellion forces will be created more powerfully in a very scientific way and
monitor and protect the security of the people around the world. we note that
rebellion does not mean public protests but the armed actions of smugglers and
criminals. It is unlikely to have public protests in real layered democracy although
this method will still exist for expressing desires and we should not prevent its
peaceful form.
11.5.2- Question
The first wise is one person for the whole world and it is very likely that he pays
more attention to his homeland.
Answer: No because in layered democracy model, the first wise is selected by the
lower layers like consultants and legislators and he is under their consultation. If
people are dissatisfied with the performance of any of them, they can eliminate them
immediately. Thus, the probability of creating such a case in layered democracy is
However, it is like saying that the selected president in weak democracy is from a
specific city, so he gives more privilege to that city. Unfortunately, we have to give
a positive answer to this case!
In addition, this sense of patriotism will be for less than one generation in layered
democracy based on this book. In next generations that there will be no country to
have such an attitude, everyone will have a similar feeling to Earth. If for this short
time, the first wise gives some privilege to his homeland, its loss will be less than
the lack of an integrated government system for the entire Earth.

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12- Chapter twelve: Effects of layered democracy on
the world
12.1- Introduction
The exact prediction of the effect of layered democracy on the world is not possible
but its effects will be certainly amazing. The changes and effects of layered
democracy will not be less than the changes and effects of weak democracy at the
beginning. As we know, when an initial weak democracy was established in Britain
for the first time, it will have such brilliant results to which all other countries were
intended gradually and many countries in the world are still struggling to achieve
weak democracy and its results. The last examples were what happened in the Arab
Spring and many other events which have not finished yet.
The superiority of weak democracy to the past kingdom systems was because of
more freedom giving to the society. However, the concept of freedom is the same
concept being defined in the second chapter of this book. Obviously, in comparison
to weak democracy, layered democracy will bring more freedom and is non-
comparable in this regard.
On the other hand, almost any drawback to layered democracy will be immediately
severe caused to weak democracies. In other words, layered democracy has the least
drawbacks to the current systems.
Thus, we conclude that the positive effect of layered democracy is more and the
changes which will be created at the beginning will be more than the changes left by
weak democracy at the beginning.
Based on these issues, it seems that the first country which can work like Britain of
that time and implement layered democracy will face such positive changes in
economic, political, and scientific issues that other nations will seek to achieve as a
successful model.
Since layered democracy is a new structure which can be easily implemented, it is a
new opportunity for developing countries which seek to get out of their current
conditions. By accepting layered democracy, they can have a sudden positive leap
and leave all past backwardness behind which was caused by past exploitation.

12.2- Advantages of layered democracy

In order to better understand the advantages of layered democracy, we should first
consider the advantages of a weak democracy and see how layered democracy works
in these cases. Then, we should refer to the disadvantages of weak democracy and

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see how it works. Some of the advantages are specific to layered democracy that
weak democracy does not include and we will review in the end.
12.2.1- Advantages of weak democracy in layered democracy
Without exaggeration, all of the current advantages in weak democracy are in
layered democracy with higher quality and quantity. In order to prove this issue, the
most important advantages of weak democracies are included here. Transfer of power peacefully
Before creating weak democracy, kingdom systems were dominant and if people
were dissatisfied with such systems, they had to do armed rebellion and choose the
next ruler by murdering. Weak democracies provided the context to perform the
change of power from someone to another one and from an attitude to another one
without aggression.
This advantage can be seen better in layered democracy. In layered democracy, the
people of a society can change opinions momentarily less than one day and the
owners of power can be changed without any aggression. In this case, it is ahead of
weak democracy and unlike weak democracy where the transfer of power is possible
once every few years, the transfer of power is not dependent on a specific time but
only on the intention of people.
In addition, even the transfer of power in weak democracy requires the costly events
of advertising by candidates and negotiations which are often associated with verbal
violence. In the end, we have voting and vote counting which are usually full of
margins like a variety of gossips on cheating and so on. Fortunately, the transfer of
power in layered democracy is performed without any specific cost or chaos and
merely by referring to a simple office and even perhaps an application on phone. Preventing the formation of dictators
Time limits which has been usually considered as 4-6 years in weak democracies
make people not think about being dictator. However, there is a criticism that a
person may experience relative dictatorship at this time or start creating some legal
changes for preserving himself in the next periods by having power leverages at this
time. As we are witnessing in some countries.
In layered democracy, there is no place for dictatorship at all because people make
decision at any moment and they are legislative. Even if we disregard legislation by
people, the structure of layered democracy is sorted out in such a way that the place
of the first wise and others is dependent on the monetary votes of people, it does not
let to think about being a dictator.

128 | P a g e Respecting the citizens’ vote
In weak democracy, there are usually parties. In this type of democracy, since parties
and political groups always need peoples’ votes, when they win in elections and their
representative take the key positions, they try to force the representative to respect
the citizens’ vote. In other words, the selected individuals are under pressure because
of preserving the benefits of parties in order to not make violations for their personal
In layered democracy, unlike weak democracy where there is a need to people’s vote
once every few years, the need to people’s vote is monetarily and thus it is obvious
that caring about people’s vote will be more than ever. Although the presence and
activities of parties are not forbidden in this type of democracy, people will see no
need to form parties because of the above-mentioned feature.
12.2.2- Disadvantages of weak democracy in layered democracy
At the end of the first chapter, the disadvantages of weak democracy which are
mostly due to their voting method, are included. It is the time to examine the
disadvantages in layered democracy. Lack of attention to the value of experts’ vote
In weak democracy, the vote of the best elite in the society is equal to the other
classes of society. Obviously, the experts’ vote especially in vital issues of a society
must be preferred to other individuals’ votes.
Such a big drawback is because in weak democracies, there is no technique for
separating and screening the real elite without considering any equal rights for
everyone. Thus, considering more values to individuals with higher level of thinking
equals the overwhelming of ordinary peoples’ rights because there has been no
specific scale for proving that someone is at a higher level of thinking.
However, this drawback has been solved in layered democracy. Layered democracy
presents an exact method and puts the elite at a higher level to have the right of
decision making by the judgment of people and gives real values to a better
understanding. Since everyone is considered at a level at the beginning and try to
climb the political layers of the society under equal conditions, nobody doubts about
the accuracy of higher level of the elites. Deceiving the low-specialized classes
It means the open way for the arrival of dictators via heavy advertisements and their
staying in key positions due to abusing the equality of votes and the possibility of

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deceiving the low-specialized classes by dictators through different ways (as we are
witnessing in the world!).
We have experienced that this type of continuous deception occurs in weak
democracy, especially in the third world countries and its reason is a fundamental
weakness which is in the structure of weak democracy. In other words, if you can
deceive me for a few days of elections and gain my vote, you will be considered as
winner for many years because I cannot change my own vote until the next voting.
However, there is no place for such a deception in layered democracy because if
such stupid individuals have such a purpose, they will certainly find out that they
had to do advertising! This is because of the nature of voting in layered democracy
and because everyone can change their votes at any moment. As you know, voting
is a continuous process in layered democracy and it is not cross sectional. In practice,
voting is always established and since any deception can be revealed soon within a
few months, the deceivers have no choice except finding another way for deception
and they always spend money. In practice, it means that such stupid individuals serve
the society and pay the cost of training the society. After a while, the society will be
vaccinated against many advertising techniques and deceptions.
The probability of cheating is almost zero because:
i. In each group, the members meet each other likely in person and the vote
inside the groups is not hidden to its members. Every person at any layer of
layered democracy can monitor the accuracy of validity in the place of all
members in the group to make sure of the accuracy of voting. Obviously, he
can monitor the accuracy of all his sub-groups.
ii. The members of each group know their head groups and his interests are not
among the interests of his members to have the intention of cheating.
iii. Cheating can be returned at any moment being revealed to the group
members and thus nobody falls in trouble for anything.
iv. Cheating must occur at a mass level to affect the political results of a society.
Since the effect on society requires time and since time reveals any collective
cheating, there will be no incentive for cheaters and this is one of the
superiorities of layered democracy which could change the attitude of
individuals and their interests from cheating towards development. Lack of enough recognition and appropriate research about
In weak democracy, it is not possible to recognize the elite because of the vast
population of most of the current societies by all voters and most of them must vote

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by guessing (do not forget the lack of expertise) or unfortunately based on personal
tastes and emotions. In addition, there is no need to express reasons that most of the
people in society are not in the mood or do not have time to research about the
Due to the voting method in layered democracy, it is obvious that recognizing the
elite at the level of a society with millions of people has reduced to the recognition
of the elite in a group of 10 friends and relatives being somewhat at the same level. Lack of voting system flexibility in changing the selected
In weak democracy, a certain time is set for key positions like presidency and at this
constant time period, changing the selected person is not easy. Obviously, the above-
mentioned time intervals (such as presidency which is usually 4-5 years) has been
considered because of limiting the person in position and preventing his dictatorship,
the same interval is undoubtedly a long time. Due to the extraordinary power in these
positions, there is the probability of making a mistake by people (as explained earlier
which is not unlikely due to advertising, mafia, etc.) to lead to several years of regret
or loss to the society. In practice, changing the key positions such as president, prime
minister, and alike is either impossible or costs a lot like protests, rebellion, etc.
As mentioned, layered democracy is very flexible and quick in this term. It is enough
that today the opinion of most people changes by referring to the layered democracy
office near their houses and change the highest political position within a few hours. Lack of replacing a more powerful person instead of the current
person in position
In weak democracy, it can be emphasized that after selecting the person for a key
position, people may find a better person. Changing the owner of the key position is
not possible despite the change of decision by the most people and causes some
decision-making unlike the confirmation of the majority which is in conflict with
The opposite is true in layered democracy due to agility and it turns into a strength. Lack of human resources retention and using the best elite
Since key positions like presidency are among the most difficult ones and probably
no human can dominate them at a short time, it is probable that someone who has
been a president for many years is now more powerful and experienced in fulfilling
the tasks of this position but the constraints due to weak democracy voting system
and fear from such systems as well as the lack of an appropriate mechanism for
preventing such fears (fear from dictatorship) eliminate him.
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On the other hand, another strength of layered democracy is human resources
retention and prevention of their dictatorship. As mentioned earlier, time is not
constraint for deserved individuals in layered democracy but public satisfaction is
the main condition for survival in the government. Lack of long time planning and its executive guarantee
A person may be still popular after 8-10 years but legal constraints eliminate him. In
addition, the presence of constraints makes a major part of thoughts in most
presidents to create an appropriate context for being selected in the next round or
their party win. They do not dare to have long term plans because they have to leave
due to constraints because there will be no executive guarantee for them. Cliché
concerns which are significantly in weak democracy and almost the entire cabinet
of governments think about victory in the second round elections especially at the
end of the first period of presidency. It is clear until most of the politicians do not
make any serious contract or negotiation with the country which is at the end of its
election period. This subject significantly reduces the validity and duration of
international covenants and contracts.
Due to the above-mentioned description on human resources retention and
preservation of the political place of deserved individuals in layered democracy,
these individuals will not have the concerns which exist in weak democracy. Nobody
in layered democracy is not worried about the next round of elections. Slow decision-making and its enforcement
Unlike dictator approaches where one person makes decisions and can quickly
enforce its decisions, decision-making is usually slower in weak democracy.
As mentioned, one person called the first wise is at the top of the political power
pyramid in layered democracy. Thus, this democracy will have the advantage of
dictator systems in terms of enforcement speed. Lack of attention to the rights of minority and dictatorship of
In weak democracies, the rights of the minority are usually violated. Laws are
developed in favor of the majority regardless of the minority. There is no possibility
of creating different, parallel, and integrated constitutions which can be developed
by the minority and preventing them of their tendency to independence. Lack of effective public opinions in decision-making
The decision-making system of weak democracies is not fast, thus applying the
public opinion needs a lot of time because there is no method for transferring the

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votes after voting and assigning. The origin of protests and strikes is usually placed
in this case in the societies with weak democracy.
Since in layered democracy, the powerful leverage of vote changing is always in the
hands of people and run continuously, the dictator rulers seek to find the best
decision which satisfies them without even any request on behalf of people. It is only
enough that one of the rulers to neglects, his competitor will be immediately replaced.
Thus, in layered democracy, rulers come to people and there is no need that people
go to streets to protest and this is fair because the government belongs to people and
they are the real owners of power. There is no need that the owner begs his
employees in order to achieve his rights.
12.2.3- Special advantages of layered democracy Encouraging people to political participation
When the basis of movement towards the top position of politicians is the more and
continuous presence of people in groups, they will certainly focus on this subject.
The structure of layered democracy has been designed in such a way that people
enjoy it. Thus, they will certainly encourage the other individuals who have no
incentive to participate in political affairs and this will increase the public political
participation. High transparency in layered democracy
In layered democracy, there is no need to analyze the news on media by experts in
order to see why a specific decision has been made. It is just enough that you ask
your head group. He will certainly ask his head group at a higher level and your
answer will be given in less than a few hours. We will have the maximum
accountability by officials to people in this model. Step-like power gaining in layered democracy
The feature of layered democracy is gaining power in steps and this is because of its
layered structure. In this case, the person who has not practiced politics at lower
levels will not go to the higher levels suddenly. Sometimes, we witness in weak
democracy that an unexperienced person becomes the president of a big country
among all political experts in that country for 4 years. Public political training
Obviously, layered democracy will lead to negotiation in different subjects among
those in the same group since the early stages of initial establishment. In case of
establishment, the smallest decisions will lead to hot discussions between people
whether inside groups or between them while in weak democracies, decisions are

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usually made at high levels and people criticize the effect of their talks in taxies or
parties hopelessly. Such talks are in fact the intellectual capitals of a society which
can reduce mistakes at higher layers by affecting and promoting the public
understanding. Fortunately, as raised in layered democracy structure, this model will
activate this social capital in the best way and takes advantage of it. Training political men and women
In practice, the atmosphere of political groups which is created by layered
democracy is the best place for discovering and progressing the political talents of
society. It is not true that individuals find the opportunity to enter the club of
politicians in the society just for relatively random reasons or the position of their
fathers. In layered democracy model, every teenager hears about many political
concepts in his family gatherings. On the other hand, he can easily take the first
political steps in his family who will be certainly his compassionate support. Then,
after becoming more experienced, he goes to the higher layers and finds more friends
gradually to rely on them in the next steps of his political life. Such a thing did not
exist in previous democracies and if we look carefully, we can find that layered
democracy is unique in this term. Due to the presence of such training mechanism,
better talents will enter the political field of society with a more effective training
that will certainly improve the decision making in higher levels. As mentioned earlier,
political improvement will mean the improvement of all other fields.
The point which may be a strength in this model is that due to the small structure of
groups in terms of number and the presence of women by men, the chance of women
to go up in any group will increase and will finally help them to achieve key positions
significantly. Note that there is no difference between men and women in any of the
layered democracy model and the criterion is wisdom and competency which must
be recognized by people. The first wise can be also a woman and we send our
greetings to the first wise queen in this model in advance. Possibility of trial and error for people without any concern
about adverse consequences
Due to the possibility of rapid vote changing in layered democracy for people, they
can give political power to a particular attitude or person and watch the performance
of that attitude in practice. Whenever they realize the incompetency of that attitude,
they can easily change it. In addition, they should not bear the adverse consequences
of their mistake just because they have made a mistake in selecting. Gradual movement of society towards an equal constitution
In the chapter of legislation related to layered democracy, we observed the details of
this process and if we look carefully at the details, we realize that although the shared
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constitution is the result of common selections by everyone in the society, the
process of forming and adding to its laws has been intentionally depicted simpler
than eliminating or changing its principles. Adding to its laws is relatively easy with
the approval of at least one person in the groups but eliminating or changing that
shared constitution should be approved by everyone which will be more difficult in
practice. Gradual movement of human towards a borderless world
Assuming that most of the countries tend to layered democracy gradually and
according to the simple merging models being considered for them, as well as the
gradual closeness of laws between states over time, the gradual movement of the
countries with layered democracy towards unification is predicted. In this case, the
borders and countries will be destroyed gradually without tension and we will move
towards a free and borderless world. Approximation of religions over time
Everyone knows that most of the religions have been the result of the political
movements in the past. In particular, most of the religions have been formed in the
dark eras of dictatorship by kings and have been evolved in such historical contexts.
All historians know that religion has been always considered by kings to achieve
their goals. In addition, lots of wars happened with the excuse of religion to achieve
economic advantages or many religious rules were set in each religion for making
people coordinate with the rulers.
By looking at religious differences carefully, especially the differences which intend
to remove each other physically, we can see that most of these differences are due to
the lack of interaction and negotiation. Having a different language usually separates
them from each other by political borders called homeland, politicians, and kings.
Let me give you an example. The intensity of differences between the Shia and the
Sunni is clear to everyone. Each one of them accuses the other one of being unclean.
When the differences between these two sects are considered for example between
the Shia people of Iran and the Arabs in neighboring countries, we see the peak of
such hostility. However, we discuss the religious sects of Sunni in Iran. For example,
the Shafi‘I, Maleki, Hanafi, and Hanbali in Iran show that they have approached the
Shia peacefully due to having a common language and a single political border. This
indicates the importance of having a common language and removing wrong
sensitivities. According to the author, all conflicts and differences in religions living
in the same land with the same language are due to the presence of external
governments which are considered as the main political base of those religions. In
other words, we hope that people approach each other with the help of technology

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by removing the borders and paying attention to Earth as the main land. We hope
that they take steps towards creating a common language, fade the differences
between religions by negotiation, merge in each other gradually, and finally tend to
science. Importance of creating a common language
The presence of a common language is very important. If we have an appropriate
common language for all people, it will cause fundamental changes in the entire
social structure of humans. Fortunately, this is happening and English is expanding
in most countries due to the Internet. Although the author considers no superiority
over English than other languages, creating a common language is better than all of
these different languages. The author has spent lots of time and energy for learning
English to have access to different scientific sources of mathematics and computer
directly. I am sure that there are lots of people like me and spend too much energy
to learn English while such energy could be spent on developing more important
sciences and it had to be like that from the beginning to learn about our mother
tongue and also a common language to be able to talk to each other in the world with
the same trained language. In addition, bias against mother tongue is one of the
wrong issues.
We hope that layered democracy leads to a common language once because the wise
people in the world find the power to make decisions and also because of the
integration nature of layered democracy guiding the world towards a world without
border. True patriotism and lack of bias against mother tongue
I emphasize two issues here. First, the author has no problem with sense of patriotism.
On the contrary, he considers it good but for defining homeland, he wants you to
think more. I was born in a village. Well, I love my village. My village is considered
as a city environ. Well, I consider it as my city too and live it too much. My city is
part of a province, so I love my province. I love my country too. Is not it ridiculous
that since I love my village, I have to be the enemy of the neighboring village and
claim to have patriotism? Is not it ridiculous that although I claim I love my country,
I love my city but I consider its adjacent cities as my enemy? In addition, I be the
enemy of the adjacent provinces while claiming that I love my province? Now, it is
not a sad story that since we were born in a specific country, we consider it as our
homeland and deal with other countries as strangers or even enemies while we have
forgotten a bigger country called Earth? Do you not think that we are from Earth?
Do you not know Earth as your homeland? Do you not like Earth with all its
countries, cultures, and religions? If not, how do you call yourself a patriot? Does
someone who has forgotten his bigger homeland claim to love their village? Is that
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possible to think about the resources of your village when you do not consider the
benefits of the man homeland called Earth? Everyone knows that the problems of
our village are intertwined with the global issues. Heating is a global issue. Water
crisis is a global issue. Terrorism is a global issue. And there are lots of examples
like these.
Yes, in fact we are all from the same homeland. A homeland which is not as big as
Earth but as big as the whole world and all probable creatures in the world are
probably our compatriots. Let’s really love our homeland and compatriots. When
you love the main and bigger homeland, you will realize that the smaller homelands
are loved somehow and their interests have been considered.
The problem is: do you want to have a small country which has no certain identity
in the nature or do you want to have a country as big as the whole world?
How beautiful this poem by Sohrab Sepehri, the liberal and compassionate Iranian
poet says:
“It does not matter where I am,
The sky is mine.
The window, thought, air, love, Earth are mine.
Who cares?
If sometimes the mushrooms of loneliness grow?
I do not know.
Why they say that horse is a decent, pigeon is beautiful?
And why there is no vulture in the cage?
Clover is as beautiful as red tulips.
We must wash our eyes and look in another way.
We must wash the words.
Words must be wind. Words must be rain.
We must close the umbrella,
And walk under the rain.”
Yes, we must certainly wash our eyes. We must change the words country, homeland,
religion, mother tongue, and many other words. We must wash our minds from old
concepts and choose better interpretations. We must close the umbrella of our bias
on the rain and let the weak thoughts of the past be washed. In general, we must
change our look, otherwise we will stagnate at this step of evolution.
Second, if we have mother tongue and love it, it does not have any problem but is
also beautiful. But this love must not keep humankind backward. The worse thing is
considering my mother tongue better than other languages and thus I have to strive
to dictate my mother tongue to others because this is a superficial attitude. All mother
tongues in the world are beautiful. Even those which have fundamental weaknesses
in terms of linguistics. We do not have the right not to love other languages, let alone
eliminating them with hostility. These are the remembrances of our ancestors and
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must be kept carefully. Nevertheless, we should not let all of these lead a wrong
decision to stop us from reaching a global common language. We must not stop
inventing just because of respecting the past remembrances which were in fact the
inventions of our fathers for solving the problem of communication in small
communities. We must change language which is a tool for communication for future
generations and help all people in the world learn the new language and provide
them with easier communications. Based on experiences, conflicts have reduced
whenever individuals talked about it. be sure that this advanced language will be the
mother tongue of some people in the future and they will be proud of us for creating
such a powerful language.
The reasons why this book emphasizes the creation of a new language instead of
English for the whole world are:
i. English is the mother tongue of some people on Earth. Thus, other people
resist against recognizing it because accepting this language may mean
accepting the culture of the English. We must pay attention to the creation of a
new language. Some mathematicians and linguists must gather from all cultures
and languages to create a new language in groups using scientific reasoning, so
that everyone accepts it and does not resist for expanding it. the reason for the
presence of mathematicians is that they have already created whatever we want
for creating a common language among ourselves. Let’s not forget that
mathematics has an international common language.
ii. Unfortunately, English language has been often expanded by exploitation
and plunder of other nations. Thus, it has no appropriate historical background
in the minds of plundered nations.
iii. English language has many weaknesses despite its beauty like other human
languages. For example, you write some letters to create a word while the letters
are not pronounced as they are written: we write car but read kar and you will
face lots of exceptions in rules. There are also many other examples but we
avoid citing them here.
iv. Learning English is not easy. At least we can say that Esperanto can be
learned more easily. A simpler but more efficient language can be created.
v. When we, as intelligent and wise humans, can create a more accurate and
standard language which has more advantages than English or French, the
question is why do not do that? The true question is not that should we create
the language in the future, but the true question is why have not we extended
such a language by far?

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However, it will be great if English language is extended faster and other languages
play the role of the second language. Increasing importance of knowledge
In fact, only a few industrial countries perform scientific explorations in the modern
world. although the number of these countries is limited, even the budgets and real
supports of these scientific projects in these leading countries is lower than the other
budgets. The reason for this ignorance is rooted in financial, security, and political
problems. When the people of a society supply their initial needs and have no
security concerns, they calm down gradually and move towards studying and
thinking. The result of this process leads to scientific discoveries and big inventions.
There is an eternal relation for all nations including:
(wealth + knowledge) (culture + civilization)


In other words, the combination of freedom and security results in wealth and
knowledge, and also the combination of wealth and knowledge results in culture and
In the current world, the process is inverse and there is no place for security, freedom,
and wealth. If there is no war, there is the shadow of cold war and most people cannot
follow their dreams. Obviously, in such a world, most of the important scientific
studies are conducted in the ministry of defense being planned for producing
weapons to kill humans. A naïve mind may conclude that the highest progress in
science has been during the wars by the ministries of defense while this is not true.
The fact is that governments have deviated the whole attention of humans from
science due to wars and only a small amount of real wealth has been spent on
scientific progress just for military purposes.
By establishing the layered democracy and unification of Earth, security concerns
will be certainly eliminated and more wealth remains for scientific issues. Humans
can work with each other for scientific and economic purposes with more freedom.
Knowledge will find more value gradually. We will not learn science gradually in
order to earn money or dominate others. We learn science not for fear from war but
for discovering the beauties of the world. learning and scientific research will be our
best fun, just like now that concerts or football matches are fun for us. In that world,
singers and football players are not the richest social classes but scientists will be.

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On the other hand, most of extra work on studies will not occur because there will
be no enemy country to hide the results of our military research from it. Everyone
will likely invest and support the common things which are useful to the humankind
and the world.
Perhaps some imaginary but scientific dreams of humans may come true. For
example, some of the items in the author’s mind as imagination for a long time and
are probably the imagination of many of you will be raised for the future generations.
I would like to express only the scientific imaginations on the fundamental change
of humankind. We need lots of changes in ourselves.
These are perhaps imaginations today but writing such imaginations will increase
the hope to work on such items globally and scientifically. One of the reasons which
are raised here is that these imaginations are so big and probably costly that require
a global consensus on the time of Earth integrity and can also be an interesting
incentive for moving towards an integrated Earth. In addition, these imaginations
have been formed during thinking about ethical issues. We face these issues in the
book “Principles of Ethics” from another perspective. Imagination 1
With the help of science especially genetics, we can control the path of our evolution
and do not let the nature affects us randomly (and even other animals) because we
have lost lots of our valuable abilities which we had gained after many generations.
In other words, there has been mostly adaptation not evolution while we can convert
it into evolution with the help of science. In addition, the modern human has a
weaker body as he becomes stronger in terms of mind and intelligence and this is
not interesting. If we can strengthen our body in addition to intelligent and brain
growth more than what evolution gives us, we will do something fundamental.
In other words, we must be able to control the evolution of ourselves and other
animals and do not let the nature affect us randomly. In addition, we must increase
the speed of genetic and evolution changes and guide its path towards a direction
which is better for us. Imagination 2
This is a fact that we have access to the outer world through only five senses. We are
not directly in touch with the world reality but have gained a perception of the reality
by our five senses which is our truth.
My late grandfather said: “Reality is something which is occurring but truth is our
perception of the reality”. In other words, reality is a constant global concept while
truth is an internal abstract concept. Undoubtedly, the distance between the world
reality and the truth we perceive from the world is too much at the right moment.
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Much more than we can understand such a distance. Now, the question is: can we
have a day when our truth becomes exactly the reality? Can we have a day when we
understand the world as it is?
Imagine that if we add one of some other senses which are even in other animals to
ourselves with the help of science especially biological sciences, what would happen?
How much of the world reality can we understand? imagine that we can be equipped
with infrared detection sense like some snakes, or can use audio waves for detecting
the environment like bats, or even increase our eyesight like eagles.
Perhaps if we do these, we can discover the other creatures whose bodies are from
another material! Imagination 3
Let’s pay attention to something else, to our needs which have captured us. We have
achieved the following categories on human needs while talking to my grandfather:
i. Need to air and defecate with the help of air
ii. Need to water and defecate with the help of air
iii. Need to sex
iv. Need to clothes for hot and cold weather
v. Need to housing for cold, hot, and security
vi. Need to learn in order to answer all of the above-mentioned needs. I
emphasize that learning for understanding the world is not considered as a need.
It is not true that if your understanding of the world remains at the same level,
you will face problems in staying alive.
Human has been always trying to meet these needs. In fact, when we look for water
for meeting thrust, we try to satisfy such a need. We drink water because we want to
have no need to water for a few hours. We eat food because we want to have no need
to water for a few hours. Perhaps you say that we eat food because we enjoy, while
the joy is not real but is true. Our body has defined it as joy with the help of Darwin’s
evolution algorithm to enable us do hard and repeated words of our lives without
any mistake. Our perception with eating food is joy. Eating food is nothing but
transferring food into our bodies. In case of sex, joy is true but not real. Evolution
has acted in such way that the creatures who have felt a pleasure in their genitals
have been reproduced more. By strengthening this pleasure and expanding to the
feelings and emotions in humankind, the creatures who have been captured by this
joy have taken more risks for reproduction.

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Now the question is if we can be needless in at least one of these needs, what big
thing will happen? If we can be needless in eating especially eating the meat of
animals with the help of high level technology and supply human energy in another
way in such a way not to need any effort, how much time and energy of human have
we freed for thinking and working usefully? Note that most of our required time for
taking rest I for eating food. It will not be a good example but in order to have a
better imagination, we can take advantage of a small atomic source in dimensions of
a battery in few centimeters inside the body to supply energy and do this by
combining nuclear physics and genetics on the way of evolution in order to improve
every day.
The peak of this effort is seen in tendency to be needless in religions. God is the
symbol of needlessness in religions. In all religions, despite the different instructions
and methods, followers try to approach God and approaching does not mean
reducing physical distance but becoming similar to God and if we think about this
approaching to God carefully, being needless of anything is the goal of real believers.
This effort which has been sometimes called reaching God’s satisfaction or
approaching God is the praised effort of human to get rid of his needs that is
sometimes called release from passion in religions.
As mentioned in the last example, if we can solve the need to eat food not by eating
food but as a basis, there will be no need to enter lots of food to the body. Thus,
digestion will not be needed to drink water and there will be no defecate in order to
need water. Since if we can gain energy directly, there will be no need to air because
we need air for burning food in cells, thus the expulsion of CO2 will not be needed.
As can be seen, changes are fundamental. We can easily go to the bottom of waters
and even live there without being afraid of drowning. Perhaps we can prevent the
oxidation of our bodies by eliminating the breathing of oxygen and then have long
Every need is in fact caused by a shortage. By making effort to satisfy that need, we
try to satisfy that shortage temporarily. When we satisfy our needs one by one and
not by feeding that need, in fact we have realized our weaknesses one by one.
Let’s think about an ordinary human like us who has the above-mentioned needs and
compare him to a human who has added other needs such as cigarette or drug
addiction in addition to his natural needs and now spends lots of money and time on
satisfying this need. Which one is more alive? By alive I do not mean being healthier,
but I mean freedom from captivity. A captive takes advantage of life more or a free
human uses his life better? Perhaps as you think you can realize that freedom and
life are two very close and intertwined concepts. If life means the power of choosing
without imposing needs or captivity in shortages, then an addict cannot avoid

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spending some hours of his life on satisfying his need and thus he is the captive of
that need. He cannot live for himself until he is at the service of that need, so he has
less life and is less alive.
Now, if we think well about a human who has no need in any term and compare him
to an ordinary person having ordinary needs, which one is more alive? In which one,
more life flows?

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13- Chapter thirteen: Layered democracy and
interaction with probable aliens
13.1- Introduction
It is probable that we face other forms of life. As mentioned in chapter eleven
“second transition and Earth integrity”, there are many different states of life. Not
only the aliens coming the space but also the intelligent creatures who are from
energy or the creatures in our parallel world and suddenly coming to our world can
be also imagined.
Now that there is such a probability, is not it better to have a logical framework for
interacting with them? Note that whether we find them or being found by them, we
will suddenly face a very big scientific shock. Scientific and political communities
may not be able to work in an integrated and accurate way for a while because of
such a big shock. In addition, such an issue can be a big shock to aliens. The smallest
unplanned action in such conditions may lead to bilateral war or conflict because
fear from unknown things usually leads to illogical actions.
With these explanations, the time for dealing with aliens is not certainly the time we
find them! But it is now which is perhaps late. Our elite and theorists must deal with
different aspects of this probable issue too. However, philosophical talks are not
enough for this issue but we must identify the problems of that time from now and
have accurate methods and models for such cases. We have to mobilize our scientists
and engineers for solving the issues related to this subject. We must recognize the
most important issues for such probable things from now to present solutions or
make weapons.

13.2- The most important issues in interacting with aliens

13.2.1- 13.2.1. Techniques of discussion with aliens
As emphasized the importance of a common language between humans, there is such
an importance in this issue with aliens. It is very vital that we can have a discussion
with aliens because we need to talk to know:
i. How they think and what is their attitude towards the world and humans.
ii. Their needs and favorites.
iii. Their suggestions.
iv. Their expectations and demands.
v. Their threats.
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Our chance to understand and translate the language of the aliens with physical body
and talking like us is high and we can do that through the coding methods we have
reached in mathematics. but do not forget that we may face the creatures with
consciousness whose nature is not physical and are from energy, waves, or things
which are unknown to us. For these cases, we must be prepared from now and
unfortunately there is no appropriate experience in this regard. In general,
understanding a creature with consciousness based on a body made of energy is not
easy to us and we cannot think about the discussion and information exchange with
two energy-made bodies. Another issue is that as we could affect a variety of energy
with the help of a variety of tools we have made of material, perhaps they can affect
material with the help of the tools they have made from energy. I do not mean
converting material and energy to each other that if we add it to these cases, the
effectiveness of the two sides on each other will highly increase.
Perhaps we have been interacting with these creatures from the beginning of life on
Earth for centuries but we are still unaware of them. this can be for two reasons: we
have not found an intelligent creature having consciousness based on the energies
which we have already discovered or have not found the nature of energy on which
base the creature was formed.
If we can create an appropriate and logical common language for humans with an
incentive that layered democracy creates for making a standard common language
for humans, this language can be an appropriate suggestion on behalf of human to
aliens for discussion because it is thought and standard and the best mathematicians
and linguists have worked on that. In addition, if we recognize that human common
language is not good for talking with aliens, we have a good assignment for creating
a common language in our records and it will double the hope to our success.
13.2.2- Ability to detect the war or peace states
In dealing with aliens, the first question is “are they enemies or friends”? At the
moment of dealing, what appropriate reference among humans has the authority of
decision-making without layered democracy? When we are formed of several
countries and there is no trust between countries, how can we have a single decision
in front of aliens? How can we send them a single human voice?
Perhaps with a sudden discovery and simultaneously, we face several types of aliens
who have been already familiar with each other and are in the position of peace or
war than each other. How can we make our best decision in relation with any of them?
At first, detecting the peace or war states seems easy but for example assume a
probable scenario where the aliens have come to us and the culture of saying hello
is a kind of specific wave on their planet, if this specific wave is deadly to humans,

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then we will realize the difficulty of detecting the war or peace states. Our real
perceptions with the reality of that time cannot be a criterion for our decision-making
and detection. On the other hand, pause in decision-making when aliens are in state
of war and violence can have terrible consequences.
We need to think about this issue from now and must use our best brains on this case
to have scientific methods for solving this problem, select the best methods, and
have the required contexts and tools for having an accurate and rapid detection.
13.2.3- Preparation for a probable war
Unfortunately, we are defenseless against the probable aliens. We disseminate lots
of information which will give our accurate situation, weaknesses, and strengths to
aliens and every day we add to the volume of this work. In a war, the first principle
is keeping information as secret. The best case is to hide ourselves from this
detectable state quickly and find the aliens before being detected by them without
making them notify us. Due to the current maturity of humankind, we are largely
hopeful that if we can find them, we can prevent the war and plan the path of
interaction in such w ay to lead to peace. In a case they find us, the probability of
war will increase because we are mainly formed of different countries and the
behavior of each one of us will be unpredictable. Assuming that these countries can
be converted into an integrated country by a similar model of layered democracy,
the behavior of ordinary people against such phenomena can increase the risk of
beginning a way. however, our scientists are on the front line of interaction at the
time we discover the aliens and this probability will significantly decrease.
With all of this preparation, we must think about appropriate tools for this war. we
do not need to manufacture weapons but it is just enough to conduct the required
research at this step and update the studies and also welcome new ideas.
Manufacturing weapons is not a logical thing to do when we do not know at which
time we have the probability of dealing and interacting with aliens. With the speed
of technology, these weapons will be soon out of order and will be considered as a
lost cost. However, theoretical plans and scientific preparation will lead to sufficient
support of knowledge for producing weapons at the time of dealing with aliens at
the war state in addition to the scientific flourishing of universities and research
i. Hide ourselves. Avoid any dissemination of waves in the space which detect
our space.
ii. Work on the security of our information systems in order to not be abused
easily by the probable aliens. It includes radio, TV, telecommunications, mobile,
and Internet.

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iii. Increase our knowledge in weapon production against the probable aliens.
Have practical plans for producing weapons although we do not produce them
until required.
iv. Look for other intelligent creatures in the world secretly. We should discover
them before they discover us.
v. Do not be hasty in interacting with the probable aliens. Act cautiously and
do not forget that the smallest mistake in such cases may lead to the elimination
of humankind and perhaps the entire Earth.
vi. For the tragedies we are failed at the war with aliens and there is a need to
think about some elites, war room, animal and plant species secretly on Earth
in order to keep the humankind.
13.2.4- Suggesting an appropriate model for governance and
dividing world resources
Assume that we have found an appropriate language for talking to aliens and assume
that fortunately we are at the peace state with them. the basic question is how should
we act in the management of the universe? Who can use the space resources? how
should be the legislation methods between us and aliens? Will they provide us with
methods or we have to teach them legislation? Is it going to depend the destiny of
humans on voting with aliens? What if they are more than us?
We have to have a determined suggestion for managing the world and dividing
resources in the world from now. One of these suggestions is layered democracy
because layered democracy consider each district, city, province, country, planet, star,
and galaxy as a separate part and allows them to have separate tiles from other areas
and have also legislation based on the desire and demand of owners separately and
in integrity with the central common law. This advantage of layered democracy will
gradually direct them towards a common shared law. In order to review these
advantages and think about them in interacting with aliens, please refer to the chapter
on the advantages of layered democracy. Most of them will be still established in
this case too.
However, a more advanced creature than us may present a very advanced legislation
and government model in which we can raise layered democracy as a suggestion and
compare their models with layered democracy in terms of weaknesses and strengths.
Perhaps, we can merge their superior model to layered democracy and achieve a
more appropriate model for governing the world.

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13.3- Author’s final remarks
At this moment that I finish writing this book, I really do not know what will happen.
I do not know what will be the result of hours of thinking and writing this book?
Although I, as the author of this book, may not see the implementation of the idea
of layered democracy in my life which is not unlikely due to the adverse condition
of the current world but I consider the value of this idea good. That is why I am
happy that I have spent many days of my life on that. This book may not be highly
considered by the elders of science because its author is anonymous. But I wrote it
despite all time constraints to provide it to the wise people and perhaps those who
are decision-makers can think more easily by having the results of my thoughts and
make a determined decision for serving the world and humans and sacrifice in this
Anyway, if this book is successful in achieving its goal that the author considers no
award higher than that and according to Hafez: “O wine-bearer brighten my cup
with the wine O minstrel say good fortune is now mine.” (Hafez)
In hope of the days full of kindness, love, and happiness of the whole world.
Cyrus Godarz, Little Soldier of Freedom
August 18, 2018

On the way to the wine house I fulfilled my dawn meditation

On the path of the beloved I received the answer to my supplication
The harvest of reason of a hundred sages is set ablaze
From the blaze ignited in my foolish heart
The king of eternity put treasure in the sorrow of love
To stay in this house
In my heart no longer will I let the love of any muse
The seal of her lips locks the door of this house
I cannot be an idol more than this in this clothing
We have put the basis on this smart method
How shall this drifting ship sail
Since I surrendered my life for that peerless pearl
I hope in someone who has no heart or religion like us
We called him the wise and intellectual person
Sometimes that we thought about you in Hafez
We casted a royal favor on him such a beggar

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